A random pokemon journey

Sending a message

I noticed the people following me from a distance but didn't move to confront them until I was well on my way to Fortree city. "You know for assassins and bounty hunters you guys are shit at staying hidden." I said after stopping next to the river to wait for my pursuers to catch up. No less than ten people wearing all manner of face coverings from simple scarves to full masks walked out of the nearby trees. "Nothing personal mate but that bounty on your head is going to take care of us for a long time." one of the men said as they all took out weapons to use on me.-

"You can do whatever you want to them so long as they survive afterwards." I said calmly while patting the pocket that had Hades keystone. Black smoke poured out of my pocket as Hades cackled madly while drowning the would be assassins in darkness and pain. I watched on coldly as the ghost tormented these people in endlessly creative and cruel means while always stopping just before death. And oh did they beg for it , for me to put them out of their misery but I refused.-

Instead I simply released the rest of my team and left the people to suffer until they succumbed to their wounds or were found by someone else. I hadn't allowed the little one out of the dive pouch the entire time this was happening since I didn't want to taint it with something like this while it was so impressionable. My team understood the need for ruthlessness because they were mature and not delusional but besides Hades none of them took pleasure in causing pain and killed efficiently like it was merely a chore that needed to be done.-

I didn't mind showing that sort of mindset to the little one as it would need to adapt to it at some point anyway but the sort of stuff Hades did was purely for kicks and not a good mindset to subject the little one to. Hades wasn't evil exactly but cruelty came easy to a being born of death and resentment like it. In a way cruelty was in it's nature just as kindness was in a Chanseys. The trick was keeping it neutral until it's cruelty was needed such as this situation.-

Once we got far enough from the people I let the little one out of the dive pouch which worked immediately to bring Hades back to neutral as it was still reveling in the suffering it had inflicted not long prior. "Fee?" the little fellow questioned me about why I had kept him trapped in the dive pouch. I just smiled and rubbed him on the forehead "I am sorry about that but you aren't ready to see those sort of things yet." I said apologetically. The young pokemon forgave me easily enough and just melted in bliss as I gave him attention.-

The river that we were walking next to was a bit unique as it was one of the few places with a guaranteed Feebas population living within it in Hoenn. The only other such place was the current pokemon champions personal home that was located in Sootopolis. The city was an unusual one in that it was connected to the sea but had a sort of crater circle of raised stone surrounding it and a rather large amount of sea water. This meant that the pokemon living in this body of water were protected from the vast majority of the predations of the open ocean.-

Wallace has a breeding pair of Milotic that when not in use on his team serve as the rulers of this body of water that keep the local population in line. As an added benefit they occasionally mated and produced an egg that over the last few years had created a small population of highly coveted Feebas that were all very talented. The really interesting part though was that Wallace had made it public knowledge that anyone could take one of these Feebas so long as they could convince the pokemon to go with them. To date only four people have succeeded with each being ace trainers or higher at this moment.-

Anyway with the river having Feebas in it it came as no surprise that the little one managed to sniff them out over the next week of travel. The strange part however was that the Feebas found all treated the little one like he was a benevolent emperor come to visit a backwater town just to make sure his people were alright. Calling their expressions anything but reverent would be wholly incorrect. 'It must be the variation at work but I can't figure out which part of it.' I thought with a sigh.-

The looks we got from the dozen Feebas when the little excitedly introduced his "family" to them was frankly hysterical. Pure disbelief and shock could be seen on their faces much to our amusement. The little one didn't know just how fucking nuts the collection of pokemon I had under me was since that was all it knew since it was born but the wild Feebas were very much aware of it. Hell I had two legendries just chilling out near each other that was enough to make pretty much any pokemon stop and question it's sanity.-

Legendary pokemon RARELY got along for the brief instances when two of them would meet in the wild but having them living together was a whole other sort of nuts. Add that on with the fact all of my other pokemon were also variants and to these Feebas it must like they were hallucinating. I didn't feel like pointing out that I was WAY more of an anomaly than even my entire team what with all my skills and abilities. Still the Feebas were more than happy to dredge up items from the river bed for me when I asked as a result of the respect I earned.-

About two day into my travels to the next city Birch gave me a call that was fairly amusing. "I am seriously debating with letting you keep that Spiritomb Alex." Birch said immediately after i picked up the call. "I take it someone found Hades victims then?" I asked casually. He sighed "Yeah a ranger found them and called it in before quitting their job traumatized. I know I asked you to keep the casualties to a minimum but this is definitely NOT an improvement." He said irritated.-

"Okay to be fair I was minding my own business when they came up and were all like "DIE!" and Hades had other ideas." I said with a smirk. "Sometimes I wonder why I even bother." Birch groaned. "Because we're good friends and I tend to behave myself normally. also because you are dying to figure out all my secrets." I said with a chuckle. "Sounds about right. Probably going to regret asking but any particular reason you basically tortured and crippled ten people? The Joy clan is not happy about it by the way." He asked with a tired sigh. "I was sending a message to anyone else who thinks coming after my head is a smart idea." I said seriously.

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