A Savage Nature (Warcraft)

Bonus #5: Garona

A/N: If you've enjoyed reading this story, please check out The Soul Engine for me! It would mean a lot to me!


“Shandris… you know I know we’ve been walking in circles, right? I might be blindfolded but I’m not an idiot…”
Scoffing, Shandris lightly smacks Rognak on the back before continuing to gently push him forward.
“Hush you. I asked you to indulge me and you said you would. Stop trying to ruin the surprise.”
In response, Rognak lets out a soft laugh, his body shaking with the motion as he allows himself to be walked forward by the Sentinel General.
“Do I get a hint at least?”
“No! You just have to trust me. Really, Rognak. When have I ever led you wrong?”
Giving off a faux indignant squawk, Shandris smacks her orc lover again. Both of them know full well that she’s never led him wrong! Certainly not in matters of love! She’d been right about Jaina after all, hadn’t she? And she’d even been right about her mother… eventually. False starts and embarrassing after-battle propositions notwithstanding.
Regardless, since he knows she’s leading him in circles, likely through his connection with the Nature all around them, Shandris rolls her eyes and stops prolonging the wait. She guides Rognak up to a specific room and in through a doorway… where a certain someone awaits them, naked as can be.
Meeting the other female’s eyes, Shandris sees the question inherent in her gaze. Shandris nods in response to that question and watches as the other female hesitates for a second before nodding in turn. Shandris smirks and reaches around her beloved, beginning the process of pulling open his robes. Of course, his blindfold is still on as she begins to strip him. But at the same time…
“Hush, beloved. Trust me?”
“… Always.”
It’s obvious Rognak can sense the presence of a third in the room. Shandris isn’t surprised by that. Still, with the blindfold on, he can’t precisely pinpoint who it is. Especially since he’s technically never had a chance to meet her before. Soon enough, Shandris’ blindfolded mate is stark naked, his massive orcish body on full display.
A wicked little grin spreads across Shandris’ face as she watches the other woman in the room gaze down at Rognak’s flaccid member. Said member is already starting to twitch to life solely based on the implication, but it’s slow going what with his vision still being restricted from him. Finally, having completely stripped Rognak naked, Shandris reaches up and at long last removes the blindfold from her lover’s face.
She can tell the moment he lays eyes on the other woman in the room, solely based off of how he stiffens in surprise. After a moment, he breathes out her name.
“Garona Halforcen…”
The naked half-orc nods, her black hair done up in twin-tails that bob with the movement of her head.
“I am she. And you are the seer.”
It’s not a question. Not even a request for confirmation. Garona speaks with utmost confidence, believing Shandris beyond question. The half-orc’s faith in her is honestly a little inspiring. Still…
“… I suppose Shandris told you about me and my request of her then?”
Rognak sounds curious but not defensive or wary. Though at the same time, Shandris can tell he’s being very careful not to look below Garona’s neckline. Tch, he could be so weird about this sort of thing some time. As the two converse, Shandris begins removing her own clothing behind him, letting it slip to the floor in near silence just out of view.
“She did. After she saved me from a fate worse than death at the hands of Cho’gall. I had been tracking him for years. For a time, I thought I lost his trail completely only to find out he’d gone all the way across the sea to this faraway land. I didn’t think much of it at the time… but the clues that I got that led me to Kalimdor… I now suspect they came from Cho’gall.”
Garona grimaces and looks away, the half-orc clearly irate.
“He wanted me to chase him, didn’t he? He wanted me to fall right into his trap so he could use me again… didn’t he?”
Letting out an explosive sigh, Rognak slowly nods.
“From what I know… yes, that’s what he wanted.”
Garona’s eyes flash at that and she leans forward, baring her teeth.
“What else do you know of me, seer? What else did you see of my fate, had your mate not intervened?”
“… The visions are conflicting. The mere fact that you and Cho’gall faced off in Feralas instead of elsewhere means some of what I saw is no longer accurate. However, what I can say is this… if Shandris hadn’t intervened and you’d fallen under Cho’gall’s control, you would have served him as faithfully as you served Gul’dan. That is, not willingly at all… but with terrifying efficiency to say the least.”
The mere mention of ‘Gul’dan’ causes Garona to flinch and clench her jaw, the half-orc going through a full body shudder. For a moment, Shandris fears that her idiot of a lover might have ruined the mood. But on the contrary, after a moment Garona looks at Rognak with something surprisingly… poignant in her eyes.
“Then I owe you and your beloved greatly. Without your words, the General would not have been in place to intervene when Cho’gall nearly captured me. Cho’gall would still be alive right now and I would be his puppet. You and Shandris Feathermoon have indeed saved me from a fate worse than death.”
Shandris can tell Rognak is conflicted. On the one hand, Garona is putting emphasis on how afraid she was of what would have become of her at Cho’gall’s hands by repeating herself. On the other hand… Rognak was always a stubborn fool of an orc.
“I don’t need anything from you, Garona Halforcen. I don’t need any sort of recompense or… or anything like that. You shouldn’t feel as though you need to pay me back in any way.”
As Garona blinks in surprise, Shandris scoffs and runs a hand along her mate’s large bicep, finally stepping out from behind him, Rognak does a double take at her naked state, even as she steps over to Garona, standing beside her with a wicked grin.
“Don’t be ridiculous, Rognak. This isn’t about what you want or need. This is about what WE want. Now… are you really going to pass up the opportunity to fulfill our desires all… night… long?”
Rognak blinks as Shandris wraps an arm around Garona’s waist. For a moment the half-orc does stiffen at the touch, but the moment passes and she relaxes into Shandris’ hold, biting her lower lip and lowering her head… but still looking at Rognak with a lidded gaze. A lidded gaze that Shandris mirrors right beside her as she gives her mate a shit-eating grin as well for good measure.
Wanton moans and heartfelt groans fill the room as Shandris finds herself on the bottom of an altogether delicious situation~
Rognak hadn’t had to be questioned further. Having two willing, beautiful women right in front of him all but begging for his cock was more than enough for the orc druid to agree. Of course, that still left it up in the air precisely how they were going to do this. Starting off with a bit of oral had been the first order of business. Shandris had dropped to her knees and sucked on Rognak’s cockhead while stroking his massive mast with both hands until he was rock hard and ready.
Garona had watched, though not without touching herself in the meantime, filling Shandris’ long ears with the sounds of fingers shlicking in and out of moistening pussy lips. Until finally, Shandris had declared Rognak as prepared as he was going to get without blowing his load all over her face and tits. Sure, Shandris wouldn’t have minded that… but it wasn’t the Plan.
No… this was the Plan. Shandris on her back with Garona on top of her… and Rognak on top of both of them. Effectively, Garona was sandwiched between the two of them, not allowed to go anywhere, not allowed to slip away. Technically, the position allowed Rognak to focus on both of them equally. It allowed him to fuck them both at the same time even, his big fat orc cock sometimes plowing between their pussies and hot-dogging their slits as they moaned up a storm in response.
However, most of the time his cock was inside of Garona herself. Pushing deep into her from behind. Filling her cunt to the brim and then some. She’s visibly enjoying herself, which is all Shandris could have asked for. As their tits rub together, Shandris slides a hand through the back of Garona’s head and kisses her deeply, the two women moaning into one another’s mouths, their eyes heavily lidded.
All the while, Rognak’s hands remain on Garona’s hips as he thrusts in and out of her at a rapid pace. Every once in a while he’ll pull out and fuck between their bodies, using their tightly pressed, toned abdomens as another ‘hole’ of sorts. However, he seems to realize precisely what Shandris wants him to do, almost as if he’s reading her mind, because he still focuses the majority of his attention on the half-orc they have sandwiched between them.
In fact… eventually, as he grows more and more heated and aggressive, Rognak even reaches out and grabs Garona by her twin tails, yanking her head back by her hair as he grunts. Shandris marvels at the way Garona’s eyes roll back in her head and her tongue lolls out of her mouth. The half-orc is clearly loving it.
She’s glad to see it, truth be told. Sure, Garona isn’t as special as say… a Dragon Aspect. Or the newly minted Lord Admiral of Kul Tiras. Or even a former Guardian of Tirisfal.
Yeah, Rognak has been getting it on with some pretty important ladies of late. From Katherine Proudmoore to Ysera to Aegwynn… why, Shandris would almost feel a little inadequate in comparison if she cared about that sort of thing. She didn’t, of course. Both she and Jaina had given birth to Rognak’s children at this point. Her son Furion was just a babe still but he would one day grow up to be as strong as his father. Meanwhile, Jaina’s daughter Aila was also still just an infant but beyond the handful of orcish features, she already looked so much like her mother. It was adorable.
In the face of that… of the children they’d had with Rognak and the love the three of them shared together, how could Shandris possibly be jealous? Especially when Rognak seemed to be getting more exasperate than anything else over the sexual situations he seemed to be finding himself in with more and more frequency.
Still, if one WERE to compare Rognak’s extracurricular lovers of late… well, Garona Halforcen was still pretty special, but she was just a King’s Assassin. She didn’t quite measure up. Fortunately, it wasn’t about measuring up. This was about Garona getting a no strings attached fling. This was about her being able to let go and allow herself to be vulnerable with the two people in the world she KNEW she could trust.
After all, Rognak was the one who sent Shandris to save Garona in the first place. And Shandris was the one who did the saving. Killing Cho’gall was just the icing on the cake given some of what Rognak had feared the two headed ogre would eventually manage to get up to. But keeping Garona from once again falling under Cho’gall’s mind control and suffering at the ogre’s hands… that was their main goal. Not just because she was a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands… but also because she didn’t deserve to suffer such a fate after what she’d been through. No one did.
As Rognak pulls back on Garona’s hair and continues fucking her solidly from behind, Shandris grins… and leans up, planting her mouth right on one of the half-orc’s breasts. In response, Garona howls as Shandris sinks her sharp canines into her flesh. Not quite deeply enough to draw blood of course, but definitely enough to make sure she feels it.
At the same time, she reaches up with her other hand and gropes Garona’s second tit, playing with her chest while Rognak continues to plow into her with considerable might. Garona needed this. She needed to know that she was free to make her own choices, to be her own woman, and to ultimately lay with who she wanted to lay with.
Did Shandris think this would evolve into something greater than just this one night? Most likely not. In fact, the whole reason that she’d arranged for THIS to be the position they fucked in was so that Garona couldn’t suddenly have a fit of nerves and go running off out of nowhere. Sandwiched between the two of them, the half-orc could do nothing but enjoy herself even if she didn’t think she deserved it. Even if she felt like the pleasure they were bringing to her was unwarranted and unearned, Shandris didn’t care. They weren’t letting her go until they were done with her.
And indeed, that’s how the rest of the night goes. With Rognak and Shandris both focusing all of their efforts on Garona, making the half-orc the center of attention. Shandris knows that it’s not how Garona expected the threesome to go. She was probably convinced that she would be little more than a third wheel and that eventually she’d be able to slip out as Shandris and Rognak focused on each other instead.
But that never happens and between Shandris pushing Rognak to continue fucking Garona over and over again and Rognak’s natural robustness and unending stamina… ultimately, the beautiful and deadly assassin simply can’t last forever.
Finally, after who knew how many orgasms and climaxes, Garona passes out on them. And Shandris, feeling rather tired herself by that point, has no problem curling up on her side with the half-orc in between the two of them, cuddling her to their chests and holding her tightly. Garona needed to know there were people in this world who she could feel safe with. And that so long as Shandris had a say in it, she would never let the half-orc suffer under the torture and torment of a cruel master ever again.
… Of course, part of that is knowing when to let Garona go free. They all fall asleep cuddled together, but when the morning comes and Shandris wakes up with the rising sun, she finds herself resting against Rognak’s chest with his arms around her naked body instead of a certain half-orc sandwiched between them. In the end, Garona has slipped away in the middle of the night with neither Shandris nor Rognak being any the wiser.
Whether the half-orc will show up again, Shandris doesn’t know. But as she snuggles in closer to her mate, she’s content and satisfied all the same.


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