A Saiyan Owl

Chap 28- Time Flies

Chap 28- Time Flies:



( A/N: A little fix. )


(A/N: Took a while, because, chunky beeg chapter.)


{Pov Kami; Lookout; 08:12 a.m}


Today marks the two-year milestone since young Mumei disappeared from my sights.


I still don't understand how she does such a thing, but we have been getting ready for the things she said that might happen.


The dragon balls are already here in emergency cases.


As of right now I am overlooking the earth, watching some humans going on with their lives.


Goku and Piccolo growing stronger every day as well... There is all also Goku's kid who is showing fantastic progress in his way as a martial artist.


The little one may one day even over throne his dad ohoho...


Going back to watching variously places on earth, just spectating with the expectation to find something.


"Hmm?"- Looking at the north, I felt something strange... it was like a sparkle of Ki that appeared for one second... what could it be? It was small... but the pressure behind the feeling show that said individual was holding himself back a lot...


Could it be?  Yeah, it could be her.






Hearing my assistant walking to my side once more to look at, he also felt it, probably.-" Oh, Kami-sama, it seems she finally decided to show herself, the Owl girl really is good at keeping herself low!"


"Yeah, that is something she is showing great proficiently at, she's great at disappearing."


Young Mumei is someone full of mysteries... she turned herself into the strongest in the spam of three months, if not a little more.


She has a great fighting style, but also very playful one, from what I got watching her training sessions, she also never showed her true strength until now... that's something very frightening, she still who know many times stronger than the second and third strongest in earth.


Now, she said at that time about some dangerous things that may happen, and for her to say "dangerous" I don't know if she mean danger for us or herself, if it's the latter, we're pretty much screwed, being that only herself could try something.*shakes*


"I need to give in a hand... but how?...."- Son Goku already completed my training, Piccolo wouldn't ever train with me, and the small Gohan just started his way into martial arts...


The others too, Tienshinhan, Krillin, Yamcha, Chiaotzu, all of them got themselves to high levels, but it seems that the threat is so large, that such a gains wouldn't do much...


"Kami-sama, what is that you're thinking about sir?"


Continuing looking down I answer my friend.-" Mr.Popo, I was trying to find a way to help the earthlings, but since they've grown so much... I don't think my assistance would be out of any great helping hand here..."


Giving a glance at my face before also going back to look down with a thinking face.


Staying in our silence as we brainstorm ideas.


"Oh! My, then why don't you send Son Goku to the other world to train with the higher ones in rank Kami-sama? I doubt King Yemma would let someone like Piccolo who still not fully cleaned from his sins in, but someone like the pure hearted boy could benefit with it."


My eyes shot open wide with such a suggestion, -'Why didn't I think about it earlier! It will be a little hard to get the permission, but if I can do so, we're going to have another super strong warrior on our side!'


Picking both of Mr.Popo hands and smiling slightly.-" That's it! Mr.Popo you're a genius, with this we can reassure our future even more! Now we just need to ask for the permission... but such a thing might take a while... and doing so, we can only pry nothing happens."


"*Nods* Yeah, but even if it happens, I doubt they wouldn't be able to put a fight at least, and looking at their level of techniques shows that they don't have just power."


I nod at his sayings, they are strong, so they might be able to handle them without even needing for Goku to train in the otherworld... but still it would benefit earth greatly, so I will speak with King Yemma.


Turning around and walking to my room, I first need to have an appointment obviously...-" Mr.Popo, please watch earth in my absence."


"Can do, Kami-sama!"- And letting my friend there, and now going to talk to the one who control where you go in life and death...*sigh*


'This is going to take a while...'



{Desert Island; 08:42 a.m}


Sounds of rocks breaking roam through the sea, creating small shockwaves on the waters.


The sound of grunts and yells come from a very small island, where a bald little man is punching a rock, making it more and more damage as he goes.


"Hah! Ha! ha! ha!"-  Punching at high speeds, he totally massacres the poor rock formation.


As his punches leaving a fist sized craters destroying it more and more with each hit.


Finally, having ended his tests, he puts his left arm in his hips and his other right arm forward in a stance.


A yellow glow appears on his hand, circulating around it, faster and faster. Getting to 5 seconds of charging he fires his arm forward at high speeds. -" HAAH!!"




The sea ravages all around the island, the waves growing in size at the shock, and all around the small island tremors happen.


In front of the bald man, the whole part of the island he fired the beam towards was blown up, just a crater that now fills itself with the seawater.


And while doing so, the small man smiles to himself while looking at his fist.-" I've done it! Took a while, but now I may be having the fastest Ki attack of them, and it's still holding a pretty damn high punch.*clenches hand tightly*, I will not fall behind you friend!"


Shouting to the skies he prepares to go back to his exercises, but another presence that gets closer and closer picks his attention, looking at its direction, he now feeling it better know very well who it is.


"Oh, he's finally done huh, Pual was going on depression with how long he stayed away ehehe."- Close to the clouds, someone flies, not at ultra speeds, but still moderately faster than a train.


He lowers himself to ground level, with a white-bluey Ki aura around him, that disappears when he touches the floor.


Waving at his friend.-" Heya Krillin! Been a minute, hasn't it? How you have been doing pal?"- Yamcha, with a dark green Gi, that looks to be done from animal fur, with some black pants that are tied up by his waist holding it in place, and no shoes, his feet look pretty roughed up from walking naked around, but also show the great resistance he got.


His face still keeps that beard, but he is thinking about doing it, still not sure about it.


Such a looks stuns Krillin a bit, making him think what did his friend do in his time out there?


Approaching the wolf martial artist, and spinning around him. -" *Whistles *, Damn Yamcha,  you finally got full serious on your training, I told you, if you had put more time earlier you would end super strong!"


Scratching the back of his head in embarrassment,  Yamcha also gives a look at the smaller on.-" But you also Krillin, worked up a lot I see, your Ki is super strong now too! What have you been doing all this time? That last attack, I could feel all the way of where I was!"


Now being Krillin's turn to be embarrassed, he put his point finger beneath his nose in a rubbing manner.-" What ya know, I have been developing my Ki Mastery in the last two years, and oh boy did I get good at it, the last attack you felt was a super-quick charged one."


Yamcha eyes bulge comically out of his head.-" What! Super quick my ass! That could wipe Goku and Piccolo by the time from when they fought at the tournament! You could kill them like three times over and over with just that attack! Man, and here I was thinking Neo-Wolf-Fang Fist was cool..."


The last part did interest Krillin.-" Neo? Did you improve yours as well by any means?"



Getting his posture back, Yamcha coughs in his hand a little.-" Yeah, I upgraded it quite a bit, there's also something I am working towards, but it still in such an early stage I don't think it will be usable for a long time."


Putting his hand under his chin, Krillin has an idea. -" Hey, wanna spar? Like, it has been a while since I fought anyone, I assume the same for you?"


Smiling at the idea.-" Sure, But I did fight, but most were usually super weak beasts, so I can't really count them as training ya know."


Krillin nods and start walking to the other side of the island.-" Okay then, so what rules you want in?"


"I dunno, you choose, whatever is fine by me.*shrugs*."- Getting in his wolf stance as he sees Krillin spinning and getting on his own.


"*Smile excitedly* Them let's do this, everything goes, until the Island is destroyed, then it's game!"- A white Aura of Ki explodes around him as he finishes speaking.


Getting it as a signal, Yamcha explodes his own aura out, although not nearly as controlled as Krillin's, his own being way more violent, probably reminiscent of his own style.


" " Go! " "


* * FUUSH! * *


The two rush forward at neck break speed.


Getting front to front, both smiling excited to the aspect of a good fight. Krillin goes for a low left sidekick to Yamcha's stomach, but it's blocked by the other left elbow.


"Cheeky move Krillin!"- He pushes away the kick, destabilizing his opponent for a second, before entering his range with a rain of clawed jabs and crosses, but the smaller man dodges them in a string of hair.


Krillin's eyes move frenetically to all attacks, using Ki to further enhance his vision and dodge in time each attack, Yamcha seeing this isn't going to work, gives one last jab, and then jumps back with his feet sole. And seeing such a thing Krillin think he's retreating, and so it would be his opportunity to try and enter with his own attacks.


He dashes forward, but when he gets closer to the wolf boy, he feels something is wrong, until he looks down a sees Yamcha other feet coming for his chin.


Widening his eyes, it looks like it's going to be a direct hit.-" GOTCHA!"- *FUUUSH!* *BOOM!*


"WHA-UAGH?" - Krillin, using his free hand explodes a ball of energy, giving him a propulsion to Yamcha's right side, very close and ideal for him to connect a knee to his opponent stomach area, with all his strength.


"Still too confident, even all your training huh?" - He looks at Yamcha walking back slowly with a smirk, he knows his friend is too cocky, and needs a beating once in a while, but isn't friends for that?


Kneeling to the ground with all his air lost, breathing heavily, Yamcha tries to get himself back up.


"Augh... It seems... That is something... I didn't get rid of huh... *gets up trembling a little*, But, mistakes usually happen twice. NEO-WOLF!"- His Ki flares up, and going from it's somewhat white-blue before, to a full cyan now.


His eyes become slits, and his teeth fangs grow 2/3 of their original size.


"*Breathes out*, This Krillin, is the results I got, using the Wolf-Fang style as just an attack technique seemed to be wasting all the potential it had, my master taught me on how to use its wild nature to better my own self, this is the Neo-Wolf technique, although I can't use it for very long, so I hope you give in your all too, or you will lose, Krillin."


His voice now way more deeper and more serious, now his eyes glow cyan, and show the fierce spirit of a wolf in his figure.


Being dumbstruck at how his friend has evolved, Krillin, can't help but laugh a little. -" WOW, just Wow Yamcha, you really did it! That's a cool technique! Way flashier than mine ehehe, but since you want to see what I got, okay."


Closing his eyes, Krillin 'eats' all his Ki back inside his body, and the changes appear a second later, his muscles bulk although not oversized, veins start to appear everywhere in his body, but still you can tell the difference, a small white glow appears around his body.


Opening his eyes he gets in his stance looking at his comrade.


"*Breathes out* I don't have a name yet, but I got master Roshi to help me with some things, since he does have that super bulky technique, so I created my own version of it, it works like how we flare up our Ki past our limits for a second, giving us more attack strength, and using its concept, I created this technique, like yours there still a long way, but ya know, its usable."


●Sketch Here:





Not waiting a second more before dashing forward.




Both clash fists, as strong winds trash around the area, rocks and trees that are close are sent flying away. A hole in a circle size is created beneath them with spiderweb cracks everywhere. The sea becomes angrier with way heavier waves too.


Stopping smiling for a second, they push forward with even more force. Sidestepping to the right making Krillin go forward with all his strength, Yamcha brings his keg up for a kick.


But when he launches it, Krillin puts his hand above it launching himself up, effectively dodging it, and kicking the side of Yamcha's face while doing it.


"AH!"- But he doesn't throw the wolf man back, Yamcha tanks the attack with a smile, a single line of blood going down his mouth to his chin.


Grabbing the leg that's kicking him-" Eh? Whaaaaaaaa-*Crash!* Ugh!"- He spins Krillin midair and hulk-smash him into the ground.


He prepares to do it another time, but when he brings the bald for another spin, he receives another sidekick

from Krillin's free leg to the other side of his face.-"Augh!"






And is sent to the last rock formation on the island, destroying it totally on crashing.


Krillin now with some heavy injuries, wipes a little blood that run down his nose, and looks at it.-" *Smiles* Ehehe, haven't had a fun fight like this since when I got against Goku when we're little, but we're running low on time here so.*puts hands together*, YAMCHA! YOU BETTER BE READY!"


Putting both legs far away from one another, and both arms on the right side of his body, one above the other, the Kamehameha wave stance.






Getting out from all those small rocks, an out of breath smiling Yamcha gets up.


He looks at the one who yelled at him-" YOU BET YOUR ASS I AM, COME ON, BRING IT!"


Imitating Krillin's pose, he also starts to charge it.


Seeing this, Krillin sighs, he could just fire a normal wave and be done since how much faster he got at gathering energy for such a basic move, but, he will show to his friend how strong he got.


" " KA-ME-HA-ME - HAAAA!!! " "


Two beams of Ki are fired from each side, and the clash of both of them could result on saying bye bye to the island.






The pure air pressure being fired out of the clash could fry a chicken at the moment, the island trembling, not having a good time at holding such a huge Ki clash.


"UGH!! I AM NOT GETTING ANY GROUND!"- Trying to push even further, Yamcha can't seem to make it move further.


Meanwhile.-" Ehehe, my win bud, HAH!"




Krillin's beam doubles in size, completely overthrowing Yamcha's own attack, the pure disbelief in the wolf man face is something out of a certain pirate's show.


"OY,OY,OY,OY! KRILLIN!!!"- The beam gets closer and closer until it finally gets to the final destination.


"KRILLIN!!!!!!"- Shouting in a very high peached voice that makes the one firing on the other side almost crack up laughing.


Holding his laugh in, he moves both hands down with all his body.-" SIKE!"


And the wave is sent flying up right in front of Yamcha eyes, who was already praying to go to heaven.




A beautiful explosion happens on the sky, displaying various blue colors.




Yamcha falls to his back with both arms and legs open, with a shocked face, but still somehow smile a little. His new technique already deactivated from the looks of it.


"My loss."


Krillin seeing this, walks to his friend side and sits down, also losing his technique.-" Damn, that was intense."


Looking at the bald side Yamcha sighs.-" I might need to use the toilet after this one..."


Finally, having enough of holding it in.-" PFFF... AHAHAHAH! I-I CAN'T! THE GREAT YAMCHA PEED HIMSELF AHHAHA!"




And so as one was laughing his ass off, and the other yelling, the two friend had reunited again.



{Mount Paozu; 09:05 a.m}


"Hey Piccolo! Did you feel that?"- Goku who's at the moment resting beneath a tree together with Gohan and Piccolo, feels the battle that just ended far away from where they are.


"*Nods*, Yeah, the humans are really getting stronger, from what I could tell these Ki signatures must be from your friends."


Smiling widely, the Saiyan gets even more excited to the aspect of his friends getting stronger.


Meanwhile, Gohan is at the side reading and writing down things because of his studies, this way he can train more and still keep up with everything as his mother wants him to.


The boy had gotten way stronger since last year, his potential as a hybrid shining so high, that you would even doubt for a second if you put him in the future against someone that's a living cheat as our Owl, he might give her a run for her money.


Having the burning will in his heart as a fighter that Mumei had put there by showing him the fun of martial arts, the boy now would grow up into an excellent person, as well as actually helping to defend the earth instead of completely stopping training and almost dying because of a golden... he was not even golden... by a white gecko again.


The scene is pretty calming, and they're enjoying it so, Piccolo is meditating, Goku now is jumping around happy his friends got so strong and Gohan is studying.


Peace rain everywhere in this place, together with the wind that carries the leaves.


For some reason, Gohan looks up, it could be said something called him to do so.


And right he was.






"WHAT!?" - Piccolo jumps up and get in battle stance in the same exact second.


Goku doesn't even say anything but just gets ready as well.


As for Gohan, right in front of him, something descended at a much higher speed than he could even see with his eyes. He's just stunned with fear as he sees two red eyes from the dust that was raised from the impact.


"I.... I am the tickle monster!"- A calm yet enthusiastic feminine voice was shouted from the dust.


* * THUD * * - Both Goku and Piccolo fall to their heads with deadpan faces.


"What?"- The kid asks confused, having lost all his fear.


*FUSH!* -" Tickle monster have found her prey!"


Not having not even a moment to rationalize that an unknown girl just appeared in his front.-" PFFTT AHAHAHAH!"


"Tickle Tickle Tickle~"- Tickling the boy's stomach sides she goes almost making him die from laughing, until after some minutes she stops.


"Uah~ Now I am better, Gohan really has grown a lot... they grow up so fast..... hm? I always wanted to say that Kro... give me a break...."


Both the full pledged Saiyan and the Namek now sit down looking at the supposed strongest person around.


Gohan who was laughing like crazy is just confused, he finally sits up, looking at the lady whose talking... to herself?


" Ahh... A miss, sorry for the question... but do I know you?"- Muun just straight up freezes, not being able to respond.


Piccolo seeing this sighs and walks forward accompanied by Goku.-" She's called Mumei The Owl, or at least is what she calls herself, Gohan she's your aunt, that one your mother talks about all the time as being an 'good example' I myself can't see how... she's pretty.... unique you know? And she jokes around a lot, so be prepared."


Nodding to his words Gohan gets up, and bows to his supposed aunt.-" I am sorry aunt... I really don't remember you..."


You can see cracks appearing in the Owl person...


"Why... why... I was going to be the cool aunt.... now I need to it all again....*sighs*, but stopping with the jokes a little, *pats head smiling*, good to see you all grow up lil'Gohan, I took care a little when you were young, not a very long time though, since... I had things to do... yeah."


Nodding at his aunt, Gohan give her a better look, even through she's a girl, his aunt is pretty buffed up, her jacket is tied to her wait, so it gives a full view of her arms.


That's one of the things that are pretty funny about Muun, she usually uses clothes that cover everything, but she's very buffed... after all someone who can destroy a city or planet wouldn't be super strong... like some saiyans.... *Ahem* going back to the story.


Being quite taken aback by the beauty of his aunt Gohan just stares and blushes a little.


[{ Hey kid, it already has an owner, so shoo-shoo away.}]


'*Blank look* He can't hear you... and really Kro... a damn kid?'- Muun crosses her arms looking at the blue screen in front of her.


[{ I have very right to claim what's mine...}]


'*Sigh* Now I turned myself into a pet... I will just ignore you...'- Going back to smile, Muun waves at both the ones getting closer.


Meanwhile, Kro is talking, but is being totally ignored.


"So Mumei! How you have been? Still as strong as ever I see!"- Goku walks up to Muun and taps her shoulders earning himself a smirk from her.


"Hehe, and I see you too, got way stronger! You three may be able to give me some fun if combined! But right now I've come around to pass some time, I will stay around for a pretty long time now, want to play with my nephew a lot!"


The owl being super excited, shows that this is going to be a pretty fun year for Gohan.


"So you will help train him up?"- Piccolo asks the question of the year.


But Muun just laughs a little.-" Maybe, but his base is already superb, best I could do is teach some battle Instincts that could help * turns to Piccolo*, you guys could benefit of it as well, don't know if my knowledge will work for you guys, but wanna try?"


All the three of them widen their eyes, the two adults even more, since the bird is willing to teach them one of her techniques, or at least the principles, but since it's a Racial Skill of hers, the better they could get out of it is some better muscle memory.


[{*Sigh* She really isn't going to listen huh... so let me put this to count down then.}]


[ [ Arrival of the Long-Haired-Ass-Brother << 01 Y:00 M: 00 D : 00 H >>] ]














Ye, this took a while.



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