A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 107

The Kamen Rider pursued the Black Cat across the rooftops, his enhanced speed allowing him to close the distance between them. Felicia glanced back, her platinum blonde hair whipping in the wind, and a coy smile played on her crimson lips.

"Trying to catch me, Fox?" she taunted, her voice dripping with seductive playfulness. "You'll have to be quicker than that."

Ace, his eyes narrowed behind the kitsune mask, refused to be deterred. He pushed himself harder, his legs pumping as he matched Felicia's agile movements.

The Black Cat effortlessly leapt from one rooftop to the next, her catlike grace on full display. Ace followed suit, his focus unwavering as he pursued the elusive thief.

"You know, Fox, I do admire your persistence," Felicia purred, her gaze locked with the Rider's. "But can you keep up with my little game?"

She picked up her pace, weaving between air conditioning units and scaling fire escapes with practiced ease. Ace mirrored her movements, determined to close the gap.

"I won't let you escape with those stolen jewels, Black Cat," Ace growled, his voice low and resolute.

Felicia let out a melodic laugh, the sound echoing through the night. "Oh, but that's half the fun, Fox," she teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

The chase continued, the two figures dancing across the urban landscape, their movements a blur as they engaged in their high-stakes game.

Felicia's grappling hook shot out, the cable catching on the edge of a distant rooftop. With a graceful swing, she launched herself into the air, her lithe form disappearing over the ledge.

"Chou Henshin!" Ace shouted, his voice resonating with power as a wave of energy pulsed through his body. In a dazzling display, his outfit transformed, the black undersuit giving way to the sleek, blue armor of Kuuga's Dragon Form.

Kuuga's eyes glowed with determination as he broke into a sprint, his feet barely touching the ground. The enhanced speed and agility of this form allowed him to bound from rooftop to rooftop, closing the distance between him and the fleeing Black Cat.

Felicia glanced back, her eyes widening in surprise at the sight of the pursuing Kamen Rider. "Well, well, looks like the Fox has some tricks up his sleeve," she mused, a hint of amusement in her tone.

With a graceful twist, she fired her grappling hook again, swinging between buildings with the effortless flow of a seasoned acrobat. Kuuga followed suit, his body moving with the same fluid grace, his movements mirroring Felicia's as he kept pace with her.

The chase continued through the urban landscape, the two figures darting between rooftops and scaling walls with incredible agility. Kuuga's enhanced senses allowed him to anticipate Felicia's movements, but the Black Cat's unpredictable nature kept him on his toes.

As they navigated the maze of concrete and steel, Kuuga knew he had to find a way to outmaneuver his elusive prey. The stolen jewels had to be recovered, but Felicia's skill and cunning made her a formidable opponent.

In the dead of night, the chase continued across the rooftops of the bustling city. Kuuga, the armored Kamen Rider, pursued the elusive Black Cat, his enhanced speed and agility allowing him to keep pace with the skilled thief.

As Felicia swung from one building to the next, Kuuga seized his chance, launching himself forward and tackling her in mid-air. The two figures tumbled and crashed onto the nearby rooftop, a cloud of dust and debris swirling around them.

Felicia quickly recovered, her sharp eyes scanning the area. To her dismay, she noticed the bag of stolen jewels was no longer in her possession. Whipping her head around, she locked eyes with the Kamen Rider, who held the bag triumphantly in his hand.

"Looking for something, Black Cat?" Kuuga taunted, his voice laced with a hint of satisfaction.

Felicia's lips curled into an impressed smile. "Well, well, it seems the Fox has a few tricks up his sleeve," she purred, her gaze never leaving the Rider's. "I must admit, I'm rather... captivated by your skill."

Kuuga remained steadfast, his grip on the bag of jewels tightening. "These don't belong to you, Black Cat. It's time to return them to their rightful owners."

The Black Cat chuckled, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Oh, but that's where you're mistaken, Fox. Those jewels were meant to be mine." She took a step forward, her movements fluid and graceful. "And I always get what I want."

Kuuga tensed, gripping the bag of jewels tightly as Felicia advanced. "I won't let you take these, Black Cat," he said, his voice firm.

With a graceful flourish, Felicia extended her clawed gloves. "Then you'll have to stop me, Fox," she purred, her eyes gleaming with challenge.

In a blur of motion, the Black Cat launched herself at Kuuga, her razor-sharp claws slicing through the air. Kuuga reacted instantly, using his enhanced speed to dodge the attack, but Felicia's agility made her a formidable opponent.

The two combatants traded blows, their movements a blur as they danced across the rooftop. Kuuga landed a solid kick, but Felicia absorbed the impact and countered with a series of rapid strikes.

Sparks flew as Felicia's claws scraped against Kuuga's armor, searching for weaknesses. Kuuga parried her attacks, his hands a blur as he deflected her relentless assault.

Felicia leaped back, putting distance between them. "Impressive, Fox," she acknowledged, a smile playing on her lips. "But let's see how you handle this!"

With a flick of her wrist, Felicia fired her grappling hook, the cable wrapping around Kuuga's arm. She yanked hard, pulling him off balance. Kuuga stumbled, the bag of jewels slipping from his grasp.

The Black Cat pounced, snatching the bag midair. "Better luck next time, darling," she taunted, her voice dripping with amusement.

Kuuga regained his footing, his eyes narrowing behind his mask. "I won't let you escape," he growled, his determination unwavering.

Kuuga ran to the Black Cat, his enhanced speed allowing him to close the distance between them. Spotting a damaged pipe nearby, Kuuga swiftly transformed it into the Dragon Rod, the staff-like weapon extending in his hands.

"Time to return those jewels, Black Cat," Kuuga said, his voice firm and unwavering.

Felicia grinned, her clawed gloves gleaming in the moonlight. "We'll see about that, Fox," she purred, her eyes glinting with mischief.

The two combatants launched themselves at each other, the clash of the Dragon Rod against Felicia's razor-sharp claws echoing through the night. Kuuga's strikes were precise and calculated, while the Black Cat's movements were fluid and unpredictable.

Sparks flew as the Dragon Rod collided with Felicia's claws, the two fighters trading blows in a dizzying display of speed and agility. Kuuga maneuvered the Dragon Rod with expert precision, using its reach to his advantage as he pushed the Black Cat back.

Felicia growled in frustration, her nimble fingers struggling to find an opening in Kuuga's defense. With a sudden twist, she ducked under the Dragon Rod and lunged forward, her claws aimed at the bag of jewels in Kuuga's grasp.

Kuuga reacted instantly, swinging the Dragon Rod in a wide arc to knock the Black Cat away. The staff connected with her side, sending her tumbling across the rooftop.

Seizing the opportunity, Kuuga tightened his grip on the bag of jewels, his eyes narrowing behind his mask. "I told you, Black Cat. These don't belong to you."

Felicia picked herself up, her hair disheveled and her expression one of annoyance. "Hmph, you're more of a challenge than I expected, Fox," she admitted, her voice laced with a hint of admiration.

Kuuga tightened his grip on the bag of jewels, his eyes narrowing behind his mask. "Give it up, Black Cat. You can't take me down."

Felicia's lips curled into a confident smile. "Oh, Fox, I'm just getting started." She took a step forward, her clawed gloves gleaming in the moonlight. "Let's see if your luck holds out."

With a sudden burst of speed, the Black Cat launched herself at Kuuga, her claws slashing through the air. Kuuga braced himself, preparing to block the attack, but as he shifted his weight, his foot caught on a watering can that had been left on the rooftop.

Kuuga's eyes widened in surprise as he lost his balance, the bag of jewels slipping from his grasp. Felicia pounced, snatching the bag midair with a triumphant grin.

"Better luck next time, darling," she purred, her voice dripping with amusement.

Kuuga scrambled to regain his footing, but the Black Cat was already swinging away, her grappling hook catching on the edge of a distant building.

Kuuga chased after the fleeing Black Cat, his enhanced speed allowing him to maintain pursuit. Felicia landed gracefully on the street below, glancing back with a mischievous grin.

"Catch me if you can, Fox!" she taunted, darting between the passing cars.

Kuuga leapt down, his armored form landing on the asphalt with a heavy thud. He broke into a sprint, his eyes narrowed behind the mask as he closed the distance between them.

Suddenly, a car swerved into his path, its tires screeching as the driver slammed on the brakes. Kuuga's eyes widened, but he had no time to react. The vehicle collided with him, the impact sending the Kamen Rider tumbling across the street.

Kuuga hit the ground hard, his armor scraping against the pavement. He lay there, dazed, as the car came to a stop nearby. The driver hastily exited the vehicle, rushing to Kuuga's side.

"Oh my God, are you alright?" the driver exclaimed, their voice filled with concern.

Kuuga groaned, slowly pushing himself up. He could see Felicia's retreating figure disappearing into the distance, the bag of stolen jewels still in her possession.

Kuuga pushed himself up, shaking off the impact of the collision. "I'm fine," he assured the concerned driver. His eyes narrowed as he gazed in the direction Felicia had fled. There was something off about the series of accidents he had encountered.

Sensing his determination, the driver hesitated. "Are you sure you're alright to keep going? That looked like a nasty hit."

Kuuga nodded firmly. "I have to keep going. The Black Cat can't get away." Without another word, he broke into a sprint, his enhanced speed allowing him to quickly close the distance.

Felicia glanced back, her eyes widening in surprise at Kuuga's persistence. "You just don't know when to quit, do you, Fox?" she called out, her tone tinged with annoyance.

Kuuga closed in, his Dragon Rod at the ready. "Give up, Black Cat. Those jewels don't belong to you."

Felicia's lips curled into a wry smile. "Oh, but that's where you're mistaken." She paused, her gaze locked with Kuuga's. "Crossing a black cat is bad luck, you know. Maybe you should heed the warning and leave me be."

Kuuga's eyes widened as Felicia's words sank in. The series of accidents - the watering can, the car collision - it all made sense now. The Black Cat's powers of bad luck were the cause of his misfortunes. He steeled his resolve, determined to overcome her jinx.

"So that's your game, Black Cat," Kuuga growled, his grip tightening on the Dragon Rod. "But I won't let your tricks stop me."

Kuuga swung the Dragon Rod with precision, the staff extending and hooking the bag of stolen jewels. With a quick flick of his wrist, he sent the bag flying, planting it firmly on the wall several yards away.

Felicia's eyes widened in surprise as she watched the bag slip from her grasp. "What the-?" she exclaimed, her voice laced with disbelief.

Seizing the opportunity, Kuuga launched himself at the Black Cat, his enhanced speed allowing him to close the distance in an instant. He tackled Felicia, the two of them tumbling across the rooftop in a flurry of limbs and claws.

Kuuga held Felicia firmly, his grip unwavering as she struggled against him. "It's over, Black Cat," he growled, his voice stern. "You're not getting away this time."

Felicia's lips curled into a frustrated snarl, her clawed gloves scraping against Kuuga's armor. "You may have gotten lucky, Fox," she hissed, "but I'm not finished yet."

The two combatants continued their grapple, each one determined to gain the upper hand. Kuuga's resolve was unyielding, his focus laser-sharp as he refused to let the Black Cat slip through his fingers once more.

Felicia struggled against Kuuga's firm grip, her clawed gloves scraping against his armor. With a sudden burst of strength, she managed to break free, creating some distance between them.

"Hmph, you're stronger than I thought, Fox," she huffed, her eyes narrowed in frustration.

As Felicia turned to make her escape, she failed to notice the large truck barreling towards her, its horn blaring. Kuuga's eyes widened behind his mask as he realized the danger Felicia was in.

Without hesitation, Kuuga launched himself forward, his enhanced speed allowing him to reach the Black Cat in an instant. He tackled Felicia, shielding her with his own body as the truck careened past them, the air rushing by in a deafening roar.

The truck narrowly missed the two figures, its tires screeching as the driver slammed on the brakes. Kuuga and Felicia tumbled across the pavement, the impact sending them both sprawling.

Kuuga quickly recovered, his gaze locked on the Black Cat. "Are you alright?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.

Felicia blinked, her eyes wide with surprise. "I... I'm fine," she stammered, her usual confidence momentarily shaken.

The two adversaries locked eyes, the tension between them palpable. Kuuga's grip tightened on the Dragon Rod, ready to continue the confrontation, but the Black Cat's expression had shifted, a flicker of vulnerability betraying her usually guarded demeanor.

Felicia's lips curled into a coy smile as she gazed up at Kuuga. "My hero," she purred, her voice dripping with feigned innocence. With a graceful twist, she brought her hands together in front of her. "Though I must say, I do prefer to keep my hands free."

Kuuga's eyes narrowed behind his mask as he swiftly cuffed Felicia's wrists, securing her in place. "Not this time, Black Cat," he said, his voice low and resolute.

The two adversaries locked eyes, the tension between them palpable. Felicia's emerald gaze flickered with a hint of amusement, even as she found herself restrained. Kuuga could sense a spark of something else beneath her usual bravado - a flicker of vulnerability that intrigued him.

The sirens of approaching police cars echoed through the night as Kuuga stood over the restrained Black Cat. Felicia's emerald gaze flickered with a hint of mischief, even as her wrists were cuffed.

"Looks like our little game has come to an end, Fox," she purred, her voice dripping with feigned disappointment. "But don't worry, I'm sure we'll meet again."

Before Kuuga could respond, the police arrived on the scene, their vehicles screeching to a halt around them. Officers quickly surrounded the two, their weapons drawn as they assessed the situation.

"Step away from the suspect with your hands up!" one of the officers commanded, his voice authoritative.

Kuuga complied, slowly backing away and raising his hands to show he posed no threat. As the police moved in to apprehend Felicia, she turned her gaze towards the Kamen Rider, a coy smile playing on her crimson lips.

"Until next time, my dear Fox," she called out, her voice carrying a hint of a challenge. With a flick of her wrist, she blew Kuuga a playful kiss before the officers escorted her away.

Kuuga watched as the Black Cat was led into the police car, his eyes narrowed behind his mask. He knew this was not the last time he would cross paths with the elusive thief. Their game of cat and mouse was far from over.


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