A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 102

In the X-Mansion, Logan was waiting for Rogue to return. The gruff mutant leaned against the outer wall, his arms folded across his broad chest as he kept a vigilant eye on the driveway.

Professor Charles Xavier, seated in his motorized wheelchair, approached Logan, a look of concern on his weathered face. "Logan, still waiting for Rogue?"

Logan grunted in response, his gaze unwavering. "Yeah."

Xavier came to a stop beside Logan, the hum of his chair's electric motor filling the silence. "You could wait inside, you know," the professor suggested gently. "It's getting late, and I'm sure Rogue will be back soon."

Logan turned his head slightly, his piercing eyes meeting Xavier's steady gaze. "Nah, I'm fine out here," he said gruffly. "Gotta keep an eye out, make sure she gets back safe."

Xavier placed a hand on Logan's shoulder, his expression gentle yet firm. "Logan, I know you're worried about Rogue, but I'm sure Ace will bring her home safely. He cares for her deeply."

Logan huffed, his eyes narrowing at the mention of Ace's name. "The kid, huh?" he grumbled.

Xavier nodded, observing Logan's reaction. "I've noticed you don't seem to like Ace very much. May I ask why?"

Logan let out a sigh, uncrossing his arms. "It's not that I hate the kid or nothin'," he said gruffly. "I know he's a good kid, and I respect him. It's just..." He paused, searching for the right words. "He's a teenager, you know? With all those raging hormones."

Xavier chuckled softly. "I understand your concern, Logan, but you know Ace is not the type to take advantage of Rogue or anyone else. He respects her, and I'm confident he would never do anything she didn't want."

Logan grunted in response, his gaze shifting back to the driveway. "Yeah, yeah, I know. Doesn't mean I gotta like it."

Jean emerged from the X-Mansion, her vibrant red hair catching the last rays of the setting sun. Seeing Logan and Professor Xavier in discussion, she approached them with a curious expression.

"Logan, Professor," Jean greeted warmly, her voice carrying a soothing cadence. "What are you two talking about out here?"

Logan glanced over at Jean, the tension in his expression softening slightly. "Nothin' much, just waitin' for the kid and Rogue to get back," he replied gruffly.

Xavier turned his wheelchair to face Jean, a gentle smile on his face. "Ah, Jean, perfect timing. Logan was just expressing his, shall we say, paternal concerns about Rogue's outing with Ace."

Jean's brows rose in understanding, and she looked between the two men with a knowing smile. "I see. Well, I'm sure Ace is taking good care of her. He's quite the responsible young man, don't you think, Logan?"

Logan grunted noncommittally, his gaze drifting back to the driveway. "Hmph, we'll see about that."

Professor Xavier chuckled lightly, placing a hand on Logan's arm. "Now, now, Logan, have a little faith. Ace has proven himself time and time again. I'm sure Rogue is in good hands."

Jean nodded in agreement, her emerald eyes sparkling with amusement. "Indeed. And I'm sure the two of them are enjoying a lovely evening together." She paused, a mischievous glint appearing in her expression. "Although, perhaps we shouldn't pry too much into the details."

Logan's brow furrowed, and he shot a questioning look at Jean. "Whaddya mean by that?"

Jean's smile widened, and she placed a hand on her hip. "Oh, you know, teenage hormones and all that," she teased, echoing Logan's earlier concerns.

The gruff mutant's eyes widened slightly, and he let out a frustrated grunt. "Aw, c'mon, not you too, Jean," he grumbled, earning another chuckle from the professor.

Logan suddenly stiffened, his nostrils flaring as he caught a strange scent on the night air. Jean and Xavier noticed the change in his demeanor immediately.

"I smell something," Logan growled, his brow furrowed in concentration.

Xavier turned his wheelchair to face Logan, a concerned expression on his face. "What is it, Logan? What do you sense?"

Logan's eyes narrowed as he scanned the surrounding area. "I'm not sure," he admitted, his voice gruff. "But it's not right. Somethin' ain't right."

Suddenly, a deafening roar pierced the stillness of the night, causing Jean and Xavier to startle. In the distance, a massive, dragon-like shape emerged, soaring across the sky.

"What the hell is that?" Jean exclaimed, her eyes wide with shock as she stared up at the towering, castle-like structure that seemed to be the source of the roar.

Xavier's expression was one of bewilderment as he watched the enormous, winged creature approach. "I'm not certain, Jean, but it appears to be some kind of... castle, with a dragon attached to it."

Logan tensed, his claws sliding out with a distinctive snikt sound. "Whatever it is, it's not friendly," he growled, his body poised to spring into action.

The roar of the castle-dragon hybrid had roused the other X-Men, and Scott, Storm, Emma, Colossus, Kitty, Jubilee, Bobby, and Kurt came rushing out of the mansion, their faces etched with alarm.

"What's going on?" Scott demanded, his voice cutting off abruptly as he caught sight of the looming, otherworldly structure in the sky.

The other X-Men followed his gaze, their expressions mirroring his own shock and confusion.

"I... I have no idea," Storm admitted, her regal features betraying a rare moment of uncertainty.

Emma Frost stepped forward, her diamond-hard eyes narrowing as she studied the approaching castle. "Whatever it is, it's not of this world," she declared, her voice laced with a hint of trepidation.

Colossus, his massive, metal-coated form gleaming in the moonlight, took a protective stance in front of the others. "Then we must be ready to defend our home," he rumbled, his deep voice carrying a note of determination.

Kitty, Jubilee, Bobby, and Kurt exchanged worried glances, their powers at the ready as they waited for the X-Men's leader to give the order.

Scott's brow furrowed as he surveyed the situation, his tactical mind already formulating a plan of action. "X-Men, prepare for battle," he commanded, his voice ringing with authority. "We don't know what we're dealing with, but we can't let that thing get any closer to the mansion."

As the X-Men readied themselves for the impending confrontation, the towering castle-dragon continued its approach, its ominous presence casting a shadow over the X-Mansion and its defenders.

Castle Doran descended from the sky, its massive form casting a shadow over the X-Mansion. The towering dragon-shaped fortress landed on a wide, empty area, the ground trembling beneath its colossal weight.

Suddenly, an orb shot out from the castle, flying swiftly towards the X-Men. The heroes tensed, ready to defend their home, but to their surprise, the orb revealed Ace and Rogue standing within it.

Rogue stepped out of the orb, her expression filled with gratitude. "Ace, thank you so much for the wonderful date," she said, her voice soft and sincere. "And for bringing me home safely."

Ace followed Rogue, a warm smile spreading across his face. "You're welcome, Rogue," he replied. "I had a great time with you, and I'd be happy to take you out on another date if you'd like."

Rogue felt her heart swell with affection, and she reached out, gently taking Ace's hand. "I'd love that," she said, her eyes shining with happiness.

Slowly, Rogue and Ace leaned in, their lips meeting in a tender, romantic kiss. The moment was filled with a palpable sense of intimacy, the two young lovers oblivious to the stunned X-Men watching nearby.

Scott, Cyclops, blinked in disbelief, his visor-clad eyes wide. "Wait, what's going on?" he asked, his voice laced with confusion.

Storm, her regal features betraying a rare moment of bewilderment, shook her head slowly. "I... I'm not entirely sure," she admitted, her gaze fixed on the kissing couple.

Jubilee, her usually exuberant demeanor replaced by a look of sheer astonishment, turned to Kitty. "Did you know about this?" she whispered, her eyes wide.

Kitty, equally dumbfounded, could only shrug helplessly. "Not a clue," she replied, her voice tinged with surprise.

Logan, his arms folded across his chest, let out a low, gruff grunt. "Hmph, figures," he muttered, his expression a mix of annoyance and grudging acceptance.

Professor Xavier, a serene smile spreading across his face, gently placed a hand on Logan's shoulder. "It seems our young friends have found a moment of happiness," he said, his voice filled with a sense of contentment.

Emma Frost, her icy gaze softening ever so slightly, shook her head in amusement. "Well, well, who would have thought?" she mused, a hint of a smirk playing on her lips.

As the X-Men watched the romantic scene unfold, the air was filled with a palpable sense of bewilderment and, for a fleeting moment, a touch of levity. The towering Castle Doran stood as a silent witness, its presence no longer a source of concern, but rather a backdrop to the unexpected and heartwarming display of young love.

Rogue noticed her friends and waved enthusiastically. "Hey, y'all! Look who's back!" she called out, oblivious to the tense moment that had just transpired.

Professor Xavier wheeled his chair forward, a warm smile on his face. "Rogue, Ace, welcome back," he greeted them kindly. Turning to Ace, he said, "Thank you for bringing Rogue home safely. I'm glad you both had an enjoyable evening."

Ace grinned, "Of course, Professor. I wouldn't dream of having her back any later than midnight." He chuckled, his tone light and playful.

Scott stepped forward, his brow furrowed. "Ace, what the hell is that thing?" he asked, gesturing toward the towering Castle Doran behind them.

Ace glanced back at the massive castle-dragon hybrid and shrugged casually. "Oh, that's just my friend Dora-chan," he said nonchalantly.

As if in response, Castle Doran let out a deep, rumbling roar, the sound echoing across the grounds of the X-Mansion.

Scott blinked, rendered momentarily speechless by Ace's casual attitude. "Your... friend?" he managed to ask, still trying to process the surreal situation.

Ace nodded, unfazed by the X-Men's bewilderment. "Yup, Dora-chan's been with me for a while. Don't worry, he's friendly," he assured them.

Logan stepped forward, his arms folded across his chest as he fixed Ace with a stern gaze. "Kid, did you and Rogue do anything... inappropriate?" he asked, his voice gruff.

Ace met Logan's gaze evenly. "Not at all, Logan," he replied, his tone sincere. "Rogue and I had a wonderful time, but we kept things completely PG, I promise." He paused, then added with a mischievous glint in his eye, "Well, maybe a little PG-13, but nothing more than that."

Logan let out a low growl, his eyes narrowing, but before he could respond, Professor Xavier placed a hand on his shoulder, effectively calming the gruff mutant.

"I'm sure Ace and Rogue conducted themselves with the utmost propriety," Xavier said, his voice reassuring. "Now, I believe it's been a long evening, and we should all get some rest. We can discuss this... unexpected development in the morning."

The X-Men exchanged uncertain glances, but they seemed to collectively agree that the professor's suggestion was a wise one. As they began to file back into the mansion, Rogue caught Ace's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Thank you again, Ace," she said softly, her eyes shining with affection. "I had a wonderful time."

Ace smiled warmly, his fingers intertwining with hers. "I'm glad, Rogue. And I meant what I said - I'd love to take you out again sometime."

The two young lovers shared a tender moment, oblivious to the lingering stares of the X-Men.

Ace left with Castle Doran, the massive dragon-like fortress taking flight and disappearing into the night sky. As the towering structure vanished, Rogue already felt a pang of longing, her gaze lingering on the spot where Ace had been standing just moments before.

Kitty, sensing Rogue's wistful expression, moved closer and draped her arm around her friend's shoulders. "Spill the deets, sister!" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "You and Ace looked like you were having a pretty good time out there."

Rogue felt a flush creep across her cheeks, but she tried to maintain a casual demeanor. "Fine... tomorrow," she responded, her voice laced with a hint of reluctance, though the eager anticipation in her tone was unmistakable.

Kitty grinned, giving Rogue's shoulder a gentle squeeze. "Oh, I'm holding you to that," she teased, already imagining the juicy details her friend had in store. The two young women headed back towards the X-Mansion, Rogue's mind already replaying the events of her date with Ace, eager to share the experience with her closest confidante.


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