A Pervert's World

Chapter 252: An old friend

<<Feels like it's been forever haha.. Great to see you guys once again. Before we begin let's take so time to thank our patrons like we do every new month. 

MichaÅ Yuri, Lorenzo Genayas, NLArcher, Hairul Uman, Liyana, Shawn619, Anthony, Rebolledo, Jack, Gummyking, Syllix Gaming, Eduardo Garcia, Alhazred, alpah, Wills, Allen KT, Droth, Shane Lefever, Mac Mac, Kallid, Yimer, Fin Ferrr, Rilayer, Thomas Kosko, DarkMagicianMarlow, Jerry Wisenyuy, vinchenco aberature, James Macrox, Ayubor, Zell_Lust, Khia, Royce321, Deshawn, Mack, Rot of Stars, Randomnub123

Thank you all for your generosity. It's only because of you that we are able to continue publishing three webnovels all at once. Lots of love from me and my readers. 

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My heartiest thanks to the Viscounts. I have begun the work on the fourt book this month, as you might be aware. Once I write some initial chaps, it will be shared to you guys first. 

And then we have the continuous support of of our only King tier patron, Kin War, sitting at the top of the patron tier haha.. A big hug for you, man. 

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 Kudos to all the readers as well, no matter which platform you are reading this work on. >>

"How are you, Black Dragon of the Abyss?" 'Ryu' kept walking deeper in the cave, not minding the voice. "You know me and still dare to trespass? Do you hate your life that much brat?" The voice echoing in the chambers had started to take on an angry undertone. 

"Not exactly. I just came to say hi. So, how are you, my friend?" He found a sturdy rock in the center of the lava and jumped to settle himself on it. "Hahahaha... Hahaha.. friend? When did I have such a measly 'friend'? I give it to you brat. You are courageous. Now take your leave when I am still impressed with you." 

"Haha.. when did dragons become this much interested in chatting. Don't tell me you got lonely out here." *Rummmble* The lake of lava aged of the boy churned furiously as massive cracks began appearing all over the hardened walls of the cave. 

"Are you mocking me, brat?" 'Ryu' maintained his easy-going smile on his handsome face. "Hehe.. what do you think, my little lizard?" The rumbling calmed down all at once. The spilled lava returned to the pools. For the next minute, everything was silent. 

"What did you say?" This time the dragon was thoroughly angered. The voice had changed. It sounded more human-like, laced with emotions. "You really want to die, don't you?" 'Ryu' saw a head emerge from the lava lake. It was not a dragon head. Rather it belonged to a human. 

A woman's naked body surfaced. She had majestic long black hair and similarly large nails. She was twice the size of a normal human man, with a large tail attached to her behind. Two large black horns pointed horizontally on her head. Her face was sculpted with godly perfection and the twin peaks stood tall on her chest. 

"Haha.. still as beautiful as ever..!!" The boy complimented at the mature charm the lady was excluding while completely ignoring the frown on her face. "You have seen me before?" This boy was truly strange. Despite being angered by his earlier words, she can't help but enquire about his words. 

She can see that he was still a child. Yet, he had approached her in her realm and even made it as far as to her lair. What was even more astounding was that there was not a single trace of fear in his eyes. The number of people who can maintain such serenity in her presence can be counted on the fingers of her one hand. 

In the end, she was forced to manifest a cloth for herself. The boy's shameless gaze was too piercing. "Yes. Many times. What would you say if I tell you that not only have I seen all of you, I have even been inside of you hehe.." 

The lady's face fell but right at the next moment, her expressions eased up and she fell into a fit of laughter. "Ahahaha.. haha.. you are a good brat!! It's not every day that this grandmother comes across such interesting individuals. You know, I am very tempted to capture you right now and keep you locked in here. You can be a good entertainer." 

During her monologue, 'Ryu' had jumped down from his rocky seat and walked over to the woman. "Hmm?" The boy clearly didn't care about his safety. He only stopped once he was just a foot away from the tall lady. She was twice his size and hence his body levitated till his face was right next to hers. 

The woman was left confused by his gesture. She can see that he had no defenses up. Either this boy was a dumb fool or he was aptly confident in himself. It was to be known that not even the most powerful beings in this world would approach in such proximity to her. It was a very dangerous affair.

She kept staring into his deep green eyes, looking for something that can explain such strange behavior. The boy extended his hands gently touched her face. The lady looked down at his small hands caressing her cheek. 

Tears? Her heart jerked for a second. The boy was crying. He cupped her face on both his hands and pressed his forehead against hers. "I missed you, Evren." Silence. The woman didn't know how to respond to this sudden display of emotions. She was positive that she didn't recognize this face. And yet, that single sentence from him touched her heart. 

She took a step back, unwilling to come to terms with her feelings. "Who are you? You are not.." Still, there was no way those tears can be fake. Was this him? Did he come back? It was impossible. His entire race is dead now. There is not a single one like him alive in this world. 

"What in the world is happening? Are you messing with me?" Her golden pupils dilated. A black aura rippled out from her body. Her face twisted in anger. This was not like her previous anger. She was totally mad right now. "You dare?" 

There were countless souls in this world that lusted after her power. Never in her dreams had she thought that someone would stoop so low. "DIE!!" The woman's long hair danced as her fist tore through the heavy air. *BANG* 'Ryu' had caught her fist midway, only to have his feet sink in the hard ground. Such was the pressure that he can feel multiple of his tendons breaking with every passing second. 

"What are you trying, little girl?" He still had a beautiful smile on his face but his demeanor had definitely changed. His eyes had become firm, staring right in hers trying to gauge what was going on. Compared to him the lady who had her attack blocked was even more stupefied. This is not normal at all. Still, the hate in her heart only increased. 

This time her left fist struck at lightning speed. She was so fast that the demon had no time to put up his defenses. Despite the massive gravity here, just the fact that she can move so fast spoke volumes of her power levels. *BAANG* The boy got smashed through the wall of the cave, shooting into the distance like a blazing meteor. 

His body crashed over into a large hill, many miles away. The structure was thoroughly blown to smithereens from the impact. He dragged himself out of the mess, assessing the damage to his body. His right arm had been broken. His bones turned to pieces. "Fuckkk... You never learn, do you? Always thinking with your muscles instead of your brain.. cough... Shitttt..!!" 

The woman practically teleported over to him. This time another punch to his abdomen made him cough up a big mouthful of blood before being tossed away like a rag doll. "Still blabbering? Let's see how long you keep that mouth of yours." 

*Boom* *Booomm* *Booomm* The boy continued to be thrown around, crashing into large cliffs and ravines, destroying the landscape in the process. "Daamm.. you brute.." This was her realm. She had lived here all her life. It would take a literal god to defeat her here. 

He walked out from the crater once again. There was no part of his body that was not crooked in an unnatural manner. *Spit* "You really want to do this?" He saw the woman calmly walk over. She didn't resort to violence this time. "Who sent you? Old hag? Or that new shitty ruler of the realms? Do they think I am docile enough to not retaliate? Tell me who was it and I will give you a quick death."

"Hahaha.. haha... Ahahaha.. with just you? You will give me death? Looks like you had forgotten the ass whooping you received last time. Speaking of that, it's has been rather long since... Cough.." His sentence was cut midway since the woman's foot sent him practically flying through the sky. 

"Don't take yourself too seriously. You think you can fool me. Now you are telling me how you landed with 'his' memories. Otherwise, I will give you hell." With that her body disappeared from her place, appearing above the boy who was still flying over from the last impact. *Boom* Her next punch sent him crashing down. His body created a mile-long crater, leading to multiple jets of molten lava being ejected from the earth. 

"STOP!" She was about to continue her assault but forced herself back at the right millisecond. "What happened? Willing to talk?" "No. Just give me some time to regenerate. This body. It's not a demon body. You will destroy it." 

The dragon lady gritted her teeth. What gall! He had the time to joke around with her about such a sensitive topic. "Hahaha.. good. You have truly evoked my wrath." Her voice began to change. At the end of the sentence, it no longer belonged to a human. Not only her voice was changing, but her whole body also began transforming. 

Her nails grew, her palms turning to massive claws. Her neck elongated with her head turning into a snout. She was revealing her true form. Her body kept growing in size until she was just shy of 100 meters in length. Two gigantic wings emerged from her back, covering the sky itself. 

Once she was done, a massive creature stood in her former place. Rough scales covered her entire body. Two new horns grew right behind her earlier ones. A bulging chest almost reached the ground. Her black scales came up to her chest, ending in a massive cavity that glowed dark red. It gave the impression of pumping hot lava in her veins. 

"Huuufff..." Large steam jetted out of her flaring nostrils. "Do you have to go that far? Now I am in doubt if you ever loved me. How can you...  ahemm... I was just kidding haha.." He saw her golden eyes fixated on himself, with her eyebrows twitching in annoyance. Not wanting to die just yet, he immediately apologized. 

"Why don't you tell me? Can I do anything for you to believe my identity? Let's solve the issue with a good talk. Why resort to violence?" Had he been his earlier self, he would have beaten some sense in this mighty beast, because strength is the only thing her kind respects. But as he was now, he will be only inviting death if she went all out on him. 

His body levitated until he reached her face. Sitting cross-legged mid-air, he mulled over his next course of action. With how skeptical she was, even if he transformed and showed her his true self, she won't believe in him. Taking it as a trick by other higher powers to entice her in joining their sides. 

"It's simple. Defeat me and then I will believe you." Her voice boomed. Only her breath was enough to push the boy away by many meters. The demon smiled in wry. "Haha.. that method I already know, silly. Why do you think I am willing to talk it out with you? Had I been alive, I would have first smashed your face and then begun my monologue." 

Her nostrils flared at the insult. However, she managed to keep composed for the moment. She needed more information. "Alive? What do you mean? You look perfectly healthy to me?" She appraised her body that had miraculously healed up completely. There was not even a scar left from the earlier thrashing he received. 

"Nah... I am dead. Completely. I am not coming back." She didn't know why but when he said that a tinge of pain flashed in her conscious. *Rumble* Her claw fell over the rocky ground, generating a small explosion. "Explain!" 

As he had discerned, she was skeptical of his words. Even so, she desired to hear what he had to say for himself. "Haha.. don't pretend, Evren. You can tell that it's not me. These are just my memories that manifested in this boy." 

"I don't believe you. What explains your strength then? A kid like that can never grow so powerful." The demon held his chin up, staring at the pitch-black sky. "That's what puzzles me the most. It's not abnormal that these memories manifested. Regardless, why can I use my former powers? It's a hunch but someone got hold of my body after my death." 

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