A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 95

The cafeteria at Midtown High buzzed with the chatter of students, their voices mingling together in a lively symphony. Ace, Gwen, Peter, Ned, and MJ sat together at their usual table, their conversation flowing effortlessly.

"Did you guys see the news about Tony Stark's latest stunt?" Ned asked, his eyes alight with excitement. "He apparently flew his Iron Man suit straight through the middle of a press conference, just to make a dramatic entrance."

MJ rolled her eyes, a wry smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Typical Stark. Always has to be the center of attention."

Gwen chuckled, shaking her head. "You'd think he'd learn to tone it down a bit, but I guess that's just not his style."

Peter laughed, "Come on, MJ, you have to admit it was kind of impressive. I mean, the guy's a genius, even if he is a showboat."

Ace nodded in agreement, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Stark may be a lot of things, but you can't deny his impact. He's really changed the game when it comes to superhero tech."

Ned's eyes widened, and he leaned forward, eager to continue the conversation. "Speaking of superhero tech, Those SSAR glasses are blowing up online!"

Gwen's face lit up at the mention of the SSAR glasses. "Oh, yeah! Ace hooked me up with a pair, and they're amazing. The augmented reality features are so cool."

Ned's eyes widened with a touch of envy as Gwen gushed about the SSAR glasses. "Man, I wish I had a pair of those," he said, only half-joking. "You know, just to, uh, test them out or something."

Ace chuckled, picking up on Ned's subtle longing. "I'll see what I can do, buddy," he said with a wink. "Can't have you feeling left out, can we?"

Peter nudged Ned playfully. "Looks like you're in luck, Leeds. Ace has a soft spot for tech nerds like us."

Ned grinned, his earlier jealousy melting away as he imagined the possibilities of what he could do with the SSAR.

Mary Jane also asked if she could have one because she felt left out. "Ace, do you think I could get a pair of those SSAR glasses too?" she asked sweetly. "I'd love to try them out."

Ace smiled and nodded. "Of course, MJ. I'll make sure you get a set as well. Wouldn't want you to feel left behind."

Mary Jane beamed and leaned in, wrapping her arms around Ace in a warm hug. "Thank you, Ace. You're the best."

Gwen watched the interaction, feeling a pang of jealousy as MJ embraced Ace. Her eyes narrowed slightly, but Ace remained oblivious, happily returning the hug. Gwen quickly composed herself, not wanting the others to notice her reaction.

"That's really great of you, Ace," Gwen said, forcing a smile. "I'm sure MJ will love the SSAR glasses."

Ace nodded, unaware of the subtle tension that had arisen. "Anything for my friends," he said, his tone light and friendly as the group continued their lively discussion.

Ace's phone suddenly chirped, the familiar ringtone cutting through the lively chatter at the lunch table. He glanced down at the screen, his brow furrowing slightly as he recognized the caller ID.

"It's Rogue," he announced, quickly excusing himself from the group. Stepping away, he answered the call, his voice tinged with curiosity. "Rogue? What's going on?"

Rogue's voice came through the phone, slightly shy. "Uh, hi Ace. I was wondering, are you free this weekend?"

Ace paused, considering his schedule. "Actually, yeah, I don't have any plans this weekend. Why do you ask?"

Rogue took a deep breath. "Well, I was hoping maybe... you'd want to go on a date with me?"

Ace felt a smile spread across his face as he remembered their promise from when he had helped the X-Men before. "I'd love to, Rogue. When and where did you have in mind?"

Rogue's relief was palpable in her voice. "How about Saturday? There's this new restaurant I've been wanting to try."

"Sounds perfect," Ace replied. "I'll be there. Can't wait."

As Ace ended the call, he turned back to the table, a grin on his face. "Looks like I've got a date this weekend," he announced, earning curious looks from his friends.

Ned's face lit up with a mix of excitement and envy. "A date? Wow, Ace, that's awesome! I wish I could get a date with someone too." He sighed wistfully, his gaze drifting across the cafeteria.

Ace reached over and gave Ned's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "I'm sure you'll have your chance someday, Ned," he said, flashing his friend an encouraging smile. "You just gotta put yourself out there, you know? The right person is out there waiting for you."

Ned nodded, a glimmer of hope returning to his eyes. "Yeah, I guess you're right. Thanks, Ace. I'm happy for you, man. Just don't forget about us when you're off on your date, okay?"

Ace smiled and nodded at his friends. "Well, I better get going. Gotta get ready for the next class."

He stood up from the table, his chair scraping against the linoleum floor. "I'll see you all later. Enjoy the rest of your lunch."

As Ace turned to leave, his gaze briefly met Gwen's. A flicker of sadness passed across her features, but she quickly masked it with a small smile.

"Have fun on your date, Ace," Gwen said, her voice tinged with a hint of wistfulness.

Ace paused, sensing a shift in Gwen's demeanor, but he didn't dwell on it. "Thanks, Gwen. I'll be sure to tell you all about it when I get back."

With a final wave, Ace made his way out of the cafeteria, his mind already racing with thoughts of his upcoming date with Rogue.

Gwen watched him go, a faint sigh escaping her lips. She knew she shouldn't feel this way, but the idea of Ace spending time with someone else stirred up a mix of emotions within her.

Peter leaned in closer to Gwen, his voice low. "Come on, Gwen, you should go for it."

Gwen's eyes widened, and she shook her head quickly. "I don't know, Peter. What if he doesn't feel the same way? I don't want to ruin our friendship."

Peter placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "You'll never know unless you try. Ace really cares about you, Gwen. I think you have a shot."

Gwen bit her lip, her mind racing as she considered Peter's words. The thought of Ace going on a date with Rogue made her stomach twist with unease. But the idea of putting her heart on the line was terrifying.

"I just...I don't know what to say," Gwen admitted, her gaze dropping to the table. "What if he says no?"

Peter squeezed her shoulder encouragingly. "You won't know until you try. And hey, if he does say no, at least you'll have your answer and you can move on. But I really think you should go for it, Gwen. You never know what could happen."

Gwen took a deep breath, her resolve slowly strengthening. "Okay, I'll...I'll try to talk to him. But I can't promise anything, Peter."

Peter grinned. "That's all I'm asking. Go get 'em, Gwen."


(In the X-Mansion)

Rogue paced back and forth in her room, her brow furrowed in concentration. The closet door stood open, a mess of clothes spilling out as she rummaged through her wardrobe, searching for the perfect outfit.

"Ugh, why is this so hard?" she muttered, sifting through the various fabrics and colors. Ace was different from the guys she normally went out with. This wasn't just some casual outing - it was a real date, and she wanted to make a good impression.

Rogue paused, holding up a sleek black dress against her body. It was stylish and sophisticated, but somehow it didn't feel quite right. With a sigh, she tossed it onto the growing pile on her bed.

"Maybe something more casual?" she wondered aloud, her gaze drifting to a pair of well-worn jeans and a fitted top. Rogue chewed on her bottom lip, picturing Ace's reaction. Would he appreciate the laid-back look, or would he expect something more formal?

The uncertainty gnawed at her. Rogue had never felt this way about a guy before. Ace was special, and she wanted everything to be perfect. But as she stared at the array of clothing options, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of anxiety. What if she chose wrong?

Rogue's frustrated sigh echoed through the room as she tossed another dress aside. "I just can't decide, Kitty. This is supposed to be a real date, you know? I want to look perfect."

Kitty, who had been perched on the edge of Rogue's bed, offered an encouraging smile. "Hey, don't stress about it. You're gonna look great no matter what you wear." She hopped off the bed and made her way to the open closet, her fingers skimming through the array of options.

"What about this?" Kitty pulled out a sleeveless top in a deep burgundy shade, paired with a flowing skirt that hit just above the knee. "I think this would look amazing on you. It's casual, but still really stylish."

Rogue considered the outfit, turning it over in her hands. "Yeah, I like that. It's not too fancy, but it's still put together, you know?" She held the top against her chest, glancing at her reflection in the full-length mirror.

"See, I knew you'd rock it," Kitty said, giving Rogue's arm a reassuring squeeze. "Ace is gonna be blown away, I promise."

Rogue felt a small smile tug at the corners of her lips. "Thanks, Kitty. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Rogue turned as Jean stepped into the room, her long red hair flowing behind her. "Hey, Jean," she greeted, a hint of nervousness in her voice. "Kitty and I were just, uh, trying to figure out what I should wear for my date with Ace tonight."

Jean's eyebrows rose in surprise. "A date with Ace? That's wonderful, Rogue!" She moved closer, her green eyes filled with genuine excitement. "I didn't realize you two were getting so close."

Kitty grinned, elbowing Rogue playfully. "Yeah, our girl's got a hot date. We've been trying to find the perfect outfit, but Rogue's been stressing about it."

Rogue felt a blush creep across her cheeks. "It's just, you know, I want everything to be perfect, and Ace is different from the other guys I've gone out with." She turned back to the mirror, running her fingers over the soft fabric of the burgundy top.

Jean stepped up beside her, placing a reassuring hand on Rogue's shoulder. "Well, I think this outfit is perfect. It's casual but still stylish, and it really complements your complexion." She smiled warmly. "Ace is going to be smitten, I'm sure of it."

Rogue couldn't help but return the smile, feeling a surge of confidence. "Thanks, Jean. I'm just a little nervous, that's all. I really like him, and I don't want to mess this up."

"You won't," Jean assured her. "Ace cares about you, Rogue. Just be yourself, and everything will work out." She gave Rogue's shoulder a gentle squeeze before stepping back.

Kitty nodded in agreement. "Jean's right. Ace isn't like the other guys. He's seen you at your best and your worst, and he still wants to take you out." She grinned mischievously. "Plus, you've got your two favorite X-Women here to help you get ready."

Rogue felt a surge of gratitude for her friends. "You guys are the best, you know that?" She pulled Kitty and Jean into a warm hug, the tension in her shoulders easing slightly.

As they pulled apart, Rogue took a deep breath, her emerald eyes sparkling with determination. "Alright, let's do this. I've got a date to get ready for."


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