A Savage Nature (Warcraft)

Bonus #3: Tyrande & Ysera

A/N: If you've enjoyed reading this story, please check out The Soul Engine for me! It would mean a lot to me!


“So… what do you think?”
Tyrande tries to keep her voice level and nonchalant as she pours Ysera a cup of tea in her chambers at the top of the Temple of Elune located in the center of Astranaar. But she can tell that she fails just from the knowing look that the Dragon Aspect gives her.
Still, she can’t help feeling a little… self-conscious and nervous. This is the first time Ysera has managed to make the time to visit Kalimdor in centuries. Having the Dragon Aspect in town was… well, it was not only a nerve-wracking experience, but it was also a chance to show off and hopefully impress her. It probably wasn’t appropriate for the ten-thousand year old High Priestess of Elune to be acting like a child trying to impress her teacher, but here she was all the same.
Shaking her head in wry amusement, Ysera lets out a soft sigh.
“It’s wondrous, Tyrande. And you know it too. This place… it’s beautiful. The way you’ve rebuilt, the way you’ve integrated the younger races into your culture… your people are a credit to Azeroth. If only all of us older lived races could be so… flexible and adaptable.”
Ysera sounds bitter for a moment, but when Tyrande opens her mouth to pry, the Queen of Dreams suddenly lifts a hand and waves her off.
“Ah, don’t worry your head about any of that. I’m merely… stretched thin regarding my siblings at the moment. These last several months have felt like slow-going… even for me. That’s not why I’m here though, Tyrande. I’m here for you.”

That surprises the Priestess of Elune a little bit.
“For me? Well, I won’t say I’m not happy to have you visit…”
But Ysera just shakes her head.
“That’s not it either. This isn’t a simple social call, Tyrande. This is an intervention.”
Now Tyrande furrows her brow, thoroughly confused. Ysera gives her an exasperated look before letting out a soft sigh.
“… Tell me, how are General Feathermoon and her little one doing?”
An unbidden smile comes to Tyrande’s face at the mere thought of Shandris and her grandson.
“Well. Very well. Shandris and… and Furion are doing great.”
Ysera bobs her head, unsurprised to hear that Shandris’ son was named after Malfurion. Which meant she already knew. Which meant she was asking for some other reason.
“And what about you and Rognak?”
Tyrande blinks at the mention of the orc druid. Then she blushes.
“Me and Rognak? I’m not sure I-!”
“Tyrande, darling… don’t play dumb now. You fucked the orc under one of my trees in the middle of MY Dragonshrine. And you thought I wouldn’t know?”
Tyrande’s mouth opens and closes wordlessly at that, causing Ysera to smile a more… lurid smile as the Green Dragon swirls a claw in her tea cup for a moment before setting it down.
“You’ve been fucking him for almost a year now. The entire duration of Shandris’ pregnancy and then some. And yet… you have nothing to show for it.”
Tyrande blushes and sputters at that. Ysera lets her find her words though and eventually she manages to force out a justification.
“We… R-Rognak and I are… are only physically involved with one another. Not romantically. He… he calls it friends-with-benefits.”
Tyrande blushes deeply and ducks her head at that last bit. It’s embarrassing but she has to admit, the description IS apt. But far from being upset by the crassness, Ysera just laughs.
“Oh. I like that one. I might have to use that. Even still… what’s saying you can’t have a child with your friend-with-benefits, Tyrande? What’s saying you have to remain alone?”
“I’m n-not alone! I’m-!”
“… Elune and I disagree. We think even now you’ve closed yourself off in a lot of ways. Malfurion’s loss was tragic to be sure… but he wouldn’t want you to never love again. Whether that’s a romantic sort of love… or the platonic love one feels for their child. If Malfurion were here right now and he knew you had a sure fire way of getting pregnant with child even if it could never be his own… what do you think he would say?”
Tyrande flinches, her ears drooping as she looks down at her own tea cup.
“… He would urge me to take hold of the opportunity and claim it for myself with both hands…”
“I’m glad we’re in agreement.”
Tyrande’s head jumps up, her eyes widening as Ysera glances over at the door of her chambers.
“Come in!”
The High Priestess of Elune’s jaw drops open as the doors open and Rognak steps inside. The Archdruid blinks at the sight of Ysera sitting with her, his brow furrowing as he glances at Tyrande while the doors close behind him.
“Err… you called for me High Priestess?”
Tyrande shoots her mentor an accusatory glare… to which Ysera just smiles as she rises to her feet.
“No, Rognak. I did.”
And then, right before their eyes, the disguised, humanoid Aspect of Dreams waves a hand over her body… and the somewhat skimpy armor she was ‘wearing’ vanishes as if it was never there at all. Her Night Elven guise is revealed in all its glory, from her large purple breasts to her wide hips and wet slit and sizable derriere.
Tyrande gets a very good view of that derriere and the hourglass profile Ysera is currently rocking as the Green Dragon stands before a gobsmacked Rognak, tilting her head to the side.
“I have never lain with a mortal creature in this form before. I find myself curious what it would be like and I’m given to understand that you have a… ‘friends-with-benefits’ relationship with several women outside of your two mates, Archdruid.”
“I… err… I…”
Rognak’s complete inability to speak in the face of Ysera’s provocative nature is perfectly understandable as far as Tyrande is concerned. But Ysera just laughs and turns back around, sauntering back to the table. For a moment Tyrande dares to hope that the disguised Green Dragon has given up on this nonsense… but instead, Ysera proceeds to bend over the table where Tyrande is sat, giving the Priestess a wink as she plants one hand on the table’s surface and reaches back with the other to spread her lower lips apart.
“Will this do, Archdruid? Please… don’t keep me waiting~”
Almost as if in a daze, Rognak slowly approaches. His hands go down to his robes and he pulls them open, not completely divesting himself of them but certainly dragging his throbbing orcish member out of its confines as it twitches and grows, coming to life at the entrancing view before him. Ysera, looking back over her shoulder at him, coos in appreciation.
But rather than make eye contact with her… Rognak makes eye contact with Tyrande. And in his eyes she sees the question of whether this is really okay or not.
Tyrande bites her lower lip, knowing that she could shake her head and regardless of how powerful or dangerous Ysera was, Rognak would do everything he could to deny the Dragon Aspect. He wouldn’t let this happen if he thought for even a moment that Tyrande didn’t want it to. And yet… and yet…
In the end, the Priestess of Elune can’t help herself. Lunging up from the table, Tyrande grabs Ysera by her nipples, giving them a harsh tug. She almost expects this to do nothing… but it seems Ysera’s humanoid disguise has ALL of the proper sensations attached to it because the horned ‘Night Elf’ woman squawks and whirls around in surprise, only for Tyrande to plant a big kiss on Ysera’s lips.
She’s irritated to learn that the Queen of Dreams watched them fuck that night back in Northrend all those months ago. But she’s also more than a little turned on. Setting aside what they were talking about before Rognak arrived, Tyrande really doesn’t mind sharing Ysera with her… friend-with-benefits.
Seeing this in her actions, Rognak doesn’t hesitate one moment longer. With a lustful growl, he all but lunges forward, closing the rest of the distance between himself and Ysera’s tantalizing purple ass. Clasping his hands down upon her beautifully heart-shaped derriere, he slams his massive orc cock into her waiting cunt without hesitation.
The disguised Dragon Aspect squeals into Tyrande’s lips, her pussy no doubt feeling it as every inch of Rognak’s dick stretches her out. Sure, in her natural form a creature like Rognak would never be able to lay with Ysera properly. She was just too large in her full draconic glory. But right now Ysera was just like any other Night Elf Woman getting to experience a big fat orc dick for the first time. And knowing just how big Rognak really was, Tyrande knew Ysera was enjoying it to the fullest extent.
Of course, there was one way in which Ysera wasn’t like any other Night Elf woman. The Dragon Aspect insisted on still having her draconic horns atop her head, swooping back behind her. Is it all that surprising that those horns… attract Rognak’s attention?
Well-used to the orc’s love for sometimes tugging hair when he fucks her from behind, Tyrande isn’t all that surprised when Ysera’s lips are suddenly pulled away from hers. She blinks before watching in some amusement as Rognak grabs Ysera by both of her horns and yanks her backwards, forcing one of the most powerful creatures on Azeroth to arch her back and cry out from the roughness of his treatment of her.
Giggling a little bit, Tyrande licks her lips as she looks her mentor in the eyes.
“He can be quite… savage, can’t he?”
Ysera tries to huff, but it only comes out as a moan. It’s quite fun, watching her get taken like this. Tyrande believes the Green Dragon when she says she’s never done something like this before. Despite her incredible age, Ysera is acting almost like a virgin. She’s being spitted on a cock too big for her mortal guise… and she’s loving every last moment of it.
However, for all that she’s clearly caught off guard at first… Ysera is nothing if not a fast learner. It’s not long before Tyrande is watching the Queen of Dreams thrust her hips back into Rognak’s pistoning prick with just as much speed as the orc is using. Not long either before his groans are growing longer and more heartfelt, until at long last… he throws his head back and roars in a telltale way.
Tyrande knows even before he stops moving that he’s just cum inside of the Dragon Aspect. Not that she expects anything to come of THAT despite their conversation before his arrival. Ysera might have discovered a new fetish, but Rognak wasn’t going to be able to breed a dragon. Tyrande on the other hand…
“G-Good. Now… mm, now it’s the High Priestess’ turn~”
Even as Ysera is recovering from the way Rognak’s cock has turned her legs into jelly, she’s already throwing Tyrande right under the cart. Tyrande freezes up as Rognak just shrugs and pulls out of Ysera’s cunt, his throbbing member still rock hard and ready for action. As he moves towards her, Tyrande opens her mouth to speak… and sees a meaningful look in Ysera’s eyes. She’s hoping that Tyrande will finally acknowledge what she truly wants… but isn’t going to push it any harder than she already has.
Though… the fact that she name-dropped Tyrande’s Goddess like the two got together on a regular basis and talked about Tyrande’s childless state was already pushing it pretty damn hard, wasn’t it?!
And yet… as Rognak grabs Tyrande by the hips and places her up on the table’s edge, her legs willingly spread for him. And as his cock presses against her slit, Tyrande blushes… and places a hand on his chest.
Rognak tilts his head to the side curiously, glancing over at Ysera as if wondering if it’s her presence that is making Tyrande feel self-conscious. They HAVE fucked with pretty frequent regularity over the last several months to be fair.
“This time… this time would it be okay if… if you got me pregnant with child, Rognak?”
The orc’s eyes widen at that and he goes still for a moment as Tyrande bites her lower lip and watches his reaction carefully. Ysera meanwhile, has given up on trying to keep her legs up under her. She’s dropped to her knees and is currently draped over the table, resting her jellified legs on the ground as she watches the two of them with a fond smile.
“… Are you sure, Tyrande?”
Not trusting herself to speak, Tyrande nods rapidly. She is sure, regardless of the pressure from Ysera or Elune. She just… she needed a push. But she knows what she wants.
“Well then… I already know what Shandris would say. So… alright.”
And just like that, he’s inside of her. Tyrande cries out as she clings to him, her hands gripping tightly at his bulging muscular arms. Her legs wrap around his waist as best they can even as he begins fucking her atop the table. At the same time Tyrande reaches for her connection with Elune. The Blessing of Elune that increases Night Elf fertility is something she’s gotten a lot of use out of ever since her Goddess taught her the spell. However, she’s never used it on herself. Until now.
Elune’s eagerness to help Tyrande in casting the blessing makes her gasp and her back arch. Her eyes widen and glow with white light that then travels over her entire body as her mouth is agape. Her body shudders from the experience… and from Rognak’s throbbing mast buried in her clenching sex. He fucks her with a grunt, pounding away at her as he brings up his own Nature Magic in response. With the Blessing alone, conception was not ensured. But with the Blessing of Elune and a proper application of Nature Magic from a druid… it was guaranteed.
Rognak fucks her like he’s possessed by Nature itself, but that’s okay because Tyrande feels a little possessed as well. Not quite the same as the last couple of times it felt like Elune was taking control, but… well, she could tell her Goddess was excited. Eager even. Tyrande was too, to be fair. She was eager to be pregnant, to give birth, and to raise a child after oh so long.
Shandris would always be her daughter… but the other woman hadn’t been a child for ten thousand years.
Crying out, Tyrande clenches down on Rognak’s cock, experiencing an explosive climax as he grunts and speed up even further. Until finally… finally he can hold back no more. This time he merely lets out a hoarse groan as he fills her with his nature-charged seed, emptying his balls into her womb. And Tyrande… Tyrande smiles. Because for all that it took an intervention to make her confront her feelings and desires, she was happy all the same.


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