A Pervert's World

Chapter 266: Personal dairy slaves 2

"A living angel?" Ryu sat on the ground with Ruth's head in on his thighs. She must have been exhausted in both body and mind because of the tension in these last few days. The two tall spirit ladies kneeled in front of him, carefully listening to his story with great interest.

"Yeah. That's why no one is allowed to go anywhere within 500 meters of that coffin. In some time, I will be adding many more slaves today. I want both of you to guide them with all the rules that I told you." Both of them bobbed their heads like kids.

"You are talking about those women outside, aren't you?" "Yes, pretty much. I don't want them to be separated from her, this I will get all of them to surrender to me." "Damn.. boy. You sure are ambitious. In a single swoop, you are planning to pick up both Ruth and all her workforce."

"Hehe.. sometimes a boy can be greedy. But don't worry, I won't force them to join me, that's not how I roll. They will have a choice." Abigail smirked. "Huh.. choice my ass. By capturing Ruth first, you pretty much sealed their fates. All of them will come running for their mother hen haha.." "Yeah, that was clever. You had all this planned?" 

Not that he had all of them as slaves, Ryu was franker with the spirit twins. "Not exactly, but yeah, I would be lying if I never thought of having the whole party for myself." "What's next then?" 

Ryu wilfully leered all over their seductive bodies with all those piercings. Both of them can tell his thoughts, but they were not shy about it. "Hmm... I have never tasted a spirit woman before today. Since we have dissolved the emergency situation, I might as well enjoy myself." 

The twins witnessed his cock grow in length and the boy carefully shifted Ruth's head on a makeshift pillow. On his feet the boy walked up to the women, proudly holding onto his cock. "Your master didn't complete her task. I got no choice but to employ you two to it now." 

"Huh.. you are one cheeky bastard..!" Ryu approached the one speaking, the red-skinned woman. His hands gently took hold of the chain that was attaching her nipples piercing to the armlet. "Isabella? Right?" Not waiting for her reply, he bend down and kissed her lips. His hand nudged on the chain, making her moan lightly.

Both those women were easily 7 feet tall, but that won't stop Ryu from trying his luck with them. "Hmm? It's not much different than a human body." Ending his short kiss, he announced his remarks. On the side, Abigail chuckled at his dazed expression. "Haha.. and what exactly were you expecting us to feel like? Wool?" 

Not bothering to respond to her comments, the boy organized Isabella's long red hair behind her head, before forcing her head down to his erection. Despite the resistance on her face, the lady mostly cooperated, opening her puffy lips and letting the long dick slid in her mouth. "Mhhhh.. great.. ahh!" 

"Tell me everything about Ruth. I feel like you two are the only ones who might be privy to the details." His question was directed at the blue-skinned spirit Abigail, while her sister had her lips wrapped around his erection.

Finding her hesitating, Ryu gave the final push. "You do know that I practically own Ruth now, if I want I can order her to reiterate everything from her own mouth." Abigail realized the futility of her actions and began her long monologue.


"It's been more than an hour now, should we take a look inside?" One of the guards checked with her sister for their further action plan. "Master is more capable than both of us combined, what are you worried about?" 

"What exactly happened to you, Lyla? I heard that 2 days back your house was destroyed. Is everyone safe?" Rose was the one who came forward to talk to the raven-haired woman. Now that some time had passed the anxiety in their hearts had calmed down, letting them focus on other topics. Others too had heard the same, and they began pestering the lady for answers.

"Okay, so for now everything is alright. It's just my girl is still unconscious, but no need to worry, she is under Ms. Emily's care." Looking at their expressions Lyla patted the heads of a few of them. "Don't worry, she will wake up in a day or two. I will bring her to meet to guys, is that good enough?" 

Her sisters nodded, and naturally, their next questions were regarding her tragedy only, but she responded with some vague answers about that night, mostly deflecting the questions. "Please pardon me, my memories are not very good for that day. That's all I remember before being rescued by the grand magus." 

Rose took over, silencing others. "It's okay, Lyla. Thanks a lot for coming here despite your circumstances. All of us appreciate that." With that, she bowed her head, followed by the other women as well. Lyla just smiled. "Granny is just as important to me, Rose. She had given us this life. Hopefully, the boy can pull some miracle, otherwise, there is no hope for us." 

"Did little Ryu tell you about what he might be trying?" Lyla shook her head. "I got nothing, our best bet is to wait and support the boy in case he needs it." Everyone had just hummed in agreement when the door opened. 

"All of you, come in." It wasn't Ryu, who was there. The spirits had opened the door and invited them in. Eager to know what transpired between the two parties, the women practically rushed in. Yet, there was a single party in the room, namely Ryu sitting in Ruth's chair.

They looked around but didn't find the old lady, anywhere in the hall. "Little Ryu, where is granny? And did you two come to any conclusions?" Lyla didn't know why but the boy's confident face convinced her that the negotiations might not have gone astray. 

"She is sleeping and from the looks of it, she might not wake up for a few days." His words were vague, leaving the ladies muddle-headed. "I don't get it, Ryu. Why would she sleep at this time?" "Because the issue was resolved. Now she needs some respite after struggling against her fate for so long." 

This answer was delivered by Abigail who along with her sister now stood on both sides of the boy. Finding the ladies scratching their heads, Isabella clicked her tongue still relishing in the taste of that sweet serving. "Don't put too much stress on your little brains. Now we have an offer to make for all of you." 

Letting the tension in the air grow to the limit, she resumed her monologue. "Ruth had already made her decision. Now it's up to you guys to do the same. All of you who want to stay with her needs to raise your hand and keep it up." They had no idea what game was this but almost all of them put their hands in the air. 

"Good, now I will elaborate the conditions." Abigail took over, eyeing each of the faces in front of her. "This will come with a price. And that will be a lifelong servitude to the boy here. Let me know if you are still up for it." No one pulled their hands down but many of them had questioning expressions on their faces.

Rose was the first one to ask out. "Can we please know the details? What are we signing up for here?" Isabella promptly brushed her off. "No details are there. You only need to know that Ruth chose the same. Now, those of you who are still convinced that this is what you want, come forward one by one." 

A minute passed but no one had stepped ahead but all three arbiters in the room had smiled on their faces. No wonder, the dread of slavery can deter even the most determined. Lyla recalled Ryu's words of trusting in him. He was probably referring to this exact situation. She had to help him out.

"I am in. What do I get to do?" Frankly, she might be the one lady here for whom the choice was not so much difficult. What can be better if she can be with both Ryu and granny together? "Sister Lyla? Have you thought about it?" Rose held onto her hands. 

Expectedly the ones who were most undecided about it were the ladies with a family in Korua. Although they were very few in numbers, regardless their resistance was what held back the entire group. "That's the only way Rose. I believe in Ryu. Also, if granny had chosen the same fate for herself then why are we hesitating?" 

"Even then, I know a few of them got families to take care of. I also know it will be a difficult choice, but please think it through." Her reminder was clear for the women around, their marriage was not even a year old, while they had stayed together as sisters for much longer than that. 

"There are no compulsions from our side, but I have to remind you that if any of you chose to drop out, then after today we will part ways." Isabella had a blank face as she announced her decision. Her words scared a few in the crowd and they panicked, stepping out immediately to stand out from the rest. 

This group included all those who were younger and without anyone to call their own in this world, other than Ruth. Also, it was an easy choice for the two guards as well. It left only Lyla, Rose, and 4 more ladies on the other side. 

"I will respect your decision Rose, no matter what you choose." Lyla went ahead and kissed the lady on her lips, shocking her out of the reverie. She watched the dark-haired woman wave and leave them to join the other side. 

Rose can only turn around and smile bitterly at her fellow sisters. "Please don't tell me you are going to follow my decision." All these years, Rose had been a de facto leader of the group since Lyla spent most of her time serving granny. Suddenly the burden on her shoulders increased by a manifold with the heavy nods from the woman. 

Rose can only turn her gaze to look at the smiling boy beaming with confidence. She can tell that he knew what her decision was going to be, already. She massaged her head. "As far as I know, all four of you don't have a child, am I right?" 

After an emphatic positive response, Rose sighed. "Then be done with your marriage. Let's go, if you can find a husband once, you can find it twice." She got hold of all four of their hands and dragged them over. "If your life sucks later, just blame me!!" 

All of them showed little resistance while being forced to follow Rose. A small smile appeared on their face as they mixed in with the rest of their sisters, showered with emotional hugs and kisses from the crowd. "It wasn't so difficult after all." Lyla came forward to hug Rose. "Huhh... I might need some time to say my goodbyes if we are leaving for somewhere." 

"Haha.. bunch of ratgas following the herd." Isabella was blunt with her remarks not caring about the feelings of the ladies because they didn't think much of the insult either. "Shall we begin then, herd master?" Abigail smirked at the boy. 

"Most certainly!" Ryu got up having released the limit to his mana reserves. He will have to work extra hard to enslave all 24 of the women present but considering how many milk-filled boobies he can get access to, this extra work was nothing. "Get in the line, slaves!!"

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