A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 98

Ace led Rogue to a bustling bowling alley, its neon lights casting a vibrant glow over the lively atmosphere. The air was filled with the rhythmic thud of bowling balls, the clatter of pins, and the laughter of patrons enjoying a night of friendly competition.

Rogue's eyes swept over the scene, taking in the rows of well-maintained lanes, the colorful ball racks, and the inviting seating areas. The walls were adorned with retro-inspired decor, adding to the nostalgic charm of the establishment.

As they approached the counter, Ace turned to Rogue, a playful smile on his lips. "So, my dear, are you up for a game or two?" he asked, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Rogue matched his grin, a confident gleam in her emerald eyes. "Sugar, you know I'm always up for a challenge," she replied, her Southern drawl adding a touch of playfulness to her words.

Ace strode up to the counter, his enthusiasm palpable. "Two games, please," he said, handing over some bills. The attendant quickly processed their order, and Ace gestured for Rogue to follow him.

They made their way to an empty lane, Ace's eyes scanning the setup with the practiced eye of an avid bowler. "After you, m'lady," he said, motioning for Rogue to take the first turn.

Rogue grabbed a ball, the weight familiar in her hands. With a deep breath, she stepped up to the line and let the ball roll, her eyes tracking its path as it thundered down the polished lane. The pins exploded in a satisfying crash, and Rogue turned to Ace with a triumphant grin. "Looks like you've got some competition, sugar."

Ace chuckled, undaunted. "We'll see about that," he said, stepping up to the line. His movements were smooth and confident as he rolled the ball, the pins toppling with a resounding STRIKE. He turned to Rogue, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Looks like I'm not the only one who's got some skills."

Ace and Rogue traded turns, each striving to outdo the other with their bowling prowess. The air was filled with good-natured banter and laughter as they engaged in a spirited competition.

Rogue's brow furrowed in concentration as she lined up her next shot, her fingers gripping the ball with practiced ease. With a graceful swing, she sent the ball hurtling down the lane, toppling the pins with a satisfying crash. She turned to Ace, a triumphant grin spreading across her face.

"Looks like I'm on a roll, sugar," she teased, her Southern charm radiating.

Ace chuckled, unfazed by her success. "Don't get too cocky just yet," he replied, stepping up to the line. His movements were fluid and confident as he released the ball, watching it carve a path through the pins.

The sound of colliding pins echoed through the alley, and Ace turned to Rogue with a playful wink. "Looks like we're neck and neck."

The two continued their spirited game, trading strikes and spares, their laughter and good-natured banter filling the air around them. Both Ace and Rogue were determined to emerge victorious.

Rogue's triumphant grin only grew wider as the final pins clattered to the floor, sealing her victory. She turned to Ace, her emerald eyes sparkling with delight. "Looks like I'm the winner, sugar," she declared, her Southern drawl laced with playful pride.

Ace chuckled, his own competitive spirit undiminished. "Well, you certainly gave me a run for my money," he conceded, a genuine smile spreading across his face. "But I must say, it's been an absolute pleasure watching you bowl."

Rogue arched a brow, her expression coy. "Is that so? Glad to know my skills are appreciated, even if they bested yours." She nudged him playfully, the tension between them giving way to warmth and camaraderie.

Ace's gaze softened as he watched Rogue's joyful expression. Seeing her so carefree and happy filled him with a sense of fulfillment that went beyond the simple game they had just played. "Indeed, my dear," he said, his voice sincere. "Watching you have fun is all the reward I need."

The two continued their friendly banter, the bowling alley's lively atmosphere providing the perfect backdrop for their lighthearted exchange. Ace's competitive spirit may have been momentarily dampened, but the genuine delight he felt in Rogue's victory more than made up for it.


Ace and Rogue exited the bowling alley, the warm glow of the neon signs casting a soft light on their faces. Rogue turned to Ace, a grateful smile on her lips.

"Thank you, sugar, for takin' me out. I had a wonderful time," she said, her Southern drawl adding a hint of playfulness to her words.

Impulsively, she leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. Ace felt a blush rise to his face, his heart racing at the unexpected display of affection.

"The pleasure was all mine, my dear," he replied, his voice tinged with sincerity. "But I'm afraid our date isn't over just yet. There's still more I'd like to show you."

Ace extended his hand, and Rogue eagerly accepted, lacing her fingers with his.

Ace and Rogue continued their stroll down the bustling city street, hand in hand. Suddenly, the sound of a booming voice caught their attention. Rogue glanced at Ace, her brow furrowed with curiosity.

"What's goin' on over there?" she asked,

Ace followed her gaze to a large crowd gathered around a raised platform, where a man stood behind a podium, addressing the audience. His voice carried a sense of authority and conviction.

"My fellow citizens, the time has come to address the growing threat of mutants in our society," the man declared, his gaze sweeping across the crowd. "These so-called 'gifted' individuals pose a danger to our way of life, to our very existence as humans."

Rogue's grip on Ace's hand tightened slightly as she listened to the man's words. She recognized him as Senator Robert Kelly, a prominent figure known for his staunch anti-mutant stance.

"We can no longer ignore the menace of mutants," Kelly continued, his voice rising with intensity. "They possess powers beyond our control, powers that could be used to subjugate us all. We must take action, for the sake of our families, our communities, and the future of humanity itself."

Ace turned to Rogue, his brow furrowed with concern. "Who is that man?" he asked, his voice tinged with unease.

Rogue's expression darkened as she recognized the figure on the platform. "That's Senator Robert Kelly," she said, her words laced with a hint of disdain. "He's been one of the most vocal advocates for anti-mutant legislation in the country."

Rogue's gaze fixed on the senator, her eyes narrowing as she studied him. Kelly was a tall, imposing figure, with a square jaw and piercing blue eyes that seemed to bore into the crowd. His short, graying hair was neatly combed back, and he carried himself with an air of authority that demanded attention.

"He's been pushin' for the Mutant Registration Act, tryin' to force all mutants to register with the government," Rogue continued, her voice low and even. "He sees us as a threat to humanity, somethin' that needs to be controlled and monitored."

Rogue's grip on Ace's hand tightened, and he could feel the tension in her body. "Kelly's been makin' a career outta fearmongerin' and spreadin' lies about mutants," she said, her Southern drawl more pronounced as her emotions bubbled to the surface. "He don't care about the real people behind the powers, just his own political agenda."

Ace listened intently, his heart sinking as he realized the gravity of the situation. The man on the platform, with his cold, calculated words, was painting a target on the backs of people like Rogue, people who simply wanted to live their lives in peace.

Ace and Rogue watched in tense silence as Senator Kelly continued his impassioned speech.

"My fellow Americans, the time has come to take decisive action against the mutant menace," Kelly declared, his voice resonating with conviction. "As your future president, I promise to enact the Mutant Registration Act, a vital measure to ensure the safety and security of our nation."

The crowd erupted in applause, their cheers echoing through the city streets. Rogue's grip on Ace's hand tightened, her expression darkening with each word that fell from Kelly's lips.

"With this act," Kelly continued, "we will identify and monitor all mutants, keeping them under close observation for the protection of our communities. No longer will we allow these dangerous individuals to roam freely, wielding powers beyond our control."

Suddenly, a loud, metallic thud sounded behind the senator, causing the crowd to fall silent. Turning, they watched as a massive, humanoid machine descended from the sky, landing beside Kelly with a ground-shaking impact.

"Behold, the future of mutant control!" Kelly proclaimed, gesturing proudly towards the towering machine. "These are the Sentinels, advanced robotic guardians designed to detect, track, and if necessary, neutralize any mutant threat."

The crowd erupted into awe-filled murmurs, their eyes fixed on the imposing Sentinel. Its angular, metallic frame stood over 20 feet tall, and its two glowing red eyes scanned the crowd with an unsettling intensity.

"With the Sentinels at our disposal," Kelly continued, "we will be able to protect our way of life and ensure that mutants pose no threat to the future of humanity. This is our destiny, our sacred duty as caretakers of this great nation."

As the crowd erupted into thunderous applause, Ace and Rogue exchanged a troubled glance, their thoughts consumed by the looming specter of the Sentinels and the bleak future they portended for mutants like Rogue.

Ace tightened his grip on Rogue's hand as the Sentinel's gaze swept across the crowd. He could feel the tension radiating from her, her body rigid with apprehension.

"The Sentinels are designed with advanced mutant detection capabilities," Kelly boasted, his voice dripping with self-assurance. "They can identify mutants with pinpoint accuracy, even in a crowd like this."

Ace watched in growing unease as the Sentinel's glowing red eyes focused intently on Rogue. The machine's metallic frame shifted, its movements calculated and precise.

"Now, let's demonstrate this remarkable technology," Kelly declared, gesturing towards the Sentinel. "Go ahead, scan the crowd. Show these fine citizens how you can root out the mutant menace."

The Sentinel's head turned, its gaze sweeping across the onlookers. Ace felt Rogue's hand tremble slightly in his own, and he instinctively moved closer to her, shielding her as best he could.

Suddenly, the Sentinel's attention fixed on Rogue, its sensors locking onto her. A mechanical hum filled the air as the machine began its scan, its glowing eyes narrowing with focus.

"Mutant detected," the Sentinel's deep, robotic voice announced, its words echoing through the now-silent crowd. "Subject identified as Anna Marie, also known as Rogue. Threat level: high."

Rogue's breath caught in her throat as the Sentinel's declaration rang out. Ace could feel her pulse quickening, her hand gripping his with a desperate intensity.

"Yes, you see?" Kelly exclaimed, a triumphant smile spreading across his face. "The Sentinels can identify mutants with ease. No more hiding, no more pretending to be 'normal.' The time has come to bring these dangerous individuals under control."

The Sentinel shifted its focus, its massive frame turning towards Rogue. Ace stepped in front of her, shielding her with his own body.

"You won't touch her," he growled, his voice laced with a determination he hadn't felt in years.

Ace's grip tightened around Rogue's hand as the Sentinel shifted its focus towards them. Without a moment's hesitation, he pulled her into a nearby alleyway, the shadows providing temporary cover.

"This way, quickly!" Ace urged, his voice low and urgent.

The pair hurried down the dimly lit alley, their footsteps echoing against the brick walls. Rogue's heart pounded in her chest, her mind racing with fear and uncertainty.

Suddenly, a deafening crash reverberated behind them as the Sentinel burst through the entrance, its massive frame blocking out the light. The machine's glowing red eyes scanned the alley, zeroing in on Rogue's location.

"There you are, mutant," the Sentinel's deep, mechanical voice boomed. "You cannot escape."

Ace and Rogue pressed themselves against the wall, hoping to blend into the shadows. Rogue's hand trembled in Ace's grasp, her powers threatening to flare up and betray their hiding spot.

Carefully, Ace led Rogue deeper into the alley, navigating the narrow passageways. They could hear the Sentinel's heavy footsteps behind them, its pursuit relentless.

"We need to find a way out of this," Ace whispered, his brow furrowed with concern. "That thing won't stop until it has you."

Rogue nodded, her mind racing to find a solution. She knew that the Sentinel's sensors would be able to detect her mutant signature, making it nearly impossible to evade it entirely.

As they rounded a corner, Ace spotted a small alcove, partially obscured by a dumpster. Without a word, he pulled Rogue into the tight space, shielding her from the Sentinel's view.

The machine's heavy footsteps grew louder as it approached, its sensors scanning the alley. Ace held his breath, praying that their hiding spot would remain undetected.

The Sentinel paused, its red eyes sweeping across the alley. Rogue could feel her heart pounding in her ears, the tension almost unbearable.

"The mutant's trail ends here," the Sentinel announced, its voice echoing through the narrow space. "Initiating search protocol."

Ace and Rogue watched in tense silence as the Sentinel began to methodically comb the alley, its massive frame blocking out the faint light.


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