A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 96

Ace gazed at his reflection, taking in the details of his carefully chosen outfit. The black slim-fit jeans hugged his legs, the subtle texture adding a refined touch. He tucked the crisp, white button-down into the waistband, the fabric's slight sheen lending a sophisticated air. Shrugging on the dark navy blue blazer, the peak lapel and single button closure accentuated his muscular build.

Securing the black leather belt around his waist, Ace checked his appearance in the mirror. The neatly folded pocket square peeked out from the left breast pocket, completing the ensemble. Satisfied with how he looked, he started toward the garage to retrieve the Tridoron.

"I'm going, Izu," Ace announced.

"Have a safe trip, Ace-sama. Enjoy your date with Rogue-sama," Izu replied, bowing respectfully.

Ace chuckled and flashed Izu a smile. "I will," he assured her.

Stepping into the Tridoron, Ace drove out of the mansion, heading toward the X-Mansion. The journey was smooth, his practiced hands guiding the vehicle with ease. As the grand estate came into view, Ace felt a surge of anticipation.

Pulling up to the front gate, Ace pressed the intercom button, announcing his arrival.

Ororo's voice came through the intercom, crisp and clear. "Who is it?"

Ace leaned forward, speaking into the speaker. "It's Ace. I'm here to see Rogue."

A smile could be heard in Ororo's response. "Ace! Wonderful, we've been expecting you." The gates swung open, granting Ace access to the X-Mansion grounds.

Navigating the winding driveway, Ace took in the grand, stately appearance of the estate. Manicured lawns and towering oak trees surrounded the impressive structure, which radiated an air of history and prestige.

As Ace pulled the Tridoron up to the front entrance, the massive oak doors opened, and Ororo stepped out to greet him. Her regal bearing and striking features were even more captivating in person.

"Welcome, Ace," Ororo said warmly, her blue eyes shining with genuine delight. "Rogue is waiting for you inside." She gestured for him to follow, her white hair cascading elegantly down her back as she turned and led the way.

Ace followed Ororo into the grand foyer of the X-Mansion, his gaze sweeping across the impressive interior. As they entered, he caught sight of Logan and Scott engaged in conversation.

The two X-Men turned as Ace approached, their expressions shifting from casual discussion to welcoming smiles. "Ace, good to see you," Scott greeted, extending a hand.

Ace shook Scott's hand firmly. "Scott, Logan. Thanks for having me."

Logan nodded, his gruff demeanor belying a hint of warmth. "Heard you're takin' Rogue out. Hope you know what you're gettin' yourself into, bub."

Ace chuckled, unfazed by Logan's gruff tone. "I'm prepared for anything. Rogue's worth it."

Scott placed a hand on Ace's shoulder. "We're glad you feel that way. Rogue's been through a lot, but she deserves happiness." He glanced at Logan, a knowing look passing between the two X-Men leaders.

Logan's gruff voice cut through the polite exchange. "I heard you've been gettin' yourself into a lot of trouble lately, kid."

Ace met Logan's piercing gaze unflinchingly. "It comes with the territory of being a hero, I suppose."

A hint of a smirk tugged at the corners of Logan's mouth. "Just make sure not to die, kid. The world needs more people like you, even if you are a pain in the ass sometimes."

Ace chuckled, undeterred by Logan's gruff demeanor. "I'll do my best. Can't let the X-Men down, after all."

The exchange was interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching. Rogue appeared at the top of the grand staircase, her emerald eyes shining with excitement.

"Ace, you made it!" she called out, her Southern drawl adding a warm familiarity to her words. Descending the stairs with effortless grace, Rogue closed the distance between them.

Rogue descended the grand staircase, her long red dress flowing gracefully with each step. The dress was a rich, deep crimson that clung to her curves, accentuating her figure. Intricate lace detailing covered the entirety of the dress, creating a mesmerizing pattern that danced with the movement of the fabric.

The lace extended up to the high neckline, providing modest coverage while leaving Rogue's arms bare. The delicate lace continued down the length of the dress, creating a sense of elegance and sophistication. A slit up the side of the skirt revealed a tantalizing glimpse of her toned leg with each stride.

Rogue's emerald eyes shone with excitement as she approached Ace, her full lips curving into a radiant smile. Ace found himself captivated, unable to look away from her breathtaking beauty. The way the light played across the lace and her porcelain skin left him speechless, his heart pounding in his chest.

Rogue approached Ace, her emerald eyes shining with excitement. "So, how do I look?" she asked, a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

Ace's gaze swept over her, taking in the captivating details of her dress. "Rogue, you look absolutely stunning," he replied, his voice low and smooth. "I'm the luckiest man in the world to have you on my arm tonight."

Rogue felt a blush creep across her cheeks at Ace's charming words. She tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear, her heart fluttering with joy and anticipation.

Rogue's eyes sparkled with admiration as she took in Ace's dashing appearance. "Well, don't you clean up nice?" she teased, her Southern lilt adding a playful charm to her words.

Ace felt his pulse quicken as Rogue's gaze swept over him. "I try my best," he replied, flashing her a confident smile. "But you, my dear, are the one who truly takes my breath away."

The romantic tension between them grew palpable, as if the rest of the world had faded into the background, leaving only Ace and Rogue in each other's view. Rogue leaned in slightly, her emerald eyes locked onto Ace's, the temptation to close the distance between them almost overwhelming.

But before their lips could meet, a familiar gruff voice interrupted the moment. "Alright, lovebirds, that's enough of that," Logan said, clearing his throat to get their attention.

Ace and Rogue snapped out of their romantic stupor, both blushing furiously at Logan's gruff interruption. Ororo shot Logan a disapproving look, her regal features softening with amusement.

"Logan, must you always ruin the moment?" Ororo chided, a hint of playfulness in her voice.

Logan grunted, a lopsided smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Hey, I'm just keepin' an eye on the kid. Can't have him tryin' to sweep Rogue off her feet without my say-so."

Rogue rolled her eyes, a fond smile playing on her lips. "Oh, Logan, you old softie. Ace ain't gonna hurt me, and you know it."

Ace chuckled, sensing the underlying affection in the exchange. "Don't worry, Logan. I'll take good care of Rogue. You have my word."

Scott stepped forward, placing a hand on Ace's shoulder. "We know you will, Ace. Rogue's in good hands." He glanced at Ororo and Logan, a subtle nod passing between the three X-Men.

Xavier, Jean, and Kitty approached the group, their presence commanding attention. "Ace, it's wonderful to see you," Xavier greeted warmly, extending his hand.

Ace shook Xavier's hand firmly. "Professor, the pleasure is all mine. Thank you for having me."

Jean stepped forward, her vibrant red hair framing her serene features. "Rogue's been so excited about your date. She's been looking forward to it for days." A knowing smile played on her lips.

Kitty bounced on the balls of her feet, her youthful energy palpable. "Ooh, Ace! You have to tell us, how does Rogue look?" She leaned in eagerly, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Ace felt a flush of pride swell in his chest. "Rogue is... absolutely breathtaking," he admitted, his gaze drifting back to where she stood. "I've never seen anyone more beautiful."

Rogue's cheeks flushed a deep crimson at Ace's words, her heart fluttering with a mix of joy and disbelief. She knew Ace was smitten, but hearing him speak so openly about her beauty left her feeling both elated and bashful.

Kitty clapped her hands together excitedly. "I knew it! Rogue and I spent hours picking out the perfect dress. We wanted her to look absolutely stunning for you."

Jean nodded in approval, a proud smile gracing her features. "And you, Ace, look quite dashing yourself. Rogue is a lucky woman."

Ace chuckled, his confidence shining through. "I'm the lucky one, to be honest. Rogue is... well, she's one of a kind."

Rogue's blush deepened, and she averted her gaze, suddenly feeling self-conscious under the weight of Ace's adoring stare. "Ace, you're gonna make a girl blush," she murmured, her Southern drawl adding a hint of coyness to her words.

Ace stepped closer to Rogue, his eyes alight with affection. "I can't help it, darling. You simply take my breath away."

Logan cleared his throat gruffly, interrupting the romantic moment between Ace and Rogue. "Alright, you two, that's enough of that. Time to get going before I change my mind about letting you take her out."

Ororo shot Logan a playful look. "Logan, don't be such a killjoy. Let the young ones enjoy themselves." She turned to Ace and Rogue, a warm smile on her face. "Now, you two have a wonderful time. And Ace, do take good care of our Rogue."

Rogue squeezed Ace's arm affectionately. "Don't worry, 'Ro. Ace knows how to treat a lady." She winked at Ace, her emerald eyes sparkling with mischief.

Ace chuckled, offering Rogue his arm. "Shall we, my dear?" He glanced back at the X-Men, a grateful smile on his face. "Thank you all for your hospitality. I promise to have Rogue back before the end of the day."

Rogue playfully nudged Ace. "Before the end of the day, huh? I was hopin' for a bit later than that, sugar."

Ace grinned, leading Rogue toward the Tridoron. "Then I'll bring you back by midnight. I wouldn't want to keep you out too late and face the wrath of our resident Wolverine."

As Ace and Rogue approached the Tridoron, Ace opened the passenger door for Rogue, gesturing for her to step inside. Rogue paused, her hand on the door frame, and turned to Ace, her expression soft and affectionate.

"Ace, I'm really glad you're here," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "This is gonna be a night to remember."

Ace held Rogue's hand and brought it to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on her knuckles. "Rogue, I promise to make this day as memorable as you are," he said, his voice soft and sincere.

Rogue felt her cheeks flush at Ace's tender gesture. "Ace, you're too sweet," she murmured, her emerald eyes shining with affection.

Turning to the X-Men, Ace nodded respectfully. "Thank you all again for your hospitality. We'll be off now."

Logan grunted, a hint of a smile on his rugged features. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do, kid."

Rogue rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh, Logan, you know Ace is a perfect gentleman."

Ororo stepped forward, her regal presence commanding attention. "Enjoy yourselves, you two. And Ace, do take care of our Rogue."

"I will, Ororo. You have my word," Ace replied with a confident smile.

Scott extended his hand to Ace. "Have a wonderful time, Ace. Rogue deserves to be treated like the queen she is."

Ace shook Scott's hand firmly. "I'll make sure she's treated as such, my friend."

Jean approached Rogue, pulling her into a warm hug. "I'm so happy for you, Rogue. You deserve all the happiness in the world."

Rogue returned the embrace, a grateful smile on her lips. "Thank you, Jean. I'm really excited for today."

Kitty bounded over, her youthful energy infectious. "Ooh, Rogue, you have to tell me all about it when you get back! And Ace, you better take good care of her, or else!"

Ace chuckled, unfazed by Kitty's playful threat. "I wouldn't dream of it, Kitty. Rogue is in good hands."

With a final wave, Ace and Rogue turned and headed toward the Tridoron, ready to embark on their memorable date.


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