Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

Another Fight with Milim

“I will now introduce the participants.”

Rain speaks up as everyone sits in silence. Clayman throws a few glares towards Rimuru and I, while I spot Milim slightly blushing and fighting off a smile through her little act.

“Daemon, Lord of Darkness, Guy Crimson.”

“Dragonoid, The Destroyer, Milim Nava.”

“Fairy, Fairy of the Labyrinth, Ramiris.”

“Abyssal Phoenix, Titan of the Abyss, Seraph.”

Then, she introduces the fodder. Before getting to Rimuru,

“And finally, Slime, Leader of the Jura Tempest Federation, Rimuru Tempest.”

I spot Clayman scowl slightly as he hears this. I look towards Rimuru and flash him a smile. Then, I read his thoughts,

‘Titan of the abyss? How? She’s like just above average height?’

Oh you poor poor little slime. If only you knew. After the intros, Clayman stands up and spews nonsense for a good few seconds about how humbled he is to be around us. You should be bitch, if not for that weak master of yours, you would have never been allowed here. He keeps talking more about how Rimuru murdered Carrion or something, even thought Carrion is literally standing right there. I ignore the rest of his speech and stare at Luminous in a maid outfit. I communicate with her telepathically,

“Cute outfit. It suits you.”

She looks up at me and sighs but doesn’t respond. I look over at Clayman and see that he’s still talking somehow, so I talk to Guy and Ramiris telepathically,

“I swear, this dudes ass must be jealous of how much shit his mouth spews.”

Guy silently chuckles while Ramiris chuckles slightly. Clayman gets annoyed at this, but knows better than to say anything about her. It seems Clayman is done with his little act as he sits back down. Rimuru then starts his defense, which is basically “no u” and that somehow works. Well, nobody really even needed to hear a defense because it’s not like we keep people from becoming a demon lord or anything. Literally everybody who’s a true demon lord can sense that Rimuru is one as well.

Clayman is about to go into a spiel about how Rimuru is lying even though we can all see the recording magic in front of us, but Dagruel stops him,

“Quick question. Earlier you testified that this Rimuru fellow conspired with Carrion to instigate Falmuth’s army before wiping them out. Assuming it’s true that Veldora IS back, why would HE need to take such roundabout measures to achieve his goals?”

Clayman talks again, getting heated that his words are being used against him. Then, Rimuru uses a spell to delete the table and Clayman jumps back like a scared little baby before speaking,

“No. Come now, are we going to allow him to get away with such insolent actions? WHat he just did is an insult to all of us demon lor-”

I interrupt him,


My aura starts to grow,

“Us, you say? Let’s get one thing straight, YOU are not OUR equal. If not for that weak predecessor of yours, you would NEVER be where you are today. I don’t know where you got the idea that WE of all people were your equals.”

Clayman looks at me with a glare,

“My master was ten times the being you would eve-”

I flare my aura out completely, stifling everyone in the room except Ramiris and shutting clay boy up,

“Finish that sentence. I. Fucking. Dare you.”

I let up on the aura as Guy speaks with a chuckle,

“Damn, Sera. What the hell have you been doing all this time?”

I smile cordially at Guy to hide my inner anger. Eventually, Rimuru manages to step forward and basically challenges puppet boy to a duel. Guy says something along the lines of,

“Kill him. Do it.”

And then puppet boy says,

“Alright Milim. Your turn.”

Milim stands up and Guy says,

“If she wishes to assist you of her own volition, I see no reason to stop her.”

I smirk and stand up,

“I’ll help the slime then.”

Milim stifles a smile as she hears this. Guy nods his head, probably jealous of Milim and says,

“Very well.”

Guy casts a barrier surrounding us and expands the battlefield slightly. Clay boy’s majin start showing up, all under mind control. I look over to Rimuru and say,

“You take puppet boy and his majin. I’ll deal with Milim.”

He nods his head and I walk towards Milim,

“Alright Milim, since you love fighting me so much, I may as well give you another taste of defeat. Maybe that’ll mellow you out!”

I smile at her and she smiles back with a wild smile on her face. What a serious battle junkie. The fight starts as Milim pushes off the ground, breaking the tile underneath. In a split second, she appears before me. I meet her with a palm to her face and slam her head down into the tile under us. Everyone looks at the two of us, including clay boy and Rimuru. I hear Rimuru’s thoughts,

‘Holy hell, I had TWO monsters in my city?’

No, dumbass, everybody in your city is a monster. I’m just a strong one! I kick Milim in the torso and send her into the air. She twists her body mid-air and sends a blast of energy towards me. I deflect the energy with a shield I cast on my hand. Milim then appears in front of me again and punches me in the stomach. I take the punch and grab her shoulder, yanking her down into a knee. Spit flies from her mouth and she lurches forward a little before covering her arm in energy and uppercutting me in the face. I dodge at the last second, and flash her a smirk before twisting my body 360 degrees and landing an elbow on her jaw. Milim responds with a punch of her own, and hits me right on the temple. I sense that Rimuru’s fight with clay boy is as good as over.

I teleport behind Milim and grab her shoulders before slamming my knee into her spine. A shockwave comes from her back as my knee collides. She coughs and gasps for air for a second before turning around and roundhouse kicking me in the side. I can see that she’s given up on the act and is just enjoying our fight now. I spartan kick her back and say,

“You know, Milim, you stopped acting a while ago!”

She thinks for a second and gasps,

“No fair!~ I was doing so gooooood! Why’d you have to give me such a fun fight?”

Clayman, who was already at deaths door looks at Milim in shock. I smile at her and say,

“Oh come on, you know you and I could never have a fun fight here. We’d destroy everything! Though, I suppose it was fun fighting like a human for once.”

She nods her head and says,

“Yeah! Using magic is fun, but that was fun too! Now keep fighting me!”

She runs towards me again and is met by my hand yet again, but she expected it this time. She slaps my hand up and punches me square in the nose. Heh! She’s learning! But, I punch her as well and clothesline her. She slams her head into the tiles again and I extend my arm forward, grabbing her leg. I then proceed to treat her like hulk did to Loki. Before going into a Mario spin and throwing her away. She looks at me while floating in the air and says,

“Hehe! This is FUN!”

She flies towards me and kneels down, dodging the punch I prepared for her. She lunges forwards and punches me in the gut, knocking the wind out of me slightly. Jesus! How the hell can this girl actually hurt me?! I elbow down on the top of her head and say,

“Well, this fight has been fun. But, what do you guys say about a change in scenery?”

Milim looks up at me while rubbing the top of her head and smiles widely while shaking her head yes. Guy looks at me and says,

“Sure, I don’t mind.”

I nod and snap my fingers for dramatic effect. Instantly, everyone is teleported into the void outside of our galaxy. I cast a barrier around us and expand it outwards for enough space to move around in my maximum size. Milim speaks up,

“Are you gonna go full out?”

She smiles and her features start changing to her battle mode. I smile at her and nod, before teleporting away from her. The other demon lords barely have enough time to register what's happening as my body starts to grow. I speak,

“Many of you must have been wondering where I get the title of Titan from. This is where.”

I grow to hundreds of thousands of kilometers tall, and my wings grow to be 2 million kilometers wide. Oh yeah. It’s wide girl time. I speak to Milim,

“Milim, I’m going to end this fight in a single attack. See if you can take it!”

She smiles as I say that and says,

I do a kamehameha pose and create a small star between my hands. I make a small diamond appear in front of said star and make the star's energy go into the gem. I smile at Milim and say,

“Coronal Laser!”

I jet my hands forward and a blinding line of light shoots out towards Milim. She raises her arms up into an X-position right as the beam slams into her arms. She grits her teeth and begins being pushed back by the attack. She cries out,


And pushes forward with all her might, fighting against this beam. Then, I pour some more magicules into it. The beam changes, going from a pin-point to a beam bigger than Milim’s entire body. Her arms are sent backwards and her body begins to take the brunt of my attack. She opens her mouth and yells out,


I stop the attack as I sense her consciousness wavering, leaving an unconscious Milim, and a stunned crowd of demon lords.

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