A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 93

Izu and Naki finished making the prototype of the StarSight Augmented Reality. Ace (SSAR) tests all of its functions.

Ace eagerly picked up the sleek, metallic frames, his fingers tracing the smooth contours. "Impressive work, you two. Let's see what these can do."

He slid the glasses onto his face, the lenses flashing to life. Immediately, a holographic display materialized before his eyes, overlaying the world around him with a wealth of information. Ace blinked in amazement as schematics, notifications, and navigational data danced across his vision.

"The heads-up display is fully operational," Izu reported, her voice calm and assured. "You can access a wide range of data, from weather forecasts to real-time traffic updates."

Ace nodded, his gaze shifting as he explored the different menus and controls. "And the communication features?"

Naki stepped forward, her expression serene. "Activated. You can make calls, send messages, and even access digital assistants simply by voice command."

To demonstrate, Ace cleared his throat. "Call Peter Parker." Within seconds, a holographic video call appeared.

Peter's brow furrowed as Ace's face appeared in the holographic call. "Ace? What's up?"

"Peter, hey," Ace replied, his voice tinged with excitement. "Just testing something out. I'll show you next time, okay?" Before Peter could respond, the call abruptly ended.

Ace turned his attention back to the SSAR, his fingers tracing the sleek frame. "Alright, let's see what else these can do." He blinked, and the world around him shifted. Suddenly, the room transformed into a lush, virtual landscape, complete with towering trees and a shimmering lake.

Izu stepped into Ace's line of vision, her form now rendered in crisp, photorealistic detail. "The augmented reality capabilities are functioning as intended," she reported. "You can now interact with and manipulate digital objects within your environment."

Ace reached out, his hand passing through the image of a nearby flower. "Incredible. This is going to change everything." He clenched his fist, determined to harness the full potential of this technology.

As Ace explored the virtual realm, his mind raced with the possibilities. With the StarSight Augmented Reality, the line between the physical and digital worlds had blurred, opening up a world of new opportunities. Ace couldn't wait to show Peter and the others what these glasses could do.

Ace carefully examined the Destiny Star Glasses, turning them over in his hands with a critical eye. The sleek, lightweight design was a far cry from the bulky VR headsets he was familiar with, and the lack of cords was a welcome improvement.

"Well, what do you think, Ace-sama?" Izu asked, her gaze fixed on him expectantly.

Ace hummed in thought, slipping the glasses onto his face once more. The holographic display flickered to life, and he was immediately impressed by the clarity and responsiveness of the AR interface. "It's good. Really good, actually," he admitted, his brow furrowing slightly. "The only thing is the appearance – it still looks a bit like a VR headset."

Naki nodded, her expression serene. "I understand your concern. As this is the first generation of the Destiny Star Glasses, some compromises had to be made in the design."

Ace removed the glasses, his fingers tracing the smooth contours. "I know. And honestly, it's still lightyears ahead of anything I've seen before." He paused, his gaze shifting between Izu and Naki. "This is going to change the game, isn't it?"

Izu's lips curved into a small smile. "That is our hope, Ace-sama. With the SSAR, we aim to bridge the gap between the physical and digital worlds, providing users with a seamless and immersive experience."

Ace nodded, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Then let's get these into production. I want to see what the world makes of them."

Izu inclined her head. "As you wish, Ace-sama. I will oversee the manufacturing process and prepare for the market launch."

Naki stepped forward, her hands clasped behind her back. "I will assist Izu in ensuring the smooth rollout of the SSAR. We will work tirelessly to bring this technology to the public."

Ace felt a surge of pride, his lips curving into a satisfied smile. "Excellent. I have no doubt you'll both do an outstanding job." He paused, his gaze sweeping over the prototype once more. "This is just the beginning, isn't it?"

Izu and Naki exchanged a knowing glance, their expressions reflecting the same sense of anticipation. "Indeed, Ace-sama," Izu replied. "The StarSight Augmented Reality is only the first step in our journey to redefine the way the world interacts with technology."

With a nod, Ace handed the glasses back to Izu, his mind already racing with the possibilities that lay ahead. "Then let's get to work."


A man sat hunched over his laptop, scrolling through the endless stream of comments on the latest smartphone release. His brow furrowed as he read through the varied reactions, each one more passionate than the last.

TechTitan95: "This phone is a game-changer! The new camera is insane, and the battery life is finally up to par."

SiliconGeek42: "Meh, it's just another incremental update. Wake me up when they actually innovate instead of just slapping a new coat of paint on the same old hardware."

BinaryBard314: "The price is ridiculous! I'm not paying that much for a slightly better version of what I already have."

The man sighed, running a hand through his hair. It seemed everyone had an opinion, and they were more than willing to share it with the world. He couldn't help but wonder what the average consumer was supposed to make of all this.

HardwareHero66: "I'm so sick of these companies nickel-and-diming us. When are they going to start focusing on what we really need instead of just chasing the latest trends?"

The man paused, considering the comment. Perhaps there was some truth to that. He leaned back in his chair, mulling over the state of the tech industry and its relentless pursuit of the newest, shiniest gadgets.

The man's eyes were drawn to a new comment that had just appeared, the words catching his attention.

SiliconGeek42: "Check out this new product from Destiny Star - it might be the innovation we've been waiting for: [link]"

Intrigued, the man clicked on the link, which led him to the website for a company called Destiny Star. He scanned the page, his interest piqued by the description of their latest offering - the StarSight Augmented Reality (SSAR).

"Redefine your reality," the bold headline proclaimed. The man read on, learning about the SSAR's holographic interface, real-time data display, and augmented reality capabilities. This seemed to be more than just another incremental upgrade.

As he continued to explore the website, the man couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement.

He scrolled down, taking in the sleek, metallic design of the headset and the impressive list of features. This could be a game-changer, he thought, his fingers hovering over the "Pre-Order" button.

Scene 3

Gwen sat cross-legged on her bed, her textbooks and notebooks spread out around her as she diligently studied for an upcoming exam. The soft glow of her laptop screen illuminated her focused expression, her brow furrowed in concentration.

Suddenly, her phone buzzed with a notification, drawing her attention away from her studies. Gwen glanced down at the screen, her eyes widening as she saw the message – a link to a new promotional video for the StarSight Augmented Reality (SSAR) glasses from Destiny Star.

Curiosity piqued, Gwen tapped the link and watched as the video began to play. The sleek, metallic frames of the SSAR glasses came into view, the holographic interface shimmering with a dazzling array of information and capabilities. Gwen's eyes widened as she witnessed the glasses' ability to seamlessly blend digital content with the real world, providing a truly immersive and enhanced experience.

"Wow," Gwen breathed, captivated by the innovative technology. She couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of owning a pair of these cutting-edge glasses. The idea of having a Heads-Up Display (HUD) right in her field of vision, the ability to communicate hands-free, and the enhanced perception of her surroundings – it all sounded like a dream come true for a budding superhero like herself.

Without hesitation, Gwen reached for her phone and quickly dialed Ace's number. She couldn't wait to learn more about these SSAR glasses and how they might be able to assist her in her crime-fighting endeavors as Spider-Woman.

The phone rang a few times before Ace's familiar voice answered, "Gwen? What's up?"

"Ace, are you making a new product for your company? The StarSight Augmented Reality glasses?" Gwen asked, her words tumbling out in her excitement.

"The SSAR? Yeah, I've been working on them with Izu and the team," Ace replied, his tone casual yet confident. "What do you think of them?"

Gwen couldn't contain her enthusiasm. "They look amazing! I just watched the promo video, and I have to say, those glasses seem like they could be a game-changer. Do you think they could be useful for, you know, my other activities?" she asked, lowering her voice slightly.

Gwen's face fell slightly as Ace responded, "Ah, well, the SSAR was actually designed more for the general public, not really for superhero activities. It's meant to be an everyday augmented reality solution, not something specialized for, you know, web-slinging and crime-fighting."

Disappointment flickered across Gwen's features, but Ace quickly continued, "But, hey, I've been thinking about that, and I'm working on something that could really help you out in your, uh, other pursuits. Just give me a little more time, and I'll have something special cooked up, okay?"

Gwen perked up at Ace's words, a smile spreading across her face. "Really? That's amazing, Ace! I can't wait to see what you come up with. Anything that can give me an edge would be so helpful."

Ace chuckled, "Well, in the meantime, how about I send you one of the SSAR glasses? You can at least check them out and see if they're useful for, well, regular life."

Gwen's eyes widened, and she nearly dropped her phone in her excitement. "Wait, really? You'd do that for me?"

"Of course," Ace replied, a warm tone in his voice. "Anything for my favorite web-slinger. Consider it a thank-you for all the heroic work you've been doing."

"Oh, Ace, thank you so much!" Gwen gushed, her gratitude overflowing. "I really appreciate it. This is going to be so helpful, I can't even tell you."

Ace laughed, "I'm glad you're excited about it. I'll have Izu get one sent over to you right away. Let me know what you think, okay?"

"Definitely!" Gwen said, her smile wide and genuine. "You're the best, Ace-sama!"

Gwen grinned as Ace's voice came through the phone. "Ah, Gwen, one more thing - don't call me Ace-sama, okay? Just Ace is fine."

"Got it, Ace," Gwen replied, her cheeks flushing slightly at the casual correction.

"Alright, well, I should get going. Let me know what you think of the SSAR glasses once you get them," Ace said.

"I will, definitely! Thanks again, Ace. You're the best," Gwen said, her heart swelling with gratitude.

"No problem. Catch you later, Gwen," Ace said before the line went dead.

Gwen set her phone down on the bed, a dreamy smile spreading across her face. She flopped back onto the mattress, staring up at the ceiling as she thought about Ace.

"Ace is so cool," she murmured to herself. "And he's been so supportive, even with all the crazy stuff I've been through as Spider-Woman."

Gwen recalled the times Ace had helped her, whether it was providing information and advice or lending a hand with her superhero activities. He seemed to genuinely care about her well-being and success.

"I'm really lucky to have him in my life," Gwen said, her expression softening. "He's always there for me, no matter what."

Gwen briefly imagined herself and Ace kissing, their lips meeting in a soft, tender embrace. Her heart fluttered at the thought, and she couldn't help the blush that crept across her cheeks.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, what am I thinking?" Gwen said aloud, sitting up abruptly. She felt her face growing hotter by the second as she realized the direction her thoughts had taken.

Gwen threw herself back onto the bed, burying her face in her hands. "Ugh, Gwen, get it together!" she groaned, her voice muffled. "He's just a friend, a really good friend, but that's it. I can't be having these kinds of thoughts about Ace."

Gwen rolled around on the bed, her legs kicking up in the air as she tried to shake the image of their kiss from her mind. "No, no, no, this is not happening. I can't be falling for Ace, that would just complicate everything!"

She let out a frustrated sigh and flopped back onto the mattress, staring up at the ceiling. "Ugh, why does he have to be so sweet and supportive and... and just perfect?" Gwen mumbled, her cheeks still burning.


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