A random pokemon journey

Possible match

"Is that right? I assume the reason you didn't recognize me immediately then was that you weren't familiar with my appearance for some reason?" I asked curiously. "Yeah, I have electric types with poor control over their energy come to the center so we have no electronics and I get the news via paper thanks to the leagues." she says honestly. That made sense as it was well known that a single rogue electric type could definitely act as an EMP for a small area. "If you get your news in paper form I take it it tends to lack details of what I have done then?" I asked casually.-

"It has enough details for me to understand that your hands have more than a little blood on them. Since it only belongs to those bad people though I don't mind it all that much. I have been a rehabilitator for seven years now and in that time I have seen the suffering those sort of people can bring , the world is better off without them." she said with a frown. "I like to think so as well but that doesn't mean I can't understand the other sides argument as well."

"Death is more or less the end and at that point any hope of them changing for the good or redeeming themselves is gone. When I take their lives I force them to lose all potential for good as all that awaits them is likely the void alone. Honestly I don't mind the idea of giving second chances to criminals captured by the league but I simply refuse to do so myself since in most cases they will just squander the opportunity according to statistics. It doesn't mean I am some sort of monster that enjoys killing like those arguing against my actions seem to think." I said seriously.-

We chatted for a while after that while the Eevee played with Vulcan and my own little one using Gaia's mountainous form as an obstacle course. She was good natured for the most part about it and only grumbled when one of the Eevee stepped on her eyelid in it's rush. The only pokemon I really had to keep an eye on was Hades who was not the most socially adept individual. It didn't get all murder happy or anything but I could certainly see it being tempted if the side glances it was giving the woman was any indication.-

'I really need to work on that just in case I am ever unavailable to keep it under control.' I thought with a sigh. When the sun started to go down the woman invited us back to the rehabilitation center for the night. I wanted to reject the offer but it was really hard to when I had seven sets of wide brown eyes begging me to say yes. The center was a wide place on the other side of the town with different environments tailored to each natural place a species might be found.-

We didn't get a warm welcome by the pokemon there however , no quite the opposite in fact as almost immediately a massive royal variant heavily scarred male Garchomp showed up and directly threatened us. To my surprise though it was a high elite level pokemon and definitely had the power to back up it's threats. The woman went to step forward in a panic to calm the hostile dragon type but I stopped her and lifted my eyepatch to make eye contact with it instead. This was an open challenge as far as dragon type behavior was concerned but the powerful pokemon merely got into a staring contest with me before bowing out.-

"My word! I've never seen a dragon type submit so easily before!" the woman said in surprise. "You are mistaken this isn't submission but rather just he and I coming to an understanding. I am not here with harmful intentions but I will fight if he presses us. Dragon types may be proud and quick tempered but they are not stupid. If we got into a fight truly there would be more destruction than he is willing to see come to this place." I explained and the Garchomp snorted but didn't try to correct me.-

"I can't say that I have ever thought of it like that , in most cases they teach people to try and avoid confronting dragon types and to just do whatever they want instead." she said honestly. "And if you were trespassing on their territory in the wild or came across one you couldn't handle then that would be correct. However this isn't his territory and he knows it , he is a guest here same as I am. In fact the only reason he is even here is that he probably wants to try and woo my big girl and was posturing." I said with a smirk.

The Garchomp growled at that in annoyance at being so easily seen through but didn't argue which proved my point. "You seem quite calm despite knowing that Rex wants to mate with your Tyranitar." the woman said confused. I laughed at that "While it is true that I am Gaia's trainer and Rex as you have said his name is is close to champion tier in terms of power. I am only one of the obstacles he needs to go through if he wants to successfully mate with her."

"Even if I gave my blessing , which I do since he is a good match for her , he still has to convince Gaia herself and then he has to survive courting her. Dragon mating rituals are notoriously violent and one wrong move means Gaia will kill him during the act." I said honestly. "Should I even allow him to try then? I would truly be saddened if he perished?" she asked concerned. I shook my head at the question "it's not your decision to make as if you tell him he is not allowed to attempt it while here under your care he will just leave and find us in the wild." I said and she looked distressed.-

"Calm down he will be fine so long as he is careful and doesn't get pushy. He doesn't look like he should make the mistakes a younger male of his species might." I added reassuringly while the Garchomp nodded in agreement "Gar!" it said and the woman sighed. "Fine! But I'll never forgive you if you die in the process!" she said to the Garchomp that nodded respectfully. It was rather funny to see honestly since the giant dragon type could easily kill her but was likely one of the pokemon she had rehabilitated and thus held extremely high respect for her leading to this scene of a small woman scolding a massive powerful pokemon and it just taking it like a child would it's mothers scolding.

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