A Savage Nature (Warcraft)

Bonus #2: Katherine Proudmoore

A/N: If you've enjoyed reading this story, please check out The Soul Engine for me! It would mean a lot to me!


“Do you trust me?”
“… Of course I trust you, Jaina.”
“I need you to go along with this, alright? Just… don’t ask questions and go with the flow for me. Please?”
Rognak gives her a strange look and it takes Jaina every fiber of her being not to bite her lower lip and shimmy in place anxiously. Instead, she holds her head high and her back ramrod straight as she stares into her lover’s eyes pleadingly.
It’s been more than half a year since Katherine Proudmoore arrived in Theramore at the head of the Kul Tiran Fleet intent on taking a pregnant Jaina Proudmoore back home with her. A lot of things have happened in that time. For one, Jaina is no longer pregnant. She gave birth to a healthy baby girl three months ago, one that has most of Jaina’s features, but also a pair of the most adorable tusks that Jaina has ever seen and the faintest forest green tint to her otherwise pale skin. She also has a very strong grip for a three month old, so Jaina is half-expecting her to grow at a slightly accelerated rate due to her half-orc genes.
Also in that time… Jaina’s father finally passed away. Daelin Proudmoore had been on his last legs even before Katherine left on her ill-advised trip across the sea, and while she did manage to make it back home before he breathed his last breath, he ultimately didn’t make it.
Jaina felt some guilt over that, but ultimately… ultimately she’d made peace with the accidental role she’d played in her father’s death. If Daelin hadn’t been the man he was, then reading her letter wouldn’t have killed him in the first place. It hadn’t killed her mother, after all.
“… Alright. I can do that.”
One might wonder why Jaina kept thinking about her mother. Well, there was a very good reason for that. With Rognak having given his agreement, Jaina grabs him by the hand and leads him to her quarters. She hesitates for only a moment outside of the door to her bedchambers… before pushing it open and pulling him inside as quickly as possible.
Her mother at least has the good grace to wait for Jaina to close the door behind them before she begins to rant and rave.
“F-Foul orc! Monstrous beast! You may have broken my daughter, but you will not break me! I swear it as Lord Admiral of K-Kul Tiras!”
Jaina blushes profusely as Rognak freezes at the sight that awaits them. See… the reason Katherine Proudmoore was on Jaina’s mind so much was that her mother was in Theramore for an unscheduled, unsanctioned, undisclosed visit. Jaina had brought her over via portal for this and would put her back in Boralus via portal with no one ever the wiser when they were done.
That said, Katherine’s current state is enough to give anyone pause, so Jaina doesn’t blame her beloved for freezing up. The ruler of Kul Tiras is currently stripped naked and kneeling at the foot of the bed. Jaina’s mother has not a stitch of clothing on… but what she DOES have is a collar around her neck and glowing arcane shackles cast by Jaina herself binding her ankles and wrists together behind her.
For a long moment, both mother and daughter wait with bated breath to see how Rognak will… react to this. Jaina had extracted a promise from him that he would go with the flow, but she wasn’t going to be surprised if this was all a… step too far. But no. While Rognak does pause for a moment to take in the situation at hand… he ultimately goes along with it, humming as he takes a step forward.
“Your own mother, slave. I didn’t expect you to capture her for me so quickly.”
Jaina brightens at being addressed and with a blush quickly strips off her robes and the choker she was wearing to reveal her own collar underneath. When Rognak glances back at the sound of her clothes hitting the floor he gives the collar a double take before snorting derisively. Jaina, for her part, bows her head submissively.
“You commanded it Master. I obeyed.”
Grunting, getting into the roleplay more and more, Rognak moves across the bedroom towards Katherine’s kneeling form. Jaina follows after him, struggling not to pant heatedly. Katherine is in a similar state… neither Proudmoore women quite expected Rognak to be so quick to fall into his role here. And yet…
“There’s no one to help you, Lord Admiral Proudmoore. Kul Tiras is far, far away from here. You really think you can resist where your daughter failed? At the end of the day… you’ll beg for my cock just as she does.”
Katherine scowls heatedly.
“Do what you will with me, monster. Force me to choke on your massive green phallus. Fuck me on all fours like a bitch in heat. Pound me silly, fuck me harder than I’ve ever been fucked before… I will not break! I refuse!”
Jaina shoots her mother a look. Katherine was laying it on a little bit thick, wasn’t she? Then again… she’d literally just given Rognak a list of… activities to go down. With a snort, the orc druid lifts his arms, causing Jaina to hurry over and help him out of his robes. The aforementioned ‘massive green phallus’ comes free of its confines in short order with Jaina’s assistance, coming down to drape across Katherine’s face.
The Lord Admiral of Kul Tiras goes still at that, her eyes crossing as she stares at his big, fat, throbbing member.
“T-This changes nothing. I-mmph!”
Unceremoniously, Rognak palms her mother’s entire skull with one of his hands, fits his bulbous cockhead against her lips, and shuts her up by shoving his huge dick right into her mouth and down her throat. Jaina’s eyes bulge right alongside her mother’s neck from the way his cock stretches out Katherine’s esophagus and gullet. In response, Katherine chokes and gags from the experience, gurgling helplessly thanks to her bindings.
But they’d prepared a signal ahead of time for Katherine to give if she was in duress. A simple system. One finger was stop. Two fingers was slow down. Katherine’s hands remain clenched in fists behind her back, even as Rognak begins sliding her up and down his cock almost contemptuously.
“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”
Jaina can’t help but touch herself at the highly erotic sight. Fortunately, it plays well into her role as ‘already-broken’ slave for her orc master. It’s funny… ever since she found out about Tyrande and Shandris’ little threesome with Rognak, Jaina has secretly harbored a desire to have something similar for herself. To share her big green orc lover with her mother in the bedroom.
She’d thought that it was a perverse and unnatural desire at first. After all, Tyrande and Shandris weren’t related by blood. But then she and her mother had gotten to talking one night and… well, it probably said a lot that this entire scenario was actually Katherine Proudmoore’s idea. Jaina hadn’t come up with anything save for the initial idea of a threesome. Katherine had been the one who advocated for… the scenario.
At least Rognak was enjoying himself. Biting her lower lip, Jaina fingers herself with one hand while playing with a nipple with the other. This soon after her pregnancy, the female mage was actually still lactating, her breasts swollen with milk and her nipples hard with need. Out of the corner of his eye, Rognak notices her toying with her body and his eyes fall upon those milk laden tits of hers.
“Come here.”
His voice, gruff and commanding, prompts Jaina to scurry over. He reaches down and grabs hold of one of her tits with his free hands, easily encompassing her entire breast with his index finger and thumb. Then, he tugs her up onto her tip toes and leans in, biting her nipple between his teeth and sucking down. Jaina moans as she lifts her breasts up with her hands and thrusts out her chest for her ‘orc master’. She groans as her mother’s gagging, choking noises fill the air.
Making sure to check every once in a while for any signals, Jaina ultimately sees nothing. Katherine, for all intents and purposes, is having the time of her life being face fucked by Jaina’s lover. Until finally, Rognak pulls his cock back out of the older woman’s mouth and throat. Still suckling from Jaina’s teat, he moves around Katherine’s body and proceeds to kneel down.
The result is that Jaina ends up kneeling with him, blushing as he continues drinking her breast milk while at the same time planting his hand between Katherine’s shoulderblades, forcing the shackled woman forward onto her face. Her ass lifts high into the air and she pants out with a raspy voice as her hips wiggle back and forth.
“Y-You think you can break me. You’ll n-never break me, orc. D-Do your worst…”
Snorting derisively, Rognak claps one of Katherine’s ass cheeks with his free hand and then presses his spit-polished cockhead against her slit from behind. A moment later and he’s inside of her, filling her with his length and causing a keening wail to leave her lips. Once again, Jaina checks her mother’s hands for one of the signals. Once again, Katherine’s hands remain curled into fists behind her back, her knuckles white from exactly how tightly she’s clenching them.
Grunts and groans exit Katherine’s lips at first as Rognak thrusts into her from behind again and again. Jaina’s mother is clearly getting used to the size. Jaina understands full well what that’s like and she has to admit, watching Rognak’s thick green cock disappear in and out of Katherine’s gushing wet twat is like watching a magic trick be performed over and over again. Except each time it goes even deeper inside of Katherine, making it more and more impressive.
Finally, Rognak pulls away from Jaina’s teat, having had his fill of his breastmilk. Jaina pants, only to blush when he gives her a knowing look. He’s looking at her like this was all her idea! This was BARELY her idea! It was… twenty-five percent her idea! The other seventy-five percent was all her mother coming up with this scenario!
But of course, she couldn’t say that. Not and ruin the roleplay. Snorting at her in amusement, Rognak reaches out and caresses Jaina’s cheek. She leans into his touch, nuzzling his palm for a moment until he presses his thumb against her lips. Opening wide, the leader of Theramore finds herself sucking on the digit, blushing profusely as she performs the submissive gesture for her ‘master’.
Meanwhile, down below… Katherine has graduated from grunts and groans to full blown moaning and mewling. Her head lifts up from the ground a little bit, her cries growing more and more pleasure filled. Looking down at her mother, Jaina sucks on Rognak’s thumb, even as the orc druid uses his free hand to grab Katherine by her hair, pulling her head back off the ground.
“Hmph. So much for not breaking, Lord Admiral Proudmoore.”
“… N-No… I’m not… I don’t… oh by the LIGHT you’re so big!”
Rognak grins wickedly at that and fucks Katherine harder.
“I am, aren’t I?”
“So BIG and… and VIRILE~”
“Mm, that too.”
“Y-You’re going to knock me up… you’re going to breed me just like you did my daughter and there’s nothing I can do to stop you, you monster!”
Jaina’s eyes widen and Rognak almost misses a thrust. But he manages to recover admirably enough and glances over at Jaina meaningfully for a moment. Jaina checks her mother’s hands. Still clenched into fists. With that settled, she gives her beloved an enthusiastic nod.
“Well… if that’s what the Lord Admiral wants.”
“What?! No, that’s not-mmph!”
But it is. That’s exactly what Katherine wants and they all know it. Rognak’s hand on her mother’s hair slips around and his thumb sinks into Katherine’s mouth as well, cutting her off as he grips her by the side of her mouth, fishhooking her and fucking her all the harder from behind. Gurgling, the Lord Admiral of Kul Tiras shudders from the onslaught, her body shaking and spasming, bouncing and jiggling in all the right places.
Both Jaina and her mother suck on Rognak’s thumbs as he fucks Katherine from behind until… at long last, he fills the woman with his seed. She’s the most powerful woman in all of Kul Tiras… reduced to nothing but a fuck toy and broodmare by her ‘orc master’. Jaina shudders as she watches her mother cum on Rognak’s cock. She herself cums a little as well, her hips buckling and humping the air as she moans around her orc lover’s thumb.
He fills and fills Katherine with his jizz, not stopping until his hefty ball sack is emptied. Then, he pulls right out of the bound, naked woman… and pushes Jaina down onto her back right next to her, so that her and her mother’s faces are mere inches apart. Jaina stares into Katherine’s eyes and Katherine stares right back at her daughter as Rognak’s cock slams home into Jaina’s cunt next, the orc druid far from done. After a moment of that, one of his hands returns to Katherine’s backside and a thick green finger the size of a human man’s cock finds its way up the Lord Admiral’s ass.
And so mother and daughter moan at one another as they’re both soundly fucked by their ‘master’. They moan and moan.
Hours later, laying in the bed with the ladies of the Proudmoore family curled up on either side of their orc lover, Jaina lets out a happy little sigh and nuzzles into Rognak. Katherine does the same for a moment more… before finally sitting up. Suddenly, the Lord Admiral is back, all prim and proper as she gazes at them both despite her state of nakedness and general plowed nature.
“… Thank you both for your time. It was… an experience. And thank you Rognak for not making the obvious joke and labelling us both ‘Proudwhores’.”
Rognak blinks and then chuckles.
“Well… it wouldn’t have made sense anyways. Not like I was paying either of you, was I?”
Katherine cracks a smile at that, snorting derisively as she climbs off the bed and begins getting dressed.
“Indeed. How is the little one, by the way?”
Jaina can’t help but feel a little like her head is all turned around. They’d all just engaged in some really rough sex and here was her mother, making small talk. Thankfully Rognak was more than equipped to answer Katherine’s questions.
“Aila is doing just fine, thank you for asking. You should visit with her before you leave.”
Katherine pauses at the chiding tone in Rognak’s voice and a small amount of guilt flashes across her face, making it clear she was very much about to ask Jaina to make a portal for her back to her chambers in Boralus. Eventually, she bows her head in a nod.
“… That would be lovely, thank you.”
Rognak just snorts, glancing Jaina’s way in amusement. Truth be told, Jaina is just happy that he doesn’t seem too upset about all of this. She probably… no, she definitely should have just told him everything beforehand. But ah well. Everything had turned out for the best, in the end. Climbing off of him and getting dressed herself, she whips up a bit of magic to clean the three of them up while Rognak pulls on his own robes.
Then, leaving the mess caused by their debauchery behind them along with the bedroom, they begin making their way to the nursery so that Katherine can meet her granddaughter properly.


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