Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

Bantering with a Goddess?

The rest of Jinah's dream is spent teaching her four sets of abilities. The first being the beam attack.

The second was an attack similar to magic missile, called abyssal bullets. This attack is made by firing short bursts of abyssal mana, creating an effect similar to a gun. This attack is meant to be used on large groups of enemies, or a large enemy. It has a similar effect to the beam, just on a weaker scale. While the beam can cut through enemies easily, this one infects them with the mana, killing them slowly. However, the ability takes longer the bigger the target is so it's a good idea to aim for vitals. An infected heart is a dead heart.

The third was another attack. You coat your body in abyssal mana, essentially making yourself look like a mass of black mist. This strengthens your body and destroys any weak weapons used against you. Your punches will cause infection, and will be powered up. When in this form, Jinah would have strength similar to a peak A-rank.

Finally, I taught her a defensive skill. You create a mist surrounding yourself. This is similar to the previous attack, but just less potent. This mist obscures vision, and causes infection. The size of the mist grows with her as well. The mist causes rapid aging, turning a young 21 year old into an old, wrinkly, and probably racist old person in about four minutes. It also destroys weapons and physical projectiles like arrows. The defensive skill may be the best one for me to teach her honestly. After all, as Sun Tzu once said:

"Bitches be wildin, protect yo'self."

With those abilities taught, I decide to go ahead and end her dream. I stand before her with a smile on my face, looking down at the panting girl. I had her use the defensive skill to its max and found that it covers an area of about 20m around her. Not bad for how weak she is. I kneel down in front of her and use some healing magic to restore her stamina. I then pat her head and say,

"You did good. I'd say you're ready to fight some puny little B-ranks! After all, my apostle can't be weak now can she?"

Jinah freezes as I speak and sits in silence for a while before speaking,

"Uhm. I don't know… I've never fought anything, let alone killed something… I don't know if I can do it."

Man, this girl needs some confidence. Seriously tho dude, you're literally blessed by a goddess! If I wanted to, I could make you able to clap your own galaxy's cheeks! Gaaaah, whatever. Let's give her a little push,

"Tell you what, if you clear a D-rank dungeon, I'll let you get a glimpse of paradise. Or as most people would know it, heaven. It's a lot more different than you might think."

Jinah looks up at me with puppy eyes and says,

"Why D-rank though? Couldn't it have been F?"

During the time we've spent together, she's grown a bit closer to me. Thus, she treats me like another one of her friends from college. She's a rather spoiled girl, but it's quite cute in all honesty. If it were any other human, I would've incinerated them, but she gets a pass. I'm much more calm than a certain fox bitch. I look down at her and runs my fingers through her hair again before putting my fingers in front of my face in an X shape,

"Nope! F-rank would be too pathetic! They wouldn't last a second! If you were confident, even D's and C's would get liquified if you punched them!"

I teleport up into the air and float in front of her,

"You do realize this is heaven we're talking about right? The eternal paradise? The everlasting land of happiness? And it's not like those other heavens that are guarded by those creepy ass angels that have eyes all over their wings, it's a heaven guarded by futuristic robots and angels that are hot!"

Jinah chuckles as I speak and looks at me before saying,

"Y'know, I always pictured gods and goddesses to have sticks up their asses. I never imagined a goddess would swear and talk about human things."

I smirk at her and say,

"Well "human things" aren't just human things. Every intelligent race does them. They want to be clean, they wanna have sex, they wanna eat. They just wanna have a fulfilling life and death. Even I myself would like to live my life to the fullest. Though, being a goddess and all, I'm kinda immortal unless someone destroys my soul. Even then, they would have to be leaps and bounds above me to do that as well."

Jinah nods her head and says,

"Wow, a goddess talking about sex. Who woulda thought, huh?"

I laugh and say,

"I'm the goddess of fertility for a reason!"

Jinah gets a sly look on her face and speaks in a teasing tone,

"Oh? Then tell me, how many people have you slept with?"

I freeze and look at her with a face of betrayal. She blinks for a couple seconds, stunned by my non-answer. Then, it hits her,


I cover my face in embarrassment and start floating away from her before she shouts again,


I shout back,


Jinah jolts and looks down with a defeated expression,

"Yeah, people do draw some gross stuff…"

I don't know why, but I feel like I can actually banter with her. It's fun to talk to her, her reactions are funny, and she's cute. Maybe I should set her up with one of my daughters? Oooo, her and Lucy might make a good pairing! Wait… what if she's straight?

Bah, my daughters are cute enough. I'm sure it'll work out. Anyways, I speak up to her,

"Alright, we've joked around enough. You have your quest, young padawan!"

Jinah jokes,

"Oh great, the goddess is a Star Wars nerd…"

I decide to ignore that comment and continue on,

"Anyway, you've got your quest. We'll see eachother again after that. I'm looking forward to it!"

And with that, I snap my finger and wake her ass up. It's only been about three minutes since she slept, so her mom should still be asleep and she'll have enough time to go to a dungeon.


AN: gimme some ideas about incentives i could give for people on patreon!

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