A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 87

As Geats sprinted across the surface of the Helicarrier, his armored feet clanging against the metal, a group of Hydra agents suddenly appeared from behind a nearby structure. Their weapons raised, they opened fire without hesitation, a hail of bullets streaking towards the Kamen Rider.

Geats dodged and weaved, his enhanced reflexes allowing him to avoid the worst of the barrage. But he knew he needed more than evasion to overcome this threat. With a thought, he called out for his weapon.


The announcement echoed across the Helicarrier's deck as the Raising Sword materialized in Geats' hand. The weapon's weight felt reassuring, its blade gleaming in the sunlight.

Without missing a beat, Geats charged towards the Hydra agents. The first swing of his sword cut through the air with a whistling sound, catching one agent off guard and sending him sprawling. The others scattered, trying to maintain their distance while continuing to fire.

Geats moved with fluid grace, each motion of the Raising Sword precise and deadly. He deflected bullets with the flat of the blade, the impacts sending sparks flying. As he closed the distance, the Hydra agents' expressions shifted from confidence to fear.

One agent, bolder than the rest, rushed at Geats with a combat knife. The Kamen Rider parried the attack effortlessly, then countered with a slash that sent the agent tumbling across the deck. Two more opened fire at close range, but Geats spun, his sword a blur of motion that seemed to cut through the very air itself.

The Hydra agents found themselves outmatched, their tactics useless against Geats' superior speed and skill. One by one, they fell to the Raising Sword's strikes, until only a handful remained standing.

After defeating the Hydra agents, Geats paused for a moment, surveying the deck of the Helicarrier. The wind whipped around him, carrying the acrid smell of gunpowder and the metallic tang of blood. He knew his work was far from over.

With determined strides, Geats made his way to the nearest entrance. The door yielded easily to his enhanced strength, and he stepped into the dimly lit interior of the massive aircraft. The corridors stretched before him, a maze of metal and wires. He could hear the distant hum of the engines and the faint echoes of combat from other parts of the vessel.

As Geats moved deeper into the Helicarrier, his senses remained on high alert. He knew that more Hydra agents likely lurked in the shadows, waiting for an opportunity to strike. But he also knew that his mission was critical. He had to reach the control room and disable the targeting system before it could be used to eliminate millions of innocent lives.

Meanwhile, on the last Helicarrier, Jin and Horobi were engaged in their own battle against Hydra's forces. The two Kamen Riders moved in perfect synchronization, their movements a deadly dance of precision and power.

Jin's Attache Calibur sliced through the air, cutting down Hydra agents with ruthless efficiency. His magenta armor gleamed under the harsh fluorescent lights as he spun and dodged, always staying one step ahead of his opponents.

Beside him, Horobi's Attache Arrow sang a deadly song. Each arrow found its mark with unerring accuracy, disabling weapons and incapacitating agents. His scorpion-themed armor seemed to absorb the shadows around him, making him a terrifying sight to the Hydra forces.

The two Riders pushed forward relentlessly, clearing corridor after corridor. Bodies of unconscious or groaning Hydra agents littered their wake. Despite the odds stacked against them, Jin and Horobi showed no signs of slowing down or tiring.

As they approached a junction in the corridors, a squad of heavily armed Hydra operatives emerged, their weapons trained on the Kamen Riders. Jin and Horobi exchanged a quick glance, a silent communication passing between them. In an instant, they sprang into action, their movements perfectly coordinated.

As Jin and Horobi faced off against the squad of Hydra operatives, their synchronized movements betrayed years of fighting together. Jin's Attache Calibur whirled through the air, deflecting a barrage of bullets while Horobi's Attache Arrow found its mark, disarming several agents in quick succession.

The narrow corridor erupted into chaos as the two Kamen Riders pushed forward. Jin's magenta armor blurred with speed as he closed the distance, his fists and feet striking with precision. Horobi, ever the tactician, used the confined space to his advantage, ricocheting arrows off walls to hit targets behind cover.

Meanwhile, on the bridge of the Helicarrier, Alexander Pierce watched the unfolding battle with growing frustration. He barked orders into a comm device, demanding reinforcements to deal with the intruders. His carefully laid plans were unraveling before his eyes, and the thought of failure made his jaw clench with anger.


The World Security Council members stared at Alexander Pierce, their faces contorted with a mixture of shock and anger. The realization that he was part of Hydra, the very organization they had sworn to defeat, left them stunned and betrayed.

Pierce's guards, their faces impassive, raised their weapons and aimed them at the Council members. The tension in the room was palpable, the air thick with unspoken threats and simmering rage.

With a smug smile playing at the corners of his mouth, Pierce addressed the Council. "Gentlemen, ladies, I'm offering you a chance. A chance to be part of something greater, to shape the future of humanity. Join us, and you'll have a place in the new world order we're creating."

The Council members exchanged glances, their eyes reflecting resolve and defiance. One by one, they shook their heads, rejecting Pierce's offer without hesitation.

Pierce's smile faded, replaced by a cold, hard look. He reached for his gun, his intentions clear. The Council members tensed, preparing for the worst.

Suddenly, the female Council member sprang into action. With lightning-fast reflexes, she grabbed Pierce's gun, twisting it out of his grasp. In a blur of motion, she took down the guards, her movements fluid and precise.

As the last guard fell, she turned to face Pierce, who stared at her in disbelief. With a smirk, she reached up and peeled off her face - a hyper-realistic mask. The Council members gasped as Natasha Romanoff's familiar features were revealed.

"Sorry, Pierce," Natasha said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Your new world order will have to wait."


Steve Rogers fought his way through the Helicarrier, his shield a blur of red, white, and blue as he took down Hydra agents left and right. His enhanced strength and agility made quick work of the opposition, but he knew the real challenge lay ahead.

As he rounded a corner, a flash of metal caught his eye. Before he could react, a powerful force slammed into him, sending him crashing against the wall. The Winter Soldier stood before him, his metal arm glinting in the harsh fluorescent light.

Steve's heart raced as he looked into the eyes of his old friend. "Bucky," he said, his voice filled with a mixture of hope and desperation. "It's me, Steve. You know me."

The Winter Soldier's face remained impassive, his eyes cold and unrecognizing. Steve slowly got to his feet, his hands raised in a non-threatening gesture.

"I'm not going to fight you, Buck. You're my friend," Steve pleaded, his voice cracking with emotion. He searched Bucky's face for any sign of recognition, any flicker of the man he once knew.

The Winter Soldier tilted his head slightly, confusion briefly crossing his features. His metal arm whirred as he clenched his fist, ready for combat.

"Who the hell is Bucky?" he growled, his voice low and menacing.

Steve's heart sank at the words. The man before him might wear Bucky's face, but there was no trace of his old friend in those cold, empty eyes. The Winter Soldier advanced, his movements predatory and focused.

Steve braced himself, torn between the need to complete his mission and his desperate desire to save his friend. As the Winter Soldier lunged forward, Steve knew he faced the toughest battle of his life - not just physically, but emotionally as well.

Steve and Bucky clashed in a fierce battle, their movements a blur of superhuman speed and strength. Steve's shield rang out as it deflected blows from Bucky's metal arm, the sound echoing through the Helicarrier's corridors. They were evenly matched, each anticipating the other's moves with uncanny precision.

Bucky's face remained a mask of cold determination as he launched a flurry of punches, forcing Steve to backpedal. Steve countered with a swift kick, momentarily throwing Bucky off balance. They grappled, muscles straining as they tested each other's limits.

Steve's eyes searched Bucky's face for any sign of recognition, any flicker of the friend he once knew. But Bucky's gaze remained empty, his attacks relentless. Their fight carried them through the Helicarrier, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.

Neither could gain the upper hand. For every powerful blow Bucky landed with his cybernetic arm, Steve countered with his shield or a well-timed dodge. The two super-soldiers moved with a deadly grace, their combat a brutal dance of skill and determination.


Natasha Romanoff, her disguise discarded, held Alexander Pierce at gunpoint. Her steely gaze never wavered as she kept the weapon trained on him. Pierce's initial surprise quickly faded, replaced by a look of resigned expectation.

"Well, well," Pierce said, his voice calm despite the circumstances. "I should have known the infamous Black Widow would be involved in this little coup."

Natasha's expression remained impassive. "It's over, Pierce. Your plans for Project Insight end here."

The tension in the room was palpable as the other Council members looked on, their faces a mix of shock and relief. Pierce's eyes darted around, assessing the situation, but he knew he was cornered.

Suddenly, the door slid open with a hiss. Nick Fury strode in, his long coat billowing behind him, his one good eye fixed on Pierce. The room fell silent as Fury's commanding presence filled the space.

"Alexander," Fury said, his voice a low rumble. "I think it's time we had a chat."

Pierce's lips curled into a sardonic smile. "Nick. I thought you were dead."

"Sorry to disappoint," Fury replied, moving closer. "But it takes more than a few bullets to keep me down."

Pierce chuckled, a sound devoid of humor. "Always the survivor, aren't you, Nick? I suppose I should have expected this."

Fury's eye narrowed. "You've been busy while I was away. HYDRA, Project Insight... How long have you been planning this?"

"Longer than you'd believe," Pierce admitted. "The world needed order, Nick. Something SHIELD could never provide."

"Order?" Fury scoffed. "You mean control. Tyranny."

Pierce shook his head. "You lack vision, Nick. Always have. The world is on the brink of chaos. HYDRA can bring the peace and security it needs."

"At the cost of freedom," Fury countered. "That's not a price I'm willing to pay."

The two men stared at each other, decades of history and betrayal hanging between them. Natasha remained vigilant, her gun never wavering from Pierce's head.

Pierce's eyes gleamed with a fervent intensity as he addressed the room. "You don't understand the magnitude of what we're trying to achieve," he said, his voice rising with passion. "The world is a powder keg, ready to explode at any moment. Chaos reigns, and people live in constant fear. What we offer is not tyranny, but salvation."

He paced the room, gesticulating emphatically. "Imagine a world where threats are neutralized before they can materialize. Where peace is not just an ideal, but a reality. That's what Project Insight can deliver. Yes, there's a cost, but isn't the safety of billions worth the sacrifice of a few?"

Fury opened his mouth to retort, but Pierce cut him off. "You've always been too idealistic, Nick. The world doesn't need heroes; it needs guardians. Silent protectors who make the hard choices so others don't have to."

As Pierce's words hung in the air, a thunderous crash echoed through the room. The wall to their left exploded inward, showering them with debris. Through the dust and chaos emerged a towering figure - a woman standing at least seven feet tall, her red hair a stark contrast to the grey rubble surrounding her.

Before anyone could react, the woman lunged forward with inhuman speed, tackling Natasha to the ground. The gun clattered across the floor as Natasha grappled with her assailant.

Pierce's lips curled into a smug smile. "Allow me to introduce you to our newest asset," he said, gesturing towards the pair locked in combat. "This is Man-Killer. I think you'll find her quite... formidable."

Man-Killer pinned Natasha to the ground, her massive frame dwarfing the Black Widow. She leaned in close, a predatory grin spreading across her face. "Well, well," she sneered, her voice a low growl. "If it isn't the famous Black Widow. Not so deadly when you're squashed like a bug, are you?"

Natasha struggled against Man-Killer's grip, her face a mask of determination. The rest of the room watched in stunned silence as the two women faced off, the balance of power suddenly and dramatically shifted.


Jin and Horobi moved swiftly through the dimly lit corridors of the Helicarrier, their footsteps echoing softly against the metal floors. They had already placed several explosive devices throughout the massive aircraft, and now they were approaching the final location for the last bomb.

"This should do it," Jin said, his voice muffled by his Kamen Rider helmet. He held the explosive device in his hand, ready to set it in place.

Horobi nodded, scanning the area for any potential threats. "Let's finish this quickly. We don't want to overstay our welcome."

As Jin knelt to place the bomb, a sudden chill ran down his spine. Horobi tensed, sensing the same ominous presence. Before either of them could react, a figure materialized from the shadows, moving with inhuman speed and grace.

"Well, well," a smooth, cultured voice echoed through the corridor. "What do we have here?"

Jin and Horobi spun around, coming face to face with a man dressed in a black kimono, his long dark hair flowing behind him. His eyes glowed an eerie crimson, and a katana hung at his side.

"Gorgon," Horobi hissed, recognizing the infamous HYDRA operative.

Gorgon's lips curled into a cold smile. "I'm flattered you know of me. But I'm afraid I can't allow you to complete your mission."

Jin and Horobi exchanged a quick glance, silently communicating their next move. In an instant, they sprang into action, Jin lunging forward with a flying kick while Horobi circled to the side, hoping to flank their opponent.

But Gorgon was ready for them. With lightning-fast reflexes, he dodged Jin's attack and parried Horobi's strike with his katana. The clash of metal on metal rang out in the confined space.

"Impressive," Gorgon said, his voice eerily calm despite the intense combat. "But not good enough."

He moved with fluid grace, his strikes precise and deadly. Jin and Horobi found themselves on the defensive, struggling to keep up with Gorgon's superior speed and skill.

As they fought, the explosive device lay forgotten on the floor, the fate of the Helicarrier hanging in the balance.

Kamen Rider Geats sprinted through the Helicarrier's winding corridors, his footsteps echoing against the metal walls. The control room was just ahead, and he could almost taste victory. But as he rounded the final corner, a metallic glint caught his eye.

A massive ball and chain swung towards him with devastating force. Geats reacted instinctively, raising his Raising Sword to block the attack. The impact reverberated through his arms, forcing him to take a step back.

As the dust settled, Geats found himself face to face with Carl Creel, the Absorbing Man. Creel's eyes burned with fury, his massive frame tensed for another attack.

"Back for more, Creel?" Geats taunted, his voice carrying a hint of amusement. "Didn't learn your lesson the first time?"

Creel's face contorted with rage. He hefted the ball and chain, ready to strike again. "I'm gonna crush you, you smug bastard!"

Before Creel could attack, a slender hand rested on his shoulder. Viper stepped out of the shadows, her green hair gleaming in the dim light. "Easy, Carl," she purred, her voice silky smooth. "Remember why we're here."

Creel's muscles relaxed slightly, but his eyes never left Geats. Viper turned to face the Kamen Rider, a dangerous smile playing on her lips.

"We've been sent to stop you, Kamen Rider," Viper announced, her tone almost conversational. "I'm afraid your little mission ends here."

Geats shifted his stance, gripping his Raising Sword tightly. He could feel the tension in the air, thick and oppressive. Two formidable opponents stood before him, blocking his path to the control room.

"We'll see about that," Geats replied, his voice filled with determination. He raised his sword, ready for the impending battle.

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