A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 108

A month had passed since Ace's encounter with the Black Cat, but the city remained abuzz with activity. However, the tranquility of the day was shattered by a broadcast from Senator Robert Kelly, his face set in a stern, determined expression.

"The time has come to take decisive action against the mutant threat," Kelly declared, his voice booming with authority. "Effective immediately, I am ordering the deployment of the Sentinels to apprehend all registered mutants and escort them to secure internment facilities."

Ace Ukiyo watched the broadcast from the confines of Nascita, his brow furrowed with concern. Beside him, Izu's expression remained neutral, her eyes fixed on the screen as Kelly continued his divisive speech.

"These mutants pose a grave danger to our way of life," the Senator continued, his words laced with fear and hostility. "They are a cancer that must be excised from our society. The Sentinels will hunt them down and bring them to justice, for the safety of all law-abiding citizens."

Ace clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white. The weight of Kelly's words hung heavy in the air, the implications sending a chill down his spine. Izu turned to face him, her voice calm and measured.

"This is a concerning development, Ace-sama," she said. "The Mutant Registration Act and the deployment of the Sentinels will undoubtedly have a devastating impact on the mutant community."

Izu turned to Ace, her expression one of concern. "Ace-sama, what should we do in response to this concerning development?"

Ace's brow furrowed as he considered the gravity of the situation. "Izu, I need you to let Ark monitor the country closely. If any mutants are unwilling to be captured by the Sentinels, we need to help them."

His voice was resolute, tinged with a sense of urgency. "The Mutant Registration Act and the deployment of the Sentinels are a grave threat to our friends and allies. We cannot stand idly by while innocent lives are endangered."

Izu nodded, understanding the severity of the circumstances. "I will inform Ark immediately and coordinate our efforts to assist any mutants in need." She paused, her eyes meeting Ace's. "I trust your judgment, Ace-sama. We will do everything in our power to protect those who are targeted."

Ace's expression hardened with determination. "Thank you, Izu. I won't let the Sentinels or Senator Kelly's agenda succeed. We'll find a way to stop them and ensure the safety of all mutants."

Izu turned to Ace, her brow furrowed with concern. "Ace-sama, should we contact the X-Men? They have the resources and expertise to assist in rescuing mutants targeted by the Sentinels."

Ace considered Izu's suggestion, his mind racing with the implications. The X-Men were his allies, and their shared goal of protecting mutants was more crucial than ever.

"You're right, Izu," Ace said, his voice resolute. "Send a message to the professor. I will be coming over."

Izu nodded, already typing a message to alert the X-Men of the situation. "I will reach out to Professor Xavier immediately."

Ace hurried to his garage, his mind racing with the gravity of the situation. As he approached the sleek, futuristic HardBoilder, his trusted Rider Machine, a sense of purpose and determination filled him. With a swift motion, he swung his leg over the bike, his fingers gripping the handlebars as he revved the powerful engine.

The HardBoilder came to life, its neon green accents glowing in the dimly lit garage. Ace took a deep breath, his gaze hardening with resolve. Without hesitation, he gunned the throttle, and the bike surged forward, bursting out of the garage and onto the streets of the city.

The wind whipped through Ace's hair as he navigated the busy roads, weaving between cars and pedestrians with the HardBoilder's exceptional agility. His mind was focused, his sights set on the X-Mansion, where the X-Men awaited his arrival.

As he rode, Ace couldn't help but feel the weight of the situation pressing down on him. The Sentinels, those fearsome robotic guardians, were now being deployed to hunt down and capture mutants. The very thought of his friends and allies being targeted filled him with a sense of dread and a burning desire to protect them.

The HardBoilder's engine roared as Ace pushed it to its limits, determined to reach the X-Mansion as quickly as possible. He knew that time was of the essence, and every second counted in the face of this growing crisis.


Ace pulled up to the stately gates of the X-Mansion, the HardBoilder rumbling to a stop. Before he could even dismount, the large wooden doors swung open, and a familiar figure emerged.

Rogue, her hair a striking contrast of dark and white, hurried down the steps, her face alight with joy. "Ace!" she called out, her voice carrying across the manicured lawn.

Ace barely had time to react before Rogue wrapped him in a warm embrace, her arms encircling him tightly. He returned the hug, a smile spreading across his face as he held her close.

Rogue pulled back slightly, her green eyes shining with emotion. Without hesitation, she leaned in and pressed her lips to Ace's, the kiss filled with a mix of relief and affection. Ace responded in kind, savoring the moment as they stood together in the shadow of the grand X-Mansion.

Rogue's exuberant greeting and passionate kiss caught Ace by surprise, but he quickly recovered, his own delight evident in the way he held her. The embrace lingered for a moment, the world around them fading into the background as they savored each other's presence.

Reluctantly, Rogue pulled away, her hands resting on Ace's arms as she searched his face. "Ace, what brings you here?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern. "Was it because of Senator Kelly's announcement?"

At the mention of the senator's name, Ace's expression grew serious. "Yes, I'm afraid so," he replied, his gaze shifting towards the towering X-Mansion. "I wanted to come and discuss the situation with Professor Xavier and the others."

As if on cue, the grand doors opened once more, and the X-Men emerged, their expressions ranging from curiosity to apprehension. Ororo Munroe, also known as Storm, stepped forward, her regal bearing commanding attention.

"Ace," she greeted, her voice calm and measured. "We saw the news. It seems Senator Kelly is escalating his anti-mutant agenda. We were just about to convene a meeting to discuss our response."

Ace nodded, his eyes meeting Ororo's. "Then I'm right on time. I want to join in that meeting."

Storm's expression softened as Ace spoke. "We're glad you're here, Ace," she said, gesturing for him to follow. "The others are waiting inside. This concerns us all."

Ace nodded, his gaze sweeping over the assembled X-Men. He quickly spotted Kitty, Bobby, Kurt, and Evan, and a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

"Kitty, Bobby, Kurt, Evan," he greeted, stepping forward to clasp hands with each of them. "It's good to see you all. I wish it were under better circumstances."

Kitty returned his smile, her eyes shining with relief. "We're just glad you're here, Ace. We could use your help figuring out what to do about this Sentinel mess."

Bobby nodded, his usual carefree demeanor replaced by a more serious expression. "Senator Kelly's really gone off the deep end this time. Those Sentinels are no joke."

Kurt, his distinctive blue fur and tail a testament to his mutant heritage, spoke up. "Ja, we must act quickly to protect our kind. The Sentinels pose a grave threat."

Evan, his arms covered in sharp bone spikes, clenched his fists. "You can count on us, Ace. We're ready to fight."

Ace looked around at the determined faces of the X-Men, a surge of pride and determination swelling within him. "Then let's get to work," he said, following Storm towards the mansion.

Ace and the X-Men filed into the control room beneath the X-Mansion, the tension palpable in the air. Professor Xavier, Logan, Scott, Jean, Emma, and Piotr were already gathered, their expressions a mix of concern and resolve.

As Ace entered, the group turned to greet him, their demeanors casual yet guarded.

"Ace, it's good to see you," Professor Xavier said, his voice calm and measured. "We were just discussing the situation with the Sentinels and Senator Kelly's recent actions."

Logan grunted in acknowledgment, his arms crossed over his chest. "Yeah, that Kelly's really stirrin' up a hornet's nest. We need to figure out how to put a stop to this before it gets out of hand."

Scott stepped forward, his brow furrowed in concentration. "The Sentinels are a formidable threat, and Kelly's pushing for their deployment at an alarming rate. We need to act quickly to protect our people."

Jean offered Ace a sympathetic smile. "We're glad you're here, Ace. Even though this is not your problem."

Emma Frost, her icy demeanor betraying a hint of concern, spoke up. "The Sentinels are not to be underestimated. We'll need to devise a strategic plan to counter their capabilities."

Piotr, his towering frame a testament to his strength, nodded in agreement. "Da, we must be prepared to defend our home and our friends. This is a fight we cannot afford to lose."

Ace took a moment to survey the assembled X-Men, a sense of camaraderie and purpose filling the room. "I'm glad to be here," he said, his voice steady and resolute.

Professor Xavier nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Then let's begin. Time is of the essence, and we must act swiftly to protect our community."

The X-Men gathered around the central holographic display, their faces illuminated by the shifting images as they delved into the details of the Sentinel threat and formulated a plan of action.

Xavier spoke up, his brow furrowed with concern. "The situation with the Sentinels and Senator Kelly's actions is dire. We must act quickly to protect our people, but we must be careful not to escalate the situation in a way that could further inflame the public's fear and hatred towards mutants."

Logan grunted, his gruff voice cutting through the tension. "So, we just sit back and let those tin cans hunt us down? Screw that, I say we take the fight to Kelly and shut down that Sentinel program for good."

Xavier raised a hand, his expression stern. "I understand your frustration, Logan, but that would only serve to validate Kelly's rhetoric and push the public further away from accepting us. We must find a way to protect our people without resorting to violence."

Scott stepped forward, his tactical mind already at work. "Professor, if we can't attack the source directly, then we need to focus on defending our own. We should work on enhancing the security measures here at the X-Mansion and coordinating with other mutant communities to provide safe havens."

Emma nodded, her icy demeanor softening slightly. "Cyclops is right. We need to shore up our defenses and ensure that any mutants in danger can find refuge with us. Perhaps we could also explore ways to disrupt the Sentinel production or sabotage their operations without drawing too much attention."

Jean spoke up, her voice calm and thoughtful. "And we should consider reaching out to allies, both mutant and human, who may be willing to help us in this fight. The more support we can gather, the better our chances."

Professor Xavier considered the input from the assembled X-Men, his expression thoughtful. "Those are all excellent suggestions," he said, his gaze sweeping over the group. "We must act swiftly, but we must also be strategic in our approach."

Ace, who had remained silent until this point, stepped forward, his brow furrowed with concern. "Professor, I'm worried about the mutants who don't want to be registered or captured by the Sentinels. They may not have the means or the resources to protect themselves."

Xavier nodded, his eyes meeting Ace's. "You raise a valid concern, Ace. We must do everything in our power to ensure the safety of all mutants, regardless of their willingness to come forward."

"Then let's get to work on that," Ace said, his voice resolute. "I can use my resources and connections to identify and locate any mutants who are in danger. We can bring them here, to the X-Mansion, where they'll be safe."

Xavier considered Ace's proposal, a thoughtful expression on his face. "That's a generous offer, Ace, and I appreciate your willingness to assist those in need. However, I'm concerned that even with our resources, we may not be able to reach all the mutants in time."

Scott stepped forward, his brow furrowed. "The Professor's right. We can't be everywhere at once, and the Sentinels are already on the move. We need to focus our efforts on protecting the mutants here in New York, where the threat is most immediate."

Rogue, who had been silent until now, spoke up, her voice laced with worry. "But what about the others, the mutants outside the city? They're just as much in danger as we are. We can't just abandon them."

Logan grunted in agreement, his eyes narrowed. "The kid's got a point. Those Sentinels ain't gonna stop at the city limits. We need to figure out a way to help 'em all."

Ace stepped forward, his expression resolute. "Professor, I understand your concerns, but let me handle the mutants outside of New York. The X-Men should focus your efforts on protecting the mutants here in the city, where the threat is most immediate."

Xavier regarded Ace thoughtfully, his brow furrowed. "And how do you propose to accomplish that, Ace? You can't be everywhere at once, and the Sentinels are already on the move."

Ace's lips curved into a small, mysterious smile. "I have my ways, Professor. Just trust me on this."

The X-Men exchanged glances, their expressions ranging from skepticism to cautious optimism. They had seen the extent of Ace's capabilities and resources, and the emergence of Castle Doran had only added to the air of mystery surrounding him.

Scott cleared his throat, his gaze fixed on Ace. "Alright, Ace. We'll trust you to handle the mutants outside of New York. But the moment you need our help, you let us know."

Ace nodded, his expression solemn. "I appreciate that, Cyclops. I won't let you down."

Professor Xavier studied Ace for a moment, his fingers steepled in contemplation. "Very well, Ace. We'll focus our efforts here in the city, but please, keep us informed of your progress. The safety of all mutants is our top priority."

Ace's eyes met Xavier's, a silent understanding passing between them. "I'll do everything in my power to protect them, Professor. You have my word."


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