A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 85

Kamen Rider Drive carefully maneuvered his futuristic vehicle through the city's back streets, constantly checking for any signs of pursuit. In the passenger seat, Nick Fury sat silently, his face etched with pain from his injuries. The journey seemed to stretch on for an eternity, but finally, they arrived at a nondescript building on the outskirts of town.

Drive pulled into a hidden garage, the door sliding shut behind them with a soft hiss. He helped Fury out of the car, supporting the injured man's weight as they made their way into the building. The interior was stark and clinical, a far cry from the rundown exterior.

As they entered a well-equipped medical room, a Humagear stood at attention, its posture perfect and movements fluid. This wasn't just any Humagear; it was a specialized medical unit, designed specifically for situations like this.

"Director Fury," the Humagear said, its voice calm and reassuring. "Please, lie down on the examination table. I will begin treatment immediately."

Fury grunted as Kamen Rider helped him onto the table. The Humagear wasted no time, efficiently cutting away Fury's bloodied clothing to access his wounds. Its hands moved with precision, cleaning and assessing the damage.

"Multiple gunshot wounds," the Humagear reported. "Significant blood loss, but no major arteries have been hit. I will begin emergency treatment now."

As the Humagear worked, Kamen Rider stepped back, his transformation dissolving to reveal Ace. He watched with a mixture of concern and relief as the medical Humagear tended to Fury's injuries with a level of skill that rivaled the best human surgeons.

Fury, despite his pain, remained alert. His one good eye darted around the room, taking in every detail. "Nice setup you've got here," he managed to say between gritted teeth.

Ace nodded. "It's one of several safe houses I've established. This one is equipped for medical emergencies."

The Humagear continued its work, administering pain medication and beginning to extract bullet fragments. Its movements were swift and sure, each action precisely calculated for maximum efficiency and minimal discomfort to the patient.

The Humagear worked diligently, its precise movements a stark contrast to the tension in the room. Fury lay still, his breathing steady despite the pain. Ace watched, his face a mask of concern and determination.

"Director Fury, I have completed treatment of your wounds," the Humagear announced, its voice calm and clinical. "The injuries were severe, but not life-threatening. I recommend at least 48 hours of bed rest to allow for initial healing."

Fury grunted, attempting to sit up but wincing at the movement. "Rest isn't a luxury we can afford right now," he muttered.

Ace stepped forward, gently but firmly pushing Fury back down. "With all due respect, sir, you need to listen to the doctor. Even if it is a Humagear."

A ghost of a smile flickered across Fury's face. "You sound like Hill," he said, then sighed. "Fine. But we can't stay silent for long. HYDRA's moving fast."

As if on cue, a soft beep echoed through the room. Ace glanced at his wrist device, nodding as he read the message. "Speaking of allies, we're about to have company. I've directed Melinda May here."

Fury's eyebrow raised slightly. "May? Good. We'll need her."

Minutes ticked by, filled with the quiet hum of medical equipment and Fury's occasional grunts of discomfort. Then, the sound of footsteps echoed from the corridor outside. Ace tensed, his hand hovering near his transformation device, ready for any possibility.

The door slid open, revealing Melinda May. Her face was a mask of professional calm, but her eyes widened slightly at the sight of Fury on the medical bed.

"Sir," she said, stepping into the room and closing the door behind her. "It's good to see you alive."

Fury managed a weak chuckle. "Takes more than a few bullets to keep me down, May. What's the situation out there?"

May's expression darkened. "It's chaos, sir. HYDRA's making their move. They're painting you as a traitor, and Captain Rogers as your accomplice. The whole agency is in upheaval."

Ace listened intently, his mind racing with the implications. "We need to move fast," he said. "But first, Director Fury needs rest. May, can you stay here and keep watch? I need to check on the others, make sure they're safe."

May nodded, her posture shifting subtly into a defensive stance. "I've got this. Go."

Ace looked at Fury, who gave him a small nod. With that silent approval, Ace turned and strode out of the room, his mind already formulating plans for their next move. The safe house door closed behind him, leaving May and Fury to discuss the dire situation they found themselves in.


A few hours passed, the tension in the safe house palpable as Fury rested and May kept vigilant watch. The silence was broken by the sound of approaching footsteps. May tensed, her hand instinctively moving towards her weapon, but relaxed as she recognized the familiar voices.

Steve Rogers entered first, his face etched with concern and determination. Natasha Romanoff followed close behind, her eyes quickly scanning the room for potential threats. Sam Wilson brought up the rear, carrying a large duffel bag that undoubtedly contained his newly acquired wing-pack suit.

"Director Fury," Steve said, relief evident in his voice as he saw the older man awake and alert on the medical bed. "How are you holding up?"

Fury managed a weak smile. "I've been better, Cap. But I'm not out of the fight yet."

Natasha approached the bed, her expression a mix of concern and professional assessment. "The medical Humagear did good work," she observed, noting the clean bandages and steady vitals on the nearby monitor.

Sam set down the duffel bag, his eyes widening as he took in the advanced medical equipment and the Humagear standing silently in the corner. "Man, when you said safe house, I wasn't expecting a full-on secret hospital," he said, impressed.

Ace, who had been monitoring the situation from a nearby console, stood up to greet them. "I'm glad you made it back safely," he said. "I take it the retrieval was successful?"

Sam patted the duffel bag with a grin. "Oh yeah, we got it. Wasn't easy, but nothing worth doing ever is, right?"

Steve nodded, his expression turning serious. "We've got the equipment, but HYDRA's not going to sit idle. We need to plan our next move."

As the group discussed their next steps, the door burst open, revealing a breathless Maria Hill. Her eyes were wide with urgency as she addressed the room.

"We need to move quickly," Hill announced, her voice tight with tension. "SHIELD is about to launch the Helicarriers in a few days."

The news sent a ripple of alarm through the assembled heroes. Fury, despite his injuries, sat up straighter on his medical bed, his one good eye narrowing with determination.

"Everyone, gather round," Fury commanded, his voice carrying the weight of authority despite his weakened state. "We need to discuss how to stop those Helicarriers."

As if on cue, the door opened again, admitting Phil Coulson, Jin, and Horobi. They quickly joined the others, forming a tight circle around Fury's bed.

"Good, you're here," Fury nodded to the newcomers. "We're going to need all hands on deck for this one."

The room fell silent as Fury laid out the gravity of the situation. Three Helicarriers, each capable of eliminating thousands of targets simultaneously, were about to be launched under HYDRA's control. The implications were catastrophic.

"We can't let those birds take flight," Steve said, his jaw set with determination.

Fury nodded in agreement. "Exactly. And I've got a plan." He paused, looking at each person in the room. "We're going to capture one of the Helicarriers and destroy the other two."

The audacity of the plan hung in the air for a moment before Natasha spoke up. "That's a tall order, Nick. How do you propose we pull that off?"

Fury's lips curved into a slight smile. "With a combination of stealth, force, and a hell of a lot of luck." He turned to Ace. "That's where your Kamen Rider abilities come in handy. We'll need every advantage we can get."

As Fury began to outline the details of the plan, the group leaned in, their faces a mix of determination and concern. The stakes were higher than ever, and they all knew that failure wasn't an option. The fate of millions hung in the balance, and it was up to this unlikely team to tip the scales in humanity's favor.


As the group dispersed to prepare for their daring mission, Ace noticed Steve and Sam huddled in a corner, their voices low but intense. He moved closer, catching snippets of their conversation.

"I can't just leave him out there, Sam," Steve said, his voice tinged with desperation. "He's my friend."

Sam's expression was a mix of concern and skepticism. "Steve, I know he's your friend, but the guy we saw... that's not the Bucky you knew."

Ace approached the pair, his presence causing them to pause their discussion. "I couldn't help but overhear," he said, his voice gentle but firm. "You're talking about the Winter Soldier, aren't you?"

Steve nodded, his eyes filled with a mix of hope and determination. "I have to try to save him. He's been through so much, and it's not his fault."

Ace considered Steve's words carefully before speaking. "Steve, I understand your desire to save your friend. It's admirable, and it's one of the qualities that makes you a hero." He paused, choosing his next words carefully. "But we can't lose sight of our primary mission. The lives of millions are at stake."

Sam nodded in agreement, but Steve's expression remained torn.

"That doesn't mean we can't try to help Bucky," Ace continued. "But we need to approach this strategically. If we encounter him during our mission, we'll do our best to subdue him without causing harm. And once we've stopped the Helicarriers, we can focus on finding a way to help him."

Steve's shoulders relaxed slightly, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "You're right. We can't jeopardize the mission, but I can't give up on him either."

"And you won't have to," Ace assured him. "We'll face this challenge together, just like everything else. But for now, we need Captain America focused on leading us through this crucial mission."

Steve straightened, his resolve visibly strengthening. "Thank you, both of you. You're right, we need to prioritize. But after this, we're going to find a way to help Bucky."

Sam clapped Steve on the shoulder. "That's the Cap we know. One world-saving mission at a time, right?"

As the three of them shared a moment of understanding, the weight of their impending mission hung in the air. They knew that the coming hours would test them all, but with their combined strength and determination, they stood a chance against the formidable forces arrayed against them.

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