A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 106

Ace, as Kamen Rider, cruised through the bustling streets of New York City on his sleek Boostriker. The night air was crisp, the neon lights of the city casting a warm glow over the roads. As he stopped at a red light, a group of excited fans gathered nearby, snapping photos and calling out his name.

"Kamen Rider! Hey, Kamen Rider!" they shouted, their voices filled with awe and admiration.

Ace glanced over, acknowledging the fans with a subtle nod. "Evening, everyone," he said, his tone casual and relaxed.

The fans erupted in cheers, eager to get a closer look at the hero. One brave soul even approached the Boostriker, grinning from ear to ear.

"Can I get a picture with you, Kamen Rider?" the fan asked, holding up their phone.

Ace considered the request for a moment, then gestured to the empty space beside him on the bike. "Hop on," he said, his lips curving into a small smile.

The fan's eyes widened with excitement as they carefully climbed onto the Boostriker, positioning themselves next to Ace. They quickly snapped a few photos, beaming with joy.

"This is the best day of my life!" the fan exclaimed, carefully dismounting the bike.

Ace chuckled, the sound low and warm. "I'm glad you're enjoying it," he said, his gaze sweeping over the gathered crowd.

The light turned green, and Ace revved the Boostriker's engine, ready to continue his patrol. As he prepared to depart, another fan called out to him.

"Kamen Rider, is it true you're working with the X-Men?" they asked, their voice laced with curiosity.

Ace paused, considering the question. "The X-Men and I have a... mutual understanding," he said, his words measured and careful. "We're both fighting for the same cause - to protect the innocent and maintain peace."

The fans erupted in excited chatter, their questions and theories flying through the air. Ace raised a hand, silencing them with a gentle gesture.

"I'm afraid I can't say much more," he said, his tone apologetic. "But know that the X-Men and I are working tirelessly to ensure the safety of all."

With that, Ace revved the Boostriker's engine once more and pulled away from the curb, disappearing into the night. The fans watched in awe as he vanished, their excitement still palpable in the air.

As Ace navigated the city streets, he couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. The night was peaceful, the city alive with energy, and the people he protected were safe and sound. It was a rare moment of respite, and Ace intended to savor it for as long as he could.

The Boostriker glided through the bustling city streets, its powerful engine purring beneath him. As he navigated the late-night traffic, the tranquility of his patrol was suddenly shattered by a call from Izu, his ever-reliable AI companion.

"Ace-sama," Izu's voice crackled through the Boostriker's speakers, "the silent alarm at a nearby jewelry store has been tripped."

Ace's brow furrowed with concern. "The location, Izu?" he asked, his grip tightening on the handlebars.

"Transmitting the coordinates now," Izu replied, her efficient tone masking any hint of urgency.

Without hesitation, Ace gunned the engine, the Boostriker surging forward with a burst of speed. The city blurred around him as he raced towards the jewelry store, his mind already processing potential scenarios and formulating a plan of action.


A few moments before, a womanly figure broke through a jewelry store window. The woman was known as the Black Cat.

Felicia Hardy, the notorious Black Cat, moved with a feline grace as she landed lightly on the ground, her platinum blonde hair cascading behind her. Clad in a sleek, form-fitting black catsuit, she exuded an aura of danger and allure. The silver choker around her neck and the claw-tipped gloves on her hands completed the ensemble, accentuating her athletic frame.

Felicia Hardy's path had been shaped by a traumatic past. As the daughter of a renowned cat burglar, she had grown up amidst the glitz and glamour of her father's criminal exploits. However, a devastating assault during her college years had shattered her sense of security, driving her to seek power and control through mastering the skills of stealth and infiltration.

Donning the guise of the Black Cat, Felicia channeled her anger and determination into becoming one of the most elusive and skilled thieves in the city. Her natural athleticism, combined with her father's tutelage, allowed her to move with feline grace, evading capture and outsmarting her targets.

Felicia's sharp, green eyes scanned the dimly lit interior of the jewelry store, her gaze sweeping over the dazzling displays of precious gems and metals. A mischievous grin spread across her crimson lips as she approached the nearest display case.

"Now, let's see what treasures we have here," she purred, her voice a sultry purr.

With a flick of her wrist, Felicia extended her razor-sharp claws, slicing through the reinforced glass with ease. She carefully selected a few choice pieces, admiring their brilliance under the dim lighting.

"Such beautiful baubles," she murmured, tucking the stolen goods into a hidden pocket of her suit. "A shame they'll be wasted on those who don't truly appreciate their value."

Felicia's keen eyes spotted a large, reinforced safe nestled in the corner of the jewelry store. Her lips curled into a devious grin as she recognized the challenge it presented.

Sauntering over to the safe, she pressed her ear against the cool metal, listening intently. The faint clicks and tumblers shifting inside were like a symphony to her trained senses. With nimble fingers, she worked the combination, feeling each number fall into place.

After a few tense moments, the safe clicked open, revealing a trove of dazzling jewels and stacks of cash. Felicia's eyes sparkled with delight as she surveyed the riches before her.

"My, my, what do we have here?" she purred, running her fingers along the smooth surfaces of the gemstones. "These will fetch a pretty penny on the black market."

Carefully, she began to scoop the valuables into a hidden compartment of her suit, her movements swift and precise. The thrill of the heist coursed through her veins, fueling her senses and sharpening her focus.

Felicia's fingers paused as she heard a voice behind her, firm and commanding.

"Put the jewels back where they belong."

She turned, her catlike eyes narrowing as they landed on the figure standing in the shadows. Tall and imposing, he was clad in a sleek black suit with silver accents, a mask covering the upper half of his face.

"Well, well, if it isn't the famous Kamen Rider," Felicia purred, a sly smile playing on her crimson lips. "I must say, I'm honored by your presence. But I'm afraid I can't just hand over these little treasures."

She tightened her grip on the stolen goods, her claws gleaming under the dim light.

Rider's eyes narrowed as he regarded the thief before him. "Who are you?"

Felicia's crimson lips curled into a coy smile. "Why, I'm the Black Cat," she purred, her voice dripping with sultry confidence. "Pleased to make your acquaintance, Kamen Rider."

Ace's eyes narrow behind the Kamen Rider mask. "Black Cat," he thought, recognizing the infamous thief from the stories he had immersed himself in back in his previous world. Ace knew her well, but this was his first encounter with her in this new Marvel universe.

The Kamen Rider stepped forward, his voice firm. "I'll say it again. Put the jewels back where they belong."

Felicia's crimson lips curled into a coy smile as she listened to the Kamen Rider's demand. "Oh, but my dear Rider, these little treasures were practically begging to be liberated," she purred, her green eyes sparkling with mischief.

Slowly, she sauntered towards the Rider, her hips swaying with feline grace. "You know, we could make a deal," she murmured, her voice dripping with seduction. "I'll return the jewels, if you let me walk out of here unharmed." Felicia reached out, her fingertips tracing the contours of the Rider's mask. "After all, I'm sure we could find... other ways to have fun together."

The Rider felt a twinge of temptation as Felicia's alluring presence enveloped him. Her touch sent a spark through his body, and for a moment, he was captivated by her charm. But he quickly shook off the sensation, his resolve unwavering.

"I'm afraid I can't let you leave with those stolen goods, Black Cat," the Rider said firmly, taking a step back. "It's time to face the consequences of your actions."

Felicia's eyes narrowed as the Rider refused her offer. With a flick of her wrist, her razor-sharp claws extended, glinting under the dim light.

"Such a shame," she purred, her voice dripping with mock disappointment. "And here I thought we could come to an... understanding."

In a flash, the Black Cat pounced, her lithe form darting towards the Rider with feline grace. Ace tensed, his instincts kicking in as he raised his arms to block her assault.

Felicia's claws slashed through the air, forcing the Rider to dodge and weave to avoid her lightning-fast strikes. The sound of metal scraping against metal filled the air as their battle intensified.

Ace knew he had to act quickly. He couldn't let the Black Cat escape with the stolen jewels. Using his enhanced speed, he launched a series of precise jabs and kicks, trying to gain the upper hand.

Felicia moved with uncanny agility, her lithe form bending and twisting to evade the Rider's attacks. She countered with a flurry of her own strikes, her claws creating sparks on the Rider's suit.

The two combatants traded blows, their movements a blur as they danced around the jewelry store. Felicia's taunting laughter echoed through the space, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

"You're quite the skilled fighter, Rider," she purred, her voice dripping with amusement. "But can you keep up with me?"

Rider's eyes narrowed behind his mask as he listened to Felicia's taunting words. "We'll see about that, Black Cat," he replied, his voice low and determined.

Ace focused his energy, increasing the speed and intensity of his attacks. He unleashed a flurry of precise strikes, his movements a blur as he tried to overwhelm the agile thief.

Felicia found herself on the defensive, her catlike reflexes barely keeping up with the Rider's onslaught. She twisted and turned, her claws clashing against the Rider's suit, but the force behind his blows was relentless.

Suddenly, Felicia's foot caught on a stray piece of debris, causing her to stumble. Ace saw his chance and pressed forward, aiming a powerful kick towards the Black Cat's midsection.

But just as the Rider's foot connected, something tripped his own feet, making him lose his balance. Felicia's eyes widened as she realized the opportunity before her. With a swift motion, she lashed out, her claws slashing across the Rider's chest, sending him crashing into a nearby table.

"Tsk, tsk, Rider," Felicia purred, her voice dripping with mock sympathy. "It seems you've met your match." She flashed him a wicked grin as she turned and made her way towards the exit, the stolen jewels safely tucked away.

Felicia Hardy, the Black Cat, deftly leapt through the shattered window, her platinum blonde hair whipping behind her. With feline grace, she bounded from rooftop to rooftop, the stolen jewels secure in her suit.

Ace, the Kamen Rider, watched in frustration as the elusive thief made her escape. He couldn't fathom how he had managed to trip himself up during their confrontation, but he had no time to dwell on it. Gritting his teeth, he sprang into action, chasing after the Black Cat.

The Rider's enhanced speed allowed him to quickly catch up to Felicia as she darted across the rooftops. He could see the glow of her emerald eyes and the sly grin on her crimson lips as she glanced back at him, taunting him with her effortless movements.

"Better keep up, Rider!" Felicia called out, her voice a sultry purr. She picked up her pace, weaving between air conditioning units and scaling fire escapes with practiced ease.

Ace pushed himself harder, his legs pumping as he closed the distance between them. He knew he couldn't let the Black Cat escape, not with the stolen jewels in her possession. His focus narrowed, zeroing in on his target.

As Felicia neared the edge of the building, she suddenly leapt, her body twisting gracefully through the air. Ace's eyes widened behind his mask, but he refused to be deterred. He followed her lead, launching himself off the rooftop in hot pursuit.

The two figures danced across the urban landscape, their movements a blur as they engaged in a high-stakes game of cat and mouse. Felicia's laughter echoed through the night, her confidence unwavering even as the Rider doggedly pursued her.

Ace knew he had to find a way to outsmart the Black Cat if he wanted to apprehend her. He scanned their surroundings, searching for any advantage he could use to his advantage.

The chase continued, the sound of their footsteps and the occasional clash of claws against the Rider's suit punctuating the night air.


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