A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 115

Ace's sleek, crimson Tridoron glided smoothly through the bustling streets of New York, its powerful engine humming with each turn. In the back seat, Nico Minoru and Doreen Green sat side by side, both intrigued by the prospect of collaborating on the upcoming school dance performance.

Nico, her dark hair framing her angular features, studied Doreen with a hint of curiosity. "So, you're the one Ace invited to join our band," she said, her voice carrying a subtle edge.

Doreen, her vibrant red-brown hair bouncing with each movement, offered Nico a friendly smile. "That's right," she replied, her tone warm and welcoming. "I play the bass, and I'm really excited to be a part of this."

Nico's expression softened slightly at Doreen's genuine enthusiasm. "Well, I play the keyboard, so I suppose we'll be working together," she said, a faint trace of a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

"That's great!" Doreen exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I can't wait to hear what you can do. Ace said you have a real knack for the supernatural and fantasy stuff, which is right up my alley."

Nico raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh, really?" she said, her curiosity piqued. "Well, I suppose we'll have to swap some stories then."

Doreen nodded enthusiastically. "Absolutely!" she said, her gaze shifting to Ace, who was focused on navigating the city streets. "So, Ace, where are we headed?"

Ace glanced at Doreen through the rearview mirror, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "To my mansion," he replied, his voice calm and assured. "I figured we could use the space to rehearse and get to know each other a bit better."

Doreen's eyes widened at Ace's mention of a mansion, and Nico's eyebrows rose in surprise. "A mansion?" Doreen exclaimed, leaning forward in her seat. "Wow, Ace, I didn't realize you were so, well, rich."

Ace glanced at Doreen through the rearview mirror, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "I guess," he replied, his tone nonchalant. "It's just a place I have. Nothing too fancy."

Nico's expression shifted from curiosity to skepticism. "Just a place you have?" she echoed, her voice laced with a hint of disbelief. "Most people don't just have a mansion, Ace."

Doreen nodded in agreement, her gaze fixed on Ace. "Yeah, I mean, that's pretty impressive. Are you, like, some kind of tech mogul or something?"

Ace chuckled softly, his eyes focused on the road ahead. "Not exactly," he said. "It's a long story, but let's just say I've had some... unique opportunities in my life."

Nico and Doreen exchanged a glance, their curiosity piqued. The rest of the drive continued in relative silence, each of them lost in their own thoughts as the Tridoron effortlessly navigated the city streets.

Ace, Nico, and Doreen arrived at the impressive mansion, its grand façade towering over them. Doreen's eyes widened in awe as she stepped out of the Tridoron, taking in the sheer size of the estate.

"Wow, Ace, this place is huge!" Doreen exclaimed, her gaze sweeping across the ornate architecture. "I had no idea you lived in such a big house!"

Nico, ever the composed observer, also couldn't help but be impressed by the mansion's scale. "It's certainly more than just a 'place' you have," she remarked, her voice tinged with a hint of amusement.

Ace simply smiled, gesturing for them to follow as he led the way towards the grand entrance. "Come on, let's head inside. I'll show you around."

As they stepped through the ornate doors, Doreen's eyes darted around, taking in every detail. Suddenly, a familiar rustling sound caught her attention, and she looked down to see Tippy, her beloved squirrel, scurrying across the polished marble floor.

"Tippy!" Doreen cried, her eyes widening in alarm. "Get back here!"

The energetic squirrel dashed around the corner, disappearing from view, and Doreen quickly gave chase, her footsteps echoing through the spacious entryway.

Tippy, undeterred, continued his merry dash, eventually stopping in front of a slender, dark-haired woman dressed in a pristine white suit. Izu, Ace's AI companion and personal assistant, looked down at the small squirrel, her expression calm and composed.

Izu reached down and gently picked up Tippy, cradling the furry creature in her hands. "Hello there," she said, her voice soft and soothing.

Doreen, breathless from the pursuit, quickly caught up to Tippy and Izu. "I'm so sorry about that," she said, her cheeks flushed. "Tippy can be a bit of a handful sometimes."

Izu smiled reassuringly, handing the squirrel back to Doreen. "It's quite alright," she replied. "I'm glad I was able to catch him."

Doreen nodded gratefully, gently scolding Tippy. "You can't just run off like that, you know," she said, her tone stern yet laced with affection. "You had me worried."

Tippy chittered in response, his beady eyes conveying a sense of remorse, and Doreen sighed, shaking her head fondly.

At that moment, Ace emerged from a nearby hallway, Nico following closely behind. "Ah, I see you've met Izu," he said, a warm smile on his face.

Nico's gaze shifted between Ace, Izu, and Doreen, her expression a mix of curiosity and cautious interest.

Ace gestured towards Izu, his voice carrying a hint of pride. "Izu is my guardian and personal assistant," he explained. "She's been with me for a long time and has been an invaluable part of my life."

Izu inclined her head politely, her gaze meeting Nico and Doreen's. "It's a pleasure to meet you both," she said, her tone measured and professional. "I'm looking forward to working with you and Ace on the upcoming school performance."

Nico nodded in acknowledgment, her own curiosity piqued by Izu's calm demeanor and the apparent significance of her role in Ace's life.

Doreen, still holding Tippy, beamed at Izu. "It's great to meet you too!" she exclaimed. "I hope Tippy didn't cause you too much trouble."

Izu shook her head, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Not at all," she assured Doreen. "I'm quite fond of animals, and Tippy seems like a delightful little fellow."

Gwen Stacy, the vibrant Spider-Woman, arrived at the mansion, her steps quickening as she caught sight of Ace. A warm smile spread across her face, and she hurried to greet him.

"Ace! You made it," Gwen exclaimed, her voice laced with genuine delight. She glanced curiously at the two unfamiliar faces beside him, her blue eyes alight with curiosity.

Ace gestured towards the group, his expression brightening. "Gwen, I'd like you to meet Nico Minoru and Doreen Green," he said, his tone carrying a hint of pride. "They'll be joining us as part of the band for the school performance."

Gwen's eyes widened with excitement. "The band! I can't wait to get started," she said, her gaze shifting between Nico and Doreen.

Nico, ever the poised observer, offered Gwen a slight nod. "It's nice to meet you, Gwen," she said, her voice smooth and measured. "Ace has told me a bit about you."

Doreen, her energy bubbling over, beamed at Gwen. "Hi! I'm Doreen, and this is Tippy," she said, lifting the squirrel in her arms. Tippy chittered happily, his tail swishing back and forth.

Gwen's face lit up at the sight of the small, furry creature. "Aww, he's so cute!" she exclaimed, reaching out to gently scratch Tippy's head.

The group shared a moment of camaraderie, their initial introductions giving way to a growing sense of excitement for the upcoming musical endeavor.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Ace said, gesturing towards a nearby doorway. "Let's head to the music room and get started."

Ace led the group down the hallway, his stride confident as he guided them towards the mansion's music room. Gwen, Nico, and Doreen followed closely, their anticipation palpable.

As they entered the spacious, well-equipped room, Ace gestured towards the various instruments laid out, a proud smile on his face. "Alright, everyone, let's see what we can do."

Gwen eagerly settled behind the drum set, her fingers drumming against the skins with a rhythmic flair. Nico approached the sleek keyboard, her expression pensive as she tested the keys. Doreen picked up the bass guitar, her brow furrowed in concentration as she plucked the strings.

Ace stood at the center, his gaze sweeping across the group. "Shall we start with something simple?" he suggested, his voice carrying a hint of anticipation.

Without further ado, Ace began strumming the opening chords on his guitar, his voice soon joining the melody. The others quickly fell into sync, their instruments blending seamlessly as they played.

Gwen's drumming provided a solid foundation, her steady beats anchoring the rhythm. Nico's nimble fingers danced across the keyboard, her playing infusing the song with a touch of elegance. Doreen's bass lines added depth and richness to the overall sound.

As they played, a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose began to emerge. Ace's voice, smooth and captivating, carried the lead, and the others found themselves drawn into the performance, their eyes meeting with growing confidence.

The music filled the room, the harmonious blend of their talents creating a powerful and emotive rendition of the classic song. Ace, in his element, glanced around at his newfound bandmates, a spark of excitement shining in his eyes.

The group worked together better than they thought. As the final notes of the song faded, a sense of accomplishment and camaraderie filled the air. Doreen, her eyes shining with enthusiasm, turned to the others.

"That was amazing!" she exclaimed, her gaze sweeping across the group. "We really clicked out there."

Gwen nodded in agreement, a wide smile spreading across her face. "Yeah, I'm impressed. I didn't know we'd sound this good together."

Nico, her expression more reserved, nevertheless allowed a faint smile to tug at the corners of her lips. "It was... better than I expected," she admitted, her tone carrying a hint of surprise.

Ace, his guitar resting comfortably in his hands, chuckled softly. "I knew you all had it in you," he said, his voice brimming with pride. "We make a pretty good team."

Doreen's eyes suddenly widened, and she straightened up, her gaze fixed on Ace. "Hey, that reminds me," she said, her tone laced with curiosity. "What are we going to call our band?"

The others fell silent, their attention turning to Ace as they considered Doreen's question.

The group started to brainstorm a band name, tossing out ideas with varying degrees of enthusiasm.

"How about 'The Midtown Mavericks'?" Gwen suggested, drumsticks tapping rhythmically against her thighs.

Nico wrinkled her nose slightly. "That sounds a bit generic, don't you think?"

Doreen's brow furrowed in concentration. "What about 'The Squirrel Squad'?" she offered, eliciting a round of amused chuckles from the others.

As the discussion continued, Ace listened intently, his fingers idly strumming his guitar. Suddenly, an idea struck him, and he straightened up, a spark of excitement in his eyes.

"What about 'Masked Mavericks'?" he proposed, his voice carrying a note of enthusiasm.

The others fell silent, considering the suggestion. Gwen's eyes widened, a grin spreading across her face.

"I like it!" she exclaimed, her drumsticks tapping out a quick, playful beat.

Nico nodded, her expression softening. "It has a nice ring to it," she admitted, her fingers finding their place on the keyboard once more.

Doreen's face lit up with a bright smile. "Masked Mavericks," she repeated, testing the name on her tongue. "I love it!"

Ace couldn't help but return their smiles, a sense of pride swelling within him. "Then it's settled," he declared, his gaze sweeping across the group. "Masked Mavericks it is."

With the name of their band decided, the group began to practice with renewed vigor. Ace's fingers danced across the strings, his voice blending seamlessly with the others as they fine-tuned their sound.

Gwen's drumming provided a solid foundation, her steady beats guiding the rhythm. Nico's keyboard playing added layers of complexity, her nimble fingers weaving intricate melodies. Doreen's bass lines anchored the foundation, her concentration unwavering as she played.

The group played for hours until it was time to go home. Before they all left, Gwen called out to Ace, "Hey, Ace, can I talk to you for a sec? Privately?"

Ace looked up from packing his guitar, a curious expression on his face. "Sure, Gwen. What's up?"

Gwen glanced over at the others, who were already heading for the door. "I'll just be a minute, guys. You all go on ahead."

Once the others had filed out, Gwen turned to Ace, her expression serious. "I wanted to talk to you about something important."

Ace nodded, giving her his full attention. "Okay, I'm listening."

Gwen was nervous. Her heart pounded in her chest as she mustered the courage to ask Ace the question that had been weighing on her mind. "Ace, do you... do you have a date for the school dance?"

Ace looked at her, a hint of surprise in his expression. "No, I don't have a date," he admitted. "I was just planning to go with the group."

Gwen took a deep breath, her palms suddenly sweaty. "Well, I was wondering..." She paused, her gaze shifting downward. "Would you... would you like to go with me?"

Ace's face broke into a warm smile as he reached out and gently took Gwen's hand in his own. "I would be honored to go with you, Gwen," he said, his voice soft and sincere.

Gwen's cheeks flushed a deep crimson, and she found herself unable to meet Ace's gaze. The realization that this was really happening, that Ace had said yes, left her feeling both exhilarated and overwhelmed.

Ace, who had been quietly observing the exchange, grinned mischievously. "Well, well, looks like it's a date then!" he chimed in, his voice laced with playful teasing.

Gwen's eyes widened, and she felt a sudden urge to flee. "I, um, I..." she stammered, before turning and hurrying out of the room, her face burning with embarrassment.

Ace watched Gwen's retreating form, a fond smile tugging at the corners of his lips. In that moment, he found her adorable, her flustered reaction only serving to endear her to him further.


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