A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 109

The young boy, no more than 13 years old, sprinted down the alley, his heart pounding in his chest. Behind him, the towering Sentinel, a hulking machine of metal and menace, closed in with relentless determination.

The boy's eyes darted frantically, searching for an escape, but the alley ahead narrowed into a dead end. Panic gripped him as he realized he had nowhere left to run. Skidding to a halt, he turned to face the approaching Sentinel, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

The Sentinel loomed over the boy, its red sensors scanning him, identifying the mutant DNA that had drawn its attention. A low, mechanical hum emanated from the machine as it prepared to enact its programmed directive – capture and contain the mutant threat.

The boy's eyes widened in terror as the Sentinel's massive hand reached down, its fingers closing in around him. He braced himself, knowing that any attempt at resistance would be futile against the sheer power of the machine. In a last, desperate act, he squeezed his eyes shut, silently praying for a miracle to save him from the Sentinel's grasp.

Just as the Sentinel's fingers were about to make contact, a blur of motion streaked into the alley, colliding with the Sentinel's arm. The impact was enough to divert the machine's attention, its hand recoiling from the boy as it turned to face this new threat.

The Sentinel's sensors detected the presence of another mutant, one whose power signature was unlike anything it had encountered before. As the dust settled, the figure of Kamen Rider Agito emerged, his Storm Halberd clutched tightly in his hand, ready to engage the Sentinel in battle.

Agito's arrival had bought the boy precious time, but the Sentinel's focus had not wavered. The machine shifted its attention back to the young mutant, its gaze once again fixed on its intended target. The boy's heart raced, knowing that he was still in grave danger, even with Agito's intervention.

The Sentinel's massive hand reached out once more, its fingers closing in around the boy, intent on completing its mission. Agito, seeing the peril the child was in, charged forward, his Storm Halberd raised high, determined to protect the young mutant from the Sentinel's grasp.

Agito gripped his Storm Halberd tightly, his stance unwavering as he faced the towering Sentinel. With a determined motion, he swung the polearm, the blade slicing through the air and colliding with the Sentinel's outstretched arm.

The impact caused the Sentinel to recoil, its fingers loosening their grip on the young mutant boy. Agito seized the opportunity, quickly ushering the child to safety, shielding him behind his armored form.

Undeterred, the Sentinel refocused its attention on Agito, its sensors locking onto the Rider's formidable power signature. A deep, mechanical rumble emanated from the machine as it raised its other hand, the palm glowing with the buildup of energy.

Agito braced himself, the Storm Halberd held at the ready. The Sentinel unleashed a powerful energy blast, the crackling beam streaking towards the Rider. With lightning-fast reflexes, Agito swung his weapon, deflecting the attack and sending it careening into the nearby wall, leaving a smoldering crater in its wake.

Seizing the initiative, Agito charged forward, the Storm Halberd spinning in his hands as he closed the distance. The Sentinel attempted to swat him away, but Agito's agility and precision allowed him to evade the machine's attacks, weaving between its massive limbs.

Reaching the Sentinel's torso, Agito thrust the halberd forward, the blade piercing the metal plating. The machine let out a metallic groan as sparks erupted from the point of impact. Agito twisted the weapon, causing further damage to the Sentinel's internal systems.

Realizing that his current form was insufficient, Agito stepped back, his body glowing with crimson energy. In a flash, his armor shifted, the blue and silver tones replaced by a fiery red hue. Agito had transformed into his Flame Form, the power of the element surging through him.

With renewed strength, Agito raised the Flame Saber, the blade igniting with searing flames. He charged towards the Sentinel, his movements a blur, and unleashed a series of devastating slashes. The Sentinel, unable to withstand the onslaught, began to crumble under the relentless assault.

Agito stepped back, watching as the Sentinel's metal frame split in half, the severed pieces crashing to the ground. Flames engulfed the fallen machine, consuming it until only smoldering debris remained.

Agito approached the young boy, his Flame Saber still clutched tightly in his hand. "Are you alright?" he asked, his voice deep and distorted through the Rider's mask.

The boy's eyes widened as he recognized the iconic figure before him. "You're Kamen Rider!" he exclaimed, his fear momentarily forgotten. "I can't believe it's really you!"

Seeing the child was unharmed, Agito visibly relaxed. "What happened?" he asked, his tone softening slightly. "Why were those Sentinels chasing you?"

The boy's excitement gave way to a somber expression. "My parents... they put my name on the Mutant Registration," he explained, his voice trembling. "I didn't want to go with them, so I ran away. That's when the Sentinel started chasing me."

Agito's heart sank as he listened to the boy's story. The Mutant Registration Act was a cruel and unjust law, one that threatened to tear apart families and oppress innocent lives. "You did the right thing," Agito reassured him. "You're safe now."

The Rider scanned the alley, ensuring no other Sentinels were lurking nearby. "Come, I'll take you somewhere you can be safe," he said, extending his hand to the boy.

The child hesitated for a moment, then slowly reached out and placed his hand in Agito's. Agito gently guided him away from the scene, determined to keep the young mutant safe from the Sentinel's grasp.

As they made their way through the winding alleys, the boy couldn't help but marvel at the Rider's power and heroism. "Thank you for saving me," he said, his voice filled with gratitude.

Agito nodded, his gaze fixed on the path ahead. "It's my duty to protect those in need," he replied. "The Sentinels will not harm you, not while I'm here."

The boy felt a sense of reassurance in Agito's words, and he knew that with the Rider by his side, he would be safe from the oppressive forces that threatened to consume him.

Agito gently placed a hand on the boy's shoulder. "I need you to put on a blindfold for a moment," he said, his voice calm and reassuring. "It's for your own safety."

The boy hesitated, unsure of the Rider's intentions, but ultimately decided to trust the hero who had just saved his life. He nodded and allowed Agito to carefully tie the blindfold over his eyes, plunging him into darkness.

Suddenly, the boy heard a sound that made his heart skip a beat – the distinct rumble of a train. He strained his ears, trying to pinpoint the source of the noise, but it seemed to be coming from all around him.

"What's happening?" the boy asked, his voice tinged with a mixture of fear and curiosity.

Agito placed a reassuring hand on the boy's arm. "Don't worry," he said. "You're safe with me."

The boy could feel the ground beneath his feet begin to vibrate, and the air around him seemed to crackle with energy. He held his breath, unsure of what was to come.


The rumbling grew louder, and the ground beneath the boy's feet began to tremble more intensely. He gripped Agito's arm, his heart racing with a mixture of fear and anticipation.

Suddenly, a massive shape materialized out of the darkness, its metallic form taking shape before them. The boy's eyes widened behind the blindfold as he felt the air shift, the very atmosphere around them changing.

Agito placed a reassuring hand on the boy's shoulder. "It's alright," he said, his voice calm and steady. "This is the way to safety."

Gently guiding the boy forward, Agito led him into the cavernous interior of the DenLiner, the time-traveling train that had appeared before them. The boy's senses were overwhelmed by the unfamiliar sights and sounds, but Agito's presence provided a sense of comfort and security.

As they stepped onto the train, the boy could feel the ground beneath his feet shift and sway, a clear indication that they were now in motion. Agito led him through the passenger car, the boy's curiosity piqued by the various noises and voices he heard around him.

Finally, Agito stopped and removed the blindfold, allowing the boy to take in his surroundings. The boy's eyes widened in awe as he gazed upon the luxurious interior of the DenLiner, the gleaming metal and intricate design unlike anything he had ever seen.

"Where are we?" the boy asked, his voice filled with wonder.

Agito placed a hand on the boy's shoulder, offering him a reassuring smile. "We're on our way to a safe place," he replied. "The X-Mansion, where you'll be protected from the Sentinels."

The boy nodded, his initial fear slowly giving way to a sense of relief and hope. As the DenLiner continued its journey through the timestream, Ace knew he had found a way to safely transport the young mutant to the X-Men, where he would be sheltered from the Sentinels' grasp.

Ace and the young boy stepped out of the DenLiner, the massive time-traveling train disappearing into the ether behind them. They had arrived at a safe distance from the X-Mansion, its grand façade visible in the distance.

Ororo emerged from the mansion's entrance, her regal presence commanding attention. As she approached Ace and the young boy, her expression softened, a maternal warmth radiating from her.

"Welcome," Ororo said, her voice gentle yet reassuring. Her gaze fell upon the young mutant, and her heart swelled with empathy. "You are safe now."

The boy, still processing the incredible journey he had just experienced, looked up at Ororo with a mixture of trepidation and hope. Sensing his unease, Ororo placed a hand on his shoulder, the action conveying a silent promise of protection.

"Come," she said, guiding the boy towards the mansion. "The others are waiting to meet you."

Ace watched as Ororo led the young mutant into the safety of the X-Mansion, his own expression filled with a sense of relief and purpose. He knew that the boy was in good hands, and that the X-Men would provide the sanctuary he so desperately needed.

Moments later, Jean Grey and Scott Summers approached Ace, their faces etched with gratitude.

"Ace, we heard you rescued another mutant from the Sentinels," Jean said, her voice laced with relief. "Thank you for bringing him to us. We'll make sure he's safe and cared for here."

Scott nodded in agreement, placing a hand on Ace's shoulder. "We owe you a debt of gratitude," he said, his tone earnest. "With the Sentinels closing in, every mutant we can protect makes a difference."

Ace offered them a reassuring smile. "I'm glad I could help," he said, his gaze drifting towards the grand entrance of the X-Mansion. "There are more out there who need our protection. I'll keep searching and bring them here as soon as I can."

Jean and Scott exchanged a look, their expressions reflecting the gravity of the situation. "We'll be ready to receive them," Jean said, her eyes shining with determination. "The X-Men stand ready to defend our kind."

Ace nodded, his brow furrowing with concern. "And how are the others doing?" he asked, his gaze sweeping across the X-Mansion's grounds.

Jean's expression grew solemn. "We're working in teams to help as many mutants as possible," she replied, her voice tinged with the weight of their mission. "The Sentinels are closing in, and we're doing everything we can to get them to safety."

Ace's lips pressed into a thin line as he processed her words. "I see," he said, his tone contemplative. "Please, don't hesitate to contact me if you ever run into trouble that you can't handle. I'll be there to assist in any way I can."

Scott stepped forward, his hand clasping Ace's shoulder in a gesture of camaraderie. "We appreciate that, Ace," he said, his gaze unwavering.

Jean nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting the same sentiment. "We're in this fight together," she said, her voice filled with conviction.

Ace offered them a resolute nod, his own determination mirroring theirs. "Then let's make sure we're ready," he said, his voice steady and resolute. "I'll continue my search for those in need, and I'll be here whenever you need me."

Ace gave Jean and Scott one final nod before turning and heading back down the path leading away from the X-Mansion. His expression was resolute, his mind focused on the task at hand – to find more mutants in need of sanctuary and bring them to the safety of the X-Men.


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