A Sinner’s Chance

When it rains, it pours. Life update 2: The G’s are Through.

When it rains it pours is something my family, that is me, my brother and sister say often. Mostly because when one negative event happens, it always is followed up by more. I'm almost positive that one of my ancestors got cursed by something, but nothing to be done. Seriously, its barely been like two weeks or something since the last one of these, but what can you do, when it rains it pours.

Anyway, my grandparents(AKA Landlords), have decided that since I have a job and some side income I should be getting a place of my own. In other words, I'm getting evicted because they're becoming old and bitter or something. I've got a couple of months though, so at least there's that.

Thankfully I managed to switch to a graveyard shift at my current job, which means I can actually sit around and write for around five hours a day, since that is an approved downtime activity.

But going to be looking for another much better paying job, as rent for a studio is around $1,000 where I live, not including utilities or internet usually, something I'm just barely making right now, and most places don't even rent to you unless your non-taxed income is at least double.

Regardless, it won't affect you guys for a while as I'm simply too lazy to go and change all the scheduled chapter releases again, so it will still be three a week until the end of September at least, though can't make any promises about past that. I'll have future me post another one of these if I think there is a need.

Was almost half tempted to just postpone the announcement, as usually misfortunes come in three for my family, but since no one knows what the future has in store, better to just let you all know, just in case. Also, 117 did go up earlier if for some reason you missed it.

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