A Pervert's World

Chapter 265: Personal dairy slaves

Ryu was the one sitting in the chair, with Ruth kneeling in front of him. On her knees his cock was jamming her throat. "Gluckk.. gluckk.. gluckkk.. gluckkk.." Her throat made a loud noise, with the boy holding on to her hair for her.

"I think we never had an introduction. My name is Ryu, what are your names lovely ladies?" Ruth probably wanted to speak, but he held her head down. "Mhhhhh.. mhuuu.. ghuuuu.." Frustration was written all over her face, regardless she kept diligently using her throat muscles to massage his cock. 

The twins giggled finding the sight comical. "Haha.. you are good, boy. It's not easy to shut her mouth hehe.." The red one seems to be enjoying the show. Her sister chimed in with their introductions. "My name is Abigail, and that's my sister, Isabella. We are spirits from the spirit realm. Glad to make your acquaintance." 

Ryu wantonly stared at her pierced nipples. Both of them had to pierce on the opposite ends of their lower lips. The same was the case with their ears, a chain connecting the upper and lower ends of their cartilage. Added to their armlets, they had a large necklace on their upper chest, adorned with large prices of gems. 

The color of the gemstones matched their skin. Both of them had very long hair, almost touching the ground even when they were standing. Simply speaking, these two were the sexiest ladies he had ever feasted his eyes on. 

These past few days, he had already been mulling over taking over these milk ladies once and for all, now finding these two women his conviction only grew stronger. "Nice to meet both of you." His gaze shifted back to the lady with puffed cheeks, harshly jerking her head on his erection. 

"How bad are the people you provoked? What if I ask my grandmother for help?" Not wanting to stop, Ruth spat out the cock and began patting it on her face. "Don't do that. I don't want her to get involved. Also, she is but a single mage. No matter how powerful a grand magus is, they can't stand up to an Empire." 

For the first time since he had been here, Ryu's eyes grew sharp. Emily was like a trump card for him. He never imagined there can be power can be even greater than her. Pressing his cock against the inside of her left cheek, he slapped the bump. "Woman! What exactly did you do to have such people behind you?" 

Ruth only chuckled, enjoying her time with him. "We only got one solution then. I will have to take you as my slave." Once again, Ruth was not taking his words seriously. She was busy planting kisses all over his balls. "How would that help my case?" 

"That's the only way I can make you disappear, completely from this world. After all, how can they take you away if they can't locate you hehe.." Ruth slowed down with her blowjob, a fog of confusion on her face. 

"Only issue is, what would you love more, your cultivation or a peaceful life with me?" Her heart jerked when he said that. A peaceful life? Only she knew what she would give up for that. 

"What are you saying, Ryu? You have been acting really strange today. Did you hit your head, somewhere?" "How disrespectful!!" *Paggh* Her words earned her a playful slap to her face, turning her cheeks red. "Answer my question, what do you love more? A quiet life with me as your master or a life with cultivation, what will be your choice." 

"Haha... it's not even a question. If possible, I would have definitely chosen the life of slavery, compared to this current one." Ryu seemed to have been waiting for this response. With a single sweep, he picked the woman in his arms and walked over to the table in the room. "Great. I hope you won't regret it them." 

He had made the woman lay on her back. "What are you trying, kiddo?" "Put you under my slave spell!" "Hmm.. you have taken these jokes too far, Ryu. Kids your age can't put people under a slave spell." She wanted to move but Ryu held her in place. Her twin spirits had walked over, watching the procession with curious eyes. 

"Let me give it a try then. I am asking you last time, are you sure about this? You might not have to live the rest of your life as a slave." Ruth didn't know how to react. She had tried everything, but the boy was too persistent. At last, she decided to lay down and let him have a go, that's the only way to reveal his bluff. 

"I got no regrets, go on. Put me under the spell. Here, I have retracted all my mana. Let's see how talented you are." Her eyes were practically challenging the boy, who in turn happily accepted it with an open arm. Though he had never enslaved anyone as powerful as Ruth before, he had great faith in the Dragon. 

There was no cultivation limit for the spell. As long as the person didn't resist it, it shall take effect, no matter the age or cultivation. "It might take some time, hold steady." Ryu pulled her dress down and placed his hands on her bare chest. Under him, Ruth just decided to take a casual nap. 

A few minutes passed with the boy working hard under the intense scrutiny of the twin spirits. That's when Ruth jerked open her eyes, with an expression of disbelief on her face. This was not possible. She can feel the boy's mana, restraining her heart under long strings of energy. 

She can even feel the strings retraining her core. She tried to access the inherent mana in her body but failed to call out to it. What better proof did she require to know that Ryu's spell was working? It was too late to stop him now, if she tried to resist now, it might deal heavy damages to both of them. 

Abigail and Isabella too had sensed the changes in Ruth's body. Both of them had been too stupefied to speak up. Like this, the spell was completed in another few minutes. "It's done." Ruth immediately got up, trying to access her reserves and failing miserably. She spent the next minute trying to break away from the spell, but the more she tried to do that, the more ancient she found the spell to be.

"Where did you find this spell Ryu?" "Aaaaghhhhh!!!!" Cries of pain rang out in the hall and both the spirits fell on their knees. Their nails dug in the ground while Ruth watched in absolute horror as the same slave pattern began manifesting on their chests, before fading away. 

She ran to Abigail, and Ryu helped out Isabella. "This boy... What exactly.. did he do? Ahhh..!" Both of them were clutching on their chests, probably in extreme pain. "Don't fight it. Let it take control for now. It will only hurt if you resist." Ruth was a formation master, she was quick to figure out their situation. 

Ryu held onto the arms of the red spirit as she convulsed on the ground. It was only after they took Ruth's advice did their pain eased out. "Are you a monster, boy?" Isabella had never seen anything like this in all her life. A spell to restrain, sprits? This was the first time she had heard something like this. 

Spirits can only leave their world and appear in this dimension, based on the contract that they establish with their respective mages. They are allowed to feed on the mana of their masters in exchange for helping them out in the testing times. 

Other than a contract, there was practically no other way to restrain the spirits. At least not that they knew about. "It's an ancient spell. It's not impossible to do that. The real problem is where did you find this spell Ryu? It's extremely dangerous, so tell me the truth." 

Even Ryu was surprised, Dragon didn't tell anything about this spell workout on spirits. Anyhow, he wasn't at a loss at the moment. "It's a secret, little girl. Father will tell you once you grow up." He went ahead and patted Ruth's head affectionately. Her terrified face looked quite cute under his head. 

Ruth was annoyed at his response but her mind realized a bigger problem. She had lost all her cultivation. Her core was intact, but she can't drain mana from it. Without her cultivation, how was she supposed to confront Dennis?

"Okay, Ryu. It was my mistake. I should not have underestimated you. Now can you please release the spell? We already believe you." The boy only shook his head. "Not possible, little Ruth. I previously told you that it is a permanent affair. I can't break the spell." 

The woman felt her heart sink to the pond of despair. Was she doomed to die, without even a struggle? Ryu was aware of her thoughts and not wasting any time he held onto her hands. Abigail and Isabella, both saw the couple disappear in thin air right under their noses. 

"I can't find them. Where are they?" "Shit.. even my senses had been completely blocked. I can't feel anything." They argued for a while when Abigail came up with a solution. "I know, instead of trying to sense them externally, check your consciousness. I think I can see them.. yeah.. found them.." 

Right then, Abigail too disappeared leaving only Isabella in the hall. It took her some time to figure out what her sister was telling her, but once she did, her body jerked and she found herself right beside her twin sister, the next moment.

"As I told you earlier, this will be your new home from now. The Ruth in the real world has vanished, you got no life outside of this place." All three ladies had their eyes darting all over this place, too stunned to speak anything. "Is this a dream?" 

"Haha.. what do you think?" Ryu had his arms holding onto her shoulders from behind. "I can tell, Ruth. Always you look so tired. I want to rest here for as long as you want. No one will be finding you here." The lady was too stunned to speak anything.

"You mean to say, your abilities allow you to manipulate even the fruit trees?" Almost 5 minutes passed when Ruth was able to calm the roiling waves in her heart. Ryu pecked her lips, replying with only a smile. "What do you think?" 

"Huuu!!" This is too much shock for my weary self. She had lost strength in her body, settling down in Ryu's lap. "That's why you put that slave seal on me?" Ryu nodded. "My apologies for that, but this information is too crucial. I can't leave any loose ends, even by mistake. Also, I can't bring you in unless you are attached to me. Hope you understand." 

Ruth smiled, pressing her head onto his forehead. "You did the right thing. But how sure are you about people not being able to track me here?" "Hmm.. a hundred percent. Because until now, even grandma had not been able to discover this place. You told me that you have provoked an Empire, so that can only mean that you messed with a person from royalty. Even then, I don't believe they will be too much powerful than grandma." 

His words made sense. Grand magus was the limit of human evolution. Yes, there definitely can be more or less strong ones, but overall they are all at the same level. Coming to this conclusion, maybe this wasn't that bad of a choice for her. Living life in confinement was not the best thing in the world, but if it meant being with Ryu then she might just endure it.

"I want to rest." With a single sentence, the naked woman slumped down in his lap. Her eyes closed, she slipped into a deep sleep in a matter of minutes. Ryu was left fondling her head, while the two-spirit ladies explored all around the small garden, fascinated by the trees. 

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