A Savage Nature (Warcraft)

Bonus #4: Aegwynn

A/N: If you've enjoyed reading this story, please check out The Soul Engine for me! It would mean a lot to me!


“See, what did I tell you?”
Wait, what? Rognak can only blink as he looks between Jaina… and her chamberlain. Obviously, the very first thing he’d done after coming down from the post-coitus high of fucking a literal Dragon Aspect and also impregnating the High Priestess of Elune was set out to tell Shandris and Jaina what happened.
Sure, Rognak knew full well how Shandris would react… she was basically overjoyed at the news and only a little chagrined that she hadn’t been there when Tyrande finally ‘gave in’. Her words, not his. But as Shandris had then stated, it WOULD take the combined efforts of Ysera and Elune to get Tyrande over her pigheaded stubbornness, so she really couldn’t be surprised.
That said, Rognak had been a little less certain how Jaina would feel about the news. On the one hand, she’d given her permission for these sorts of things numerous times before… on the other hand, it was all getting a little out of hand by this point, right? He’d literally just fucked the Aspect of the Green Dragonflight for fuck’s sake!
And yet… when Rognak finally gets done telling her what happened, Jaina doesn’t react how he expects at all. To be fair, the orc isn’t quite sure how he expects her to react but turning to her chamberlain and essentially giving the other woman the equivalent of an ‘I told you so’ wasn’t it. Nor was Rognak expecting Jaina’s chamberlain to proceed to blush and glance at his crotch consideringly at Jaina’s words.
Especially not when the chamberlain was ACTUALLY Aegwynn, former Guardian of Tirisfal and mother of Medivh in disguise!
“… Jaina, we’ve talked about this already…”
“You’re right, we have. And yet here we are.”
What the fuck was going on? Rognak could only stand there bewildered as all hell as Jaina saunters over to him and without so much as a ‘by your leave’, pulls his cock out of his confines and into open air. Immediately, his dick begins to grow bigger and thicker and harder of course, not just because of the nice breeze, but also because of Jaina’s hand stroking it.
The Lady of Theramore Isle gives him a reassuring smile before looking at Aegwynn. Aegwynn, who in turn stands there frozen in place, staring at Rognak’s big fat orcish dick as it gets bigger and fatter.
“My… chamberlain here has been very naughty, Rognak. After your most recent visit, I caught her watching us have sex. Spying on us if you will. Remind you of anyone?”
Yes. Jaina herself. The implication was obvious… Jaina wanted to have a threesome with him and Aegwynn just like Shandris had drawn Jaina into their relationship all the way back at the start.
Of course, Aegwynn scoffs and flushes, shaking her head at the accusation.
“As I already told you… I was merely passing by. I could not avoid what I saw. There was nothing… perverse about my actions. If anything, you two going at it like rabbits in heat on Lady Proudmoore’s desk where anyone who worked in this tower could walk in and see was the perverse thing!”
Ah. Rognak can’t help but grin a little in remembrance. He HAD fucked Jaina on her desk the last time she was here. They’d made sure there was no important correspondence on it first of course… though that hadn’t helped the desk itself survive the experience. Rognak had grown her a new one though… a living one that he’d managed to imbue with a minor Nature Spirit so that her new desk could literally rise up and act the role of a Guardian Treant if she ever needed it to.
Honestly, Aegwynn was right. They WERE the perverted ones for fucking in a semi-public place. Sure, not everyone in Theramore could make it to the top of Jaina’s tower, but plenty of people could. The top floor of the tower was not nearly as private as Jaina’s actual bedchambers, to put it simply.
But Jaina isn’t accepting that excuse, even as she continues stroking his cock.
“Uh-huh. And yet you can’t stop looking at it now, can you? At Rognak’s big fat orc cock. The same orc cock that just got done plowing a Dragon Aspect silly.”
Aegwynn blushes a deeper shade of red at that taunt, even as Jaina smirks eagerly.
“I’m sure you tell yourself that you’re above such ‘mortal needs’ at your age or something, but if Ysera herself can stoop so low as to enjoy this dick… you can too.”
There’s no way that argument is going to hold water with the former Guardian, right? Rognak was sure that while Ysera had her pride, a dragon’s pride was very different from a human woman’s pride. Besides, it was common for dragons to take many lovers. Not so much for humans. So surely Aegwynn would-
“Fine! You’re right. I am curious and since you’re… offering so pointedly, I will take you up on your offer.”
Jaina cheers. The Lady of Theramore Isle actually cheers, even pumping her free hand in the air as a fist. Her other hand remains on his dick. Aegwynn though is quick to hold up a hand of her own.
“But there are conditions. Number One… no desk. We’re doing this in the bedroom where you two can’t traumatize anymore Theramore Guards with your… boisterous vocals.”
Rognak can’t help but rub the back of his head a little sheepishly at that. Jaina though just taps her foot and grunts in agreement.
“And Number Two?”
“Number Two… no roleplay. Especially not of the slave variety as your mother turned out to be fond of. I’m not one to pass judgment on others for their choices in the bedroom, but I’m also not interested in that sort of thing. If we’re doing this… we’re doing it MY way.”
Rognak nods along, finding that to be relatively fair. Jaina on the other hand takes significant umbrage with what Aegwynn has just said. Though not because of her demand.
“Wait! Just how long have you been spying on us?! My mother was here for her visit MONTHS ago! Aegwynn!”
But of course, the former Guardian has already turned and began making her way towards Jaina’s bedchamber, putting significant sway in her hips as she does so. Rognak and Jaina exchange a quick glance… and follow after her.
“Do not move. I will take you at my own pace.”
Laying back on Jaina’s bed, Rognak just nods seriously as Aegwynn hovers over him. Jaina bites her lower lip and then opens her mouth to say something from the side, but Aegwynn silences her with a single raised finger.
“Not a word out of you, Jaina.”
Rather than a word, it’s a whine that comes out of the Lady of Theramore Isle’s lips as she watches things proceed.
Aegwynn all but ignores her, straddling him and grasping his cock with both hands after a moment. Now naked and undisguised, Rognak has to admit… the former Guardian of Tirisfal is certainly beautiful. Of course, she doesn’t look remotely her age. Even Jaina’s mother looked older than Aegwynn, and Katherine Proudmoore was still utterly gorgeous.
The only sign that Aegwynn might be older than she looked is her white hair, which Rognak knew had once been as blonde as Jaina’s in her younger years. Other than that, Aegwynn didn’t look old enough to be Jaina’s mother… maybe her older sister though. Regardless, the beautiful and powerful woman nevertheless tackles his cock like most of the other beautiful and powerful women before her. One inch at a time.
Lifting herself up, holding him in place with both hands, Aegwynn slots his bulbous tip against her slit, letting out a shuddering gasp as he groans from the wet tightness of her pussy lips kissing his member.
“You are… as large as you’ve looked, orc. Tch… to think that even after all these years, I would still be seeking out new experiences.”
Rognak snorts in amusement at that, but Jaina isn’t so quiet in her glee.
“Is that what we’re calling this, Aegwynn?”
Shooting her ‘employer’ a glace, the former Guardian scowls.
“I’ve decided. I definitely miss the days when you called me Magna and treated me with respect. I miss those days quite dearly.”
Even as she speaks, she begins to wiggle her way down his member. Its slow going though… she’s incredibly tight and clearly not used to a cock of his size. Even still, once she gets started Aegwynn refuses to give up. She struggles her way down his cock, even as Jaina laughs… and finally approaches. The Lady of Theramore is just as naked as her chamberlain of course, her nipples rock hard and her sex glistening with arousal.
Licking her lips, Jaina tilts her head to the side as she watches Aegwynn struggle.
“We could go back to that if you like. My, Magna… you truly are amazing in so many ways. I can only look to your example in this as I do in all things.”
Jaina’s sudden reverential and subservient tone causes Aegwynn to groan in response. The former Guardian is far too caught up in sinking down his dick at this point to keep up the banter with her fellow spellcaster. But of course, Jaina is all too happy to do it for them even as she climbs up onto the bed and slides into position behind Aegwynn, reaching around and groping her chest from behind.
“You look like you could use my assistance, Magna. Can this lowly mage help you in any way? All you need do is ask~”
“I… I d-did not give you permission t-to touch me, girl…”
Aegwynn’s chastisement would probably carry more weight if she wasn’t moaning from Jaina’s fingers flicking and playing with her nipples. Jaina just giggles some more.
“And we didn’t give you permission to spy on us, Aegwynn. I’d say we’re even, wouldn’t you?”
Aegwynn just groans, unable to properly counter Jaina’s words. Rognak, meanwhile, just watches from below, enjoying the ‘dinner and a show’. He was all too happy to let Aegwynn and Jaina do all the work here truth be told. Especially since he’d been the one expected to do all the work with Jaina and Katherine. And Tyrande and Ysera.
Sometimes it was nice to just lie back and be the orcish meat dildo for a pair of beautiful human women powerful enough to take his head off if he made them angry.
Of course, just as he’s thinking that Aegwynn lets out a frustrated grunt and both he and Jaina realize… the former Guardian is stuck. She’s about halfway down his cock and can’t get him any further up inside of her. Not because there’s not room, but simply because the rest of her is too tight for Aegwynn to force herself down.
“Rognak… help my Magna out please?”
The request is so innocuous that Rognak acts without thinking. His hands are already grasping at Aegwynn’s hips as the incredibly powerful Archmage squawks down at him.
“Don’t you da-!”
And then he yanks her the rest of the way down his dick, pushing up into her and causing her belly to bulge outwards from the sheer size and girth of his orcish member. Aegwynn tosses her head back and HOWLS, even as Jaina giggles some more and rolls the older woman’s nipples between her fingers, now suckling at her chamberlain’s neck in a way that was sure to leave a hickey.
Rognak’s brain catches up with him and he blanches as he realizes he might have fucked with Aegwynn’s boundaries there… but when the beautiful sorceress’ head lolls forward again, her eyes focusing on him intently, he can only wait with bated breath to see if she’s going to kill him or not. Then, the intense glare falters and she moans as Jaina’s efforts catch up to her as well… followed by Aegwynn squirming on his cock, trying to begin riding him.
Of course, without his help that’s not happening. She’s too thoroughly impaled on his dick now to properly bounce up and down on his shaft. But as one of the greatest, most powerful spellcasters of Azeroth’s entire history whines a little bit and squirms needily on his dick, Rognak carefully helps her rise up off of his cock and then slam back down again. And when Aegwynn doesn’t take his head off for his insolence in response, he starts to really help her ride him.
Gurgling happily, the former Guardian shudders in orgasmic glee, trapped between him and Jaina as the two of them tag-team her together. Jaina continues to grope and squeeze her mentor’s breasts from behind while suckling at Aegwynn’s neck. Rognak, meanwhile, bounces her up and down on his dick, thrusting up into her from below with every inch of his cock.
The sound of wanton moans and flesh slapping against flesh fills the bedchamber for quite a long while as the three of them engage in some good old fashioned fun together. But alas, all good things come to an end… and seeing as there’s been NO mention of babies, Rognak does not go ahead and super charge his seed. He does however cum inside of her, mostly because he can tell there’s no way he’s getting her off of him in time.
Slamming her down on his cock one final time, Rognak grunts and Aegwynn groans as he fills the former Guardian’s womb with a copious amount of his orcish seed. He pumps and pumps as she shudders and climaxes atop him from the hot, sticky feeling of his ejaculation deep within her. This is followed, as crazy as it seems to him… by the woman literally collapsing forward and passing out on his chest.
Rognak can’t help but be surprised and Jaina looks a little caught off guard too for a moment as she kneels there between his legs staring down at Aegwynn with a stupefied expression. Then the Lady of Theramore Isle lets out a soft laugh, her eyes twinkling as she slowly helps him pull Aegwynn’s limp form off of his chest and then off of his cock.
Setting her aside on the bed gently… the two lovers don’t waste any time. Or at least, Jaina doesn’t waste any time taking Aegwynn’s place, her eyes twinkling with delight as she climbs atop him and sinks down his cock without even giving him a chance to clean it of the other woman’s juices first. She moans as she slides down the same dick that the former Guardian had slid down mere minutes before. Rognak, for his part, grunts and groans, reaching up and grabbing one of Jaina’s breasts, giving it a good hard squeeze.
She’s not lactating anymore… it’s been too long for that at this point. But then… perhaps it’s too early. Because Aegwynn was right. They HAD been going at it like rabbits, and while Jaina hadn’t asked him to guarantee a second child just yet… it was only a matter of time before he knocked her up again, even if he didn’t use his Nature Magic to make it more of a certainty.
Only a matter of time…


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