A Sinner’s Chance

Chapter 111

There was a nostalgic feeling to living together with just Arya, as even though it had been less than a month ago since we left the school, we'd been constantly busy since we'd left and nearly the whole time after we'd left school had been a flurry of activity. I had been working on equipment that would be more effective against the energy creatures that were a constant threat outside of the safety zone. In exchange for deliveries of food and other supplies I even gave them out to the others in the village as the more people who used and reported what was good and bad about each design let me further improve it in shorter amounts of time.

It had been about a week since we'd arrived in the safety zone and somehow me and Arya had become a central support for the village. When both of us were normal, I'd work in the workshop which had expanded and was more like a factory with several other craftsmen working with me, while Arya would tend to the wounded among other duties that required detailed knowledge of a being's anatomy. While we were inverted we worked on the purpose of the test, making various theories and testing them out as we tried to complete what was required.

Today was one of the inverted days so we were holed up on the second floor of the house I'd built, various papers crumpled and tossed to the side while others were hanging to the walls or spaced on the table. It was a chaotic mess of research and test results that we'd been doing along with testimonies from various villagers about what didn't work and the various hints they could give us.

I tossed a piece of paper to the side as I fell onto the floor groaning in frustration. "We're not getting anywhere. Why does this have to be so complicated?" I complained as I ran a hand through my currently blonde hair.

I could only hear the sound of Arya's quill writing something down before it suddenly stopped. "What if it isn't complicated at all? What if we're overthinking it?"

I pushed myself up and looked at her as she placed her quill down. "I think Toril gave us the best clue. Name of the place, and why it was the two of us."

I tilted my head sideways, unable to grasp what she was hinting at. "Didn't we already go through this, Well of Balance, for the name, as for the reason isn't it because we're a pair?" This wasn't the first time we'd talked about this clue, but every time we did it felt like we were no closer to the answer than before.

However this time Arya shook her head. "I think we made a fundamental mistake as to what being a pair implies. We assumed that it meant a couple right? But what if meant as complementary opposites, a Yin and a Yang. I don't know why I didn't think about this earlier. When I told you about the Well of Balance, remember how I said that both a Yin and a Yang needed to enter? Nowhere in the requirements did it state they needed to be a couple, or even related to each other, only that one was Yin and the other Yang."

I was slowly grasping that she thought it wasn't about us as a couple, but I still failed to understand what she was poking at so I could only reply with "And?"

"That means rather than a balance of our lives or ideas, we need to balance our energy. I imagine we need our Essences to interact much like how the being who we met first was, completely balanced even when in constant flux."

I could only blink my eyes as I understood what she was getting at. "Isn't that too easy though? If I controlled Essence Sharing just right wouldn't that be the same thing?" I couldn't imagine it being such an easy task, but the more I thought the more I realized that Essence Sharing was probably just a loophole, how often would a Lust Demon come here, one that had evolved the Skill on top of that? While I currently didn't have access to the Skill, it was actually pretty easy to replicate if you were familiar with both yours and your partner's body and Essences. "Shall we head to bed then? That'd be the easiest way to test out your theory."

Arya hesitated for a moment before nodding her head as she stood up, an action that I promptly copied as we both made our way out of the study and into the bedroom. I took a moment to lock the door and seal the shutters that blocked the windows. I didn't want to accidentally kill any of the villagers during our test.

My inverted form was much harder to get aroused than when I was normal, but I thought that perhaps this was the normal difficulty as it was very easy to induce arousal while I had Skills like Masochism or Sadism. It was the same for Arya, as normally she had her penis that was just as temperamental and easy as a normal mans, but her Yin form lacked such a feature. However I'd discovered that it was possible for me to manifest one for myself, though I typically stopped halfway so that I only had the shaft since I didn't want to know what would happen if I impregnated Arya and she reverted to normal.

We started out slow as our clothes began to fall to the floor and our lips pressed into each other, our tongues swirling and gliding across one another. We separated after a moment, only for me to fall backwards onto the bed pulling Arya with me, her body pressing into me. The cock I manifested began to harden as I rubbed it against Arya's smooth and supple thighs, while she began to rub herself against me.

I was unfortunately unable to fully enjoy the experience as I began to focus on making the connection that Essence Sharing normally made for me. Thankfully I didn't currently have the Seduction Skill as that would have made things far more difficult than it needed to be. I was too busy focusing on making connections and circulating both mana and Essence between me and Arya that my concentration nearly broke when I suddenly felt a warm wetness at my tip, only to open my eyes to see Arya kneeling above me her face distorted with pleasure as she rubbed against it before she plunged downwards, as if she wanted to impale herself on my cock.

I had completely forgotten that Arya was more easily influenced when she was inverted and once she gave into an emotion or feeling, she'd pursue it until she couldn't anymore or someone stopped her. I didn't have the time to stop her and could only bite down as her tight walls began to squeeze around my member as she slid down to the base. I could only mutter a string of curses and heavy moans as I forced myself to focus against the invading pleasure.

It was far harder to maintain a balance than I'd originally thought it would be, but it didn't help that I was also dealing with Arya rampaging as she tried to satiate the intense arousal that she was feeling. My breasts, ass and slit were being tormented with pleasure as Arya attacked whatever she wanted trying to get me to orgasm. I'd already felt her contract and squeezed harder so it wasn't like she was getting pleasure, she was simply seeking the finale, something I couldn't let happen until I managed to keep the two of us in balance.

Arya had just began to bite and suck on one of my nipples when I managed to achieve a near balance, however it was slightly off, but I'd already accounted for this and suddenly began to thrust my hips violently into Arya as I gripped her and rolled her over so that I was on top as I pounded into her. She began to scream out and clench against me as I finally released my hot not seed into her. The world seemed to splinter around me as I finally gave into the intense pleasure that had been building up, our Essences and mana becoming a perfect balance of Yin and Yang that began to rotate and cycle through both of us.

It was only at this point that I realized the proper way to achieve and use this effect was in combat. Like an Ouroboros that was constantly devouring its own tail and getting nowhere, so too did our mana and essences intermingle, both building on and devouring each other, granting greater strength as it cycled between us. While it would probably take some time before either of us could actually earn the Skill, I could see it proving extremely useful, especially since it would likely be similar to Essence Sharing. I should be able to channel through our Bond Rings, though I'd need to acquire and understand the Skill first.

Just as my orgasm induced epiphany ended I suddenly felt the familiar suction force as we were whisked away from the bed.

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