A random pokemon journey

Wrapping up the quest

Before I left Sootopolis I did discover why Snow was so powerful since I had asked genuinely curious about it. The truth of the matter was that she left for the majority of the league season every year to visit and train with her mother on the private island. She had apparently been doing this for about seven years after Juan had stopped being capable of training her to greater strength after she reached champion level. I could only accept that there was no real chance of me being able to replicate this feat due to Snows situation being very specific.-

None of my team had any deep connection with one of the ancient or godly legendries so unless I randomly caught one of their attention and one of them decided to help me train my team I was on my own. I of course didn't waste the oppurtunity Snow presented to challenge my team but as you might guess we got taken down laughably easily. The skill and power difference was simply so massive that Snow by herself dismantled my whole team in less than two minutes.-

There was some good out of this one sided beatdown though as Rune managed to evolve thanks to the pressure.

[Pokemon: Charizard(Rune)

Skills: Aura(N)

Moveset: Growl(E) , Scratch(E) , Swords dance(E) , smokescreen(E) , tail whip(E) , thunderwave(E) , Thunder shock(E) , quick attack(E) , shock wave(E) , double team(E) , thunder punch(A) , spark(A) , agility(E) , dragon rage(E) , thunder(E) , flashing rain(E), aura sphere(N)
Variations: Royal , Shiny(stage 2) , Elemental(electric)(stage 2)
Sp. Atk:192
Sp. Def:125
Ability: Conduit(A)]

Runes stats were higher than Gaia's when she had just evolved to her final form but that was to be expected since she couldn't exactly train most of them while she was a Pupitar while Rune didn't have that issue. The biggest changes were that evolving let Rune learn aura sphere while the system finally acknowledged him as a novice aura user. In addition to this his shiny variation reached stage two and he finally looked different than a normal Charizard. For starters majority of his previously orange body was now electric blue and the stripes he had were gone only to be replaced with these black Lichtenburg patterns covering all of his body.-

His level dropped a little bit as he had been on the verge of reaching elite before he evolved but we weren't bothered as he got something VERY valuable in exchange , wings. Rune could fly now or rather he could learn how to fly. As a previously land bound creature Rune had absolutely no clue how to use it's wings which we needed to work on. It also didn't help that Rune was now about twelve feet tall and made a very heavy impact when he hit the ground. In terms of size my pokemon from largest to smallest went Gaia , Hades when fully extended , Rune , Vulcan , The little one , Aranyani and Hades as the smallest when limiting itself.-

Having a variable size and shape was a trait Hades held innately but for the actually solid members of my team Rune was the second largest I had now. Adorably the little one was the most excited about the prospect of Rune flying for the simple fact that he could join it in the sky where it would otherwise be lonely. I had to hitch a ride on a boat to leave Sootopolis after that and make my way to Pacifidlog to grab the last handler which will bring my quest to a close.-

This one was going to be a bit trickier than normal however as the handler was ranger captain and thus not someone who the league wouldn't raise a fuss about me publicly capturing. This meant that this was a stealth grab type mission and needed to be done in a way no one was any the wiser. Thankfully I had exactly the trick for this in the form of knockout potions that I could use to prevent any witnesses. The handler was a cautious man though and never left the floating town for longer than absolutely necessary.-

I had already called in the handlers man and appearance alongside his job which proved a good move as the rangers organization had agreed to draw the handler away to make the capture easier. It wasn't hard to do for them either as all they needed to do is sent him a distress signal to go and investigate which was his job. The thing is however that it will merely be a trap to capture the man away from prying eyes.-

When I got to the town I spotted the man easily as he was sitting near the edge of the town relaxing without a clue what was coming. The fucker even smiled and waved at me when he saw me and I played along not to raise his suspicions. I let the league know I was in position while stealthily keeping an eye on the man for when the signal came in. It didn't take long at all before he took out a special ranger issue pokenav and grunted as he stood up. He whistled and a Huntail swam up from the seafloor under the town and the man started to ride it away.-

I had the little one pull me along at a distance from him and once I was sure that we were safe enough from getting spotted moved upwind of the handler before using one of my aerosolized knockout gas potions, he and his pokemon sank like rocks. I ignored the Huntail but grabbed the handler before continuing to follow the signal from his device to find three rangers waiting to take him into custody on a shallow sandbar. "Nice working with you fellas." I said with a smile as I dropped the unconscious man at their feet.-

"This is the end of the trail for this goods ring then?" One of the rangers asked and after briefly checking my quest I nodded. "Yeah this guys the last of them , Try not to let any more groups get so deeply entrenched since I won't be in the region for much longer." I said seriously. "That's news to us. Any particular reason you won't be sticking around?" another ranger asked surprised. "Not much left for me to do here in Hoenn and I have the rest of the world to explore and conquer. The tournament Birch and I will be holding soon will be the last big thing I do in Hoenn." I say honestly.

I left after that and made my way back to Pacifidlog where I spent the next few days while Rune learned how to fly decently. The little one was especially thrilled with the place as all the pokemon there were mostly peaceful and thus played with it. I even met a few of the rescued water type pokemon i had rescued there just chilling after having been released back into the sea.

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