A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 110

Ace sank into the plush chair in Nascita, his body heavy with exhaustion. For the past week, he had tirelessly worked to locate and transport mutants to the safety of the X-Mansion, shielding them from the relentless pursuit of the Sentinels. His enhanced physique, a gift from his Kamen Rider powers, had been a crucial asset, allowing him to move swiftly and confront the Sentinel forces with unwavering determination.

However, the mental strain of the past week had taken a toll. Ace's brow was furrowed, his eyes reflecting the weight of the responsibility he had taken upon himself. He knew that every mutant he rescued was one more life spared from the Sentinels' grasp, but the sheer scale of the threat overwhelmed him at times.

Izu approached him with a concerned expression. "Ace-sama, you seem exhausted," she said, her voice tinged with worry. "Perhaps it's time for you to take a break."

Ace looked up at Izu, his gaze weary but resolute. "I can't stop now, Izu," he replied, his voice strained. "There are still so many out there who need our help. I have to keep going."

Izu placed a comforting hand on Ace's shoulder, her eyes conveying a deep understanding. "I know, Ace-sama," she said softly. "But you can't help anyone if you run yourself into the ground. Please, take a moment to catch your breath."

Ace opened his mouth to protest, but the words caught in his throat. He knew Izu was right – he couldn't keep up this relentless pace without risking his own well-being. With a resigned sigh, he sank deeper into the chair, allowing his weary muscles to relax.

Izu moved to the nearby console, her fingers flying across the holographic interface. "I'll keep monitoring the situation," she said, her voice reassuring. "If any mutants are in immediate danger, I'll alert you immediately."

Ace nodded, his eyes drifting shut as a sense of relief washed over him. In the quiet of Nascita, he allowed his mind to find a brief respite from the chaos that had consumed his days. The weight of his responsibilities still loomed, but for now, he could take a moment to rest.

Ace's brow furrowed as he considered the dire situation unfolding around him. The Sentinels, relentless in their pursuit of mutants, had become a scourge that threatened to tear the very fabric of society apart. With the Mutant Registration Act in place, the machines had a detailed list of their targets, making it all the more challenging to protect those in need.

Ace leaned forward in his chair, his expression resolute. "This can't go on," he murmured to himself, his fingers drumming against the armrest. "There must be a way to stop them, at least temporarily."

Ace's eyes snapped open, a spark of determination igniting within him. "That's it," he murmured to himself, leaning forward in his chair. "The Sentinels must have a database – a central hub where they store all their information."

He drummed his fingers against the armrest, his mind racing. "If I can find that database, I might be able to disrupt their operations, at least temporarily." Ace's expression hardened, the weariness in his features replaced by a resolute focus.

"Ark," he called out, his voice steady. "Can you cross-reference the Sentinel activity we've been tracking? See if there's a common location or facility where they seem to be converging. We need to find the source of their data, the heart of their operation."

Ark's deep, resonant voice filled the room as the AI entity responded to Ace's request. "According to my analysis of Sentinel activity, there appears to be a central facility located in upstate New York, near the Canadian border."

Ace leaned forward, his eyes narrowing with focus. "What can you tell me about this facility?"

"The facility is heavily fortified and guarded," Ark reported. "Multiple Sentinel units are stationed there, along with a significant human security presence. It seems to be the main hub for Sentinel operations and data storage."

Ace's brow furrowed as he processed the information. "Then that's where we need to strike. If we can infiltrate that facility and disrupt their database, it may be enough to slow down the Sentinels' pursuit of mutants."

Izu approached Ace, her expression grave. "Ace-sama, the risks of such an operation are considerable. The Sentinels and their human allies will be on high alert, and the facility is well-protected."

Ace met Izu's gaze with unwavering determination. "I know the risks, Izu. But I can't stand by and watch as more innocent mutants are captured and persecuted. We have to try."

Izu nodded slowly, understanding the weight of Ace's decision. "Very well. I'll provide you with all the intel and support I can. Just... please, be careful."

Ace placed a reassuring hand on Izu's shoulder. "I will. I promise." He turned to Ark, his voice firm. "Send me the coordinates of that facility. It's time we put a stop to this."

Ace strode purposefully towards the garage, his mind focused on the task at hand. He approached the wall of locked cases, his gaze settling on the Sakura Hurricane lockseed. With a determined flick of his wrist, he unlocked the case, and the lockseed sprang to life, transforming into the sleek, aerodynamic form of the Sakura Hurricane.

The motorcycle's vibrant orange and blue color scheme glinted in the dim garage lighting, its elegant lines and powerful engine promising swift and agile movement. Ace ran his fingers along the handlebars, feeling the familiar weight and balance of the Rider Machine.

Without a moment's hesitation, Ace swung his leg over the Sakura Hurricane, the engine roaring to life beneath him. He revved the throttle, the bike's power thrumming in anticipation. Ace knew that time was of the essence – the Sentinel threat loomed, and he needed to reach the facility as quickly as possible.

Gripping the handlebars, Ace guided the Sakura Hurricane out of the garage and into the bustling city streets. The bike responded to his commands with seamless precision, weaving through traffic with a grace that belied its powerful frame. Ace's eyes narrowed with focus as he navigated the urban landscape, his mind already formulating a plan to infiltrate the Sentinel facility and disrupt their operations.


Ace guided the Sakura Hurricane through the winding roads, the facility's coordinates programmed into the bike's navigation system. As he approached the designated location, the towering structure came into view, its metallic facade gleaming in the afternoon sun.

The facility was massive, its imposing presence casting a shadow over the surrounding landscape. Ace slowed the motorcycle, his keen eyes scanning the perimeter. High fences topped with barbed wire encircled the compound, and armed guards patrolled the grounds. Sentinel units, their robotic forms standing sentry, dotted the area, their sensors constantly sweeping the area for any signs of intrusion.

Ace brought the Sakura Hurricane to a halt, his gaze narrowing as he studied the layout. This would be a delicate operation, requiring stealth and precision. He couldn't afford to be detected, not when so much was at stake. Dismounting the bike, Ace surveyed the area, searching for a point of entry that would allow him to infiltrate the facility unnoticed.

Ace turns invisible and intangible, slipped past the armed guards and Sentinel patrols with ease. His ghostly form glided through the compound, his senses heightened as he searched for the central database.

As he navigated the maze of hallways, Ace caught sight of a disturbing sight. A group of guards were escorting a mutant, their hands gripping the man's arms tightly. The mutant's wrists were bound, and a metallic collar encircled his neck. Ace recognized the device - it was a power dampener, designed to suppress a mutant's abilities and keep them under control.

Ace followed the guards and the mutant, his eyes narrowing as he took in the distressing sight. As he moved closer, he caught a glimpse of the group of mutants imprisoned within the facility. To his horror, they were mostly underaged children, their faces etched with fear and despair.

The young mutants huddled together, their powers suppressed by the collars around their necks. Ace's heart clenched at the sight, his determination to stop this injustice burning brighter than ever. He knew he couldn't simply charge in and confront the guards; that would only jeopardize the safety of the captives.

Carefully, Ace continued to observe, searching for an opportunity to intervene without endangering the children. He needed to find a way to disable the power dampeners and free the mutants, but any misstep could have devastating consequences.

Ace's gaze hardened as he observed the captive mutants, his determination to free them burning brighter than ever. He knew he needed to disable the power dampeners and liberate them, but any misstep could have devastating consequences.

Tightening his resolve, Ace turned his attention to locating the central database. Carefully, he navigated the maze of corridors, his ghostly form slipping past guards and Sentinels unnoticed.

Finally, Ace reached a heavily guarded door, sensing the hum of electronic activity beyond. This had to be the room he sought. Pausing, he peered through the doorway, his eyes widening at the sight that greeted him.

The room was bustling with activity, dozens of people seated at computer terminals. Ace could see they were monitoring the movements of the Sentinels, tracking their progress and coordinating their deployment. Others were answering calls, registering individuals under the Mutant Registration Act.

Ace's jaw tightened with anger as he witnessed the systematic oppression unfolding before him. These people, willingly participating in the persecution of mutants, were the cogs that kept the Sentinel program running.

Ace's eyes narrowed as he surveyed the bustling server room, his resolve hardening. This was the heart of the Sentinel program, the nerve center that coordinated the relentless pursuit of mutants. He couldn't allow this to continue.

Steeling himself, Ace phased through the doorway, his ghostly form drifting silently towards the nearest computer terminal. Reaching into his pocket, he retrieved a small drive, one that contained the key to Ark's hacking prowess.

"Ark," Ace whispered, his voice barely audible. "I'm in position. Can you take control of the system?"

A moment of silence, then Ark's cool, calculating voice responded. "Affirmative. Initiating data breach now."

Ace watched as the drive's indicator light flickered to life, Ark's digital tendrils infiltrating the server's network. The technicians continued their work, unaware of the unseen intruder in their midst.

"I'm in," Ark reported. "Disabling security protocols. Commencing data purge."

Ace's lips quirked into a grim smile as he witnessed the screens flicker and the terminals shut down one by one. The technicians began to panic, their voices rising in alarm as they realized their systems were under attack.

"What's happening?" one of them cried out.

"The database is being erased!" another shouted.

Ace knew he had to act quickly before the Sentinels were alerted to the breach. "Ark, can you find anything useful in their records?" he asked urgently.

"Scanning," Ark replied, his voice calm and collected. "I'm detecting a hidden facility upstate, heavily guarded and containing a large number of mutant prisoners. This appears to be the primary holding center for the Sentinel program."

Ace's heart sank at the revelation, but he knew he had to act. "Send the coordinates to Izu. We need to mount a rescue mission immediately."

"Understood," Ark affirmed. "Data purge complete. Exiting the system now."

As the last of the terminals went dark, Ace quickly withdrew the drive and phased back through the doorway, his mind racing with the implications of what he had discovered. The X-Men needed to be informed, and they needed to act quickly to liberate the captive mutants before it was too late.

Ace had barely taken a step when the guards spotted him. "Hey, you! Halt!" one of them shouted, raising his weapon.

Ace reacted instantly, his body surging with enhanced speed and strength. In a blur of motion, he dispatched the guards, knocking them unconscious with precise strikes. The sound of the scuffle, however, had triggered the facility's alarms.

"Intruder alert! Intruder alert!" blared the automated voice over the PA system. Lights flashed, and the hallways erupted into a flurry of activity as more guards rushed to intercept the intruder.

Ace cursed under his breath. He had hoped to make a clean getaway, but now he had no choice but to fight his way out. Shifting into a combat-ready stance, Ace prepared to face the onslaught of guards and Sentinels.


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