A Saiyan Owl

Chap 6- Telling ‘some’ truths

Chap 6- Telling 'some' truths:

[A/N: Small grammatical fixes.}


[ {PoV Kro} ]


While both of them fought, I was trying to find something to assist Muun with, she's fighting rather well, but it never hurts to see if I can do something more you know.


And as of right now.....There is nothing...  I can merely observe, and try to get her to remain calm by making some jokes, and offering a piece of advice here and there...


Oh, how the renowned Kro has fallen...


*Ahem* Anyway, as they fight I caught sight of something peculiar, Muun's power, is developing at a very constant pace, but still large enough to be evident...


''Ouch'' flinching a bit... she got hit pretty hard there, but that already got her even stronger,  but it likely is just her acquiring more mastery in her powers, and being able to use more from them.


Now she's exchanging attacks relatively pretty well, for someone who's just started learning, it's pretty astonishing seeing her get better at this pace.


Goku looks to be holding back on the Ki part, but in the raw power aspect is going all out, well if he doesn't do so, it will not even be a fight.


Muun was with approximately 250 PL, and that was her base power when she the hospital,  it was something that I already knew because of the window that holds her stats, though her full is power extent still undisclosed to me.


Then you put her no Ki control, that this morning she learned to put an aura of Ki as a shield, basic thing, but just that already gave her another boost.


And now fighting this Saiyan, she's going all out, and getting better and better at it *smile*.


A while pass by as they fight, Muun gets launched to the forest at high speeds, and with her current stamina being as low as it is, she can't do much.


Snapping every tree in her way as she flies through them, creating a straight pathway of broken trees behind her.


She lost.


But it was already on our plans, she had the power, but not the skillfulness to use it to its peak efficiency.


And she knows that, but even so, she had the Owltra Instinct-pfft...Why did I laugh at that.... It gives a pretty nice refinement in her style but is ultra taxing on her body, as the effects are raised by her Saiyan blood, and she doesn't have much control over it.



A full attack technique, a pretty handy one at that.


After talking with me for a second, she grabs the other black-haired Saiyan's hand he rose, to help her get up.


Now, they're both going to Goku's house. 


It was a nice experience I may say.








Ah yes!


I must discover more ways to help Muun! 


As of right now, I am a GPS and Wikipedia of sorts for her, but in combat...


If I had a body or something, I could kick their asses! The great Kro would be grand again!


But the me right now... Can just give her some understanding and information for the things she for asks, and some other extras from the system itself, the Gacha is vague... it says it needs stupid amounts of power to roll it...


When she hits Frieza saga, she's skyrocketing in power and will be capable of rolling it more, but she seems to want to change things a little, assumably not fearing a certain green bug man, but that one arrives from another timeline, so she just needs to get rid of the current one that isn't born yet, and have fun with the other.


Super Saiyan will also be pretty easy once she hits the milestones required, but from what I got analyzing her, the Ancient Civilization Owl part of her body will clearly have effects on it, likely amplifying it even further and mutating it.


That would be wonderful, a Super Owliyan...


 My sense of naming is being affected by this particular bird...




{PoV Mumei ; Goku's house}




Placing a large turkey leg piece in my mouth, followed by a spoon with a bunch of rice.-"THUS ISH GUUD!!"


[{Eat first, then speak, for Zeno's sake...}]


"Aough *munch* UMAI! *munch*"- Feasting as if my life depends on it, I dig in like crazy.


Looking a little up see Goku... hmm should I call him Sensei? Ye will do that occasionally.


Sensei is demonstrating to me how much wise he is, he's eating at three times my speed!


*cling **cling*


Only being able to merely gape at the sounds of him eating like he's drinking the food down. 


[{Muun, yourself wasn't one tad bit better moments ago.}]


Shush Kro.


Going back to eating, I recall my situation with the woman of the house, Chi-Chi, when she saw me,  she almost immediately began shouting at Goku, but he explained what I was there to do, and although with a little bit of refusal, she agreed with me being taught by him.


And here we are now eating, she's just smiling as if nothing occurred an hour ago... and just slowly brings her hashis to her mouth while both her eyes are closed... scary...


Oh! Her father dropped by a few minutes ago, good guy, chitchatted with him a little, and he's a great dad, I might have to ask him to give Goku-Sensei some tips on how to be one at least a bit similar to him, so Gohan doesn't turn into Piccolo's son for complete in the future.


And talking about the boy might as well loot up his Beast form for myself first! Just need to obtain the Ultimate form from the old Kai,  and me being the cheat I'm with this ridiculous potential, *smile* I will fly high!


[{ Aha...aha, Owls can fly joke..}]


Your sarcastic voice is getting more and more exposed.


and what are you? A boomer who can't take little jokes?


{[ ...I... I will not comment on that.}]


Staring at the blue screen in front of me with a blank stare and it seems like just I can see it, handy.




Placing my fork and spoon down after finishing my meal, and yes they had hashis, but I am an old-way kind of person and shall go with the spoon for more food consumption.


Looking up from the screen towards Goku, he's staring at me... It seems it's time...


Sighing loudly and relaxing my chin on my hands that are supported above the table with my elbows on it.


"Sooo, what ya want to hear about?"


The best way is to give what he asks, don't wanna spoil everything, so I think I will give him a stor thisy like. -' My mother told me this and that, and that's why I know the type of thing!- Type of story, which could work, I mean I ain't lying, just setting small some extra steps for the story!


" I want to know about those similar to us! You did sound like there was an entire race earlier. What did you mean by that?"- After making his question he looks bewildered to my side, and sheesh, the long way it's.


"We Goku, are Saiyans, a fighting race from outer space, we did some pesky things in the past, but then we abruptly just disappeared from the universe, my mom told me it was a meteor that hit our planet, annihilating almost all Saiyans in the process."- I think that wraps it up pretty nicely, doesn't it?


He looks slightly taken back and gets a thinking face, he can think intensely, now that's a new thing for me.


"So... you said pesky things... what exactly? And why are we here on earth then, what happened?"- Kami, why do you do me like that, I wanted to let Raditz do the spoilers *sob*


[{ You are the one who stated that would clarify any questions he had, now do it.}]


Tsk.-" Uhhhh, nothing excessively meaningful, stuff like planet obliteration, and planet conquering and selling, mass genocide....geez...we're hardcore..... and why we're here? My dad dispatched my mom to this place, I am a hybrid, so they wouldn't accept me so gently there, so he sent her to low power world to protect her, as for you, I believe your parents must have sent you here before our planet's collapse, as a last effort to help their son?."


'Guud enough isn't it? I put Bardock and Gine as the good guys, a win for me, I love the Goku-haired dude with Vietnam Flashbacks.'


[{ I am certainly impressed Muun, that's something.}]


Both his and his wife's eyes bulge like crazy the more I talk.


Eventually looking down, and shakily, he hits the table with his fist.




"So we were killers?! And my parents sending me here... It makes sense, at least they were good people?"- That's a pretty angy moment, was expecting something like that, knowing your whole race destroys others' worlds for fun is rather fucked up.


"Yep and nyo~ They may have been? We are on the other side of the universe, I don't know shit what they did before, but I don't have any finger on that, and your parents, even if bad, were forced to do bad things, I don't know one hundred percent, but somebody held a lot of power in there and used it to force them, or something like that, my mom didn't know much eighter.''


In the end, I just smugly smile at him.


He looks at me brightening a bit and chuckles slightly. 


"Ahh*sighs*, I suppose you're right, but knowing they at least attempted to do some good already shows their character, I may be a Saiyan, but! We don't have anything to them! I am Goku from Earth! Not some slaying and conquering bastard like my race!"-Boi, wait until you see Turles or Black, they're you but that.


Following him, I chuckle a bit too, and after helping with cleaning the plates I walk outside, to stretch my legs a little.


'I need to obtain that Owl form,  could oversee the big events and help when required, there are some things I don't wanna alter!'


[{Hmm, pretty clever, we hold a lot of future knowledge, destroying it would solely give a handicap that we don't need, as for training your Owl form, after unlocking it, it should be way more effortless to get the higher levels mastery, just unlocking will be a slight annoyance.]}


'Yeah, with that in mind, perhaps in the future I can see if I can turn into a hybrid state similar to Ikari? Like an Owl features but in my humanoid state? Could work towards it, Super Saiyan is still far away for me after all.'- I nod at my big brain thinking.


[{ WOW, Muun is thinking! But seriously, that could work, after all, right now your owl form is a lot alike the Great Ape form, just not as potent, but it is nevertheless a racial transformation, a hybrid-like state that works in the same principles... Could it be the Owltra Instinct? But if you incorporate it together in one form somehow, wooow I enjoy where this is going!]}


'I didn't think that far ahead... but now that you said it, could work, since both are racial traits, combining them on my base state could work!'


Bouncing up and down in place happy about the potential it has!


Above my head, I feel another twitch, and by now I understood by some sensor of sorts, and I turn back to the house thinking that it would be Goku.


But someone that I didn't expect comes out.




She opens and closes her mouth, and after a moment she inhales finally getting the resolution to speak. 


"So I just would like to know, is Goku truly from an alien race of murders?"- She asks with a tone as if she wanted me to say - 'It was just a prank bro!'-... And that actually says a lot concerning society... so what? Got to divorce now because he's a monkey boi? You have a dog as a president, don't you dare give me some racist shit, but that aside.


"Yep, but he doesn't have anything to do with them, same as me, I am Mumei the Owl, half Saiyan,  and half Owl, and even tho we're aliens,  that doesn't mean we're gonna fucking destroy everything we touch!"- She smiles a little at my answer but frowns an instant after.


"Little lady! What's with that mouth of yours? Learn to be a little more lady-like would you!"- Oh crappy... forgot she was the one who made Gohan like that...


Glimpsing towards the door, only to catch Goku hiding there and peeking with just his eyes out, - 'HELP ME HERE! SHE'S YOUR WIFE! '


My eyes cry for help, just for him to gradually go back inside like nothing is happening... Fucker!







{One hour later}


And after another hour of Chi-Chi describing how a lady should behave, I finally managed to slip away.


'Scary... Old women are terrifying!'


[{ I am constantly advising you to be more educated, like me for instance.}]


Hell no, I don't want to lecture others twenty-four hours and seven days a week concerning how awesome I am.


[{Youuuuu, Muun you did not-}]


Ignoring her and walking away, I really don't want to talk to her in that narcissistic mode of hers right now.





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