A Saiyan Owl

Chap 27- The little genius

Chap 27- The little genius?


( A/N: A little fix. )



{Pov Muun; Kros's home; Void}





'I feel like a domesticated animal right now....'




We're at the couch at the moment... it has been a day since what she said and did to me... I never had such an embarrassment panic in my life like that before, I literally blue-screened, and couldn't say or do almost anything.


And right now I am laying down with my head on her lap and watching TV, while she pats my head and hums to herself with that confident smug of hers... since when did she become such a straight forward pusher?... where is that one blueberry who would turn red as strawberry with just a small hug....





But still... this is good... Kinda nice, the feeling.


Hmm... still, I want to do something, we have been chilling for the past month, and now I have another one still.


Turning my head to her side lazily, and seeing that she was looking at me instead of the TV.-" Ouh, finally had enough of watching?"


Shaking my head slowly. -" Nah... I kinda want to do something later... like, we could stay chilling here, but it has already been a month Kro... don't you have anything for us to do? Like we played so many board games and digital ones... don't we have any other ones left? Since I feel like right now you wouldn't let me go back to earth to fight Goku and Piccolo..."


She stares at me for a second, showing a thinking face, but she still continues to pat me.


Time passes on, she stays looking at my eyes thinking.


And at this point I am almost falling to sleep here...


Finally, she stops with the patting.-" Hmm, I could find something, I thought about some things that we could try, and why not try and see your status panels? It has been a while hasn't it?"- She tilts her head with one hand following along pointed up.


Buuut, now that she brings it up, I really haven't touched it since getting my ticket at 10K PL, could be nice seeing what I have by now.


"Kay, let's go to the kitchen then, I want a sandwich."- Saying so, I try to get up.


"Nop!*picks up*"




Kro moving faster than me... picks me up in a princess carry... now I have been through everything...


Looking at her with a Stoic face, one that she just ignores and walks to the kitchen with me in her arms.


"Well free ride, I guess."


She walks to the door, and since I am occupying her arms for her to push it open... it just... vanishes?


Seeing my face she laughs a little.-" Hey, you know I can mold this place, what's with the surprised face?"


'Kinda forgot she can do that...'


Nodding at her explanation, she continues going to the kitchen, she stops by the balcony and sits me in there...


"Sit there and wait, I will make you some, just say what you want in it."


"You know I will not run right? And mozzarella and cheese, a lot."


"Huff *turns around*, I know, but sometimes birds like to fly away..."


Seeing that she will just call me a bird and be done with it, I stay on the balcony lazing there.


"I have one more month... then shit will happen nonstop... wait... no... NOO!"- Almost having a breakdown, Kro turns her head to me with that smug face of hers, and with a knife in hand swings it like a magic wand.


"Yesss~ Raditz will stop by in a year, but the other two no~ So what you'll do~ dear~?"


She knew about it... and she didn't remember me... I forgor again!!!


"... I will just hug you like a koala and sleep, or watch something..." Firing that, she blushes a little, but the smugness doesn't go away, tsk.


Seeing my disappointment at not making her lose, she hums a little song and goes back to the cooking.


'Uuuuughhh!! Seriously...'- Staying there looking at Kro do us some sandwiches and Lazily playing with some little balls of Ki.




Finally, seeing two plates with about twenty sandwiches in each one, I smile.


She puts them on the balcony, and not even waiting one more second I get to work.




"Eat slow, the food is not going to run away *sigh*, but now that I am done, what you want to see? On the status I mean?"- She picks up one as well and eats it, delicately, meh, bigger bites, fuller stomach!




"Uhh... Show mye everything on stats, I want to see it."


Kro eats with one hand while her other moves up and down, clicking on different spots in the air.




"There ya go."







■Name: Mumei the Owl


■Gender: Female


■Race: Civilization Owl/Saiyan Hybrid


■Height: 178 cm


■Title: [ Traveler ]; [ Owl Joker ]; [ System High Holder (High intimacy) ];


■Power Level: 12.000 PL


■Forms: □Owl [Mastery 35%](-0.5x PL, but flight is 3x faster) ( PL 6.000, SPEED-PL 36.000 )


● [{ To effectively use a form, it is needed at least [ 5% Mastery ], there is the mark where you can use it easily,  without the need to always have a trigger, or something. }] - Kro




●" Ki control "( Mid-Mid)[Mastery 35%](Passive): Control the energies on the surroundings, and now control your own powers.




●" Flight "(Owl Trait)[Mastery 55%]: As the name says, you fly.




●" Zenkai Plus "(Owl + Saiyan Trait)(Passive): An exponential power that the Saiyans have, now works 5x or more on you as a hybrid.(Situation to work at 100% must be a to-the-death fight)




●" Owltra Instinct "[ Instincts ]: (Owl Trait)(Passive) [Mastery 23%][Increase in 40% in PL] You can dodge and attack on Instinct, only go as far as your own will goes, and when entered concentration levels increase as well, not to be confused with UI, because it's not an absolute thing as UI is.


• Working like a feeling of where the danger will come, and where an attack would be effective, but not always it works, since the mastery of such senses is not at its max.}] ( PL 16.800 )




●" Martial Arts ": Basics Advanced[Mastery 79%](-C Rank): You can fight with fighters who are experienced easily.




●" Owl Side ": [Mastery 6.8%]: The power that comes from the will to cause chaos, and have fun while doing it, gives a bonus in strength that can go from a little, to even overpowering, while exuding an aura of incredible killing intent.( PL 30.000 )




●" Power Ball ": [Mastery 0.5%]: A ball of energy that uses a lot of Ki, but also emanates certain rays that turn Saiyans into big monkeys, or Great Apes, as they call it, not mattering if that time of day is full moon or not.






".... 0.5%..... and what's up with my titles?"- I look at the list with a sour face, but who wouldn't? I don't know jack shit on how to make it work... the Power ball, I was trying doing it as a joke in the HTC with Kro helping me up.


And I did create some sparkles, but then when I did it over and over, it just appeared there... I can't use it... the 5% rule still there, and I have no idea on how to train it besides doing little sparkles and prying for the number to go up.


And my titles...


I look at Kro, who's silently eating.


She looks up from the screen to me, and shrugs.-" I don't know anything *whistles*"


Looking dead in her eyes."...sure."


Sighing and carefully analyzing my system...


I need to confirm something before moving on to the present, if it's a bad as fuck plan, I will need to rethink some stuff.


My Zenkai 2.0 will have a lot of work...


"Hey Kro, my plan that I talked about to you... are things going to work on Namek as I want them to? And can you give me some graphics of possibilities calculated on how much chance I have of survival?"- Need it to confirm if it's really worth it.


She goes on with her clickit clack on the screen, and brings up some graphics and numbers.


There's three of them, a red in the left corner the smallest one, and yellow in the middle, and double the size of the red, and lastly the blue one, who's 3/5 bigger than the yellow one.


But...-"You can put colors on your screens? That's new."


Looking at me from the corner of her eye as she takes a bite of her launch.-" Yeah, it's just outside here that I can't, but I like how they normally look, so I let them be like that. But moving on."


She walks to the screen side, and with a swoop of her hand it turns into a bigger size than our TV.


"Okay... firstly, the red one, you get brutally beaten up, and use the senzu in time, but it needs to be near your end... I wouldn't want such a thing... but, it would fulfill the necessities, and if you complete it successfully, the possibility of facing against the lizard until his last form it's quite high... but that's just a bet.


The yellow one, most likely, you'll be beaten up a lot, and need to heal from it, and getting smaller scaled zenkais compared to almost dying, while still in mid-fight, will work until he decides to end you, then your chance drop even more if you don't have a senzu ready, or not think of a plan on the spot, there's also the possibility of help arriving too.


Blue one... most likely... Muun, heal with each punch, get punched heal, and repeat it, it's not a one in a while like the yellow one, it's a getting hit and healing process, it could work at the start when you'll be practically one shotted if he's already on his final state.... but if he's on any other forms.... gosh we were thinking if he's in his final form.


But if the lizard is in any other form, Muun you could beat him up after the first Zenkai like I said earlier, or just from the get and go of arriving there, gravity training do wonders doesn't it?."


Uhhh.-" So basically, if I get to him in the first forms he has, I can beat him up when we get there or after my first power up, but if I met him when they're facing him already in his final, I could benefit as well.... Gorsh this is confusing me just to think about it... Do I fight him building from ground to up gradually getting stronger... or just one big ol' power up huh..."


Kro decipates the screen and goes back to eating.-" Yeah, is, but we still don't know how things will roll out, like will Frieza even go no Namek? When will you meet him? When DO you want to meet him? *munch*, or you could ask Krillin to make a hole on your chest and eat a Senzu later, there's also the possibility of your training in the one year before Vegeta comes around, but you ain't doing that, are you? Lazybird.."


Looking at her almost laughing at her reference, she doesn't have an inch of sorry in her face.... pfft, poor Vegeta..


And nop... I like being chill and just punching things... not very much doing so every day, but kicking some ass once in a while it is good ya know?


Shaking my head to her suggestion.-"No, I want to give Frieza the Brolly treatment he got, beating his ass while getting stronger and stronger, while he utterly screams with that high-pitched voice of his, annnd I will be laughing my ass off!"


Kro walks to my front with a complicated face and sighs, stretching her hand and putting it on my head... nice.-" My little bird... already thinking about such a thing....*smile* But it would be funny to recreate the hour-long beating, think you can beat him up for the whole Namek exploding thing if it happens?"- Ohh!


"*Malicious smile* Them I will be beating him for like 3 hours or something? Bet!"



{Mount Pauzo; 11:10 a.m}


"Steady... slowly, yeah like that, don't try to force it too much, or it will combust,  Ki can be very explosive when it's out of control."- A hoarse voice coming from a green bald man with antennas in his head.


And what is he doing and where we are?


Right now we're in the same location Goku had been using as his training lot, the whole place is just a gigantic crater.


And in the middle of it are three people sitting.


A man with an orange Gi is by the right side with both his eyes closed, probably meditating as little pebbles float around him.


And by the left side, the kid and the green one, Piccolo is helping Gohan with his Ki control.


This Kid is amazing, they have been teaching him such a basics, and he's already doing full Ki blasts by himself.


The Kamehameha wave was just as easy for him to grasp as it was for Goku, if not even easier!


But he doesn't have all the time to concentrate in such a things, he studies from the 03:00 p.m until 10:00 p.m, and trains from 05:30 a.m until his studies start.


So far he has made huge progress, and his power is increasing at a pace that his dad and Goku.... I mean that his dad and Piccolo are impressed, they even compared him to Mumei at some level, but for them, she is just straight up the final destination as of right now.


"Look, if you condense it even further, the damage will be higher but more concentrated, big and flash attacks aren't all there is to a blast of power, it's also why the Kamehameha is so strong, a fast to fire but still super dense wave of Ki is the key fundamentals to a strong base, remember that."


"*Nods* Okay, so some attacks can appear to be super strong but not do damage at all, got it! *BOOM!* Uuuhhgg...."- The ball of Ki explodes in his hand... making his head turn black coal with the smoke.


Shaking his head Piccolo sighs.-" That's why you can't lose focus, until it turn into muscle memory, you can't lose your concentration, or things can go down the wrong road in the middle of the battle."


"Ehehe~*scratches head*, sorry mister Piccolo..."- Receiving just a grunt in response, and him doing a head spin mentioning for to start from Zero.


"Again from step one, and don't lose focus this time!"


A look of determination shines in the boy's eyes.-" HAI!"












It's Muun's plan confusing? Yeah somewhat, but if you didn't understand it, just see in the future if it will even work to begin with.


Also, sorry if we're going slow on events, but I want to use the time between time-skips to get some character development in, and also, I need to also think about wtf to do in the next Sagas.






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