Above the Seven Towers

z6Chapter 223: different opinions

In the wild mountains and jungle, Asiros personally led the team to find a suitable city building address.

Finally, he found a suitable plain along a river running through the continent. He used a teleportation array to connect this place to the port city, and then mobilized manpower to start building the heart of the continent.

The picture advanced rapidly. When Xiao Chen saw a white giant tower built on the west side of the river, he understood the newly built city, which is now the Virgin City.

One day, Asiros stood at the top of the White Pagoda, overlooking the city with a group of saints and said, “On this continent, there were only tribes and no countries, but now that we are here, we must use a civilized approach Manage this continent. ”

“Then build a country,” said a saint.

“What about the Western Continental Republic?” Asiros said. “This country does not need emperors or kings. Let us saints and great magicians, plus some specific government officials, rule it. There are no seven towers here, and there is no magistrate’s council. What if it is called a saint? ”

“But not everyone is a saint.” Said another saint.

“Then call the Sage, are you satisfied now?” Asiros said.

As a result, the name and ruling clique of this country on the Western Continent were so determined. When this picture disperses and a new picture appears, the above picture is already a huge city. Although it is not as big as the Virgin City in reality, it has at least more than half of its area.

This time Asiros appeared in a magic school.

His hair was whiter than before, and he was watching the magic apprentices running around the campus.

Karlodi said beside him: “Your previous conjecture was right. The indigenous children raised by us since childhood were not worse than those of the pure Eastern continent. Although they are naturally weaker in spirit, they are The inherent magic resistance is enough to make up for this. It is conceivable that when two mages of the same strength fight, the wizards with natural magic resistance will have a much greater win, and our mixed blood children also show Part of the resistance is almost in between. ”

Asiros corrected: “Very well. In the future, no distinction will be made between the eastern and western continents. They are all from the western continent.”

When the two of them walked past several children, they saw that they were using magic.

Asiros’s eyes narrowed and said: “Why do most children use the common method of casting? Haven’t they begun to fully popularize the original method of casting?”

The principal called by Karlodi. The principal smiled bitterly when he heard the question of Asiros: “Although you are going to implement the original spellcasting, most people, including our teachers, start learning ordinary spellcasting and become a magician. Teaching these children At the time, we also started with the basic law teaching, and then taught the technology of the original law.


In fact, source casting is more difficult to learn than ordinary casting. Especially when the magic apprentice wants to concentrate on becoming a low-level wizard. It is often very difficult for a person who learns the original spell to make a breakthrough. This is because the source spell requires too much spiritual power. Both the fineness of casting and the speed of casting are much worse than ordinary casting.

Of course, we will teach students how to cast spells natively, but many people major in common spelling in order to advance. ”

Asiros: “I understand, but I just saw that most people prefer to use normal casts.”

“After all, as long as you draw a few magic runes, you can control the magic.” The principal reluctantly said: “The casting speed of the original source is slow and the power is inferior. You can imagine yourself, someone will be in Did you choose it when applying magic?

Of course, we will also tell them that once the **** of nature wakes up after a thousand years, we need to fight him with the original method of casting spells. But that is after all a matter of thousands of years, let alone the students present, even if we cannot live to that time. It is really difficult for them to give up a convenient and powerful way of casting things for thousands of years. ”

Asiros left the school with a worried look on his face. The scene that Xiao Chen saw afterwards, but he discussed this with others at the Sage Council, and Asilos advocated a total ban on the use of magic on the mainland by ordinary casting.

What Asiros did not expect was that the Sage Association, who had always supported him highly, had many people who held different opinions on this issue. Even among the six saints of the Sage Association, a full four expressed different levels of opposition. Only his closest deputy, Karl Rodi, fully supported him in this matter.

Such meetings have been held many times, and each meeting ended with a quarrel, and each quarrel has become more and more intense.

Another meeting was held, and Xiao Chen discovered that Asiros’s condition was much worse. It seemed that there were many days and nights when he didn’t sleep well.

“I have calculated this question.” A saint named Lusato said toughly. Since a long time ago, the saints have been unable to speak peacefully, “When will this ridiculous meeting continue? If we completely abandon the ordinary spellcasting, the proportion of magic apprentices will grow to low-level mages. After a two-thirds drop, all kinds of production will be affected by more than half. But we are now lacking in strength, lacking people and wizards everywhere. Then restrict them to exert their strength and work with their feet? ”

“But if this continues, how many people will be willing to delve into the method of root casting?” Asiros said solemnly. “Don’t you realize that even the time you have invested in this research has become less? The latest Progress is the only one I am doing, where are you all busy? ”

Lusator said: “No one is idle! We are on a blank continent, with a group of savages to build a country, there are many things that need to be done. Last month I have been trying to split a canyon south of the capital, like this The warm and humid air from the south can blow through the plain where the capital is located, so that the grain here has a better growth. I used the Holy Order spell of the Forging Tower to move the mountains and fill the sea. This spell has not yet developed efficiency. Enough source casting method, should I do nothing and wait for sudden luck? Maybe you starved to death in the laboratory!

No, everything here is waiting for us to transform it, we have no time to waste on what spell to use, but to use which kind of spell should be easy to use! As for the study of the origin of the law, we still have thousands of years to use it slowly. After all, most people mainly look at the benefits in sight. ”

“The potential of primal spellcasting is greater than ordinary spellcasting. I believe that one day it will surpass ordinary spellcasting in some places.”

“Asilos, you are already enchanted! You can’t prove this. No one knows what happened after a thousand years. At least for now, it is impossible for primal spells to outperform ordinary ones. Never!”

Asiros stood up suddenly and said, “Lusato, he said without proof, I want to have a test with you to show everyone the power of the original spell.”

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