A Sinner’s Chance

Chapter 110

While I'd thought this test was going to be a somewhat difficult trial of survival, I was not prepared for what it actually entailed, nor did I understand what it was testing. The first few days had been rather easy as even though we didn't have any supplies, Arya was able to use sunlight to sustain herself while I was able sustain myself through both devouring the curse and having sex, something we did at least once a day. While it was somewhat wasteful, I was also able to produce water through magic, so we never got dehydrated, at least until things began to escalate.

It was on the fourth day that the two of us became our inverted selves, a troublesome development as neither of us had a Skill for sustenance. Even worse was that we began to be attacked, not by bandits or monsters, but rather creatures of pure energy. We were under constant siege and we couldn't even take time to rest, thankfully our inverse forms were still adept at combat even if they were completely different to our normal fighting styles.

I used magic to disperse the creatures and to keep an area free from them giving us a small reprieve, while Arya was now like an assassin, she'd blend into shadows and appear behind the creatures while slashing out with the dark shadowy blade, absorbing any of the creatures that were compatible with her, usually water or Yin, while dispersing the others.

On the dawn of the eighth day I thought I was going to collapse, only to feel reinvigorated as I turned back to normal. Arya must have changed back as well since golden flames exploded forth from not too far away. Being much more familiar with this form it was much easier to thin the numbers, though they still seemed to immediately be replenished. Unlike while I was in the Yang form, I was extremely suited to this kind of fight normally, though it was unfortunate that I didn't have any of my gear as that would have helped immensely.

We kept fighting and struggling as we slowly but surely moved forward, hoping for some kind of respite, and finally our pleas were answered when we saw what seemed to be a village about halfway through the thirteenth day. Once we were within half a mile of the buildings the energy creatures ceased to attack and dispersed giving us a reprieve. The two of us sighed in relief and exhaustion as the adrenaline began to run out and we shuffled into the village. As we entered we saw a large selection of people, Elves, Therians, and other races that I wasn't able to recognize.

Upon seeing us they came up to us, some with looks of pity, others with amazement, and a single Elf whose expression was neutral as he reached a hand out to us. "Welcome sisters, I'm impressed that ones as young as yourselves could make it here." 

His tone was friendly and it didn't seem like he meant us harm so I tentatively reached out my hand and took his. "Where are we exactly?" I asked, hoping he'd be able to give us a hint as to what we were supposed to accomplish here.

The man shook my hand and nodded. "I assume the two of you know that this is the second test of the Well of Balance? Not that it matters. This is one of the many safe zones in this never-ending field, as you know going outside a certain radius will cause you to be constantly accosted by those energy monsters. Those of us here, as well as any other living people you run into in this place are all challengers, though most of us have long since given up on leaving."

The fact that they could live here was proof that at least it was possible to get food and other necessities as I doubted every single person had a Skill that allowed them to survive through unconventional means. The fact that many people had given up attested to the difficulty of this phase of the trial, however, Arya and I didn't have the luxury of just giving up and living out our lives here, her life was on a time limit, and I wasn't about to let her waste it away in here. "Does anyone know the purpose of this test?"

The Elven man nodded. "Most of those here know the requirements to leave, however, not only are we unable to fulfill them, we are unable to speak of them to others, but I can give you a hint, to hopefully set you on the right track. Think of the name of this place, as well as why it was the two of you that were sent. That's all I can say." he said as he shook his head. "There is a pillar at the center of this village that not only records the last wishes of many of those who have given up hope, if the two of you make it out, I hope you'll pass on any messages you can. There is also a shop that will allow you to stock up on supplies. It uses energy gathered from the creatures outside the safe zone, so the more you've killed the more stuff you can afford."

We thanked the man for his help and guidance as we began to make our way to the center of the village and just as he had said there was indeed a pillar filled with regrets. Some were carved into the stone, while others were just scraps of paper that had been stuck on, regardless of the type, each listed some names as well as a message that they would like to have relayed to those named. While I took a mental note of the one's I could read, I didn't recognize anyone so I doubted I'd be telling anyone anything. When I asked Arya about it she said she also was unable to recognize anybody.

The next stop was the shop, an empty stall that I would have never guessed was the shop if it weren't for the bright multicolored sign that hung from its top that said shop. Approaching it brought up a translucent menu much like the holographic consoles from Velen's world. There were all sorts of items listed along with the associated price as a number. In the top right corner was a large number that decreased when I tapped an entry, though it would return  if I didn't finish the sale.

I hoped we didn't have to stay too long to figure out what it was we were supposed to do here. Even with the hints the Elven man had given, I still didn't understand what exactly the trial was trying to get us to do. Thankfully, there was plenty of free land and I was able to just buy a plot and set up a basic foundation as if I was in a top-down base building game. That said I went with only a foundation, supports, and two floors, I then just bought some good lumber and a carpenter's kit as I could easily build the rest myself and for practically no cost. Artifice had absorbed the Homemaker Skill after I'd built my workshop and renovated our residence when we were at school.

While it was true that I was mostly working on making a large workshop so I could produce equipment, I wasn't about to compromise on the comfortability just because it was going to be a temporary residence. With Arya's help, I was able to work nonstop for 72 hours which finished the living area along with the majority of the workshop. During this time Arya had been out and about talking to the others that were in this village trying to gather more hints as she pieced together the reason for this test.

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