A random pokemon journey

A reminder

"I certainly hope you know what you are doing Alex because as far as I can see you are setting yourself up to be interpreted as a villain." Birch said worriedly. I shook my head "Antihero is a better term for what I should be seen as." I said calmly. "Isn't that what I just said though?" Birch asked confused. This stopped me in my tracks for a moment as it dawned on me that the term might not exist here like it does on earth. "If you went by pure verbal context then i suppose you would be correct however in this case it does in fact mean something different than villain."-

" A villain is someone who does bad things entirely for selfish or evil reasons, not to say they couldn't do good things for the same but you get the idea. A hero is the opposite in that they do good things for altruistic or unselfish reasons and again that doesn't mean that they can't do bad things for good reasons either. In a manner of speaking however an antihero is dead center between both of those alignments with a tendency towards having good reasons for the bad things they do." I explain honestly.

"While the clarification is welcome by no means does that make me feel better at all. In fact that makes me even more concerned because that sounds an awful lot like someone just one bad day away from becoming a villain." He says seriously. I shake my head at this though "You weren't listening then , Antiheros are sort of the necessary evil type of people. Not like villains who do bad for their own sake or just because they can. Take me for example , while I do bad things I do so knowing that they will most likely have a positive outcome on everyone else."-

"Those assassins are no longer a danger to anyone and will serve as a warning that will prevent more people from getting killed trying to follow their example. I wiped out team Magma and the criminal activity in the region dropped noticeably. The same was likely also true for that pokemon kidnapping and trafficking group I took out in Slateport as I doubt it didn't lessen the amount of that activity happening in the region. Extreme measures for a better tomorrow if you prefer." I said seriously.-

"I understand that Alex but that doesn't mean I like it. I am not alone either as your actions have created a dangerous precedent that many in the league fear others may try and follow. There are even many in the league who publicly praise what you do while making the same argument you have but when does death become your go to solution? When does life stop holding value to you and you kill not to make a better future but simply because someone irritated you? Have you even considered this?" Birch questioned.-

"Of course I have , I don't just go around murdering criminals great and small for no reason you know. Each and every one of those that die by my hand did so because they chose to take the path they did and showed no remorse for their own actions. In the case of team Magma do you really think they didn't know how devastating their actions would be for others? They simply wrote off all those who would suffer from their actions as merely collateral damage in the face of their own idea of a greater good. Damnit Birch do you think those assassins cared about the suffering they caused with their own actions beyond themselves? Not even a little."-

"I'm willing to bet money in fact that they blame their current situation on me or the person who placed the bounty and not on the ones truly responsible for the consequences of their actions , themselves. The only people who have any right to blame others for their situations are the ones who are collateral damage as by no choice or knowledge of their own they suffered from someone elses actions." I said frankly tired of defending my actions.-

Look I get it really I do but I am only willing to explain the reasons for my actions so many times before I feel like I am wasting my time. It was frustrating to be honest as it was like everyone was so busy criticizing my actions that they refuse to remember that the ones actually subjected to them are much bigger problems. Even the grunts I had killed were part of a much bigger problem and felt no remorse for their own misdeeds. We ended the conversation there as we both knew that any further and we might damage our friendship.-

When we got to the next town I got a pleasant reminder that there was good in what I did. It was a fluffy reminder in the form of a whole skulk of Eevee that noticed my team from afar and charged out of the town to meet us. A group of seven Eevee to be precise and ones I couldn't forget even if I wanted to. These were the same starved Eevees I had rescued months ago from a trafficker ship wreck and had handed off to the rangers to rehabilitate. Even after all this time the small creatures remembered us and were eager to greet us.-

They weren't unattended however as a woman in a floral sundress ran up to me and my team from the town in a panic. "I'm so sorry they aren't usually this excitable or friendly with new people! Are you okay?" she asked worriedly as she grabbed one of the two fluffy brown pokemon that was hanging off my shoulder rubbing it's cheek against my neck affectionately. "Eevee!" the small; fuzzball complained loudly but just melted in the woman's arms after I rubbed it's head. "We were the one who rescued them but I admit I hadn't thought they would remember us." I said honestly.-

The woman looked stunned for a moment before smiling brightly "I see , in that case I have to thank you for all that you have done. I am a pokemon rehabilitator by trade you see and I can not even begin to count the amount of young pokemon have been given to me after being found in a raid or by accident in your case due to those evil traffickers. When these ones were given to me they were highly malnourished and had deep fear of people from their handling prior."-

"After they recovered physically I had to spend a good deal of time earning their trust and trying to undo the damage to their minds that the trauma had caused , even now they are not as outgoing as their species should be." She said honestly. "Those traffickers have long since been taken care of and will never make any more victims again." I said firmly. The woman just smiled though "I know all about the things you have done Mr. Drake. Perks of the job you see. While many would condemn your ruthless methods know that there are many who believe in and are grateful for the weight you have taken upon yourself, these little ones for example are some of your biggest fans." she said brightly.

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