Above the Seven Towers

z6Chapter 224: Competitive results

Seeing here, Xiao Chen suddenly realized that Asiros may be a very good researcher, but not a good leader. When he was on the eastern continent, he always used direct collision and opposition to the source of the tower. Way, stick to your opinion.

The tower owner of the source tower is a leader who knows and uses well, and can also tolerate the stubbornness of Asiros. Finally, the hope of the source tower is placed on Asilos.

After the western continent and Asiros himself became the supreme leader, no one tolerated him in this way, his weakness was clearly exposed.

Before Xiao Chen discovered that most of his time, he was immersed in his research. There are a lot of basic external information, which was obtained by asking Karlo Di.

For other saints, as well as the changes in the minds of those in the Sage Association, he did not grasp them in time. He didn’t understand that most people, no matter how strong they are, how high their realm is, it is difficult to plan for things thousands of years later.

He didn’t even think about it. For most people, it is too difficult to learn the original spellcasting from the beginning.

Even in the current Tower of China, the basic education has been fully laid out. Almost all students have a good academic foundation. They still learn magic from ordinary spellcasting. The theory of the original spellcasting is only used as a supplement to learn together. Except for the highly talented mages, only when they reach the mid-level or higher level will the practice of source-based spellcasting begin.

And Asiros asked the native magician apprentices to directly apply the source spell, which is really difficult for some strong people.

Now he proposed to compare with Lusato, which made everyone on the scene feel very surprised and embarrassed.

As a saint, Lusato naturally did not wait, he said angrily: “Asilos, I know you have put a lot of energy into the primal cast, but what you say now, for our development here, there is A little help? Does it make sense for us to fight like a barbarian? ”

Asiros said: “The meaning is to let you know that the original cast is not a sub-level choice at all, but what magic should be. Our magical civilization has embarked on a wrong path from the beginning. If we do not completely ban common spells Mode, this road can’t go on!

How long has it passed now, have you been so indifferent to the threat of the God of Nature? ”

Lusator said: “Let’s develop this continent, and when it is rich enough to confront the eastern continent, it’s not too late to study the origin of spellcasting.”

Asiros sneered: “How is it possible with your current attitude? Now you are reluctant to use primal spellcasting. Can you believe that your descendants will do so thousands of years later? I’m afraid even the technique of primitive spellcasting , Can’t be passed down!

Now, I present you a formal challenge in the name of the saint! ”

The picture of this discussion came to an abrupt end here. Xiao Chen had a hunch that the development behind this matter would be beyond his expectations.

auzw.com Those golden dots made up a picture in a laboratory, and Xiao Chen saw Asiros in it again, but this time he felt much older and spiritually Tired, he was not experimenting, but sat face to face with Karlodi. The faces of the two are very unsightly, especially Karl Roddy, who said to Asiros with a nearly pleading look: “Master Asiros, please take back the agreement with Lusato’s challenge. The saint shot The power is too great, and life and death are in an instant. Whether you or Lusato are injured is an inestimable loss to us. ”

Asiros said: “It’s too late, and the news of our duel has spread. Many people will look forward to this day. Even for the sake of the original spell, I will not lose!”

“But even if you win …, can you really change their mind?” Karlodi asked.

Asiros hadn’t spoken for a long time, and the atmosphere in the laboratory made Xiao Chen, who was watching, feel depressed.

Asiros said one by one: “If I clearly knew a correct path, but did not bring this kingdom into this path, it would be a denial of my own existence.

Most people are blind and short-sighted, so they must be pushed outside that way. Even if someone has to pay the price of life. ”

Karlodi exclaimed: “The price of life, sir, what are you talking about!”

The latter scene occurred in a large open space outside a city, where Asiros and Lusato stood opposite each other. There were countless intricate energies around them, which was the magic of their respective manipulation.

Lusato seems to be good at mixing various elemental magic to attack, and Asiros chose to fight back in the same way. It’s just that Lusato uses ordinary casts, and the magic he releases overwhelms the opponent in both speed and power.

Xiao Chen looked at the first glance and felt that Asiros was in trouble, but after watching for a while, he found that Asilos was taking the initiative to show weakness, and did not show his full strength.

Every time he seemed to be in a critical position, he barely resisted the other party’s attack, but in fact, this was the result of his calculation. Every time he used the original method of casting, he attacked the weakest node of Lusato’s magic. Although he is not as powerful as the opponent, he is able to damage the opponent’s effect by using four or two pounds.

This made him use much less energy to resist Lusato who attacked with all his strength, and the power he saved a little bit accumulated in front of his left hand, turned into a magic ready to go.

Lusato hadn’t discovered this yet, and was dragged into the duel by Asiros. He was already angry. At this time, he hoped to win the other party in a hurry, but lost his judgment on the situation.

Lusato released a turbulent flow of holy order magical elements. Although this magic did not inflict heavy damage on Asiros, it penetrated the protection of Asiros and cut off the hem of his mage. However, this magic created a casting gap of about three seconds, and I saw Asilos suddenly releasing an unknown penetrating attack spell in his left hand.

This magic was released by the original method of casting, piercing Lusato’s shield in one fell swoop. The magic hit his chest and made a hole directly in it.

Lusato looked at his chest in shock, but he hadn’t reacted yet. Why did Asiros suddenly send such a sharp counterattack, and the last hit contained such a huge energy.

“Why … want this? We’re not always comrades …” Lusato’s heart had been crushed by Asiros. He couldn’t finish the sentence, and fell to the ground and died.

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