A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 88

Kamen Rider Geats gripped his Raising Sword tightly, his eyes narrowing behind the mask as he faced the formidable duo of Creel and Viper. The two villains had been sent to stop him from reaching the control room, but Geats was determined to complete his mission.

Creel hefted his ball and chain, the metal links clanking menacingly. "Time to put you in your place, Kamen Rider," he growled, his voice rumbling like thunder.

Viper stepped forward, her lithe frame betraying the deadly grace of her movements. "You've been a thorn in HYDRA's side for too long," she said, her tone dripping with venom. "But now, your little crusade ends here."

Geats tensed, his muscles coiled like springs. "We'll see about that," he retorted, his voice distorted through the helmet's speakers.

Creel swung his ball and chain in a wide arc, the heavy weapon hurtling towards Geats with bone-crushing force. Geats reacted instantly, bringing his sword up to parry the attack. The impact sent shockwaves through his arms, but he held his ground, the Raising Sword glowing faintly as it absorbed the kinetic energy.

Viper took advantage of the opening, her deadly daggers flashing as she launched a flurry of strikes. Geats pivoted, his sword a blur as he deflected the venomous blades. The air crackled with the sound of metal on metal, and Geats could feel the Raising Sword growing warmer in his grasp.

Creel charged in, his massive frame barreling towards Geats. The Kamen Rider braced himself, then executed a well-timed sidestep, causing Creel to stumble past him. As the Absorbing Man turned to face him, Geats unleashed a powerful slash with his sword, the blade biting deep into Creel's side.

Creel roared in pain, his skin rippling as it transformed into solid steel. He swung his chain again, the heavy weapon now moving with even greater force. Geats leaped and twisted, his agility the only thing keeping him from being crushed.

Viper took advantage of Geats' distraction, her daggers flashing as she struck. Geats parried her attacks, but the relentless assault was slowly wearing him down. He could feel the Raising Sword's power building, the glowing light intensifying with each passing moment.

Creel and Viper moved in sync, their combined assault pushing Geats back. The Kamen Rider was forced to constantly shift his focus, his attention divided between the two formidable opponents. Sweat beaded on his brow as he fought to maintain his footing, the Raising Sword's glow now pulsing with a steady rhythm.

Creel and Viper's relentless assault continued to pressure Kamen Rider Geats, the Raising Sword glowing brighter with each passing moment. Suddenly, Geats heard Hill's voice in his comms.

"Geats, the Helicarriers have almost reached the required altitude. You need to hurry!"

Geats gritted his teeth, his grip tightening on the sword's hilt. The Raising Sword was fully charged, and he pulled the lever,


Arcs of energy crackled along the blade as Geats removed the Raise Buckle from the sword. He quickly inserted it into his Desire Driver, the announcement echoing through the corridor: [TWIN SET]

Geats was enveloped in a blinding light as his transformation sequence began. Armor plates shifted and reconfigured, the sleek design giving way to a bulkier, more heavily-armed form. Thrusters emerged from his back, and a pair of powerful cannons materialized on his shoulders.

[TAKE OFF COMPLETE! JET & CANNON! READY, FIGHT] the Desire Driver announced as the transformation completed.

Creel and Viper paused, their eyes widening at the sight of Geats' new form.

"What the-?" Creel growled, his ball and chain poised to strike.

Viper's eyes narrowed, her lips curling into a dangerous smile. "This should be interesting."

Geats raised his cannon-equipped arms, the barrels humming with barely-contained power. "Your reign of terror ends here, HYDRA scum," he declared, his voice amplified by the suit's audio systems.

Creel swung his ball and chain, the heavy weapon hurtling towards Geats. But the Kamen Rider was ready. He unleashed a barrage of energy blasts, the powerful projectiles slamming into the chain and shattering it.

"Impossible!" Creel roared, staring at the broken remnants of his weapon.

Viper darted forward, her daggers flashing as she attacked. Geats pivoted, his enhanced speed and agility allowing him to evade her strikes with ease. He retaliated with a powerful kick, the force of the blow sending Viper skidding back.

"You'll have to do better than that," Geats taunted, his cannons primed and ready.

Creel and Viper exchanged a glance, their expressions hardening with determination. They knew they were outmatched, but they refused to give up.

"This isn't over, Kamen Rider," Viper hissed, her eyes narrowing dangerously.

"We'll see about that," Geats responded, his finger poising over the trigger of his cannon.

Kamen Rider Geats unleashed a barrage of energy blasts from his powerful shoulder cannons, the explosive projectiles slamming into Creel and Viper with devastating force. The two HYDRA operatives were sent hurtling backward, their bodies slamming against the bulkhead with bone-rattling impacts.

Creel, his steel-hard skin now dented and scorched, glared at Geats with undisguised fury. "You're gonna pay for that, Rider!" he roared, lunging forward with surprising speed despite his massive size.

Viper, her movements lithe and graceful, darted to the side, her venomous daggers flashing as she sought an opening in Geats' defenses. The Kamen Rider pivoted, his enhanced agility allowing him to evade their combined assault with relative ease.

Geats raised his cannon-equipped arms, the barrels glowing with barely-contained energy. "Time to end this," he declared, his voice resonating with power through the suit's audio systems.

[COMMAND TWIN VICTORY] the Desire Driver announced, and Geats pulled the trigger. A massive blast of energy erupted from his cannons, the concentrated beams slamming into Creel and Viper with devastating force.

The two HYDRA agents were engulfed in a blinding explosion, their agonized screams echoing through the Helicarrier's corridors. When the smoke cleared, they lay unmoving, their bodies charred and battered.

Geats wasted no time, turning and sprinting towards the Helicarrier's control room. He had to reach the targeting system and allow Ark to hack it, taking control of the massive airborne platforms before they could be used to carry out HYDRA's sinister plans.

As Geats raced through the corridors, he could hear the distant sounds of battle - the clash of metal, the roar of engines, and the shouts of combatants. He knew his teammates were engaged in their own critical missions, and he had to do his part to ensure their success.

Reaching the control room, Geats encountered a squad of HYDRA agents guarding the entrance. Without hesitation, he unleashed a barrage of energy blasts, the powerful projectiles tearing through their ranks and clearing a path.

Stepping over the unconscious bodies of the HYDRA agents, Geats approached the central console, his fingers flying across the holographic interface. He quickly located the targeting system and inserted a specialized hard drive, the device immediately beginning to interface with the Helicarrier's systems.

"Ark, you're in," Geats said, his voice calm and focused. "Take control of the Helicarrier's systems and disable the targeting protocols. We need to stop Project Insight before it's too late."

[ACKNOWLEDGED. HACKING COMPLETE. SYSTEMS UNDER MY CONTROL.] Ark's disembodied voice responded, the AI's presence now firmly established within the Helicarrier's mainframe.

Geats stepped back, his job here done. Now, he had to rejoin the others and ensure the successful completion of their mission. The fate of the world hung in the balance, and they couldn't afford to fail.

With renewed determination, Kamen Rider Geats turned and raced back into the fray, ready to lend his power to the fight against HYDRA's sinister plans.

Scene 2

Jin and Horobi, clad in their Kamen Rider forms, faced off against the imposing figure of Gorgon. The enigmatic villain, draped in a black kimono and wielding a cursed katana, moved with a fluid grace that belied his deadly intent.

Despite Jin and Horobi's combined efforts, Gorgon held his ground, his movements a blur as he deflected their attacks with ease. The corridor echoed with the clashing of steel and the hum of energy as the three combatants engaged in a fierce battle.

Horobi's Attache Arrow fired a barrage of energy arrows, but Gorgon effortlessly sliced through them with his katana, the cursed blade leaving a trail of sparks in its wake. Jin, in his Kamen Rider Jin form, rushed in with a flurry of blows, his agility and speed putting the Gorgon on the defensive.

Yet, Gorgon's own superhuman abilities proved to be a formidable match for the Kamen Riders. He dodged Jin's attacks with uncanny precision, his crimson eyes seemingly able to predict his opponents' movements. Whenever Jin or Horobi gained the upper hand, Gorgon would retaliate with a devastating counterattack, his sword cutting through their defenses with surgical precision.

The two Kamen Riders struggled to coordinate their assault, their teamwork hampered by Gorgon's ability to divide their attention. Horobi fired another volley of energy arrows, but Gorgon deflected them with a single swing of his blade, the arrows ricocheting dangerously close to Jin.

"He's too fast," Jin growled, his frustration evident in his voice. "We need to find a way to slow him down."

Horobi nodded, his mind racing to devise a new strategy. "Then let's overwhelm him with everything we've got."

The Kamen Riders redoubled their efforts, their attacks becoming more coordinated and relentless. Jin unleashed a barrage of energy blasts from his Attache Calibur, while Horobi charged his Attache Arrow, preparing to unleash a powerful Sting Dystopia attack.

Gorgon's eyes narrowed as he recognized the impending danger. He braced himself, his katana poised to deflect their onslaught.

The air crackled with energy as the Kamen Riders unleashed their combined assault, determined to break through Gorgon's defenses and gain the upper hand.

The air crackled with energy as the Kamen Riders unleashed their combined assault, determined to break through Gorgon's defenses and gain the upper hand.

Gorgon's katana became a blur, deflecting the barrage of energy blasts and arrows with effortless precision. Despite the overwhelming onslaught, he maintained his composure, his crimson eyes scanning for any openings.

As the Kamen Riders pressed their attack, Gorgon suddenly vanished, his form dissolving into a swirling mist. Jin and Horobi paused, their sensors sweeping the corridor for any sign of their elusive foe.

A chilling laughter echoed through the hallway, Gorgon's voice dripping with malice. "Impressive, but your efforts are futile. Let me show you the true power of the Gorgon."

Before the Kamen Riders could react, Gorgon reappeared behind them, his katana poised to strike. Jin and Horobi whirled around, but Gorgon's blade was already descending, a deadly arc of silver that seemed to move with supernatural speed.

Jin and Horobi reacted with lightning-fast reflexes, barely evading Gorgon's deadly strike. As the katana descended, they dove in opposite directions, the blade slicing through the air where they had stood moments before.

Seizing the opportunity, Horobi aimed his Attache Arrow and unleashed a powerful Sting Dystopia attack. The energy-infused projectile streaked towards Gorgon, who parried it with a flick of his wrist, the arrow ricocheting off his cursed blade.

Jin rushed in, his Attache Calibur transforming into its blaster mode. He unleashed a rapid barrage of energy shots, each one forcing Gorgon to retreat and focus on defense.

"We can't keep this up forever," Jin shouted, his voice tinged with urgency. "We need to end this quickly."

Horobi nodded, his mind racing. "Then it's time to activate the bombs. We've delayed long enough."

The two Kamen Riders momentarily disengaged from Gorgon, their attention shifting to the task at hand. Activating the detonator devices, they set the countdown in motion, the timer ticking away the precious seconds.

Gorgon observed their actions with a cold, calculating gaze. "So, you plan to bring this entire Helicarrier down. Impressive, but futile."

He launched himself at the Kamen Riders, his katana poised to strike. Jin and Horobi braced themselves, ready to meet his assault head-on.

The corridor echoed with the clash of steel and the hum of energy as the three combatants engaged in a desperate struggle. Gorgon's movements were a blur, his strikes relentless, forcing Jin and Horobi to pour all their skill and power into their defense.

As the countdown neared its end, Jin and Horobi knew they had to act quickly. They redoubled their efforts, their attacks becoming more coordinated and ferocious, determined to overcome Gorgon's formidable abilities.

Horobi fired a barrage of energy arrows, forcing Gorgon to divert his attention. Jin seized the opportunity, his Attache Calibur transforming back into its sword form. He lunged forward, his blade clashing against Gorgon's katana in a flurry of strikes.

The two Kamen Riders pressed their advantage, their teamwork and combined strength slowly pushing Gorgon back. The villain's movements grew more erratic, his breathing labored, as he struggled to maintain his composure under the relentless onslaught.

As the countdown reached its final seconds, Jin and Horobi knew they had to make their move. With a nod to each other, they unleashed their ultimate attack, their energy-infused blows converging on Gorgon in a devastating strike.

The explosion rocked the Helicarrier, the bombs detonating with a thunderous roar. Jin and Horobi braced themselves, their transformations flickering as they weathered the shockwave.

When the dust settled, Gorgon's limp form lay amidst the debris, his katana shattered. The Kamen Riders stood victorious, their mission to disable the Helicarrier's systems one step closer to completion.

Jin and Horobi secured the unconscious form of Gorgon, the villain's limp body a testament to their hard-fought victory. With the bombs detonated and the Helicarrier's systems compromised, the Kamen Riders knew they had to act quickly to escape the doomed vessel.

"We need to get off this Helicarrier," Jin said, his voice tense with urgency. "The whole place is coming down."

Horobi nodded in agreement, already moving towards the nearest exit. "Let's go. We can't afford to get trapped here."

Gripping Gorgon tightly, the two Kamen Riders made their way through the smoke-filled corridors, their senses on high alert for any signs of additional HYDRA agents. The Helicarrier trembled and groaned around them, the damage from the explosions taking a heavy toll.

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