Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse


The demon lords look at me with shock. Frey, Luminous, and even Guy to a point. I hear Luminous speak,

"M-Milim couldn't even touch her…"

Clay boy looks on in horror as I shrink down and float back with an unconscious Milim in tow. Guy speaks up with a little bit of sweat running down his brow,

"Jeez. You really powered up, huh?"

I smile and say,

"Well, I suppose so. You didn't think I'd be sitting on my ass for a few millennia did you? Well, honestly I kinda did. But things happened during it."

He chuckles,

"You know, we gotta have a match sometime. I wonder how it would feel to be completely dominated by someone."

I put my hand up in front of me and say,

"No thanks. Not interested. Play with the slime instead."

Guy pouts and starts mumbling to himself. I teleport us back to the banquet room, laying everyone except Clayman down gently. I then walk over to clay boy and speak,

"You know, I took an arm earlier just cuz I knew the slime would have a grudge against you. But now, he's already beaten you senseless. Let me explain something about myself to you. I'm very prideful. Probably moreso than Guy. When someone insults me or compares me to those lesser than myself, I get very pissed off. Had you not stopped that sentence earlier, I may have ripped you shreds then and there."

I turn around and look at Milim,

"Second thing is, I'm very protective. Insanely so. I know for a fact you would hit Milim while she was acting. She may not feel that pain, but just the thought of it makes me want to rip your soul in half. So,"

I instantly move over towards clay boy and put my hand in front of his forehead. I make a pinching motion and pull my hand back, bringing with it an ethereal blue haze. Clayman's body falls to the floor as the blue haze begins to form itself to look like him.

"I believe I will."

Another blue haze envelopes my finger, shaping itself into a blade. I use my finger to cut his soul in half, forming two smaller portions of it and causing him immense pain. A ghostly howl fills the room,


I open a portal to hell and toss one half of his soul into it. I notice that Milim is acting like she's asleep as I see her mouth contort into a small smile and a blush forming on her cheeks and ears. Sorry, Milim. This is more of a maternal love. I turn to Rimuru, who is shocked and scared as I face him,

"You can take the other half. Otherwise the jackass will just come back in a different body."

Rimuru nods and uses gluttony to swallow Clayman's body and soul. I chuckle as I see this and say,

"You're like a weaker form of Kirby."

Rimuru says,


I nod and say,

"Well, Kirby canonically can split planets in half with a punch and regularly eats gods. So, yeah. Weaker. Heh."

Ramiris speaks up,

"How can you two be acting so normal after that!?"

I chuckle and say,

"Aw don't act surprised, Rami, we all know you could do better!"

She jolts back and blushes while saying,

"O-of course! I could knock her out with a single punch! I-I was just shocked you guys were shocked! Yeah!"

She starts punching the air, earning a chuckle from both Guy and myself. Milim stifles hers as she's still acting like she's asleep. Frey looks at Carrion who still has the mask on and says,

"Well, I guess there's no reason to hide yourself anymore."

He looks at her and says,

"U-uh. Yeah."

He takes off his mask, surprising everyone else. I look at Luminous and chuckle. Carrion speaks up again,

"Well, that was quite the show. Wish I could have put up that much of a fight. Seems Milim really wanted to completely obliterate my kingdom."

He walks over and taps Milim on the forehead,

"C'mon, we all know you aren't asleep."

Milim shoots up and looks at me before saying,

"Oh come oooon! Sera, I was doing a good job wasn't I!"

I chuckle and say,

"Well, Rimuru at least was believing you."

She frowns and gets teary eyed before saying,

"You could have at least lied you dummyyyyy!"


AN: sorry for the shit chapter, i've got some major writers block. there wont be a chapter tomorrow for this, but archmage villainess over on webnovel will. may revisit this chapter in the future. the next chapters will be her preparing to leave.

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