A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 99

The Sentinel's heavy footsteps echoed through the narrow alleyway as it methodically searched for its target. Rogue's heart raced, her eyes darting around the cramped alcove where she and Ace had taken refuge.

"Ace, what are we going to do?" Rogue whispered, her voice laced with fear. "That thing won't stop until it finds me."

Ace's brow furrowed as he considered their predicament. He knew that the Sentinel's advanced sensors would be able to detect Rogue's mutant signature, making it nearly impossible to evade it entirely.

"Rogue, listen to me," Ace said, his voice low and urgent. "I think there might be a way for you to fight back against that Sentinel."

Rogue's eyes widened, a glimmer of hope flickering in her gaze. "How? My powers, they..."

Ace placed a reassuring hand on her arm, cutting her off. "Your powers, Rogue. You can absorb mine."

Rogue shook her head, her expression doubtful. "But I can't. I've never been able to absorb your powers, no matter how much I've tried."

Ace offered her a small, knowing smile. "That's because I've been protecting myself with a special barrier. But now, I'm going to lower it, and you can take my powers."

Rogue stared at him, her mind racing to comprehend the implications. "Your powers? But how...?"

"Trust me, Rogue," Ace said, his voice steady and confident. "With my abilities, you'll be able to fight that Sentinel on equal terms."

Without hesitation, Ace reached out and grasped Rogue's bare hand, his skin making direct contact with hers. Rogue's eyes widened as she felt a surge of energy coursing through her, the familiar sensation of power absorption filling her senses.

Ace's features remained calm and composed, even as Rogue's abilities began to manifest. She could feel the weight of his superhuman strength, the agility of his movements, and the subtle hum of his ghostly powers.

The Sentinel's heavy footsteps grew closer, and Rogue knew they had to act quickly. Focusing on the newfound power coursing through her, she stepped out from the alcove, her expression resolute.

"Hey, metal head!" Rogue shouted, her voice carrying a newfound confidence. "I'm right here."

The Sentinel's red eyes fixed on her, and it let out a deep, mechanical rumble. "Mutant detected. Engaging capture protocol."

Rogue braced herself, her muscles coiled with power. As the Sentinel charged towards her, she knew that with Ace's abilities, she would be able to stand her ground and fight.

Rogue crouched low, her muscles coiled with power as the Sentinel charged towards her. With Ace's abilities coursing through her veins, she knew she had a fighting chance.

As the Sentinel's massive fist came swinging down, Rogue reacted with lightning-fast reflexes. She leaped into the air, her body weightless and agile, and landed atop the Sentinel's outstretched arm. Gripping the metallic surface, she ran up the limb, closing the distance between herself and the towering machine.

The Sentinel's red eyes locked onto Rogue, and it let out a thunderous roar, its other hand swinging around to grab her. But Rogue was ready. Channeling Ace's ghostly powers, she phased through the Sentinel's grasp, reappearing behind its head.

"Time to put an end to you, metal head," Rogue growled, her voice laced with determination.

Summoning Ace's superhuman strength, Rogue gripped the Sentinel's head and, with a powerful twist, wrenched it clean off its shoulders. The decapitated machine toppled to the ground, its lifeless body crashing against the pavement with a deafening thud.

Rogue landed gracefully, the Sentinel's head still clutched in her hands. She stared down at the defeated machine, a sense of triumph washing over her. Ace's powers had given her the edge she needed to take down the formidable Sentinel.

Rogue looked over at Ace, a smug grin spreading across her face. "Well, that was pretty impressive, don't you think?" she said, fishing for a compliment.

Ace nodded, a proud smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "You were amazing, Rogue," he said, his voice brimming with admiration. "Couldn't have done it better myself."

Rogue's expression softened, the praise from her friend filling her with a sense of satisfaction.

The moment, however, was interrupted, as a pair of the towering Sentinels descended from the sky, landing in front of Rogue and Ace. Their massive, metallic frames shook the ground, their glowing red eyes fixed on the two figures before them. A deep, mechanical rumble emanated from their hulking forms, a warning of the imminent threat they posed.

Ace stepped forward, his expression resolute. Reaching down to his waist, he grasped the sleek, metallic belt that materialized around him - the Altering, the transformation device that granted him the power of Kamen Rider Agito.

Pressing the sides of the Altering, Ace triggered the transformation sequence. A deep, resonant voice echoed through the alleyway, announcing his activation.


With a VROOOM sound, Ace's body was enveloped in a blinding light as the Altering's central emblem began to rotate. Segmented metallic bands surrounded him, interlocking and shifting to form the distinct armor of Kamen Rider Agito. The transformation was swift and seamless, and in a matter of seconds, Ace had been replaced by the towering, golden-armored figure of Agito.


Kamen Rider Agito's Ground Form is the default form of Agito. This bold, golden and black armored form exudes a sense of strength and determination.

The prominent horns on the helmet resemble a stag beetle, hinting at the raw power contained within. Agito's red compound eyes glow with focus, conveying his unwavering resolve. The sleek, reinforced design offers both agility and defense.

In Ground Form, Ace is granted enhanced physical abilities - superhuman strength to overpower foes, accelerated speed and reflexes for acrobatic maneuvers, and a remarkable regenerative factor that makes him highly resilient. His senses are also heightened, allowing him to detect and react to threats with precision.

Agito's signature finishing move in this form is the "Rider Kick" - a devastating flying kick that generates a crescent-shaped energy wave to obliterate enemies. This attack exemplifies Ace's mastery of the Agito power and his commitment to the heroic legacy of the Kamen Riders.


The Sentinels' red eyes fixed on the newly transformed hero, and they let out a synchronous, mechanical rumble. Rogue stood beside Agito, her expression determined as she prepared to put Ace's borrowed powers to use.

"Let's do this, Ace," Rogue said, her voice carrying a newfound confidence.

Agito nodded, his stance shifting into a battle-ready pose. "Right with you, Rogue," he replied, his voice deep and authoritative.

Agito stepped forward, his golden armor gleaming in the dim alleyway. The Sentinel's red eyes locked onto him, its metallic frame rumbling with a deep, mechanical growl.

"Threat detected," the Sentinel announced, its voice cold and devoid of emotion. "Engaging defense protocol."

Without hesitation, the Sentinel unleashed a barrage of energy beams, the intense blasts streaking through the air towards Agito. But the Kamen Rider was ready, his enhanced senses and agility allowing him to effortlessly dodge the incoming attacks.

Agito moved with lightning-fast reflexes, his body a blur as he weaved through the energy blasts. He knew that the Sentinel's sensors would be able to track his movements, so he had to stay one step ahead.

Agito's keen senses detected the Sentinel's next move as it reared back its massive arm, preparing to swat him out of the air. Anticipating the attack, Agito leapt effortlessly, his golden form soaring over the Sentinel's outstretched limb.

In a single, fluid motion, Agito ran up the length of the Sentinel's arm, his feet propelling him towards the towering machine's head. Channeling the full force of Ace's superhuman strength, Agito reared back his fist and unleashed a devastating punch, the impact shattering the Sentinel's faceplate and sending it reeling back.

The Sentinel staggered back, its damaged faceplate sparking and sizzling from the impact of Agito's powerful punch. Sensing an opportunity, Agito pressed the left side of his belt, initiating a transformation.

The Altering's central emblem began to rotate, and Agito's armor shifted, the chest plate and left arm turning a vibrant blue. The Altering's glow also changed, now pulsing with a brilliant azure light. From the orb in the center of the belt, the Storm Halberd emerged, and Agito grasped the polearm weapon, pulling it free with a swift motion.


Storm Form:

This transformation shifts Agito's armor to a striking blue, emphasizing speed and precision.

The helmet's crest becomes more angular, resembling a swift bird or insect in flight. The red compound eyes remain, but they shine with an intense, focused glow. The overall design is streamlined, with thinner armor plates and silver accents that accentuate Agito's aerodynamic capabilities.

In Storm Form, Ace's already impressive speed and agility are further enhanced. He can outmaneuver opponents with lightning-fast movements, striking with blinding quickness. The Storm Halberd, a polearm weapon, becomes Agito's primary armament in this form.

The Storm Halberd allows Ace to unleash powerful gusts of wind, capable of knocking enemies off balance or slicing through them with ease.


The Sentinel, its systems recalibrating, let out a menacing growl and raised its massive arms, preparing to unleash another barrage of energy blasts. Agito tensed, the Storm Halberd held at the ready, his stance shifting to a more agile, offensive posture.

The Sentinel's red eyes glowed with malevolent intensity as it prepared to unleash another volley of energy blasts. Agito tensed, his grip tightening around the Storm Halberd, the azure glow of the weapon pulsing with power.

With a deep, mechanical rumble, the Sentinel fired a barrage of searing energy beams, the intense bolts streaking through the air towards Agito. But the Kamen Rider was ready, his enhanced reflexes and agility allowing him to spring into action.

Agito charged forward, the Storm Halberd held before him like a shield. The energy blasts collided with the polearm's blade, the impacts creating a dazzling display of sparks and flashes. Agito pushed against the onslaught, his muscles straining as he weathered the Sentinel's relentless assault.

Sensing an opening, Agito twirled the Storm Halberd, the blade cutting through the air with a whistling hum. He maneuvered the weapon with precision, deflecting the energy beams and pushing ever closer to the Sentinel's hulking frame.

As the Sentinel prepared to fire another volley, Agito seized his chance. With a swift, powerful slash, he brought the Storm Halberd's blade down upon the Sentinel's Achilles heel, the razor-sharp edge slicing through the vulnerable joint.

The Sentinel's leg buckled, and the massive machine dropped to one knee, its balance compromised. Agito pressed his advantage, spinning the Storm Halberd and preparing to deliver the final blow.

Agito gripped the Storm Halberd tightly, its azure glow intensifying as he prepared to unleash his finisher. With a powerful twirl, he spun the polearm at blinding speeds, creating a vortex of wind and energy around him.

The Sentinel, its systems compromised, attempted to raise its remaining arm to defend itself, but it was too slow to react. Agito's Halberd Spin attack sliced through the Sentinel's metallic frame, the powerful gusts of wind and energy tearing it apart.

The Sentinel let out a final, agonizing groan as its body crumpled, the once-imposing machine reduced to a heap of twisted metal and sparking circuits. Agito stood amidst the wreckage, the Storm Halberd held at the ready, his gaze scanning the area for any signs of additional threats.

Rogue tensed as the remaining Sentinel loomed over her, its red eyes gleaming with malevolence. Channeling Ace's borrowed powers, she crouched low, muscles coiled and ready to spring into action.

Without hesitation, Rogue lunged forward, her fist cocked back. With a mighty punch, she struck the Sentinel's chest, the impact sending the towering machine staggering backward. Metal groaned and sparks flew as the Sentinel's systems registered the blow.

Undeterred, the Sentinel retaliated, swinging its massive fist towards Rogue. But this time, Rogue was ready. She caught the Sentinel's fist in her hands, the sheer force of the impact causing the ground to tremble beneath her feet.

With a roar of determination, Rogue pushed back, her enhanced strength allowing her to shove the Sentinel away. The Sentinel stumbled, its balance compromised, and Rogue seized the opportunity to press her advantage.

Darting forward, Rogue unleashed a flurry of blows, each strike punctuated by the sound of metal against metal. The Sentinel's defenses crumbled under the relentless onslaught, its armored plating beginning to crack and buckle.

Sensing the Sentinel's weakening, Rogue knew she had to finish it off before it could regroup. Gathering her strength, she delivered a devastating uppercut, the force of the blow lifting the Sentinel's massive frame off the ground.

The Sentinel's red eyes flickered as its systems began to fail, and with a final, agonizing groan, the towering machine crashed to the ground, its lifeless body lying in a heap of twisted metal.

Rogue heaved, a bit tired from the exertion of her fight with the Sentinel. Agito, still in his transformed state, walked up to her, his golden armor gleaming under the dim lights of the alleyway.

"Rogue, are you alright?" Agito asked, his deep, authoritative voice tinged with concern.

Rogue looked up at the towering Kamen Rider, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "I'm okay, Ace," she replied, using his civilian name. "It's going to take a lot more than a couple of tin cans to keep me down."

Agito nodded, a hint of relief visible in his posture. "I'm glad to hear that. "

Rogue's smile widened, and she placed a hand on Agito's armored forearm. "Thanks for the assist, partner. I couldn't have done it without you."

Rogue's eyes drifted down, noticing the rip in her dress. A faint frown tugged at the corners of her lips as she ran her fingers over the torn fabric. "I guess the date is over," she said, her voice tinged with disappointment.

Ace, still in his Agito form, placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Not at all, Rogue," he said, his deep voice resonating with warmth. "The night is still young, and I have one more stop planned for our date."

At Ace's words, the familiar sound of a high-performance engine echoed through the alleyway. Rogue turned to see the sleek, red form of Tridoron, Kamen Rider Drive's vehicle, gliding towards them. The advanced machine came to a stop, its headlights casting a warm glow over the pair.

Agito gestured towards the car, his golden armor gleaming. "Shall we?" he asked, his tone inviting.

Rogue's expression brightened, a small smile forming on her lips. "Lead the way, sugar," she replied, stepping towards the Tridoron.

Agito opened the door for her, and Rogue slid into the passenger seat, her eyes taking in the sophisticated interior. Ace, now reverted to his civilian form, joined her, settling behind the wheel. With a press of a button, the Tridoron's engine roared to life, and the car smoothly pulled out of the alleyway, leaving the remnants of the defeated Sentinels behind.

As they drove through the city streets, Rogue couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for the final destination of their date. Despite the unexpected interruption, Ace's reassurance had put her at ease, and she knew that the night was far from over.


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