A Sinner’s Chance

Chapter 118

Once we had finished getting the area livable, it was time to test out my new Skill, hopefully to prove that I didn't make an irreparable mistake. It was strangely embarrassing to be naked while Arya remained dressed standing some distance away just watching me intently as I began to activate the Skill.

I didn't know what to expect, but what happened was still out of my  predictions. I had thought it might be like when I was inverted in the Well of Balance and could simply condense mana into flesh, or perhaps that my flesh itself would morph and change, and while the latter was closer, it didn't quite describe what took place.

As I had expected the change began around my clit, as it enlarged, before I felt a set of muscles that I was sure I didn't have before, begin to work. I almost wondered if this Skill had been available since my first molt, but had only appeared now because I had a pseudo penis in  the Well of Balance. It wouldn't have been the first time I learned a Skill that I practically already had, such as Multitasking, I'd been doing that long before I got the Skill, it had just given me a boost to doing so.

The best way to describe the feeling I was experiencing was something akin to swallowing, except rather than being pulled in, it was pushing something out. That something, was my ovipositor, something that felt unnecessarily large as more of it was pushed from my body and hung in the air. Unlike a penis, this thing didn't harden, but was permanently somewhat stiff, though extremely flexible. It had an alien appearance as far as reproductive organs I'd seen were concerned. Its color was the same fleshy pink of my vaginal flesh, with all manner of folds and ridges, almost as if was modeled after a sex toy.

My biggest concern with it was its size. I didn't know what the standard of this world was, but Arya would have been on the larger side in Velen's world, my ovipositor on the other hand, was in a league of its own. It was perhaps a foot long(30.5 cm) from tip to base, and about two-and-a-half inches(6.4 cm) in diameter. In addition, it didn't have a head like a penis, but rather less firm flesh at the tip, with an open hole about an inch across, strangely, it reminded me of a vagina, if one were to open it up as this thing was.

The ovipositor wasn't too heavy so I didn't feel too strained as it hung off me, but is was incredibly sensitive, even the light breeze tickled it, causing it to begin to glean with what I could only hope was some kind of natural lubricant, not that I had any idea how it was getting applied.

Arya came closer and began to examine it from a closer distance, before giving it a small poke as she looked at me. "Isn't this thing too big? There's no way it'll fit in anyone, at least no one we know."

I barely heard her words as her touch had sent a bolt of pleasure that threatened to short circuit me. My vaginal fluid which had barely been concealed, began to surge forth, as if a dam had broken, as more and more began to flow from me and drop to the ground or make its way down my legs. However, despite the clear shivers of pleasure, the ovipositor was still basically motionless.

I wasn't even sure if it worked on the same principle as a penis and simply causing enough stimulation would cause me to produce an egg from it, but Arya seemed keen to find out as she noticed my reaction from her touch.

"Oh? You like it here don't you?" she teased as her warm fingers gently wrapped around my new member, easily eliciting an involuntarily moan as pleasure shot through me. Before I had the ovipositor I was already pretty easy to pleasure, I mean, both being hurt, and hurting were pleasurable, not to mention the heightened effects caused by the combo of Seduction and Bastet's Allure.

Back in Velen's world it was common that a woman wouldn't orgasm during sex, yet I was the opposite. As long as you had a vague understanding of how to please, you could easily get me to climax, however, doing so would only reinvigorate me, which meant I could go on nearly endlessly if I wanted to. As such it was no surprise when I felt my body tense and pulse as I orgasmed from a simple movement of Arya's hand.

However, other than causing my legs to shake, my teeth to grind, and my vaginal fluid to leak more, nothing else happened, the ovipositor hadn't responded at all. I figured that meant there was a different method of discharge, but Arya was unsatisfied, saying it could have been a blank, and began to mercilessly attack me. Not only with her hand but also kneeling and licking, not just the outside, but even in the opened hole at the tip.

I couldn't keep myself upright any longer as I slowly slunk to the ground, waves of roiling pleasure assaulting me non-stop. I could practically feel my head going blank as it slowly began to crumble to the pleasure. However, I was soon granted a reprieve as Arya stopped, causing me to look at her as she sat kneeled between my legs, a tent clearly pushing against her shorts. I opened my mouth to tell her it was fine when she suddenly pulled out a ribbon and pulled her hair back into a ponytail, causing me to pause as I saw her hair in a style I hadn't seen before, only to regret my decision moments later when she bent forward and opened her mouth as wide as it could go and taking the ovipositor in her mouth.

It was clumsy, but I could tell she was trying to imitate me, however, my member was simply too big to properly do much with. This was however, far more extreme than when she'd only been using her hand and tongue. She used both hands on the rest of the shaft, her mouth moving back and forth as best as she could, while her tongue stimulated the inside.

Something inside of me suddenly snapped as Arya's fellatio continued, causing my instincts to take over as I suddenly brought my hands to Arya's head, forcibly pulling her closer, forcing the thick ovipositor down her throat. I wasn't aware of my surroundings as I slowly succumbed to more and more pleasure, Arya choking as her arms reached out to try and stop me from pushing in further, her eyes looking up at me, as they began to cloud with fear.

Seeing her distress I suddenly came back to myself, just in time to realize that I had began to produce an egg, causing me to somewhat violently pull myself out of Arya's mouth, just in time to see the ovipositor swell an additional two inches where the egg traveled, like it was a snake regurgitating a large meal.

It didn't take long for the swell to get to the tip where a deep black spherical egg was pushed out, around five inches wide, before falling to the ground and shattering open to reveal a squirming violet mass of something that seemed like a mix of flesh and slime that soon ceased to move as it began to suddenly dissipate.

Arya was breathing heavily and coughing roughly as I quickly retracted the ovipositor. I had learned how it worked, the only thing we needed to do now was compare all the info to see if I had made the mistake or not. but first I needed to help and apologize to Arya. I scooted over to her and placed a hand on her back and gently rubbed it. "I'm sorry about that. I lost myself there for a bit."

Arya didn't say anything until her coughing subsided and she had caught her breath. "It's my fault. " she said as she leaned into me. "I realized something like that had happened when I saw your eyes. They were a single glowing violet, as if your Yinfire was housed in them."

I was stunned at her revelation, and worried. What if that meant there was someone trying to rob me of my body, or what if one of the many Vels I'd yet to meet or even know anything about had caused it. The Oni was able to talk to me, who was to say that one of them could take over.

Arya must have felt me tense as her arm wrapped around my shoulder. "This isn't the first time I've seen those eyes. The first time seems like it was so long ago, yet it wasn't even four years ago.

Remember when you succumbed to my curse in the bath? I felt so bad at the horrid state your body had ended up in, so I'd wanted to see if I couldn't at least repair it for your family. Only to have your eyes snap open to reveal those same eyes. At first I thought you had become some sort of undead so I'd readied to fight, only for a voice to stop me. A strange and mystical voice that didn't belong to anyone, yet was coming from your mouth.

The voice called you its favorite child, and told me not to mourn as your purpose wasn't finished. Unfortunately I wasn't able to ask any questions before both the voice and the glow in your eyes vanished."

My arm paused on her back for a moment before it resumed rubbing up and down. "Did you tell anyone else about it? And why didn't you tell me?"

Arya shook her head at my question and leaned on me more, as if she wanted to be buried. "I didn't tell anyone. It didn't feel like a real event. I mean I'd just killed someone, and now some voice is telling me that person would be fine, utter nonsense, until you did indeed come back. I thought about it a lot during our first six months together, but I slowly blocked it out the more time I spent with you.

I couldn't be sure what you would think, and I refused to lose the only person I could be open with so I just let the memory fade into obscurity, at least until I saw those eyes once again. I don't know what kind of being that is, but I don't think they wish you harm at the very least. Rather I think they want to help you regardless of the cost."

My head was spinning at the information Arya had given me. Who was this mysterious patron, and how had I become connected? Unfortunately neither I nor Arya could answer that question, so it could only wait until the universe decided it was time for me to know, not something I was pleased about, but it wasn't like I had any other choice.

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