Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

A Goddess Descends

[General POV:]

In a café in South Korea, Sung Jinwoo, the newest S-rank in South Korea, just recently got back from the Jeju Island raid. Many were calling him the newest national level hunter, due to him essentially soloing the raid. As he's sipping a drink, he hears the TV suddenly change,

[BREAKING NEWS: A previously C-rank gate in the United States has just grown in strength. The measuring devices have been unable to give a clear rating, marking this gate as S-rank or higher. It has swelled from barely big enough to fit a car in, to enough to easily swallow an entire city. It now sits above the city of Philadelphia. The United States government has ordered an evacuation of the city and the surrounding areas, and is treating this as seriously as Kamish.]

He looks at the TV and sighs, knowing what's coming. On que, he gets a call on his cell phone.

[Association President]

"Hah, great."

He answers the call and says,


[I'm sure you've heard the news.]

"Yeah, I just saw it."

[The U.S has requested support from other countries, including our own. I told them I can't force anyone to agree, but said I could at least try. I figured I'd call you first.]

Jinwoo thinks for a while and says,

"Why not, I think I'll go."

Chairman Go Gunhee smiles and says,

[Thanks, I'm sure they would be pressuring us to send you if you didn't agree. If things look too dangerous, don't hesitate to escape. This is the biggest damn gate we've ever seen. It makes Kamish's look like child's play.]

Jinwoo nods to himself,

"Yeah, I'll keep that in mind."

With that, Jinwoo and the rest of the S-ranks, as well as a ton of A-ranks choose to head to America to combat this gate.

S-ranks from across the globe come to the defense of not just America, but the rest of the world as well. If they weren't able to defend against this thing here, there's no telling where it would go next. In Philidelphia, the S-ranks felt an invisible pressure wave over their bodies as their planes touch down and the doors open. Jinwoo scowls as he feels this pressure.

'S-rank? This thing's way over that. I wonder if this is how Kamish made them feel.'

He looks around, finding the other S-ranks scowling as well. The ones sensitive to the smell of mana are all puking their guts up from the stench. The A-ranks are nearly frozen in place. He looks up at the gate, and finds that it looks more like a hurricane than a gate. It swirls around, releasing a dark red mist, and the occasional red beam of lightning strikes the lightning rods on top of the building. Jinwoo hears someone speak beside him,

"Jesus, how the hell do they expect us to fight this?!"

Baek Yoonho speaks up as he feels the wave of pressure wash over his body,

"I swear that thing is still growing."

The storm gate keeps circling as everyone feels an even greater pressure press onto their bodies. A gigantic beak slowly pushes through the gate. Every hunters heart stops as they see this… Titan of a creature. It's head follows suit, revealing pitch black feathers that seem to swallow all light as black flames lick across them. A mist falls from the create as more of its body comes from the gate. As the mist touches the buildings, they turn into dust. A sense of dread washes over the people present as the full body of this creature comes into view. Its wings unfurl and encompass the entire city. Its talons rush the buildings under its feet as if they were mere toys. It towers over the tallest building like a god. The halo above its head seems to suck in all light around it.

"Holy shit…"

Bark Yoonho speaks in a hushed tone, as it feels like all his breath has been sucked from his lungs. Everyone stares up at the gigantic bird as the buildings around it turn to ash from whatever the black mist surrounding it is. It rears back and shoots forwards suddenly with its mouth open. It's halo pulses and a shockwave escapes from its mouth and slams into them a few seconds later,


Sung Jinwoo looks at the bird and feels an odd connection to it, as if the two of them are created from the same material. Yet, it feels more… corrupt and evil. Like a being made of every negative emotion. His shadows have that as well, just a lot less. Suddenly, the bird starts unleashing an aura. The mana in the air becomes thick like molasses, choking every person below A-rank and killing them in seconds. Just by existing this thing has killed hundreds of people.

"Th-there's no way. We-we're fucked."

A single voice is all it takes. Everyone begins running away, trying desperately to get as far away from this incarnation of death!

As if the gods were laughing at them, this bird isn't the only thing that comes from this Gate. At first, people think they might be seeing things as little black dots begin coming from the gate. Eventually, it's a wave of humanoid creatures, each as strong as an S-rank. They all have two wings, skin as white as snow, and dark black halos above their heads. They see one of the creatures flying towards them and all ready themselves for combat. It's a woman based on its features. The creature lands on the ground with a thud and looks at the people in front of them. Beautiful would be an understatement. This creature was absolutely stunning. Heavenly even. Even when she looks at you like you were nothing more than an ant, you can't help but agree with her. She speaks with a voice more melodic than the most seasoned singer, and it seems to translate itself as it comes from her mouth,

"My master, Seraphim, the Goddess of death, life, and fertility, has claimed this area as her realm. We shall not expand further. This place shall become the first temple for the Faith of the Abyssal Plane. The venerable one welcomes all who wish to join her in paradise."

The woman smiles at the hunters warmly, but this smile quickly turns into a scowl,

"But, be warned. If any of her faithful are attacked, the venerable one will destroy the city or town they were killed in. The life of a single faithful is worth more than everyone else combined."

With that, the woman turns around and is about to fly off before someone speaks,

"W-wait! Th-that city is my home!"

The woman freezes and turns around slowly,

"That's just too bad, isn't it?"

With that, she takes off. Her wingspan encompasses 14 feet of space, and the beat of her wings causes a wave of wind to slam into everyone present. They watch on as the black mist begins to disappear, and the hundreds of thousands of beings present begin working on… something. A random A-rank speaks up,

"H-how the fuck am I supposed to fight a god?"


AN: borb goddess has turned philly into a nest.

who should be her apostle?

personally, i'm feeling jinwoo's sister. it just kinda makes sense. maybe cha hae-in? aight, VOTING TIME!

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