A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 94

The SSAR Glasses Take the World by Storm

The StarSight Augmented Reality (SSAR) glasses, Destiny Star's latest innovation, had taken the world by storm. Since their release, users had been eagerly exploring the endless possibilities of this revolutionary wearable technology.

John, the tech enthusiast, eagerly donned the SSAR glasses, his eyes widening as the holographic display flickered to life. He navigated the intuitive interface, accessing a wealth of information with a simple voice command. "Show me the latest news," he said, and headlines materialized before his eyes, allowing him to stay connected without ever reaching for his phone.

Gwen Stacy, the ever-curious student, found herself captivated by the SSAR's capabilities. She marveled at the way the glasses enhanced her surroundings, overlaying digital maps, schedules, and reminders seamlessly. "This is incredible," she murmured, making a mental note to thank Ace for the opportunity to experience this cutting-edge technology.

Across the city, a group of friends gathered, each sporting a pair of SSAR glasses. They laughed and chatted, their voices occasionally punctuated by exclamations of delight as they discovered new features. "Did you see that?" one of them exclaimed, gesturing excitedly. "I can pull up my workout routine right here!"

The reviews for the SSAR glasses were overwhelmingly positive, with users praising the device's intuitive design and transformative capabilities.

TechTitan95: "The SSAR glasses are a game-changer! The augmented reality features are mind-blowing, and the seamless integration with my digital life is a huge time-saver."

SiliconGeek42: "Destiny Star has really outdone themselves with the SSAR. The level of immersion and customization is unparalleled. I'm never taking these off!"

BinaryBard314: "I was skeptical at first, but the SSAR glasses have completely changed the way I interact. The price tag is worth every penny."

HardwareHero66: "Finally, a piece of wearable tech that actually enhances my daily life instead of just being a gimmick. Destiny Star has set a new standard for the industry."

The buzz surrounding the SSAR glasses continued to grow, as more and more people discovered the transformative power of this augmented reality technology.

The SSAR glasses had become the must-have item of the year, flying off the shelves as soon as they were restocked. Destiny Star's production lines worked around the clock to meet the overwhelming demand, but still, the orders piled up faster than they could fulfill them.

Ace watched the sales numbers climb with a mix of pride and concern. He knew that the success of the SSAR would inevitably draw the attention of other tech giants, eager to replicate the groundbreaking technology.

True to Ace's expectations, rival companies had already begun reverse-engineering the SSAR, attempting to unravel the secrets behind its seamless integration of augmented reality and holographic displays. However, the core of the SSAR's technology stemmed from the advanced systems of the Kamen Rider Zero-One world, a realm of innovation that eluded the grasp of even the most skilled engineers in the Marvel universe.

Izu, Ace's trusted AI companion, monitored the competition's efforts closely, providing regular updates on their progress. "They are struggling to understand the underlying principles of the SSAR's functionality," Izu reported, her voice calm and analytical. "The integration of Hiden Intelligence's AI systems technology appears to be a significant barrier to their replication efforts."

Ace nodded, a small smile playing on his lips.

Ace watched the sales numbers climb, a satisfied smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "The SSAR has been a resounding success," he said, turning to Izu. "I'm glad to see people embracing the technology and discovering its potential."

Izu nodded, her expression calm and composed. "Yes, the response has been overwhelming. However, as you anticipated, other companies are attempting to replicate the SSAR's capabilities."

Ace chuckled, folding his arms across his chest. "Well, they can try all they want, but they're not going to crack the code that easily. The foundation of this technology is rooted in the advancements of the world of Zero-One – something they simply don't have access to."

He paused, a thoughtful look crossing his face. "Except maybe Stark. That man has a way of finding solutions where others see insurmountable obstacles."

Ace leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Any issues I should be aware of, Izu?" he asked, his gaze shifting to his trusted AI companion.

Izu's holographic form flickered to life, her expression serene as always. "No major problems to report, Ace-sama," she replied. "Shesta and the rest of the Humagear team have been managing operations smoothly. Production and sales of the StarSight Augmented Reality glasses continue to exceed projections."

Ace nodded, a slight frown creasing his brow. "I see. I can't help but feel like I should be doing more, though. This is my company, after all."

Izu tilted her head slightly, her eyes conveying a sense of understanding. "Ace-sama, you have entrusted us with the day-to-day responsibilities of Destiny Star. Your role is to provide the vision and strategic direction, while we ensure the efficient execution of your plans."

She paused, her voice softening. "You have done an admirable job of establishing this company and empowering us to support your goals. There is no need to feel guilty about relying on our capabilities. We are here to assist you, just as you are here to guide us."

Ace's shoulders relaxed, and a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "You're right, Izu. I suppose I'm still getting used to this whole 'delegating' thing." He chuckled, shaking his head. "But I'm grateful to have you and the others by my side. Together, we'll continue to push the boundaries of what's possible."


Ace strolled through the bustling halls of Midtown High, his eyes scanning the sea of students. As he made his way down the corridor, he couldn't help but notice the familiar glint of the StarSight Augmented Reality (SSAR) glasses on the faces of his peers.

A group of students, recognizing Ace, waved excitedly and made their way over to him. "Ace! Hey, Ace!" they called out, their voices filled with enthusiasm.

Ace turned, a warm smile spreading across his face. "Hey, guys. Enjoying the SSAR, I see?"

"Are you kidding? These things are amazing!" exclaimed a student named Liz. "The augmented reality features are so cool. We can't believe your company made this."

Ace chuckled, nodding in understanding. "I'm glad you're finding them useful."

Ace basked in the students' enthusiasm, pleased to see the SSAR glasses being put to good use. "I'm happy they're working well for you all," he said, his voice carrying a hint of pride.

Just then, Ace caught a glimpse of familiar blonde hair in the crowd. "Gwen!" he called out, waving to his friend as she made her way towards him.

Gwen's face lit up with a bright smile. "Ace! There you are." She quickened her pace, weaving through the throng of students until she reached his side. "I wanted to thank you again for the SSAR. I have been using them all the time at home. My parents even asked what it was."

Ace chuckled, his eyes crinkling with amusement. "I'm glad you're enjoying them. You deserve the best tech, Gwen." He paused, his expression softening. "You're doing a lot of good out there. It's the least I can do."

Gwen's cheeks flushed at the compliment. "You're the best, Ace. I don't know what I'd do without you." She impulsively stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him in a warm hug.

Ace returned Gwen's hug, wrapping his arms around her slender frame. He relished the warmth of her embrace, his heart swelling with affection. Gwen felt a blush creep across her cheeks as she realized the intimate moment they were sharing in the crowded hallway.

Suddenly, Gwen heard a familiar whistling sound behind her. She turned to see Peter Parker, a mischievous grin plastered on his face.

"Well, well, look who's getting cozy," Peter teased, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

Gwen's blush deepened as she pulled away from Ace's hug, flustered by Peter's playful jab.

"Peter, it's not like that," Gwen protested, her voice tinged with a hint of embarrassment.

Ace chuckled, placing a reassuring hand on Gwen's shoulder. "Don't worry, Gwen. Peter's just being his usual self," he said, his tone light and good-natured.

Peter's grin widened as he watched the interaction between his two friends. "Hey, I'm just calling it like I see it. You two look pretty comfortable together."

Gwen shot Peter a glare,

Gwen punched Peter hard on his arm, her super strength causing him to wince in pain. "Ow! Gwen, come on," he protested, rubbing the sore spot.

Gwen glared at him, her eyes narrowing. The message was clear - shut up. Peter quickly nodded his head, the mischievous grin fading from his face.

Ace smiled, amused by the interaction between his two friends. "Looks like you two are having fun," he said lightly, his tone playful.

Gwen's expression softened as she turned to Ace. "Sorry about that. Peter just can't resist a good tease, you know?" She shot another pointed look at Peter, who raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

"No worries, Gwen. I'm just glad you two are getting along," Ace replied, his smile widening. He enjoyed seeing his friends' camaraderie, even if it sometimes involved a little roughhousing.

Peter looks at the students playing with their SSAR. Peter's expression fell as he thought about the cost of the SSAR glasses. "Man, those things look incredible, but there's no way I could afford them on my Bugle salary," he said, his shoulders slumping.

Ace's brow furrowed as he listened to Peter's words. He knew his friend struggled with finances, always working hard to support himself and Aunt May. An idea began to form in Ace's mind.

"Well, you know, I might be able to help you out with that," Ace said, a warm smile spreading across his face.

Peter's eyes widened in surprise. "What do you mean?" he asked, unsure if he had heard Ace correctly.

"I'd be happy to get you an SSAR. Consider it a gift," Ace replied, his tone sincere.

"Ace, I can't let you do that," Peter protested, his voice laced with disbelief. "Those things must have cost a fortune. I can't just take them from you."

Gwen placed a hand on Peter's arm, her expression one of understanding. "Peter, Ace is offering. Just accept it," she said, her voice gentle but firm.

Peter looked between his two friends, his gaze shifting from Ace's warm smile to Gwen's encouraging nod. Finally, he sighed in resignation, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"Alright, alright. If you insist," he said, his voice tinged with a mixture of gratitude and disbelief.

Ace's smile widened as he placed a hand on Peter's shoulder. "I'm glad you're accepting it. I want you to have the best, Pete. You deserve it."

Peter nodded, a newfound appreciation for his friend's generosity filling his heart. As the three of them continued their conversation, the hallway buzzed with the excitement of Midtown High's students, all captivated by the latest technological marvel from Destiny Star.


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