A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 101

Rogue gazed around the opulent chamber, her emerald eyes filled with wonder. "Ace, this place is amazin'... Ah can hardly believe it. What exactly is Castle Doran?"

Ace smiled, his expression one of pride and fondness. "Castle Doran is an ancient, sentient fortress that has been in the Kurenai family for generations. It's more than just a castle – it's a living, breathing entity with a deep connection to the bloodline."

Rogue's brow furrowed slightly. "So, are we inside its body right now? Is that why it feels so... alive?"

Ace nodded, taking a sip of his wine. "Precisely. Castle Doran is not just a building – it's an extension of the Kurenai legacy. When I inherited it, the castle and all its inhabitants pledged their loyalty to me."

Rogue glanced around, her gaze settling on the three figures who had escorted her to the dining room. "Ah see. So Jiro, Ramon, and Riki – they're part of this Kurenai legacy as well?"

"That's right," Ace confirmed. "They are known as the Arms Monsters, ancient beings who have served the Kamen Rider Kiva lineage for generations. When Wataru Kurenai, the previous Kamen Rider Kiva, passed the mantle to me, they followed me here to Castle Doran."

Rogue's gaze lingered on the three Arms Monsters, her curiosity piqued. "Kiva? Is that another form of armor of yours? Ah haven't seen you use it."

Ace chuckled lightly. "I'm sure you will see it someday when you have the chance." He took another sip of his wine, the corners of his mouth turning up in a knowing smile.

As they continued their dinner, Ramon approached the table, a tray of delicate desserts in hand. "Ah, I've prepared a special treat for you both," he announced, his voice brimming with enthusiasm. Gently, he set down the tray, revealing an array of beautifully crafted confections.

"This is a traditional Fangire dessert," Ramon explained, his eyes sparkling. "It's made with a rare fruit that grows deep within Castle Doran's gardens. The flavors are simply divine – sweet, yet with a subtle tartness that I think you'll both enjoy."

Rogue leaned in, her nose twitching as she took in the delectable aroma. "Fangire, huh? Ah've never heard of that before." She glanced at Ace, her expression a mix of curiosity and cautious intrigue.

Ace chuckled, reaching for one of the desserts. "The Fangire are an ancient race that have been intertwined with the Kurenai legacy for generations. But don't worry, my dear Rogue – these treats are perfectly safe for humans to enjoy."

With a playful wink, Ace took a bite, savoring the flavors that danced across his tongue. "Mmm, exquisite as always, Ramon. Your culinary skills never cease to amaze me."

Ramon thanked Ace for the compliment and left the two to continue the date.

Rogue took a bite of the delicate dessert, her eyes widening in delight. The flavors danced on her tongue – sweet with a hint of tartness, just as Ramon had described. She savored each morsel, relishing the unique Fangire confection.

Ace watched Rogue, a fond smile playing on his lips. "You look absolutely adorable when you're enjoying something so much," he teased, his voice laced with affection.

Rogue felt heat rise to her cheeks at Ace's words. She ducked her head slightly, trying to hide the blush that crept across her face. "Ah... Ah don't know what ya mean," she stammered, taking another bite of the dessert to distract herself.

Ace and Rogue soon finished their delectable desserts, savoring every last bite. As they set down their forks, Riki approached the table, his massive frame casting a shadow over them. With a nod, he silently gathered the plate and tableware, clearing the space.

Rogue glanced at Ace, her emerald eyes shining with curiosity. "So, sugah, what else do ya have planned for us this evenin'?"

Ace's lips curled into a knowing smile, his gaze locked with hers. "Why don't you wait and see, my dear Rogue?" he replied, his voice smooth and inviting.

As if on cue, the opening notes of a familiar song began to fill the air. The soulful melodies of Eric Clapton's "Wonderful Tonight" drifted through the chamber, the lyrics painting a picture of a romantic evening.

Ace rose from his seat and extended his hand to Rogue, his movements graceful and deliberate. "May I have this dance?" he asked, his eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief.

Rogue felt her heart flutter as she placed her hand in his, the warmth of his touch sending a spark through her. "Ah'd be delighted," she murmured, allowing him to lead her to the center of the room.

Rogue felt a flutter in her chest as Ace led her into a graceful dance. Their movements were fluid and synchronized, as if they had been dancing together for years. Ace's gaze was warm and captivating, and Rogue found herself lost in the moment.

"It's late in the evening; she's wondering what clothes to wear."

Ace twirled Rogue, his hand guiding her with a gentle touch. Rogue felt a smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she moved in perfect harmony with him.

"She puts on her make-up and brushes her long dark hair."

Rogue's heart raced as Ace pulled her close, their bodies swaying to the rhythm of the music. She could feel the warmth of his touch, the strength in his embrace.

"And then she asks me, 'Do I look all right?'

And I say, 'Yes, you look wonderful tonight.'"

Ace twirled Rogue again, and she felt a sense of weightlessness, as if she were floating on air. Their dance was a graceful interplay of movements, each step perfectly in sync.

"We go to a party and everyone turns to see

This beautiful lady that's walking around with me."

Rogue's eyes locked with Ace's, and for a moment, the rest of the world faded away. All that mattered was the two of them, lost in the music and the dance.

"And then she asks me, 'Do you feel all right?'

And I say, 'Yes, I feel wonderful tonight.'"

As the song continued, Ace and Rogue moved with a fluid elegance, their bodies in perfect harmony. Rogue felt a sense of contentment and joy, her worries and fears melting away as she lost herself in the moment.

Rogue gazed up at Ace, her emerald eyes shining with emotion. "Ace, this day has been wonderful. Ah... Ah can hardly believe it. Ever since Ah got mah powers, Ah thought Ah'd never experience somethin' like this." A single tear slid down her cheek as she spoke.

Ace gently wiped the tear from her face, his touch soft and tender. "Rogue, my dear, don't speak as if this is the last time we'll share a moment like this." He cupped her face in his hands, his eyes filled with warmth and sincerity. "I promise you, there will be many more days like this to come. I won't stop until I've made you happy, Rogue."

Rogue felt a surge of emotion overwhelm her. "Ace, Ah... Ah'm so happy Ah met you. Ah never thought Ah'd be able to feel this way again." She leaned into his touch, savoring the comfort and safety she found in his embrace.

Ace smiled, his gaze locked with hers. "And I'm grateful to have met you, Rogue. You've brought so much joy into my life." As the final notes of the song faded, Ace gently pulled Rogue closer and pressed his lips to hers in a tender, passionate kiss.

Rogue melted into the kiss, her heart racing with a mix of joy and contentment. In that moment, all of her worries and fears seemed to fade away, replaced by a sense of peace and belonging. She had found a connection she never thought possible, and it filled her with a happiness she hadn't known in a long time.

When they finally parted, Rogue gazed up at Ace, her eyes shining with emotion. "Thank you, Ace. Thank you for this... for everythin'." She rested her head against his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heart.

Ace wrapped his arms around Rogue, holding her close. "The pleasure is all mine, my dear Rogue. I wouldn't have it any other way."

The two remained in each other's embrace, savoring the moment and the bond they had forged. For Rogue, this night had been a reminder that even with her powers, she could still experience the simple joys of life. And for Ace, it was a testament to the power of connection and the joy that could be found in sharing life's moments with someone special.

Ramon, Jiro, and Riki observed Ace and Rogue from the shadows, their eyes filled with a mix of amusement and fondness.

"Look at them, so lost in each other's embrace," Ramon whispered, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "I haven't seen Ace this happy in a long time."

Jiro grunted, his gruff demeanor softening slightly. "The girl seems good for him. She brings out a side of Ace we don't often see."

Riki nodded in silent agreement, his massive arms folded across his chest as he watched the couple sway to the music, lost in their own world.

"Ah, young love," Ramon sighed dramatically, his voice laced with a touch of wistfulness. "I remember when I was that carefree and enamored."

Jiro shot Ramon a sideways glance, one eyebrow raised. "You? Carefree and enamored? That's a sight I'd pay to see."

Ramon chuckled, nudging Jiro playfully. "Oh, don't be such a grump, my wolfish friend. Even we Arms Monsters have had our moments of romance, you know."

Riki cleared his throat, drawing the attention of his companions. "They deserve this," he rumbled, his deep voice cutting through the banter. "After all the battles they've faced, they deserve a moment of peace and happiness."

Ramon and Jiro fell silent, nodding in agreement. They knew the weight of the burdens Ace and Rogue carried, the sacrifices they had made. This quiet, intimate moment was a well-deserved respite, a chance for them to forget the world and simply be with one another.

"Well, then," Ramon said, his voice softening. "Let's make sure they have all the time they need. We'll keep watch and ensure no one disturbs their special evening."

Jiro and Riki nodded, their expressions reflecting a rare softness as they turned their attention back to Ace and Rogue, silently wishing for the couple's continued happiness.


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