A Saiyan Owl

Chap 7- A Owl’s Training

Chap 7- A Owl's Training:


A/N: Fixed some grammatical mistakes.


{PoV Mumei, Forest}


So I have been walking for a while now.


Having left Sensei's house a  while ago, and now I am trying to find a suitable area to train my Owl form, I don't know how it looks, or works, but Kro just said it was simply an Owl transformation, one that makes me three times faster while cutting my power to half.


Not bad if you think about it, I don't have the Ki control to fly, so it will be pretty naisu to have it right now.


'Hey Kro, any tips on how to go for it?'- I need to ask her since she got a better grasp on these things, being a system and all.


[{ Hmm let me consider, you could attempt the Owltra Instinct, and see if you can Instinctively use it, or get a better understanding of it should also work, but I frankly don't have any ideas beyond trying the normal training you did, but Muun could also jump very high and try to plane too, your choosing.}]


Okei, these seem kind of the things I will try, after all, I don't feel like sleeping not until I get to try it at least one time!


"Let's do this then!"


Oh, I forgot to mention, tomorrow starts my training with Goku-Sensei, it's already night, so I said I would show up there when the sun gets up in the sky again.


Wandering by the river and the clearing we both created while fighting, I stop, this should be a good place!


Walking to the river, and having a look down at the water.


Wow, the moon sure is beautiful!


''Eh? FUUUUC- Wait it's not a full moon, I am chilling.''


[{ I too got worried for a second there *sigh*, picture a huge Owl eradicating everything... wait it will be an Owl or an Ape? Intriguing question...}]


Now that you said it.... I wanna test t out sometime.


Seating at the edge of the river I stare at my reflection, illuminated by the moonlight.


I truly look like her, but my face doesn't have that innocent vibe she has, from someone who exterminated a whole civilization*cough* I mean... protected it!


My face looks like a bored Mumei..... Well, ain't fighting or talking to anyone, besides Kro, who even counts as one, to begin with?




These clothes are pretty worn out too... Maybe I can ask for a drip that isn't so fragile? Wait....*grins evilly* I am a fucking genius! I will ask for the clothes from the Drip God himself *pfft*, Drip oku clothes, would be funny as hell.


Will look for them sometime, or I will ask ShenLong for them, either way, remember me about them Kro!


[{ Now you request my assistance, huh? *tsk* Can't be helped, I am a great benevolent one! I shall forgive you Muun.}]


You know what.... forget about it... I will just write it down somewhere later...


[{GWAK!?*falls down*}]


Looking at the sound that came from my system screen a little taken aback...- 'Did... she just fall on whatever place she is?'




Better not to question it.




Closing my eyes I try to get back to that zen state or whatever it is called.


Starting to feel that sensation around me again, the energy that's all around this universe.




The shit that's fucking hard to control! But can make things go BOOM on a Universal level!


*Ahem*, I start to take deep breaths.






Starting to feel like my body is beginning to go on its own, and feeling the ticklish feeling all around me.






Okay, it's active,  now.


Once more I begin to feel the surrounding energy again and try to control it while picturing myself transforming into my bird form.


"Ughuk!"- Keeping this state going is hard! But this is a two-way exercise! Ki training and my Owl traits training!


[{ Good, good, your maintenance is reaching a pretty rate, good job Muun Ki control is going up! Now keep it up, I can feel some differences in the Traits also, but nothing excessively large.}]


Sitting here,  just feeling the stream of sensations wash over me, and struggling to maintain the Owltra Instinct active, I am not moving all the time like in battle, so it's way easier.


Feeling the little insects around the lake, the fish that swims fast underneath the water, and the air that crashes on my back, making me feel a pretty pleasing breeze.








Moving my right hand to the side in a fist, swinging it at high speeds that if seen by an individual with an untrained eye, will make them believe that my punch simply teleported from one point to the other.


Opening my eyes, I can see that everything got better and more precise in my vision, and seeing the dust that I raised by punching a little bug, it was close to my feet-' so I turned around and instinctively killed it.'


[{ Muun... You should have a look at the water....}]


Doing as suggested I see something out of a nightmare.


My eyes were now fully black, with just two red dots glowing, and my mouth forming a V smile, inside it, you can see my teeth now as sharp as shark and ones, there's also the small red and black aura ranging out of my body offering an even bigger creepy element.


"You gotta be fucking kidding me... I got even that?"- Immediately when I talk, it reverts back, and now my eyes shine yellow, my whole sclera is yellow, and I own slits for pupils in black color.


This is cool... but I got Civilization's bloodthirsty side too?


[{ From what I researched, pretty much, dopamine was something that contaminated your brain like an ocean moments ago, and your murderous intent was so big, it produced that comic red aura that Yanderes hold when they engaged hunting mode, but I have good news Muun, >>[5% Owl]<<, Congratulations, you can turn into an Owl now, most likely do so...}]




Jumping up....-*Fuuuush!!*


But as I do so, going way higher than I wanted!


"Wahh?! What!?"- I leaped up by about ten meters, but that wasn't what I intended!


[{ And now, you obtained an even better grip on your power! Congrats! I think when you get 100% of your power and get used to it, you could start developing attacks as you wanted.}]


"YOooto!"- Flipping in the middle of the air multiple times.




And landing on the ground lightly, I am getting the hang of this world!


Glancing at my hands and clench them into fists.


"This is not a dream, earlier, I almost got pulverized by Piccolo's attack for thinking I was strong... And now things will get even crazier!"- I smile again.


I can feel excitement spill out of me, and a little red aura too...


[{ ... Again,,, the thingy... You know what? Let it be, it works pretty well against enemies with low intent resistance, so keep on using it. }]


''Now! Let's try this!"- Jumping a little to get ready, and then stopping and looking up.


I crouch down, bending my legs, going as low as I possibly can.




At how much pressure I am putting on the ground it cracks a little.


'Full speedo!'- I spring towards the sky.




A sonic boom is left behind me as I fly up.


Concentrating, I try to bring it out.


"HAAA! TRANSFORM!"- And like a magical girl show, a yellow light envelops me.


[{ Didn't require to yell that... despite that.....still... cute...]}


A glow super bright follows after.


And I feel... different.


Opening my eyes, and I immediately notice how my vision is even better now.


I can feel my body..... but it is a little unfamiliar and tiny.


Feeling in the place of arms... Do I have wings? Cool.


And my long legs with talons, that with my strength can undoubtedly rip through titanium if I try.


[{ Congratulations again !*clap**clap*, in this form, you're in the natural state of your race, the Owl portion of your hybrid condition at least, if you didn't know, you're a barn Owl.}]


"WOOHOOOO!"- Gwak, can't talk, forgot about that, but thanks Kro!


I try to control where I want to go, and it comes to me pretty effortlessly.


Flying above the ground I used as training, going above the forest at super high velocities.




I think I must be creating that sound that jets make when they go super fast!


Feeling the wind on my face, and spreading my mouth...now it's a beak, isn't it?


"AUAUAUA!"- That's a lot of wind!


Going like this, toying around, doing some flips, and dancing some weird air moves that really don't make any sense but are fun!




[{I Didn't convey anything, little Owl.}]


That was smug as hell...


Tsk. Going back to flying.


Finally, seeing Goku's house on the ground, I look around searching for the tallest tree close to it.


Locating a rather big one to the right side of their house, I fly towards it.


And setting one leg down on one of the branches.-' Instincts... I hope they don't go to my human form as muscular memory...'


[{ Uhuhuh, oh they will, and it'll be so intriguing, seeing you dozing off in one leg!}]


What's up with the shift in mood?


I look back towards the house that's minuscule.


How do they live in that?


Well, not my business, but they're already sleeping, might as well do too.


' Kro, wake me up when the sun starts to go up, okay?'- I shut my eyes, not even listening to the other party.


[{ I!- You know what? Okay, will do that.*sigh* rest well, I will need to set up an alarm, will take nap for a bit too...awnn*yawn*.}]














Owl form, unlocked!

I have plans for it later on :)



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