A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 86

Alexander Pierce stood in the expansive control room of the Triskelion, his gaze fixed on the massive floor-to-ceiling windows that offered a panoramic view of Washington D.C. The early morning sun cast long shadows across the city, glinting off the Potomac River. He adjusted his tie, a faint smile playing on his lips as he awaited the arrival of his esteemed guests.

The doors slid open with a soft hiss, and four figures entered the room. Pierce turned, his smile broadening as he greeted the World Security Council representatives.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome," he said, his voice smooth and confident. "I'm delighted you could join us for this historic moment."

Councilman Rockwell, a stern-faced man with graying hair, stepped forward. "Mr. Secretary, we're eager to see the fruits of Project Insight. It's been quite an investment."

"I assure you, Councilman, it will exceed all expectations," Pierce replied, gesturing towards the windows. "If you'll direct your attention outside, the launch will begin momentarily."

The council members moved closer to the windows, their faces a mixture of anticipation and curiosity. Pierce stood slightly behind them, his hands clasped behind his back, watching their reactions carefully.

"In mere moments," he continued, "you'll witness the dawn of a new era in global security. These Helicarriers represent the pinnacle of our technological achievements and strategic planning."

Councilwoman Hawley, her eyes narrowed slightly, turned to Pierce. "And you're certain these measures are necessary, Mr. Secretary? The level of surveillance and potential for intervention seems... extreme."

Pierce's smile never wavered. "Councilwoman, in today's world, we can't afford to be reactive. Project Insight allows us to eliminate threats before they even materialize. It's not just necessary; it's our duty to protect the world in this manner."


Steve, Sam, Hill, and Kamen Rider moved swiftly through the corridors of the Triskelion, their footsteps echoing in the tense silence. They reached the communications room, its door secured by a high-tech lock.

"I've got this," Hill said, her fingers flying over the keypad. The lock disengaged with a soft click.

They burst into the room, catching the technicians off guard. Sam and Kamen Rider quickly subdued them, while Hill secured the door behind them.

Steve strode to the main console, his jaw set with determination. He took a deep breath, his hand hovering over the broadcast button. The weight of what he was about to do pressed heavily on his shoulders.

"You ready for this, Cap?" Sam asked, standing beside him.

Steve nodded, his blue eyes filled with resolve. "It's time everyone knew the truth."

He pressed the button, and a red light blinked on, indicating the broadcast was live. Steve leaned towards the microphone, his voice clear and strong as it echoed throughout the entire Triskelion.

"Attention, all SHIELD agents. This is Steve Rogers. You've heard a lot about me over the last few days. Some of you were even ordered to hunt me down. But I think it's time you know the truth."

The room fell silent as Steve's words reverberated through every speaker in the building. In offices, corridors, and control rooms, agents paused, listening intently to Captain America's unexpected message.

"SHIELD is not what we thought it was," Steve continued, his voice carrying the weight of his conviction. "It's been taken over by HYDRA. Alexander Pierce is their leader."

Steve's voice continued to resonate through the Triskelion, his words carrying a mix of urgency and determination.

"The STRIKE and Insight crew are HYDRA as well. I don't know how many more, but I know they're in the building. They could be standing right next to you. They almost have what they want: absolute control."

Throughout the building, agents exchanged wary glances, some reaching for their weapons while others stood frozen in disbelief.

"They shot Nick Fury and it won't end there. If you launch those Helicarriers today, HYDRA will be able to kill anyone that stands in their way, unless we stop them."

In the control room, Alexander Pierce's face contorted with anger as he listened to Steve's broadcast. He barked orders to his loyal HYDRA agents, demanding they shut down the communication system.

Steve's voice grew more impassioned as he continued, "I know I'm asking a lot, but the price of freedom is high. It always has been. And it's a price I'm willing to pay. And if I'm the only one, then so be it. But I'm willing to bet I'm not."

In various parts of the building, loyal SHIELD agents began to move, ready to fight against the HYDRA infiltrators. Some drew their weapons, while others locked down sensitive areas to prevent HYDRA from gaining further control.

"You all have a choice," Steve said, his voice filled with conviction. "You can stand by and let HYDRA win, or you can fight. Fight for what's right. Fight for the freedom we've sworn to protect."

As Steve spoke, Sam and Kamen Rider watched the monitors, seeing the chaos erupting throughout the Triskelion. Agents were taking sides, confrontations breaking out in corridors and offices.

"HYDRA thinks they can control us through fear," Steve continued, his voice growing stronger. "But they're wrong. We won't be intimidated. We won't back down. Because when you stand for freedom, you're never alone."

In the room, Hill nodded approvingly at Steve's words, her eyes scanning the security feeds for any immediate threats to their position.

Steve took a deep breath before delivering his final words. "So stand with me now. Stand against HYDRA. Stand for SHIELD – the real SHIELD. The one that protects, not controls. The one that saves lives, not takes them. Together, we can stop HYDRA. Together, we can save SHIELD. The choice is yours. But I know where I stand."

With that, Steve ended the broadcast, the red light on the console fading to black. The room fell silent for a moment, the weight of his words hanging in the air.

As the broadcast ended, Sam turned to Steve with a mixture of awe and admiration. "Man, how did you come up with that speech on the spot? That was something else."

Steve's lips quirked into a half-smile, a hint of bashfulness in his eyes. "I didn't. I've been thinking about what to say ever since we found out about HYDRA. Just had to wait for the right moment."

Their moment of camaraderie was cut short by a sudden rumble that shook the building. Hill's fingers flew across the keyboard, pulling up security feeds on the main screen. Her face tightened as she watched the massive hangar doors slowly opening.

"They're launching the Helicarriers," she announced, her voice tense. "We're out of time."

Steve's expression hardened, his jaw set with determination. "Then we move now. Sam, Kamen Rider, you're with me. We need to get to those carriers before they're airborne."

Hill nodded, her eyes never leaving the screens. "I'll stay here and coordinate. I can guide you through the chaos and keep you updated on HYDRA's movements."

Sam and Kamen Rider moved towards the door, ready for action. Steve paused, looking back at Hill. "You sure you'll be okay here alone?"

Hill's lips curved into a confident smirk. "Please. I've got the entire building's security system at my fingertips. I'll be fine. Now go, before those carriers get too high."

Steve nodded, his shield gleaming as he adjusted it on his arm. "Keep us posted, Hill. And watch your back."

As they left the room, Hill turned back to the console, her fingers already dancing across the keys. She pulled up multiple feeds, tracking the movements of both HYDRA and loyal SHIELD agents throughout the building.

Outside, the Helicarriers began to rise, their massive engines roaring to life. The air thrummed with tension as SHIELD agents loyal to Steve's call scrambled to intercept HYDRA operatives trying to reach the launch bay.

Steve, Sam, and Kamen Rider raced through the corridors, their footsteps echoing in the chaos. Hill's voice crackled in their earpieces, guiding them through the safest route to the carriers.

"There's heavy fighting near the east stairwell," Hill reported. "Take the service elevator to your right. It'll get you to the launch bay faster."


As Steve, Sam, and Kamen Rider burst through the doors leading to the Triskelion's expansive launch pad, they were greeted by the deafening roar of engines. The three massive Helicarriers loomed before them, their hulls gleaming in the sunlight as they slowly ascended into the sky.

Kamen Rider, knowing the gravity of the situation, reached for the Desire Driver secured at his waist. With practiced movements, he unclasped the device and held it before him. The air around him seemed to crackle with energy as he announced, "Henshin!"

In a fluid motion, Kamen Rider secured the Desire Driver around his waist. The belt's metallic surface glinted as it locked into place with a satisfying click. He then produced the Twin Command Buckle, its intricate design catching the light as he held it aloft.

[Set, Great] The Desire Driver's mechanical voice rang out as Kamen Rider inserted the Twin Command Buckle into the device.

A surge of energy exploded outward, enveloping Kamen Rider in a cocoon of light. The transformation began in earnest, particles of energy swirling around him like a tempest. His body was engulfed in a sleek, form-fitting suit that materialized piece by piece.

First, the chest plate formed, its deep blue color accented with silver lines that pulsed with energy. The armor extended to his shoulders, forming robust pauldrons that offered both protection and increased mobility. His arms were encased in segmented armor, each piece locking into place with precision.

The leg armor came next, materializing from the ground up. It was streamlined yet sturdy, designed for both agility and power. As the armor reached his feet, specialized boots formed, their design promising enhanced speed and jumping capability.

Finally, the helmet took shape. It was a masterpiece of design, with large, compound eyes that glowed with an otherworldly light. The helmet's crest extended upward, giving Kamen Rider an imposing silhouette.

[Ready, fight!]

As the transformation completed, a wave of energy pulsed outward, momentarily illuminating the entire launch pad. Where Kamen Rider once stood, now Geats Raising Form stood tall, the armor gleaming in the sunlight.

Steve and Sam, despite the urgency of their situation, couldn't help but stare in awe at the transformation. The air around Geats seemed to hum with power, his very presence exuding strength and determination.

Sam was the first to snap out of his amazement. With a nod to his companions, he activated his wing pack. The mechanical wings extended with a satisfying whir, and in seconds, Sam was airborne. He soared towards the ascending Helicarriers, his form silhouetted against the sky as he prepared to draw their fire.

"Good luck," Steve called out, his voice barely audible over the roar of the Helicarriers' engines.

Steve turned to Geats, his expression set with determination. "You take that one," he said, pointing to the Helicarrier on their right. "I'll handle this one. We need to move fast before they get too high."

Geats nodded, his voice modulated by the helmet as he spoke. "Understood. Be careful, Captain."

With that, the two heroes sprang into action. Steve sprinted towards the nearest Helicarrier, his enhanced physique allowing him to cover ground at an incredible speed. He leaped onto the ascending carrier, his fingers finding purchase on the metal hull as he began to climb.

Geats, meanwhile, activated his suit's enhanced capabilities. With a burst of speed that would have been impossible in his normal form, he raced towards his designated Helicarrier. As he approached, he crouched low, gathering energy in his legs. Then, with a powerful leap, Geats soared through the air, his form arcing gracefully towards the massive vessel.

As they made their way onto their respective Helicarriers, Sam continued his aerial maneuvers above, drawing fire and attention away from his teammates. The sky lit up with tracer fire as the Helicarriers' defense systems engaged, trying to shoot down the elusive Falcon.

The battle for the fate of SHIELD, and perhaps the world, had begun in earnest. Steve, Sam, and Geats, each on their own path but united in purpose, pressed forward, knowing that failure was not an option.

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