Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

Sit down, Shut up, and Find Out

As I leave the portal, I sense around and find that Rimuru has started teaching in that one human city. Milim has gone off and is pretending to be controlled. I suppose it’s about time for the real fun to start! I teleport over to Tempest, as I want to watch when the humans start their little slaughter. I’ll make doubly sure that none of their souls leave. I also wanna make sure my future apostle and her family survives. Though, maybe their deaths would light a spark in her…

Nah, I may have killed kids when I destroyed cities, but that was kids I didn’t care about! I’ll make sure her and her family are left out of the conflict.

A few months go by like this rather peacefully. Eventually, the day of the conflict arrives. A barrier goes up around the town which weakens the monsters inside, of course, I'm not included. I’m far too powerful for a weak human barrier to affect me. The humans go about their bigoted ways, slaughtering the helpless monsters. I see Shion get run through by one of those summoned kids. How awful were their parents that the kids ended up like this? It’s hard not to join in and slaughter these pathetic humans, I mean, any decent person would feel stirred after watching children being stabbed. I make sure to mark every human who kills a kid, I’ve got some plans for their souls. Each human I mark feels a shiver run down their spine as I cast this marking spell. I think Lucy might enjoy getting these twisted souls to add to her collection.

I mark about 112 souls for collection. Luckily, not nearly enough to stunt Rimuru from becoming a demon lord. Eventually, the slaughter ends and the humans go back to their camp after declaring they’ll be back like some third rate villain, or A-list actor with an Austrian accent. I watch them leave and see people walking around, gathering corpses. 

I turn into my humanoid form and start helping, gathering them all into the square. Since I didn’t step in to defend them, I can at least help the clean up. I sense Rimuru teleport outside the barrier and walk off. A member of the guard follows me as I leave, but it leads to nothing as I teleport away as I round a corner and reappear on top of a tree in my birb form.

Time to spectate it. Man, seeing this many bodies lined up really does hurt. Even if I’ve killed many more. I suppose seeing the effects is a whole different beast to just leaving behind ruins. Man. Seeing the families crying tugs at my heartstrings.

I see Rimuru arrive and be brought to the scene. His magicules start to spike as he gets angry. Then, he’s led to Shion’s body. Yeah. This amount of magicules would make ol’ zilly boy shake in his boots. I watch as everyone leaves Rimuru and the elf girl walks up with the two other dudes.

Eventually, Rimuru mounts his offensive. The humans are easily beaten back like the pathetic worms they are. The high schoolers that were summoned get their asses handed to them, and Rimuru does his little light spell that massacres the main force.

He comes back to Tempest on Ranga’s face and the voice of the world chimes in, declaring him a demon lord and executing the harvest festival. The festival itself was rather interesting to witness, with Raphael taking control of his body and reviving his dead. While a meager task for me, I certainly wasn’t able to do it at his level.

I watch as the souls are gathered and the two demons are used as sacrifices. Raphael uses all of Rimuru’s magicules, and even eats into Veldora’s. Well, that was an interesting show. I guess it’s about time for the next walpurgis to be called.


Sure enough, a few weeks later I receive a call for a walpurgis backed by Clayman, Milim, and Frey. So, two pipsqueaks and a girl who’s bored. Then, I hear something rather hilarious,

“And that one you let ignore every call should be there as well, or they should lose their seat!”

I chuckle to myself, but feel a deep rage well up from within me. I swear, the stronger I get, the more proud I become. I put the ring up to my mouth and say,

“Very well, puppet bastard. You’ve pissed me off enough during my rest. I suppose it’s about time you get put in your place.”

After some incoherent babbling from the puppet guy, Guy shuts him up and confirms his request for a walpurgis. Misery arrives to bring me, and I find that so far, it’s just Guy, Dagruel, and myself. I take my seat silently and wait for everyone else to arrive. Everyone waits silently until Ramiris spots me. Immediately, she comes up to me,

“Hi Sera! It’s been forever! I thought I was gonna have to teach you a lesson to get you to come again!”

I chuckle and say,

“Hello Ramiris, tiny as ever I see?”

She flies up to my face and starts hitting it lightly while ranting on about “upstarts”. Then, the main character arrives. Rimuru is brought in, and he immediately starts something with Leon. Don’t really know how their conflict ends, but meh.  Clayman finally arrives with Milim acting and walking in front of him. He walks up to Milim and says,

“Why are you walking so slow you dullard? Ke-”

He’s about to take a swing at Milim, but I teleport behind him and grab his arm before ripping it off and teleporting back into my seat. Clayman falls to the ground and grits his teeth before everyone looks at me.

“I know Milim may not feel the slightest bit of pain being punched by a wimp like you, but oh boy does it royally piss me the fuck off. Stop complaining and sit.”

Clayman glances at Guy and states,

“And who exactly are you to attack me out of nowhere?”

I scoff at him and say,

“Sit down, shut up, and find out bitch.”


AN: angy borb

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