A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 116

Gwen lay on her bed, breathing heavily from a mix of excitement and embarrassment. She had just asked Ace to be her date for the upcoming school dance, and he had agreed.

A wide smile spread across Gwen's face as she rolled around on the bed, her heart racing with joy. She couldn't believe she had finally mustered the courage to ask him out. Gwen had harbored a crush on Ace for some time, but the thought of revealing her feelings had always made her nervous.

Burying her face in her pillow, Gwen let out a muffled squeal of delight. The fact that Ace had said yes filled her with a sense of giddiness and relief. She had been worried he might decline or feel uncomfortable, but he had responded enthusiastically, much to her surprise and pleasure.

Gwen rolled onto her back, staring up at the ceiling as she replayed the conversation in her mind. Ace's kind eyes, his warm smile – it all felt like a dream. She couldn't wait to spend more time with him, to get to know him better. The school dance would be the perfect opportunity to create new memories and hopefully deepen their connection.

Grinning from ear to ear, Gwen hugged her pillow tightly, reveling in the happiness that bubbled within her. She knew she would need to contain her excitement around her friends, but in the privacy of her room, she allowed herself to fully embrace the joy she felt. Ace had agreed to be her date, and that was all that mattered in that moment.

Gwen Stacy hummed thoughtfully as she surveyed the contents of her closet, her fingers trailing along the various fabrics and textures of her dresses. She had been so caught up in the excitement of asking Ace to the school dance that the realization of needing the perfect outfit had only just dawned on her.

Gwen pulled out a pale blue sundress, holding it up against herself as she studied her reflection in the mirror. The dress was cute, but it felt too casual for the occasion. With a sigh, she returned it to the closet and moved on to the next option.

A deep red dress with a high slit caught her eye, and Gwen couldn't resist trying it on. As she slipped into the form-fitting garment, she felt a surge of confidence. The dress accentuated her curves in all the right places, and the bold color made her feel powerful. However, as she twirled in front of the mirror, Gwen couldn't shake the feeling that it was a bit too daring for a high school dance.

Biting her lip, Gwen continued her search, rifling through the various gowns and cocktail dresses she had accumulated over the years. Each one had its own appeal, but none of them seemed to capture the essence of what Gwen was looking for. She wanted something that would make her feel beautiful and confident, but also stay true to her own personal style.

Gwen heard a knock on the door, and Helen called out to her. Gwen opened the door and saw her mother. Helen saw the different dresses on the bed, and she asked Gwen what she was doing. Gwen replied, "Nothing..." nervously.

Helen could see Gwen lying, and she guessed that Gwen was looking for a dress for the school dance. "Gwen, honey, I know you're getting ready for the dance. Why don't you show me what you've found so far?" Helen said, her voice gentle and understanding.

Gwen hesitated, not wanting to admit that she was struggling to find the perfect outfit. "I, um, I'm just trying to figure out what to wear. It's not a big deal," she said, hoping her mother would drop the subject.

Helen stepped into the room, her eyes scanning the array of dresses spread out on the bed. "These are all lovely, Gwen. But I can see you're a little overwhelmed." She sat down on the edge of the bed and patted the space next to her, inviinting Gwen to join her.

Gwen sat down next to her mother on the bed, her fingers nervously fidgeting with the hem of her dress.

"So, who's the lucky guy who's going to be bringing my daughter to the dance?" Helen asked, a warm smile spreading across her face.

Gwen felt her cheeks flush with heat as she answered, "It's Ace, Mom."

Helen's expression brightened even further at the mention of Ace's name. "Ace? That's wonderful, Gwen! I'm so happy to hear that." She placed a comforting hand on Gwen's shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze.

Gwen looked up at her mother, her eyes filled with a mix of happiness and uncertainty. "You...you are? I wasn't sure how you'd feel about it."

"Of course I am!" Helen replied, her voice reassuring. "Ace is such a kind and thoughtful young man. I've always been impressed by his dedication and the way he cares for his friends." She paused, her gaze softening as she studied Gwen's face. "And I can see how much he means to you."

Gwen felt a wave of relief wash over her. She had been worried that her mother might disapprove or find Ace unsuitable, but Helen's reaction put those fears to rest.

"I'm really glad you feel that way, Mom," Gwen said, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Ace has been such a great friend, and I...I really like him. A lot."

Helen pulled Gwen into a warm embrace, her hand gently stroking her daughter's hair. "I know, sweetheart. And I'm so happy for you. Ace is a wonderful young man, and I think the two of you will have a lovely time at the dance together."

Gwen melted into her mother's hug, feeling the tension in her body dissipate. She knew that Helen's approval meant the world to her, and hearing her mother's words of encouragement only fueled the butterflies in her stomach.

"Thank you, Mom," Gwen murmured, her voice muffled against Helen's shoulder. "I really appreciate you being so understanding."

Helen placed a gentle kiss on the top of Gwen's head, a soft smile gracing her features. "Of course, my dear. I just want you to be happy. And I have a feeling that Ace is going to make you very happy indeed."

Gwen watched as her mother left the room, a teasing smile playing on Helen's lips.

"And don't forget, Gwen, I'd love some grandchildren soon," Helen called over her shoulder, winking playfully.

Gwen's face flushed with embarrassment, her cheeks burning. "Mom!" she exclaimed, her voice rising in pitch. "Don't say things like that!"

Helen paused in the doorway, her expression a mix of amusement and affection. "Oh, come now, dear. I'm only joking. But you know I'd be thrilled to have a little one running around the house someday."

Gwen groaned, burying her face in her hands. "Mom, please! I'm not even out of high school yet. Can we not talk about this right now?"

Helen chuckled softly, stepping back into the room and placing a gentle hand on Gwen's shoulder. "Alright, alright, I'll stop teasing you. But you know I'm only looking out for your happiness, Gwen."

Gwen peeked out from between her fingers, her expression a mix of exasperation and fondness. "I know, Mom. I know you mean well. It's just...it's embarrassing, okay?"

"I understand, sweetheart," Helen said, her voice soothing. "I'll try to keep the grandchild talk to a minimum, I promise." She leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to Gwen's forehead. "Now, focus on finding you the perfect dress for the dance, hmm?"

Gwen nodded, her shoulders relaxing slightly. "Okay, yeah, that sounds good." She glanced back at the array of dresses on the bed, her mind already whirring with possibilities.

As Helen turned to leave, Gwen called out, "Mom?"

Helen paused, looking back at her daughter.

"Thanks," Gwen said, a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "For being so understanding."

Helen returned the smile, her eyes sparkling with affection. "Of course, Gwen. I'll always be here for you, no matter what."

With that, she slipped out of the room, leaving Gwen to ponder the upcoming dance and the butterflies that fluttered in her stomach at the thought of Ace.

Gwen collapsed back onto her bed, her mind reeling from the conversation with her mother. As Helen closed the door, Gwen let out a heavy sigh, her gaze drifting to the window.

The city beyond beckoned, a world of possibilities that seemed so far removed from the swirling emotions within her. Gwen knew what she needed—a chance to clear her head, to feel the rush of adrenaline as she swung through the urban landscape.

Without a moment's hesitation, Gwen sprung from the bed and crossed to the window. With a few deft motions, she opened it wide, letting the cool evening air caress her face. Gently, she pulled the Spider-Woman suit from its hiding place, the familiar fabric cool against her fingertips.

Gwen stepped out onto the ledge, her eyes scanning the cityscape for the perfect perch. She could feel the weight of the mask in her hand, the promise of freedom it held. With a deep breath, Gwen slipped the mask over her face, the fabric molding to her features as the familiar rush of power surged through her veins.

Without a moment's hesitation, Gwen leapt from the window, her body hurtling through the air. She fired a web, the thin strands catching on a distant building, and she swung, the wind whipping through her hair as the city rushed by below.

The stresses of the day melted away, replaced by a sense of exhilaration and purpose. Gwen knew that as Spider-Woman, she could make a difference, could protect the people she cared about. It was a responsibility she took seriously, one that grounded her even as she soared above the streets.

Gwen heard the blaring police sirens in the distance. Without a moment's hesitation, she fired a web and swung through the air, her keen senses guiding her towards the source of the commotion.

As she neared the scene, Gwen spotted a figure leaping gracefully from rooftop to rooftop, a sack of what appeared to be stolen money clutched in his hands. Her brow furrowed beneath the mask as she observed the thief's movements, his agility and acrobatic prowess unlike anything she had witnessed before.

Gwen landed on a nearby building, her eyes narrowing as she studied the elusive criminal. Suddenly, the thief paused, turning to face the city below with a theatrical flourish.

"Behold, the mighty Batroc the Leaper!" he bellowed, his voice carrying across the urban landscape. "None can match my superior athleticism and daring!"

Gwen observed the thief, taking in his distinctive appearance. He was a well-built man with a lean, muscular frame, his movements agile and cat-like. His dark hair was cropped close to his head, and a thick, well-groomed mustache adorned his face, giving him an almost old-fashioned look. His costume was a vibrant purple and gold bodysuit, the material tight and flexible, designed for maximum mobility.

Gwen rolled her eyes, an exasperated sigh escaping her lips. The thief's grandiose self-introduction and overly dramatic posturing struck her as nothing short of idiotic. His ridiculous name and flamboyant appearance only served to heighten her annoyance.

"Batroc the Leaper, huh?" Gwen muttered under her breath, her fingers tightening around the web-shooters on her wrists. "What a moron."

Without further hesitation, Gwen launched herself from the rooftop, her body hurtling through the air as she closed the distance between herself and the self-proclaimed "Leaper." Her spider-sense tingled, warning her of his impending movements, and she adjusted her trajectory accordingly, determined to apprehend this latest criminal before he could escape.

Gwen landed in front of the flamboyant thief, her web-shooters at the ready. "Alright, Batroc the Leaper, time to surrender. Hand over the money, and I'll make this easy on you."

Batroc's eyes widened in delight as he laid eyes on the Spider-Woman. "Ah, the famous Spider-Woman graces me with her presence!" he exclaimed, bowing dramatically. "I am honored to make your acquaintance, mademoiselle."

Gwen rolled her eyes beneath her mask. "Yeah, yeah, I already know who you are. Now are you going to hand over the cash or what?"

"Ah, but of course, you have heard of my illustrious reputation!" Batroc said, his mustache twitching with amusement. "However, I'm afraid I cannot simply relinquish my hard-earned spoils. A man of my talents deserves a proper reward, don't you agree?"

Gwen clenched her fists, her patience wearing thin. "You're asking for it, Batroc. Last chance – surrender, or I'm taking you down."

Without warning, Gwen launched herself towards the thief, her movements fluid and precise. But Batroc, with his uncanny agility, simply leapt over her, landing gracefully on the ledge behind her.

"Ah, your speed is most impressive, Spider-Woman!" Batroc called out, a mocking grin on his face. "But you'll have to do better than that to catch the great Batroc!"

Gwen felt a surge of frustration as she watched Batroc make his escape. With a determined growl, she pushed off the ground, her body twisting in the air as she chased after the elusive thief.

Batroc bounded from rooftop to rooftop, the stolen money clutched tightly in his hands. Gwen pursued him relentlessly, her spider-sense guiding her movements as she navigated the urban landscape.

As Batroc neared the edge of a particularly high building, Gwen saw her opportunity. She launched herself forward, her body arcing through the air as she aimed to tackle the thief.

But Batroc, with his uncanny reflexes, anticipated her move. At the last moment, he twisted his body, allowing Gwen to sail over him. Caught off guard, Gwen felt her momentum carry her forward, and she tumbled to the ground, landing in a heap.

Batroc landed gracefully beside her, his laughter echoing through the night. "Ah, you are a worthy adversary, Spider-Woman! But I'm afraid your skills are no match for the mighty Batroc!"

Gwen pushed herself up, her muscles aching from the impact. Fury burned in her veins as she glared at the smug thief.

"You're not getting away that easily, Batroc," Gwen growled, her web-shooters at the ready. With a renewed determination, she pushed off the ground, chasing after the elusive Batroc the Leaper once more.


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