A Saiyan Owl

Chap 26- Kro’s first W?

Chap 26- Kro’s first W?


 ( A/N: Small fix. )



(A/N: Next chaps until start of Z, expect a LOT of fluffy interactions between Muun and Kro when we're seeing their Pov.


I want to get better at it, because I will need it for later on in the future.


So have good ride as always ^^.)



{ Pov Krillin; Kami's house; 07:21 p.m}


'Meditating..... Meditating...'




'How does someone do this for so long ugh...'


Hiya there, name's Krillin, I am introducing my self to whatever is in this eternal darkness around me, who knows maybe I make a friend or two....or maybe not....


Sooo... have been sitting on the beach for nearly.... I don't know four? Five hours? I didn't count, just have been trying to focus on my Ki, and trying to bring It out the faster I can.


It seems like it would be easy huh? Like a Blast or something that's practically instantaneous? But no.


I mean.... Yeah, they're simple, I've been able to use them particularly easy for some time, but this is the concept of firing concentrated Ki faster, think of like an already charged Kamehameha, but faster, still keeping its usual damage the fully charged one would have. That's where I got the idea from, Goku could use it, but not to its full capacities, the quick Kamehameha waves he did, couldn't hold a candle again a full power Kamehameha, or the Super Kamehameha wave as he calls it.


Wanting to try it I have been meditating, and trying to get Ki out of my body faster and faster, it's extremely exhausting, but after some weeks of doing it repeatedly, I got better and better. And now I think I could try a technique that would be highly upgraded if it works as I intend.


*Breathes in*


*fush**jumps up*




Jumping to my feet, still with my eyes close I stretch my hand above my head.


"I don't need my vision... imagine it... faster, and make it go faster as well!"- Feeling the energy in my body start to move up above my hand, while it rotates around it in circles, forming little by little a disk.


'It still slow...but I am gathering way more energy now... so its power should be increased!'- Focusing on it, I open my eyes wide with a serious face, and launching my whole body back with my hand, and slingshotting forward, like I was throwing a rock.-" Destructo Disk!"




A yellow spinning disk of Ki goes.... cutting the sea into two.... and after some miles... it disappears....


Sighing in relief it worked, I look at the sea... It still separated, the high concentration of Ki seems to hold it for a little longer before it goes back to normal and peaceful waves it had before.


"Huff*breathes heavily*, Seriously.... this isn't faster.... but at least I got my Disk even stronger now.... Oh man, it's totally going to take a while to get there huh..."




Falling to my ass, and looking at the starry sky, I sigh and get back to my position like before.


Both legs crossed and each of my arms being on their respectively leg side.-" I will try and see where I get with this... who knows, one day I turn my self into a Gatling-Disk-Gun, ehehe....."


Closing my eyes and trying to get back to that state.




"KRILLIN! COME IN AND DO US SOME FOOD!!" - 'Ugh, forgot about that....'


Getting up and turning to the house, I see the old master looking from the door entrance, sighing I start walking to his side.-" Okay, just wait a second master....."


*Sigh* Should have gone on that journey Yamcha said he would do... He must be doing some cool training there...



{Pov Yamcha; Sandstone montain; 08:12 p.m}


Damn it....*blocks punch!*




Punching forward with a clawed hand the guy just shrugs it off like it's nothing... we have been going like this for a long time by now, stopping for me to eat, drink and bath sometimes, but that was about it, the whole time I would be sparing with him.


Pushing my left leg back, and with the tip of my toes pushing me back, to get some space.


"*breathes heavily*... How..... "- Is all can muster out, this guy is a beast of a man, guy is weaker than me, but his techniques are something that you would call a true master, he parries attacks and return them back to you all that punch energy, I myself have been trying to do the same, but just got some parries in, SOME!


"Yamcha boy, your spirit and body are not together, you move in a way, but your techniques and body don't follow its pace, it's like you're lagging behind your own body the whole time you try something..."- Lagging?... So my body isn't the problem, I am? That would be a whole new problem huh...


Getting ready on my stance again, I will try this then... if myself is the problem, I just need to let go and attack without thinking on the later moves, focusing on the present only...


*breathes in*


*breathes out*


"Let's do this! HAAH! WOLFGANG FIST!"- Rushing forward, and stepping right in front of master Night, I use a clawed straight punch to his midsection, he goes to parry it but, my other hand comes from his other side with a hooked clawed motion. His eyes widen a little, but the second my hook is about to hit, he smiles and that green energy that goes out of his body... turns into a green wolf head and bites my hand effectively stopping it...


"UGHHH!!!"- I try to brute force my way through it, but it doesn't budge-' What the hell is this!'


He looks at where I am trying to hit him and chuckles a little. -" This, young Yamcha, is what you should seek for, the wild and Instinctively active fist, for us who fight with Instinct based styles, such things as thinking about the later move on close quarters is not a very good option, when you get space, think, when you're in front of your opponent act as the situation calls it, like right now, you changed your attack pattern to something better in the middle of it, it should work something like that."


Understanding a little, I nod, he nods back and pushes me back, almost making me trip and fall down the peak of this mountain...


Getting my bearings back, raising both fists again.-" This time! I will hit you clearly!"


His eyes glow even stronger, and now I can see the wolf head appearing all over his body... what a unique technique.- " Then come in, show me what you've been learning from me, show me what your claws that could do nothing besides scratch carpet that day, can do now!"


"Ugh!"- Mannnn.... I still feel that pain from that punch...



{When Yamcha arrived here}


"Show me what your claws can do!"


That was the signal he needed to step up, he rushed forward with his fist like claws ready, and when he got into the attack area.


He started punching like crazy, going for all Night Wolf's vitals, but not one of them had connected, the guy just dodged them.


The speed that the old bandit was moving was absurdly slow, being his first time in a long time in a battle with someone like this, and his hunger and thirsty weren't helping him one bit, with all this together he still fought the best he could.


Kicking to his enemy right thigh side, but Night just raised his left knee and blocked fully the attack.-" Good patterns, even through you're in such a state, your mind still on the combat, but such a thing as fighting using wild techniques with a strategic mind all the time, does not work!"- *PAM!* - "UGHHHHH!!*Spits blood*"


With one open palmed to his chest, Yamcha is sent flying back, *thud!* Sliding now with his back to the ground, until he finally stopped, his eyes being totally white as his mouth hangs open with some blood going down.






Night Wolf gets closer to the Wolf fighter.-" He seems worth, after we get him to a good shape of body and mind, he could succeed me after all these years, I have already achieved my dream, now someone with even greater ones would be perfect to such teachings as mine."


He drags Yamcha to a small path to the side of the mountain peak, leading to a cavern with some structures made from stone, and animal meat drying on the walls.


And let him rest there, when Yamcha did wake up, Night Wolf feed him all he needed, and got to training not even 10 minutes later, and that's how they've been until now.



{Back to Yamcha}


Breathing heavily, our wolf boy prepares to start the real battle, Night seeing this gets in his stance again.


They stare at each other for a second, until Yamcha fires his hand forward like he's punching air, which let his master confused.


Until a smile creeps into his student face, making him side-step, *Boom*, a ball of Ki that flies out of the ground.


Night having already seen this attack, is quite impressed his student used it in this way, a very smart way he would say, using it as a surprise to start a battle.


But it seems he wasn't done yet, Yamcha start running towards Night, the master just waiting to counter and dodge any attacks he needs to.


"HAAAH!"- Following with a straight clawed punch, that was blocked by the master simply slapping it to the side and stepping back, Yamcha already prepared to such a move steps with his whole body very close to the master Night, and unleashes a Wolf Fang-Fist at point-blank distance.


His clawed fist moves at extraordinary speeds, and the master now being way more serious effectively tries to counter them all, but it's only keeping up because of his wolves biting any attack that get too close to him, seeing his attacks will not connect, Yamcha throws back both hands back, still in the clawing motion, and with two balls of Ki in each hand he gives double straight punch forward.


Night, not expected the usage of Ki in close quarters tries to step away, but taking a step with him, Yamcha connects both hands with the energy in his chest.-" GOTCHAA!!!!*BOOOM!!*"- An explosion of debris happens, sending sandstone chunks flying down the mountain, and a big dust cloud to be raised around them.


All around the mountain, tremors happen, even if it still light ones, it can still be felt.


And this dust goes up for a while, until we can finally see two silhouettes in the middle of it.


Yamcha with both his hands stretched forward, and Night with both his own hands to his sides, they're there, just in resting position.


When the dust finally settles, there was a big smile on the old master face.-" You see young Yamcha, I have reached a limit of mine...  A looong time ago, but the young blood like yours, can grow and be something we from the old times, can never even comprehend to be.*closes eyes and looks up*, I have taught you all I know, my techniques are just part of my search in the way of power, I am sure yours will show a different answer as well."


The master, now with a big hole in his chest, starts to decipate into green lights. There was no blood in his wounds, just green energy flowing out, proving that his time was already long gone by.


Yamcha seeing this, stay stunned for a few minutes.


But, finally after understanding what happened, he bows his head while saluting with his right fist in his left open hand, big tears on his eyes.-" THANK YOU MASTER... I SHALL BRING YOUR TEACHINGS WITH ME! TO MY WHOLE LIFE!"- Screaming as some light tears roll down his eyes, Yamcha feels his master vital energy fade away, this old man in front of him, gave such an important lesson to him, ones he would get reminded every time he looked at his own fists.


The lesson, that one shouldn't put a limit on themselves, his master had such a repentance, thinking that after mastering his techniques, he wouldn't need anything more, and that's how stumbled into his own limit, a limit put by himself, and he as his student, will search for what lies beyond his own limits.


"Master, I thank you again *sniff*....*Breathes in*  DAMMMMMNNN ITTT!!!!!"


The scream of a young man, that sounded like a wolf cry, was what many reported that night, a scream of sadness and determination, and the start of his new journey.



{Pov Kro; Kro's house; Void}


"COME BACK HERE!" - I jump from the other side of the couch, but the culprit runs out the door towards the kitchen, and I follow suit.


"COME ON KRO! I WAS JOKING! LET IT GO!"- She jumps to the other side of the balcony, and I cornered her in the cooking area of the kitchen.-" NO! Now you're doing it!"


She said she would.... now she will! Even if she was joking! You don't joke like that with a perfect lady's feelings like me!


Uhm? What she did? Well we're playing some UNO, and I fired a special card asking-' Who would she kiss in this universe?'- The little shit smiled the smuggest I have ever seen her do, and said it was me.


And started to joke around how she would do it, I thought she was joking around like always, until the little shit kabedon'd me, down to the ground... to... just... say -' Honk honk.'- Like a clown nose, and while doing so, giving two squeezes on my cleavage.... and then I had enough, and started to try to make her pay!


"You.... have been playing with me for the last month.... I don't know if it's just your head, but I have been showing repeatedly times already.....


'- At this point I don't know if it's the circumstances, or it's her denseness!'


"*puts arms up* Hey, I don't know what you're talking about... Kron... Kro... arere...."- I knew it...


"Muun.... I am not her... she's not me, we may be similar as hell, but I ain't no clone of that subway addict!"- I jump towards her but she, being the cheeky bird she is...




*Thud*.-"Wha?"- Looking at all the smoke that just appeared, I knew what happened.


I see on top of the balcony, the damned Owl, literally, somehow exuding a deadpan face. -"Hoo~"- ' Look... I don't know where ya got the idea of me thinking of you as her... but that was just an opsie, a beeb,boop opsie, I myself am not like my predecessor, hell, my OG would kill me if she saw how I act.... no joke.'


Pushing my self up, and looking at her dead in the eyes.-' Muun... the problem is not you calling me her name... is you considering me and her identical copy!'- Knowing that her right now is stubbornly fast in Owl form, I just sigh and sit on a chair that was resting by the counter, probably Muun used it to sit there and eat something earlier today.


She looks at me.... expecting to say something... damn it.... I've tried so hard.... but in the end.... it doesn't even matter for this bird....


Okay... you want me to be rough huh? To the point huh? Fuck yeah I can do that.-" Muun...."


She looks at me with her full attention now.-" You... you have been a rock head ever since the last time you came by... you didn't know... but that times you got by, were the first times in this life I had felt that kind of physical contact with another one... and you being around too, having a goblin that jokes and can be pretty funny around... you are pretty blunt too... even through it seems to pass by you as 'normal', but... Muun..."- She looks at me and.*POOF!*


With some smoke going everywhere, she now appears sitting on the balcony, leaning down to listen..... -'*Smile* Bad decision... never underestimate a lady's love!'


*graps* -" Eh? AHH!"


Grabbing her by the hand and yanking her to my lap again, but this time she's at my eye level.


Looking at those caramelized yellow orbs, the ones that I want to look only at me, seeing only my reflection this close to them, and having her own in mine.


She blushes....did she finally realize? A little too late, but never too far.


I lean my forehead on hers, making her even more embarrassed.-" Awawa?awawa?wawa?"


"*Giggles* Muun... Mumei, you damned sassy Owl, you made me fall for you, now take responsibility!" - " Eh? hmmp..."


Kissing her in her moment of confusion, I hug her back, and surprisingly she does the same, feeling her mouth on mine, those strong arms on my back, her legs that are parted to each side of the chair, so she can sit on my lap.


We are not very good at this.... but she's trying her best... I will not lose!


Invading her mouth with my tongue with seems to startle her for a second before she counters me with her own, and we wrestle there for a minute or two, tasting each other fluids, only when she had got super red, from embarrassment, had she pushed away, and if she wasn't looking like a tomato, I would push her back now....


"*Breathes heavily*.... Sin.... sin-Since  when? I-I don't have any-anything th-that I ca-can think of as a-"- Pecking her lips and shutting them before she says anything else. She always has been like this, she lowers herself, but it's hard for you to notice, after all, isn't her the "The Great Owl Mumei" As she calls herself? Yeah, but she can be pretty self-destructive, when you practically live inside her head, you see a lot of stuff, and troughs come and go.


Muun don't want to call herself a hero, but she does anything for others when they need help, she would probably sacrifice herself if she saw someone she knows in need of help, but she refuses to even acknowledge herself as a hero... well in a way she thought of herself as selfish, she wants to have fun, but also want to try impeding the death of some who don't need to die, or don't deserve to.


She's a lazy person who does things when she feels like, but when given something to do, she will complete it with all her might.


She's a joker who will try her hardest to make you feel comfortable, being one of her jokes or talks, she tries her best, even through she's super awkward herself.


Also, she's a pure headed, empty-headed bird, she will often not think about herself, or what others think about herself, it works like a shield, but also a block, for the likes of me, who had to force my self to advance if I didn't want the 'Best friends forever!' seat, hell no!


And lastly...*Smiles*, she never.... even when she was in the Void,  doubted me... full trust... What I am supposed to do when someone is such a golden piece in my life? Pick it up, before someone else picks it in the river, first pickers as they say.


"Shut up bird, I love you.... now... your answer?"- I look at her eyes that look comically like swirls spinning at high speeds,-'Now who's without words huh?'.


She opens her mouth slowly.-" I.... I *lower tone* Luv..... you too..... why...you have been the one always there for me.... you can take and accept me... I love you..."- Ou...she talked so low that if she wasn't so close I don't think I would have heard...


But I can't tease her right now, she's almost crying, probably never had anything like this happening to her... well we're two...


Hugging her and making her face rest on my neck, while slightly patting her head, to calm her down-" Go rest a little... okay?"


She shuffles a little, but finally gives in-" Ye..."


Don't worry... I will be here, I always will be here for you...


After all...


I am Kro, Mumei's Perfect System.













What ya think? I tried okay.

Tried my fucking best! Ye!


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