A Savage Nature (Warcraft)

Bonus #6: Ysera & Alexstrasza

A/N: In which things get a little whacky from here on out for the rest of the bonus chapters~

If you've enjoyed reading this story, please check out The Soul Engine for me! It would mean a lot to me!


There were two places that Rognak had tried very hard to avoid coming within spitting distance of while he and the Expedition were up in Northrend to deal with the Lich King. The Ruby Dragonshrine and Wyrmrest Temple. He had avoided visiting those two places for the same reason… both were home to no small amount of Red Dragons, all of whom likely had absolutely no good feelings when it came to his people. To say nothing if the Dragon Queen herself had been in residence at one of those two locations. That would have been… disastrous to say the least.
Fortunately, the Dragonblight he’d remembered from his memories of the game had been a mere microcosm of what Dragonblight was actually like in this, the real world. Put simply, everything wasn’t nearly as closely packed together as it seemed. In the game, going from Icecrown to the Emerald Dragonshrine without running into either the Ruby Dragonshrine or Wyrmrest Temple was all but impossible.
In the real world, these points of interest were much further apart, allowing for the Expedition to more readily thread the needle and go and recruit Ysera and her Green Dragons from their Dragonshrine. All without provoking any attacks from Red Dragons that might have been at either of the other two places.
Rognak and his Warsong Druids had made it out of Northrend without running afoul of a single Red Dragon, which Rognak had personally considered to be quite a coup. And yet… and yet here he was, walking through the vaunted halls of Wyrmrest Temple, following along after a certain Aspect of Dreams and trying not to stare too much at her swaying ass and sashaying hips. Rognak didn’t doubt for a moment that Ysera was doing that on purpose. Perhaps to disarm him? Unfortunately it was having the exact opposite effect. Feeling rather anxious, he clears his throat and speaks up, catching her ear.
“Lady Ysera, can you give me any more information, perhaps? Before I… err, walk into the dragon’s lair, so to speak?”
Ysera glances back over her shoulder at that and smirks, taking no offense at the light attempt at humor. But she doesn’t answer him immediately, instead curling a finger and wordlessly beckoning him to follow her as they turn a corner… into a surprisingly small corridor for a place built with dragons in mind. Suddenly, they’re walking down a hallway where only mortals… or dragons disguised as mortals, could possibly hope to tread.
There is where Ysera finally stops and properly turns to look at him, planting her hands on her hips with a sigh.
“Malygos is dead.”
Rognak’s eyes damn near bulge out of his skull at that, the orc druid gaping as Ysera delivers that particular bombshell. To be clear, she sounds properly grave and solemn over it… but still, who just starts a conversation like that?!
Also… had Ysera brought Rognak to his death?! In all honesty, he’d known that was a possibility from the moment that the Aspect of the Emerald Dragonflight had shown up in the Warsong Grove and told him that the Dragon Queen wished to speak with him. While those of his Warsong Druids who were present at the time would probably have tried to stand up for him and save him, Rognak had urged them to stand down and gone with Ysera willingly.
He liked to think she wouldn’t actually lead him to his death… not after everything they’d been through together. Still, he wished he’d asked more questions earlier instead of spending all of his time on the way here in quiet contemplation. Ysera had taken him on a shortcut through a much nicer, less shadow-infested corridor of the Emerald Dream, before leading him out into the temple.
Only once he was in Wyrmrest Temple itself had Rognak started to feel some… anxiety. And now that Ysera had told him Malygos was dead, that anxiety had skyrocketed.
“How, exactly?”
Smiling slightly, Ysera tilts her head to the side.
“He died a good death… in the line of duty. Your information led us to Deepholm, Rognak. With the knowledge you imparted to me, I was able to bring my brothers and sister together and we made our way to Deepholm to confront the Destroyer once and for all. Deathwing did not anticipate our arrival and was caught off-guard… but at the same time, we did not anticipate he would have healed so much in the scant ten years since we fought him last.”
Here, Ysera dips her head entirely in mourning.
“At least… none of us save Malygos anticipated such a swift resurgence. I know you told me that Malygos’ mind was unstable… and as much as I hated to believe such a thing could be true of another one of my brothers, I had been keeping a close eye on him. However, nothing you said led me to believe he might be… suicidal.”
Rognak blinks at that. Ysera’s tone is not judgmental or accusatory, but he still feels a pang of guilt all the same, even as he puts the pieces together in his head.
“… Nothing I thought I knew said he was suicidal either, Ysera.”
Bobbing her head in acknowledgment of his words, for what little good they can do, Ysera sighs.
“As I said, Malygos was prepared for Deathwing to be capable of overwhelming all four of us. And so, when the Destroyer started to overcome us… the Aspect of Magic acted. Malygos latched onto Deathwing and in a storm of Arcane Might, tore them both to shreds. He gave his life so that Deathwing might never endanger our world ever again.”
That was… wow. When Rognak had told Ysera where to find Deathwing, he wasn’t sure anything would come of it. He’d told the Aspect of Dreams a lot of things after all. He’d wanted… well, he’d hoped that she and her siblings would be able to handle the big picture stuff. Rognak going to Deepholm with his Warsong Druids and Cenarius and the Night Elves to try and kill Deathwing themselves was… a moronic plan to say the least. So was trying to handle most of the Old Gods on Azeroth, really.
The most Rognak was willing to try to do in that regard was things like telling Shandris to keep a lookout for Cho’gall… or pointing Ysera and the other Aspects in Deathwing’s direction and hoping against hope that they could do the rest without needing to recreate the Demon Soul again like he remembered. If possible, Rognak wanted to avoid shit like the Cataclysm. Not just Deathwing exploding out into the world and blowing shit up, but also bullshit like Thrall abdicating his position as Warchief because the elements were calling on him to become ‘Green Jesus’.
Well, at least Rognak could safely assume that with Deathwing dead and the Cataclysm laid to rest, the elements crying out to Thrall for salvation wasn’t like to happen and the Warchief wasn’t likely to be driven from his position by the call of duty like he was in the game.
That said… Malygos was dead. And it sounded like if Malygos hadn’t been ready to take Deathwing out in a kamikaze attack, then ALL of the other Aspects would be dead or suffering at Deathwing’s claws at this point. Which would have been very, very bad.
Of course, even worse…
“How bad is it? How badly does Alexstrasza want my head for my information leading to Malygos’ death?”
Ysera pauses at that… and then quirks up the corner of her mouth in a smile that very much does not reach the disguised Aspect’s glowing eyes.
“That… is not actually the problem, Rognak. Alexstrasza doesn’t want you dead. In fact… she didn’t actually ask for you by name. That was a bit of a deception, I’m afraid to say.”
Wait, what? Rognak furrows his brow in confusion but before he can ask Ysera to clarify, she curls her claws back.
“Come, it will be easier if I show you…”
With that, she leads him down the mortal-sized corridor, with Rognak following her until they reach a door. At which point the Dragon Aspect pulls it open… and sounds and smells that Rognak is not expecting hit his senses.
“Mmmph! Mmmmph~ Nnnngh!”
The squelching of… appendages going in and out of orifices fills the air right alongside gurgling moans and wanton mumbles. On top of that, the smell of arousal is HEAVY in the air. Rognak follows Ysera into the room… and beholds a sight he never thought he would behold, not in a million years.
Alexstrasza, aka the Queen of Dragons… is in her humanoid, elven disguise and taking it in all three holes by what Rognak can only describe as… orc facsimiles made up of magical plants. The plant-orcs are obviously not intelligent but rather just going through the motions. One of them holds Alexstrasza by her magnificent rack… of dragon horns as he fucks her face. Another holds her by her hips and her tail, lifting the draconic tail up into the air so he can properly plow her cunt from behind.
Finally, there’s one more on either side of her, showing that the Dragon Queen appears to be willingly participating in this degradation given the way she’s stroking off their vine-like dicks while they point directly at either side of her head.
Ysera leans in close as Rognak stands there, gobsmacked at the sight.
“Please understand… this is our greatest secret. My sister… her time in the Dragonmaw Clan’s hands left her mind more broken them most know. While she’s good at hiding it, sometimes she… struggles. She has these… fantasies. Flights of fancy that… that I am required to satisfy for her.”
Ysera flushes as Rognak turns his wide eyes in her direction, still absolutely shocked.
“… To be clear, as far as I can tell from discussing it with her surviving consorts that were held captive at Grim Batol with her, you orcs never… forced her in this way. She was never used directly by mortal cocks. And yet… secretly she craves them. Specifically those of the orcish variety. She craves orcs as much as she hates your kind. Normally I can take care of her needs in this manner, with a faked experience for her. However…”
Rognak lifts an eyebrow as Ysera trails off, wordlessly demanding she actually finish her explanation. Letting out a sigh, Ysera sheepishly hangs her head.
“However, Malygos’ death hit her hard and hasn’t stopped hitting her. She’s been like this ever since shortly after we returned from Deepholm and buried our fallen brother. Unlike before however, my plant-orcs haven’t been enough to satisfy her or snap her out of the fantasy. She’s only gotten worse, falling deeper into the hallucination. To the extent that… that when any dragon besides myself tries to approach her, she lashes out at them, attacking them. Including even her own consorts.”
Processing all of this, Rognak starts to realize where this is going. He doesn’t like it, but best to actually hear it from Ysera’s mouth at the very least. Given that, he breaks his silence.
“Speak plainly, Ysera. What would you have of me?”
Biting her lower lip… the Aspect of Dreams gestures to the Aspect of Life currently being gangbanged by fake orcs.
“I would have you fuck her, Archdruid. I would have you play out her fantasy for real so that she perhaps snaps out of this… this mental breakdown of hers. You broke me out of my nightmare once. I’m hoping you can do the same for her.”
Rognak just stares for a long moment. He wants nothing more than to grab Ysera by the shoulders and shake her while screaming ‘That’s not how this works! That’s not how any of this works!’ directly into her face. However… he doesn’t do that. Because frankly, he doesn’t know for sure whether that ISN’T how this works.
Azeroth doesn’t have therapy. It doesn’t have psychologists. Certainly not for ancient all-powerful Dragon Queens who have been alive for tens of thousands of years. All it really has is magic and death. And death is where got Alexstrasza where she is. Magic, specifically Ysera’s… simply isn’t working.
So maybe a harsh dose of reality is what Alexstrasza needs to snap out of this. Maybe Ysera is right and a real orc fucking her is the only way Alexstrasza comes back to herself.
He can see why he would be the orc chosen for the job. He’s the only orc Ysera knows she can trust with this. At the same time… there’s no telling what Alexstrasza will do if this works. If she comes out of her current mental breakdown and is herself again, how is she going to react to an orc being buried in her cunt? Probably not well…
Letting out a sigh, Rognak squares his shoulders and sets his jaw. Nobody ever said life on Azeroth would be easy. In fact, it was quite the opposite wasn’t it? He would just have to hope that Ysera would be able to save him if Alexstrasza got a little TOO frisky.
“… Very well, I’ll do it.”
Ysera’s eyes light up and she smiles a bright smile.
“Thank you, Rognak. You have no idea how much that means to me. I’d started to fear I’d lost my sister forever.”
Grunting, Rognak begins disrobing, revealing his naked orcish body inch by inch.
“Don’t thank me yet. We don’t know if it’ll work quite yet. If it works and I’m still alive at the end of this… then you can thank me.”
The Aspect of Dreams bites her lower lip at that, understanding full well what Rognak is risking. Even still, she doesn’t stop him from approaching Alexstrasza once he’s naked, his cock in hand. She loves her sister enough to be all too willing to risk him for the Dragon Queen’s sake. Honestly, Rognak has to respect that.
Meanwhile… meanwhile it looks like he’s going to be ignoring some sage advice he recalls from his second life. A simple statement designed to keep the average man on the straight and narrow and help him avoid the wrong sort of mate. A single sentence… words to live by to be sure.
‘Don’t stick your dick in crazy’.
Well… as he closes in on Alexstrasza’s backside and Ysera lets the plant-orc she had fucking her sister’s cunt dissolve away into nothingness he shrugs and reflects that it’s already too late for that. Then, he thrusts in.
Contrary to her sister Aspect’s beliefs, Alexstrasza was actually not completely out of her mind. No, she was still present, even amidst the fantasy, amidst her escape from reality. There was still a part of her that was fully aware of both how she was currently acting and what was going on around her. It wasn’t that she couldn’t stop… it was that she didn’t WANT to stop.
This was just so much easier. Easier than being the Queen of Dragons. Easier than being the Aspect of Life. Playing out this fantasy, pretending that she was just some mewling orc slave… it was so damn EASY. It almost made her want to weep. Even better… even better, it harmed nobody but her.
If only the orcs had used her in this humanoid guise of hers. If only they had taken the Dragon Queen themselves, fucking her and passing her between them. There would have been no pain for her consorts then. No torture. No executions for the ones who refused to partake in her torment and forced breeding. Nor would there have been any breeding to begin with. Sure she was the Queen of Life, but even she couldn’t be impregnated in the elven guise she liked to wear. It was literally incapable of such a thing.
If she had just been in this form when the orcs took her, when they chained her up and made her their bitch, then so much heartache and pain could have been avoided. Was it any wonder that this was the fantasy that the Dragon Queen’s broken mind retreated to whenever the real world got to be too much for her?
… Malygos was dead because of her. It didn’t matter what Ysera or Nozdormu said. Sure, it had been Ysera’s intel that led them to Deepholm. And it had been Malygos’ magic that got them there. But it had been Alexstrasza who pushed them all to act swiftly the moment she learned where Deathwing was. It was she who had rushed them all into battle with a half-baked plan and this idea that ten years wouldn’t be nearly enough time for the Destroyer to have recovered from the wounds they dealt him at Grim Batol.
She’d been a fool. A hate-filled, spiteful fool. Her desire to see Deathwing dead for the part he’d played in her captivity and torment had made her reckless, impulsive, and impatient. And it wasn’t even a good excuse, because her brother’s desire to see the Destroyer dead was just as great if not greater than her own. Yes, Alexstrasza had lost much when she was held by the orcs. But Malygos had lost much, much more when Deathwing first betrayed them and slew so much of the Azure Dragonflight.
At the end of the day, Alexstrasza’s hate had made her weak. Malygos had been the only one with a real plan. Without his sacrifice, they would all be dead or worse at this point.
… So yes, the Dragon Queen was still very aware of her surroundings. She understood that she was living out a fantasy with the help of her sister. She deserved nothing less than to be an orc fuck slave for the rest of her days after getting Malygos killed. Even if she was an orc fuck slave to fake orcs.
However, because Alexstrasza is aware… she knows the moment that everything changes. The fake cock in her mouth remains, as do the two in either of her hands, but the one in her cunt… it disappears. Only to be replaced a moment later by something very, VERY real. She’s literally the Queen of Life. She knows the difference between a bunch of vines wound together to make a facsimile of a dick, and a real dick. The pulsating cock meat suddenly punching deep into her gushing twat causes Alexstrasza to choke all the harder on the vine-dick in her mouth, shuddering as very real orc hands grasp her hips.
Her golden eyes widen at the sensation… and then promptly roll back in her head as she orgasms explosively on the spot. After who knew how long… she was finally getting to experience the real thing. At long last, she was being taken by an actual orc. She was being used by her new orc master. From now on, Alexstrasza would be his slave. She would devote her every moment to serving him and his deliciously large cock as it stretches out the insides of her mortal guise.
Coming down from the explosive climax, Alexstrasza’s eyes flutter forward again as she realizes the plant-orcs have all vanished, leaving her throat unoccupied and her clawed hands to fall down to the floor as she descends to her knees. Her new orc master follows her down, her long draconic tail draped over one of his shoulders, one of his arms wrapped around it as his other hand remains attached to her hips.
His grunts fill her ears and the Dragon Queen feels compelled to speak… to cry out in lust and acknowledge him as her new master.
“Yes! Fuck me, Master! Fill me with your big fat orc cock! Pump me full of your seed! Make me your BITCH!”
Rather than make him fuck her harder and faster as she’d hoped, Alexstrasza’s lewd and crass cries actually cause the orc to pause for a moment… though when she whines in disappointment, he begins fucking her again at a similar pace to before. However, it’s obvious his attention isn’t fully on her anymore, because even as he’s fucking her he’s talking to someone else… to her sister.
“I’m not sure this is going to work.”
Ysera’s voice comes from off to the side in the form of a drawn-out sigh.
“Just… do your best, please. You’re her only hope. Nothing else has worked.”
Growling slightly, Alexstrasza pushes her hips back into the orc’s crotch meaningfully. Taking the hint, he grunts in response and starts to fuck her harder. This allows the Dragon Queen to go back to moaning up a storm, panting heavily as the tip of her tail draped over his shoulder whaps against his back, wagging like an overexcited hound.
Yessss… she wants more. She wants him to own her. To collar her. To tell her she belongs to him from now on. No more responsibilities. No more duty. No more Dragon Queen. Just Alex the Bitch and her Orc Master.
Except… deep down inside, she knows she’s not going to get that. Even before she realizes just who it is that Ysera has gotten to fuck her, the Life-Binder knows she’s not going to get her wish.
“… I’m going to try something.”
That’s all the warning Alexstrasza gets before the orc’s hands both reach out and grab hold of her illustrious dragon horns protruding from the scalp of her humanoid guise. The Dragon Queen’s eyes widen as big, rough, orcish hands wrap around said horns and pull her head back, forcing her spine to arch in a brutal manner and making her cry out in both pain and pleasure at the abuse.
Her pussy walls clench around his big fat orcish cock as she cums hard for him, and her eyes threaten to roll back in her head again in sheer, perverse enjoyment. Of course, her horns themselves aren’t very sensitive. She could make them sensitive for him if he asked, but by default they weren’t an erogenous zone on her mortal disguise.
However, rather than ask… the orc begins to channel. Alexstrasza’s eyes widen as she feels Nature Magic coursing through her horns and down into her skull, spreading out through her entire body. The Life-Binder shudders as she realizes exactly who Ysera has roped into this mess.
It’s not just any orc. It’s THE orc. Chieftain of the Warsong Clan. Archdruid of the Horde. Student of Cenarius, Lord of the Forest. This is Rognak… the orc who told her sister where to find Deathwing. Who’s information led to the Destroyer’s death but also the death of Malygos.
In that instant, Alexstrasza is torn. There’s the part of her that wants to have Rognak continue fucking her. That still wants to try to live out her orc slave fantasy for the rest of her days. But there’s another part of her that wants to kill him. Right then and there. She wants to strike him down and end him, even if she knows deep down inside that it wasn’t his fault. That… that despite his vile origins, he was just trying to help.
Of course… she’s not the Aspect of Death, is she? She’s the Aspect of Life. As much as she might want to kill Rognak on the spot, she cannot. That isn’t to say Alexstrasza is incapable of killing… but it’s very, very hard for her to actually take a life. It goes against every fiber of the Dragon Queen’s being.
And of course… there’s the fact that he’s still fucking her from behind. Still plowing her silly while gripping at her horns and pouring Nature Energy into her body in an attempt to… what? Disrupt her fantasy? Cure her mind of its ailment? Hah! Don’t make her laugh. Maybe if she was actually as caught up in all of this as her sister thought it might work. However, as previously mentioned… Alexstrasza wasn’t truly gone. She was always there, in the background.
All Rognak’s efforts are doing is making her hornier. With a snarl, the Dragon Queen bucks her hips back into his thrusting cock with greater strength, causing him to grunt and tighten his grip as he sets his stance and holds her in place, pinning her with his own orcish power. If she were in her natural form, he wouldn’t be able to manhandle her obviously. But she only has access to so much physical strength in this guise.
Not that she minds being manhandled. In fact, she quite enjoys it. But damn it all, she’s still angry. And Rognak’s efforts to try and bring her back aren’t doing much besides suffusing her with Nature Energy. Which… isn’t quite the Life Energy that Alexstrasza naturally produces. It’s a subset sure, but Alexstrasza isn’t the Nature-Binder, she’s the Life-Binder. And frankly, she’s getting a little sick of Rognak’s actions.
With a snarl and the use of her thick dragon’s tail, she bucks and twists and in an instant she’s on top and the orc is on the bottom. Suddenly, she’s riding him as he lays back, eyes wide and hands no longer on her horns. Staring down at him imperiously, Alexstrasza’s lips curl into a wicked grin.
“Oh shit.”
Oh shit indeed. She almost laughs at the mortal creature’s understatement of his current predicament. Bouncing up and down on his cock, enjoying the way his fat orcish length splits her insides and stretches her abdomen, the Aspect of Life hisses as she leans over Rognak, planting her hands on either side of his head.
“Sister, he was only-!”
Finally, Alexstrasza says something that is not crass begging to be fucked silly. From the paling of Rognak’s face and her sister’s muteness, she suspects they both wish she would go back to how she was acting before. Honestly, she wished she could as well. But that’s over now. They’ve ruined it. So… so Alexstrasza will return the favor.
Rognak wanted to be her savior instead of her master? The orc druid wanted to be more than his people’s baser instincts and darker impulses? Then the Dragon Queen would help him with that. She wouldn’t kill him… but in an instant, he was going to probably wish he was dead.
Reaching out, Alexstrasza places her clawed fingers on either side of Rognak’s green head. And then she leans forward and plants her mouth on his, sticking her long draconic tongue past his lips and into his waiting maw. At the same time, she begins to rapidly slam herself down on his cock, riding him harder and faster than ever before. The Nature Energy he’d filled her with is repurposed without a second thought, refined into Pure Life Energy before anyone can even blink.
And then… Alexstrasza gives it back. As Rognak finally cums, spilling his seed inside of her, Alexstrasza pours Flames of Life right into his mouth and down his gullet. Her flames do not kill… but at the same time, they aren’t exactly GOOD for mortal beings. Still, it’s only fair. Rognak gave her so much of himself… so she’s giving it back to him with a small fraction of her own self in the process.
The orc druid under her shakes and spasms as her fires spread throughout his body. Beside them, Ysera cries out in concern for the mortal, making Alexstrasza almost want to scoff. But she doesn’t because she’s not stopping. She holds Rognak down and groans into his mouth while he cums inside of her. He fills her with his essence… and she fills him with HERS.
Finally, it’s done. Alexstrasza is already pulling back by the time Ysera musters the courage to grab her by the shoulders and tear her off of Rognak.
“My sister… what… what have you done?”
Ysera’s voice is laced with horror, even as she drags Alexstrasza off of the orc’s cock and to her feet. In turn, the Dragon Queen just sways in her fellow Aspect’s grasp, staring down at Rognak almost listlessly.
“… Is this not what you wanted, Ysera? You wanted me back, no matter the cost. Else you would not have brought an orc within striking distance of me. From the moment you made the decision to bring him to this room, you made peace with the fact that you might be sacrificing him for my sanity.”
“I… I…”
Ysera sounds torn. She looks away which is why Alexstrasza is the first to see it. The first to see as Rognak’s body, which had been shaking and spasming until this point, finally starts to go still. But even though he ceases moving… he doesn’t go COMPLETELY still. Instead, Alexstrasza watches as red and green dragon scales slowly form across the orc’s chest, covering his torso from his lower neck to his biceps, all the way to the waist in a form of scale-mail.
She also watches as a pair of dragon’s horns sprout from his bald scalp, and a thick draconic tail of a similar style to her own grows out of his tail bone, slowly sliding down between his legs until it stops close to his ankles.
And… she watches as his eyes snap open, revealing glowing draconic pupils of golden life.
In an instant, he’s on his feet staring down at himself. His hands are still big and green and orcish… but each are capped with a much sharper nail now, reminiscent of a dragon’s claws.
From beside her, Ysera’s tone is one of shock and awe. Alexstrasza, meanwhile, scowls a bit, torn between elation and anger. The Orc Archdruid had taken her Blessing of Life better than even she expected. In hindsight, if she’d wanted to prolong the pain, she probably shouldn’t have used his own energy to do it. Even if she’d refined it into Pure Life Energy before sending it back down his gullet, it was still originally his.
“I… what did you do to me?”
Rognak looks at himself in wonder and then at Alexstrasza with a frown. Sniffing haughtily, the Dragon Queen crosses her arms over her chest.
“I gave you my Blessing. It is… shall we say, non-refundable. Be grateful mortal. Not many can say they were Blessed by an Aspect after all.”
Rognak’s jaw clenches and his nostrils flare at her dismissive and haughty tone. Precisely as Alexstrasza hoped. He’s not just an orc now. He’s also a little bit dragon too. Meaning… he’s got a dragon’s pride on top of an orc’s pride.
“You could have asked.”
Laughing, Alexstrasza flips her copper red locks over her shoulder and raises an eyebrow at him.
“… And why should I have?”
Ysera’s warning falls on deaf ears. Alexstrasza wants only one thing right now. And she’s going to get it, one way or another.
“Might makes right, Rognak of the Warsong Clan. If you take issue with what I’ve done to you… express it not through words, but through actions.”
And then, just in case she’s not making herself crystal clear, Alexstrasza stomps forward and pokes Rognak in his new scaled chest with a smirk.
“Or are you too scared to put me in my place?”
Rognak looks stupefied for only a second before a lustful growl leaves the newly minted part-dragon’s lips and he reaches for her. Alexstrasza grins, not stopping him or fighting him in any way. She wants what comes next. She enjoys it very much. Especially when Ysera joins in as well and the trio REALLY put Rognak’s new physique and constitution through its paces.
… Maybe she won’t be able to hide in her fantasy of being an orc fuck slave any more after this. But against all odds, the whole encounter causes something in Alexstrasza’s chest to loosen all the same. And she thinks… she thinks she might just be all right after all.


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