A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 105

Senator Robert Kelly sat in the back of his limousine, his eyes fixed on the cheering crowd outside. A smug expression crossed his face as he basked in their adulation. The people's roars of approval fueled his confidence, reinforcing his belief that his hardline stance on mutants was the right path.

Kelly's bodyguards flanked him, their stoic presence a silent testament to the power he wielded. As the limousine inched forward, the senator's gaze swept over the sea of faces, each one a potential vote in his favor.

"The people know what's best," Kelly murmured, his voice dripping with self-assurance. "They understand the threat posed by these mutants. With the Sentinels, we'll bring order and security to this city."

The limousine continued its steady progress, the chants of the crowd echoing in Kelly's ears. He leaned back in his seat, his mind already turning to the next phase of his plan to eradicate the mutant menace.

The limousine pulled up in front of the gleaming embassy, its polished facade reflecting the afternoon sun. Senator Kelly emerged from the vehicle, his expression one of calculated warmth as he waved to the cheering throng.

A lone reporter, microphone in hand, broke free from the pack and approached the senator. "Senator Kelly, thank you for speaking with us today. What message do you have for the people of New York regarding the Mutant Registration Act?"

Kelly's smile widened as he faced the camera, his gaze radiating confidence. "The safety and security of our citizens is my top priority. The Mutant Registration Act will allow us to identify and monitor these powerful individuals, ensuring that their abilities are not used to harm the innocent."

The reporter nodded, her expression one of professional detachment. "There have been concerns raised about the civil liberties of mutants. How do you respond to those who see the act as a form of oppression?"

Kelly's brow furrowed, his expression turning stern. "Mutants are not being oppressed, they are being protected. The public has a right to know who among them possesses dangerous abilities. This act is about transparency and responsible oversight, not discrimination."

Senator Robert Kelly bristled at the reporter's final question, his expression darkening. He had no patience for those who sought to undermine his noble efforts to protect the people.

"I will not entertain such absurd accusations," Kelly said, his voice sharp. "The Mutant Registration Act is a necessary measure to ensure public safety, nothing more."

Before the reporter could press him further, Kelly's bodyguards stepped forward, forming a protective barrier around the senator. With a curt nod, Kelly turned and made his way towards the embassy, his stride purposeful and unwavering.

Once inside the opulent building, Kelly let out a frustrated sigh. Dealing with the media was a necessary evil, but their constant questioning of his motives grated on his nerves. Didn't they understand that he was acting in the best interests of the people?

"Sir, the chopper will arrive shortly," one of his aides announced, interrupting his thoughts.

Kelly nodded, schooling his features into a mask of calm determination. He would not be swayed by the naysayers and the doubters. The people wanted order, and he would deliver it, no matter the cost.

Senator Robert Kelly strode through the opulent embassy, his polished dress shoes clicking against the gleaming marble floors. His aides scurried behind him, dutifully carrying his briefcase and other documents.

As he approached the elevators, Kelly's expression remained impassive, his mind already focused on the tasks that lay ahead. The Mutant Registration Act was gaining traction, and he needed to ensure that its implementation went smoothly.

The elevator doors parted, and Kelly stepped inside, his bodyguards flanking him. The ride to the rooftop helipad was silent, save for the occasional crackle of the security team's radios.

Once on the roof, the senator spotted his private helicopter, its blades already spinning in anticipation of his arrival. He quickened his pace, eager to leave the city and its prying eyes behind.

As Kelly approached the chopper, the pilot emerged from the cockpit and saluted. "Sir, we're ready for takeoff whenever you are."

Kelly nodded, his gaze sweeping across the cityscape below. "Then let's be on our way. I have a meeting with the Joint Chiefs that I can't afford to miss."

With that, the senator climbed aboard the helicopter, his bodyguards following close behind. The chopper lifted off, leaving the embassy and the bustling city streets behind.

Senator Robert Kelly sat in the plush leather seat of the helicopter, his gaze fixed on the cityscape below as it receded into the distance. The roar of the engine filled the cabin, a steady backdrop to his thoughts.

Beside him, one of his bodyguards – a tall, burly man with a stern expression – shifted in his seat. "Sir, if I may," the bodyguard began, his voice low and respectful. "How is your campaign shaping up?"

Kelly turned his attention to the man, his expression neutral. "The campaign is going well, better than I could have hoped, in fact," he replied, a hint of satisfaction in his tone. "The American people are tired of the chaos and uncertainty that mutants have brought to our society. They're ready for a leader who will take decisive action to protect them."

The bodyguard nodded, his gaze unwavering. "And the Mutant Registration Act? Do you believe it will be enough to address the threat?"

Kelly's brow furrowed slightly. "The act is a necessary first step, but it's only the beginning," he said, his voice hardening. "These mutants pose a clear and present danger to our way of life. We need to be vigilant, to monitor their activities and curtail their powers before they can be used against us."

The bodyguard's expression remained neutral, but Kelly could sense a subtle shift in the man's demeanor. "And what of the concerns raised by civil liberties groups?" the bodyguard asked, his tone neutral.

Kelly's jaw tightened. "Their concerns are misguided," he said, his voice sharp. "This isn't about oppression, it's about public safety. The people want to feel secure in their homes, in their communities. They want to know that their government is taking the necessary steps to protect them."

The bodyguard nodded, his gaze unwavering. "I see," he said, his voice thoughtful. "And what about the X-Men? Do you see them as a potential obstacle to your plans?"

Senator Robert Kelly's brow furrowed as he considered the bodyguard's question about the X-Men. While he acknowledged their power and influence, he saw them as a necessary evil – a means to an end in his quest to protect humanity from the mutant threat.

"The X-Men," Kelly began, his tone measured, "are a... complicated factor in all of this. On the one hand, they've proven themselves capable of containing certain rogue mutants and preventing catastrophic events." He paused, his lips thinning into a tight line. "But they've also stood in the way of necessary legislation and oversight. Their misguided sense of idealism blinds them to the true dangers posed by unchecked mutant abilities."

The bodyguard, his expression carefully neutral, nodded in response. "And what of the Brotherhood?" he asked, his voice low and respectful. "Do you see them as a potential obstacle as well?"

Kelly's expression darkened, his distaste for the Brotherhood evident in the tightening of his jaw. "The Brotherhood," he spat, "are nothing more than terrorists. Misguided, power-hungry mutants who seek to upend the very foundations of our society." He leaned forward, his gaze intense. "That is precisely why the Mutant Registration Act is so vital. We need to identify these individuals, monitor their activities, and prevent them from wreaking havoc on our communities."

The bodyguard listened intently, his posture relaxed but his eyes betraying a keen interest. "So you see the Brotherhood as a significant threat, then?" he asked, his tone neutral.

Kelly nodded, his expression grim. "Absolutely. They are the embodiment of everything that is wrong with the mutant community. Unchecked, unregulated, and unwilling to submit to the rule of law." He paused, his gaze hardening. "That is why the Mutant Registration Act is so crucial. It will give us the tools we need to keep these extremists in check and protect the innocent citizens of this country."

The bodyguard nodded again, his expression unreadable. "I see. And what do you plan to do about the X-Men, then? If they continue to stand in the way of your agenda?"

Kelly's eyes narrowed, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "The X-Men," he said, his voice low and measured, "are a necessary evil. For now, they serve a purpose in containing the more... volatile elements of the mutant community." He paused, his gaze drifting back towards the cityscape below. "But make no mistake, if they refuse to cooperate with the Mutant Registration Act, or if they attempt to interfere with my plans, I will not hesitate to bring the full force of the law down upon them."

The bodyguard nodded, his expression still unreadable. "Understood, sir," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Senator Robert Kelly stared out the helicopter window, watching the city skyline fade into the distance. A sense of unease crept up his spine as he noticed they didn't seem to be heading in the direction of the airbase.

Turning to his bodyguard, Kelly's brow furrowed. "Where are we going? This isn't the right way."

The bodyguard's features began to shift and morph, the stern expression melting away to reveal the blue-skinned, shapely form of Mystique. Kelly's eyes widened in shock and horror.

"What is the meaning of this?" he demanded, his voice rising in panic.

Mystique's golden eyes narrowed as she reached out, her slender fingers closing around Kelly's throat in a vice-like grip. "You people are the reason why I was afraid to go to school as a child," she hissed, her voice dripping with contempt.

Kelly gasped for breath, his hands clawing at Mystique's arm, but her strength was unrelenting. Darkness began to creep into the edges of his vision as the world spun around him. With a final, desperate gasp, the senator succumbed to the darkness, his body going limp in Mystique's grasp.

The shape-shifter released her hold, allowing Kelly's unconscious form to slump in the seat. Turning her attention to the cockpit, Mystique made her way forward, her steps silent and graceful.

The pilot, who had been observing the scene with a detached air, glanced up as Mystique approached. A sly grin spread across his features, revealing a set of crooked, yellowed teeth.

"So, the big man's taken a little nap, has he?" Toad drawled, his voice a raspy croak.

Mystique nodded, a faint smile playing on her lips. "He won't be causing any more trouble," she said, her tone laced with satisfaction.

Toad chuckled, his bulging eyes fixed on the horizon. "Good. Then let's get this show on the road, shall we?"

With a flick of the controls, the helicopter banked sharply, leaving the city behind as it headed towards an unknown destination.


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