A random pokemon journey

Chat with snow

"Hello my darling , did you have a good trip?" Juan asked the massive bird with a smile as he walked over and hugged it. "Cu!" the bird tweeted clearly happy to see the man. My team and I on the otherhand were trying to move away from the thing because it was not the sort of creature we had any chance of defending ourselves from as it was level two twelve and made the weather of the entire city change with it's mere presence. I had met Juan's entire team at this point and not even his other champion rank pokemon which was a Walrein could hold a candle to this legendary.-

Despite being a natural disaster with wings though the giant bird was interacting with Juan like a they were childhood friends which might even be true. "Ah were are my manners! Alex this is Snow, daughter of Winter herself. Snow this young man is Alex and as you can see he is an unusual individual." Juan said with a smile and the large crystal blue eyes focused on me with judgement. I am not sure why I did it exactly but I flipped up my eyepatch and made eye contact with the legendary.-

'You carry a blessing from my uncle I see. How is the sky lord doing these days?' A gentle but refined female voice echoed in my head catching me slightly off guard. "You must have learned this trick from an older legendary, your mother perhaps?" I said and the bird nodded lightly. 'Indeed it was my mother who taught me to speak through my aura alone , though my companion cannot hear my words as he lacks the talent for aura.' Snow said with a sad look at Juan.-

"I was surprised to learn that Winter was your mother , amongst those three she was the pickiest about her partners from my understanding. Your father must be quite the exceptional fellow to catch her eye." I said honestly. I had mentioned it previously but some of the original godly legendries did in fact have genders and were known to in rare cases mate with other pokemon and produce what were known as legendary variants that could with the right circumstances become a member of their legendary parents species. The original legendary birds were Winter the Articuno, Summer the Moltres and Fall the Zapdos all three of which were female.

The first Lugia was Spring and together they were the embodiments of the seasons. Anyways all four of them were known to have offspring on occasion but the exact rarity of that event differed based on the legendary. Winter for example was like the season she embodied , cold and harsh in her requirements for a partner. To meet one of her offspring like this was a surprise to say the least and even stranger was that she entrusted that same offspring to a human trainer. Not to say that I couldn't see why Winter would do such a thing since Juan commanded a fierce amount of authority and respect.-

'Not really believe it or not. My father was a simple Pidgey that chased after my mother doggedly before she finally accepted him. It is one of the few topics that actually makes my mother embarrassed since she put him through hellish trials that he overcame in his infatuation with her. They now share a nest on her private island.' She said with an amused expression. The story left me speechless as it sounded like the most storybook backstory ever.-

From that story however I did learn a piece of information that I hadn't known previously Winter had her own island. That doesn't sound important but it should be kept in mind that no one actually knows where the vast majority of godly legendries spend their time. They VERY rarely are seen by people and in the vast majority of the reported cases it's not actually them but merely a member of their bloodline that had taken on their ancestors form. The fact that Winter had her own island was new information but not terribly surprising all things considered.-

"I see , were you originally a legendary variant or were you born as you are?" I asked curiously. 'I was born a variant and had to evolve to my fathers species final form before finally shedding that form for my mothers. What of yourself? Did my Uncle raise you up and thus give you his blessing or did your earn it some other way?' She explained before turning her own curiosity against me to ask questions. "I earned it through another way. It's a slightly troublesome blessing to be honest as it draws my energy while I am using it even if only to see, hence the eyepatch." I said honestly.

'How very like the old dragon to leave a challenge in his blessings. Still I will not deny that it is an interesting one that is different than the others I have seen in this region. Usually my uncles blessing is in the form of his domains affinity and thus not nearly so easy to detect.' Snow said with a curious tone. "That might be because I was missing an eye when I met him though admittedly I was unaware until now that Rayquaza was a he since there are no records of him creating offspring. Or any real records beyond myths about him at all for that matter." I said slightly irritated.-

'That's because those three are extremely lazy and they rarely awaken or act for any reason other than because they are bored. This as you should be able to guess means that you humans never really interact with them beyond a small handful of secretive worshipers.' She said with a mental laugh. "You said that you had seen people with Rayquaza's blessing beyond me , can I ask if you know who exactly since I am fairly certain one of them is using me for some reason?" I asked and the bird shook her head.

'I know that one of them works with the league as a ranger but the others are inconsequential otherwise with no real power of their own. If one of them is using you for some reason it is likely a personal matter for them rather some overarching plan.' Snow said helpfully. I could only sigh at that and thank her for the information despite it not being all that useful for me. Juan did eventually butt in after getting left out of the conversation since he couldn't use aura.-

I couldn't really blame him since I was having a one sided conversation with his companion and he only caught my side of it. I did end up getting asked about Hades and Vulcan and after explaining how I obtained both of them Snow clearly felt bad an apologized for all the problems the legendries had caused. She was conflicted about Hades in particular as it was born from the destruction and death that Groudon , who was female apparently , caused.

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