Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

Solo Leveling

[Hunters POV:]

"The hell is a C-rank dungeon doing with goblins in it? This shit isn't gonna be worth it at all!"

The team of 13 C-ranks and 2 B-ranks is rather disappointed. Many of them are fresh hunters, just awakened, expecting an actual fight. To say this was underwhelming would be an understatement.

One of the C-rank rangers looks out into the dark and spots something,

"Oh! Got an orc!"

He picks up his bow and aims at the orcs ugly green face, loosing an arrow that rips the head off its shoulders.

"Gotcha! So, that's one C-rank monster out of… however many we've killed."

One of the B-ranks, a male earth mage speaks up,

"It's strange. But, this isn't the first case of something like this happening. There was a gate in New York that had weak monsters in it at first, and a boss much stronger. When we get to the boss room, we'll take a peek. Don't want a team wipe do we?"

The hunters all nod and get a renewed sense of fear. In total, they hunt 37 goblins, 12 black wolves, and 6 orcs. A paltry sum compared to what C-ranks are supposed to make.

The group stands outside the boss room, which is marked by a surprisingly normal wooden door. The B-ranks stand at the front, ready to hold off the boss if need be. They grab hold of the iron handle and turn it with a click. The door opens with a creak, and the inside…

"Woah… holy shit."

The inside is a gigantic blank white cube. At least, it feels gigantic. There's no shadows in the room, so you can't tell where the corners are. In the center of this room is a raised part with a bundle of black feathers.

"Well… there's our boss…"

The male B-rank speaks, and the female one continues his sentence,

"But… why does it have such… weak mana?"

Indeed, this bundle of feathers seems to be at the lower end of F-rank. The team continues walking forward. After ten seconds, one of the C-ranks speaks,

"Uh, where did the door go?"

The door behind them had disappeared. Add onto that the fact that they've walked and seemingly gotten no closer, and that small feeling of fear suddenly becomes all too real…


[Sera POV:]

Well then, the little cuties all stand a few hundred kilometers away from me. I decided to turn the small cave I was in into a giant all white cube. Mainly because I love theatrics. I mean, imagine it. Going through a dungeon and fighting such weak monsters, only to end up in an all white cube at the mercy of a god? How terrifying! How wonderful!

I play up the theatrics, slowly rousing myself. I first make a small flinch with my wings, letting a bit of my aura flare up slightly. Based on the way the people are dressed, this might be the solo leveling universe or one similar. I dunno, there were so many copies after it you could make it into a genre. I'd say based on their strength, the aura I flared would be around B-rank.

The flinching wing and aura gets the response I was looking for as they immediately jump into formation. They really look like ants from this far back. I lift my head and look towards them.

They immediately get into a formation. I guess because of the all white walls and floor of this cube, they can't tell how big I am. I chose to be big borb because I'm gonna play the monster.

I slowly stand up, each step causing the ground to quake. My wings flap slowly, yet that is enough to knock the weaker of the group onto their asses.

I stand up at my full (current) height of about 50 km. I spread out my wings and stretch. I act like I'm ignoring them and start cleaning myself with my beak. They slowly move closer, not really making any progress because I'm literally hundreds of kilometers away. I start walking towards them, still ignoring them, and they finally get a scale of how big I am. They all start shaking and eventually break ranks as I take a few steps forward. A few smart ones run to the sides while the dumber ones run forwards. I keep walking and eventually reach them. The two B-ranks attack me with a spell and a regular sword.

Never understood that. If you're fighting monsters bigger than you, why the fuck would you use a sword? Even more confusing is what the goddamn main character uses! Daggers? Against creatures big as buildings? Dumbasses, the lot of them!

Anyway, the glorified toothpick bounces off my toe and the magic missile just kinda pings off me like a pebble hitting a knight in plate armor. I ignore the attacks and keep walking forward, stepping on a few of the dumber C-ranks who ran straight, turning them into a mushed up pile of skin, meat, blood, and bones.

I then shake my feathers as a black dust comes off of them, washing across the room. One of the C-ranks is touched by this dust and rapidly begins to age, becoming dust in 10 seconds, and disappearing completely in 15. Once the people know of its effect, they try their hardest to escape from its area of effect. Unfortunately, it's AOE is the entire cube, so they all slowly disappear one by one. Once the viewers are dead, I decide to make a flashy exit. I start flooding the dungeon with a C-rank amount of mana, or probably national level mana in this world. Let's see how the humans will react to a gate suddenly growing! It'll be fun!


AN: wasnt gonna post till tomorrow but i watched cyberpunk edgerunners and goddammit i miss rebeccaaaaaaaaaa


expect a self fulfillment chapter after solo leveling. sera is gonna fuck adam up.

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